MARCH 28, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 HOSPITAL IN-SERVICE EDUCATION During the month of January, five nurses from The McCausland Hospital attended a one week, Operating Room Refresher Course at St. Joseph's General Hospital in Thunder Bay. This course was designed to provide our nur- ses with some continuing education in the specialty of operating room nursing and also included tours through other hospital depart- ments such as the Recovery Room, Central Service Supply, Radiology and Laboratory. As a direct result of contacts made during this course, an in-service education program on the subject of respiratory technology was organized at our hospital in March. Through the co-operation of Sister Leila Greco, Administrator of St. Joseph's Hospital, the hospital was fortunate to have Mr. Dominick Romito spend a day in Terrace Bay to speak to the nursing staff. His talk was primarily on the use of the Bennett Respirator but also touched on other aspects of this newly-devel- oping paramedical field including mainten- ance of equipment. Because our hospital does not employ many of the paramedical personnel found in larger hospitals and since we are some distance from Thunder Bay, in-service education takes place through programs such as the two mentioned above and will continue in the future by the use of teaching aides such as films, cassettes and training manuals devised in the larger hospitals. PENNY AUCTION APRIL 29TH Plans to hold a penny auction on April 29th at the Moose Hall were dis- cussed at the regular meeting of the Women of the Moose Chapter 1426. Sadie Benko pre- sided for the meeting with minutes of the executive and last meeting being adopt- ed as read by Stella Sadowick. Thank you cards were read from Mrs. Anne Todesco, and family, Mrs. Alice McCouan and Mrs. Kurt two Hougesen. Alice Yates read a letter she received from Mooseheart informing her that she is * qualified to receive her College of Regents degree. She will attend the International Conference of the Women of the Moose on May 27th were she will receive her cap and gown. A call letter was also read by Sadie Benko informing her that she is qualified to re- ceive her Star Recorder Degree. All bills were passed for payment and re- ports were given by special and standing com- mittee's. Raffle was won by Alice Yates. A very lovely lunch was served by Moosehaven chairman Lorraine Prill and her committee of Linda Vezina and Jacqueline Sopel. Next meeting to be held on April 4th: Winners of the recent bond draw were: Bertha Paradis =-$I00.00 bond; Mrs. Joanne Pearen-$50.00 bond. Mrs. LEGION BOWLING The final night of league bowling will be this Friday night, March 30th. The Irish Regiment has the bye. High bowler this week was Dot Coupal. had games of 2I5, 263 and 209 for a 687 triple. The Cameron Highlanders took 7% points which was high for the night. They set a new record for high single w/hdcp, bowling a I20I game. We still have a three way tie for men's high average. She continued page 8 ix ones equal times three (S1E 2T3) Make up your own way to remember your code. Then send it to your friends. POSTAL COUE POSTAL