PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 25, 1973 UNITED CHURCH WOMEN APRIL MEETING Mrs. Helen Jartus, guest speaker at the April meeting of the United Church Women, des- cribed the origin and work of St. John Ambu- lance, showing medals she had been awarded dur -ing her many years with the association. Mrs. June Dukes, who presided for the meet- ing, thanked Mrs. Jartus and presented a gift to her. The speaker for the May meeting will be a representative from the Bible Society - with the Anglican Church Women invited to attend. Mrs. Dukes and Mrs. Winnie Clemens reported on the Women's meeting they had attended in Wesley United Church, Thunder Bay, accompanied by Mrs. Annie Niemi and Mrs. Margaret Spillane The minutes, treasurer's report and card secretary's report were adopted as ready by Mrs. Bern Whent, Mrs. Nettie Thrower and Mrs. Margaret Spillane. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ELECTS OFFICERS The following slate of officers were elect- ed at the Schreiber Women's Institute annual meeting: Mrs. Anne Todesco, president; Mrs. Winnie Campbell, first vice-president; Mrs. Jessie McCanna, second vice-president; Mrs. Winnie Clemens, secretary; Mrs. Chris Morris, treasurer; Mrs. Clemens, district director; Mrs. Agnes Bryson, pianist; Mrs. Marion Yates, cupboard supplies convener; Mrs. Betty Baxter, card secretary; Mrs. Todesco, history curator; Mrs. Tressia Spanton, Pennys of Friendship con ~vener; Standing conveners: Mrs. Annie Niemi, Family and Consumer Affairs; Mrs. Winnie Camp- bell, Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. Eunice Bolan, Public Relations; Mrs. Katie Verdone, Education and Cultural Activities. The meeting, with Mrs. Todesco presiding, opened with the paying of dues and donations to "the Cancer Cupboard supplies. LORNE"S Mrs. Winnie Clemens presented both the monthly and annual financial statements. . Mrs. Betty Baxter, card secretary, reported sending fifty-eight cards during the year, and also gifts and flowers to sick members. Mrs. Todesco gave a detailed account of the Institute's programs and work during the year. The annual penny auction was planned for May 25th in the town hall, with Mesdames Niemi Campbell, Baxter and Miss Susan Dzioba in charge. More penny auction tickets were placed on order. The district annual, hosted by McIntrye Branch, will be held in the Murillo town hall on May I7th - it was announced, with several wishing to attend, but, travel plans yet to be arranged. It was decided not to support the resolu- tion proposed by the Upsala branch, regarding changing legislation to have bicycle riders travel on the left side of roads, instead with the traffic as now. ] Barbara Weese, Home Economist, sent word of Achievement Days to display sports wear from knitted materials, which will be held in Manitouwadge, Dorion, McGregor, South Neeb- ing and Conmee. A box of remnants donated was distributed to members to make into articles for the pen- ny auction. ' A selection of poems was received from Mrs. J.L. Hodgson of Thunder Bay. 4 Mrs. Margaret King of Marmora was welcom- ed as a guest, and won the draw prize for the meeting. The door prize was won by Mrs. Betha Miller. Following the meeting a display of gay Easter bonnets, made by themselves, were shown by the members, with Mrs. Winnie Camp- bell awarded the prize for the most novel one. ! Lunch was served by Mesdames Miller, Span- d Niemi. ton an € - photo page I2 ..... Mrs. Kay Keys of Chapleau was visiting her cousin Mrs. Della Moore last week. CAMERS & FISHING PACKLE 20 SOUTH COURT STREET (next to the Parmount Theatre) THUNDER BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Residents are reminded to advance their clocks one hour at 2 A.M. April 29, 1973. Daylight Saving Time will continue until 2 A.M. October 28, 1973. The co-operation of all citizens would be appreciated. Township of Terrace Bay