PAGE I4 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 20, 1973 Art Show ~ cont'd ..eceves a ten weeks course in Schreiber. In addition to oils there were water colours pastels, acrylic and other mediums. The scenes were mostly local ones and it was inter -esting to see the various artists' conceptions An amusing note occurred during the show when Helen Stokes, unaware of her husband's in- tension, sold a painting which Jack coveted for his Toronto office. The draw prize, a painting of Iris Lidkea, was won by Kay Fraser. The small tea tables were appreciated as visitors sat and compared impressions, and th- en refreshed made further tours of inspection together. Alice Sparkes, Rita McGrath, Connie Martin and Ethel Smitheman, hostesses, were assisted by Helen Strickland. Other members working in- cluded Shirley Brown, president; Joan Guina, Iris Lidkea, Joan Niemi, Kathy Foote, Rose Pyke, Patsy Beno, Marguerite Gerow, Helen Stokes, Lila Marrow, Mary Swanson, Betty Huard, Muriel Lark, Simonne Bougouin, Olga Cressman, Bonnie Dye, Saima Willoughby and Lena Holmes. At the close cf the show, Shirley Brown presented Canadian-made wollen bowl to Helen Strickland and Alice Sparkes in appreciation of their work with the Club. RUBY REBEKAH LODGE MEETING Schreiber Ruby Rebekah Lodge, at their June I3th meeting, agreed to donate a stainless steel crib to the children's ward in the McCausland Hospital, Terrace Bay. A $50.00 cheque was received from the Schreiber Lodge, #402, to assist in the annual bursary presented to the top commercial stu- dent in the Lake Superior Schreiber Campus. Mr. Mary Legault and Mrs. Helen Wallace will attend the district meeting on June 7th in the Lakehead, which all past noble grands are in- vited to attend. Mrs. Gladys Hamilton, for the CPT Humanitar- ian Committee, reported they will hold a penny auction and grocery hamper draw on June 29th. with members asked to leave prizes with her, in Schreiber and Mrs. Lil Harris in Terrace Bay. A pot luck supper, will proceed the June 27th meeting, with each member to bring a choi- ce dish. Mrs. Glorie Miller, N.G. and Mrs. Lil Harris, V.G. presided for the meeting, with Mrs. Harris reporting on visits made, flowers and cards sent to sick members. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING Members of the Schreiber Women's Institute showed their creative and artistic talents in a display of needlework, knitting and other novelties, at the regular June meeting, with Mrs. Anne Todesco presiding. The motto for the meeting was "A change is as good as a rest". Mrs. Kay Verdone was . and Mrs. Bern Jacomb as Mrs. Winnie Clemens, reading both the minutes and treasurer's report, stated the recent penny auction had been a most success- ful project. elected as treasurer second vice president. An invitation was received from the McIntyre : Women's Branch, to an anniversary tea on July 22nd, and also to the Schreiber Public School graduation ceremonies on June 26th. Michael Reid, local health inspector, in- formed the members of improved conditions in a local restaurant. Information was received regarding the area convention in Thunder Bay on September I8-I9, when members may reserve rooms in advance, acquire billets through Mrs. K. Davis of Hurket. : Mrs. Winnie Campbell presented a fine report of mentioning the pulp and paper mills of Red Rock, Terrace Bay and Marathon, plywood com- pany of Nipigon, zinc and copper mining at Zenmac at Manitouwadge and nickel mining at Sudbury. 3 Mrs. Anne Todesco, who presided, gave an excellent report on the district meeting held in Murillo. It was decided to hold a bake sale on June 23rd with Mesdames Bern Jacomb, Winnie Camp- bell and Eunice Bolan in charge, and all mem- bers asked to donate. New program books for the year were distri- buted and farewell gifts presented to Mrs.P. Dzioba and her daughter Susan who are leaving for a new home in White River. : A pot luck was enjoyed when Mrs. Eirene Harness described highlights of her recent holiday abroad. ART CLUB MEETING The Art Club held their June meeting in Shirley Brown's home with I8 attending. A proposed art course for September was proposed and it was hoped that the regular wee- kly classes of the club for next year should be held in both the afternoon and evening. Rita McGrath read three letters concerning continued page' I5 |i... ceive