PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 28, I973 OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE INTERVIEWS STUDENTS IN TERRACE BAY Mr. Bill Hyder, of the Opportunities for Youth program, who visited Terrace Bay last week to interview interested youths and hear their proposals for summer programs reported there was a large number turned out. He said some of their ideas were sound and interesting, such as canoe routes, a youth hostel, tourist information booth, park areas and play grounds. However, Mr. Hyder cautioned the young people to contact the proper authorities, such as Town Council, to make sure their prop- ositions would meet with approval before pro- ceeding with elaborate plans. SHOWER HONOURS BRIDE-ELECT Miss Kristine Olson was the guest of honour at a Bridal Shower held in the Community Church on Thursday, February 22 at 8 P.M. Kristine and her mother, Mrs. Gwen Olson, had been presented with pink carnation cor- sages on their arrival and received at the door with bridesmaids Mrs. Lulu Ricci and Mrs. Linda Nesbitt, who was in charge of the Guest Book. The Church hall had been beautifully decor- ated in a pink, white and blue theme. ; The bride, seated in a decorated chair, under a large umbrella, was assisted in open=- ing her gifts by Lulu Ricci and Linda Nesbitt. Mrs. Dorothy Rafalant was in charge of making the ribboned bonnett. Kristine was the recipient of many beauti- ful gifts. Lunch was served from a lace covered table with a floral centerpiece, flanked by pink white and blue candles in a crystal candelabra. Co-hostesses were Mesdames D. Raflant, R. Dakin, M. Welsh and B. Duncan, assisted by a number of other friends. GIRL GUIDES ENTERTAINED BY GUESTS The Terrace Bay Girl Guides have been forun- ate to have as their January guests, Mr. Dave Mercier, who entertained them with his. Spanish guitar at one of their campfires, and Mrs. Marilyn Saranpaa, Brown Owl of the Ist Terrace Bay Pack, who came and gave the Guides an inter- esting evening with a Nature Quiz game. She had many Nature objects, and the Guides learned quite a lot for one of their tests. "=~ February 20th, Miss Lorraine Belliveau, -- was the guest. She told the Guides about a newly formed Girl Guide Company at the Lake- head Psychiatric Hospital in Thunder Bay. The Captain is Mrs. Dorothy Akram, who is also the District Commissioner of McVicker District in Thunder Bay. The group, of which Lorraine is a leader, is comprised of eight girls who are mentally retarded. Most of the girls have difficulty moving their hands and arms. Miss Belliveau pointed out that since it would take these girls a long time to learn the Guide Promise and Law, the Leaders have put the words to the tunes of popular children's songs. The Terrace Bay Guides were very interested in this, and also what the L.P.H. group did at their meetings and activities in general at the hospital. At the close of the meeting, on behalf of the Terrace Bay Guides, Ann Crockford present- ed Miss Belliveau with ten Trillium Patrol Badges, for the L.P.H. Guides. They are also making sit-up-ons for them. This is their | Thinking Day project, and they are practicing their 4th law, which is "A Guide is a friend to all, and a sister to every Guide". Mrs. Jan McEwen is teaching the Guides at St. John's Child Care Course at present, the girls meeting for two and a half hours each Tuesday and finding the course informative and interesting. Mrs. Helen Jartus will assist Mrs. McEwen in testing the girls on March 20th at the end of their program. A few weeks ago, Mrs. Josephine Comeau, had twelve girls out to her home, to teach them the art of Quilt making. The girls were fascinated by the way Mrs. Comeau matched up the lovely coloured squares to make the de- lightful patterns when finished, and many of them are planning to make a quilt in the futur The leaders are most grateful to all the people who devote their time and bring their talents to the Guides. KENTUCKY STYLE CHICKEN FRANCHISE Open for Terrace Bay - Schreiber (Chicken, Specialized Steak & other food item Reply to: REDDI CHEF FOODS 2 Ingram Drive, Toronto 15, Ontario. Give your name, address, phone, personal and financial resumee. Location and experience is desirable but not necessary. You need $4500.00. We supply business and operating training, automated equipment with low labour factors and continuing guide lines. In per- son interviews conducted in approximately two weeks.