PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 22, 1972 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY NOTICE OF POLL * Notice is hereby given to the Municipal and Separate School Electors of The Township of Terrace Bay that polls will be opened on the dates and at the locations listed below for the purpose of taking the poll for the following offices: REEVE COUNCILLORS MEMBERS OF THE SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY DISTRICT COMBINED ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD - one to be elected - four to be elected - four to be elected ; ] ; | : MEMBERS OF THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION TO BE ELECTED AT LARGE BY THE SEPARATE SCHOOL ELECTORS OF SCHREIBER, TERRACE BAY AND MANITOUWADGE - four to be elected ADVANCE POLL - FIRST DAY - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1972 - LOCATED AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE ADVANCE POLL - SECOND DAY - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1972 POLLING DAY - LOCATED AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE - MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1972 - LOCATED AT THE LARGE MEETING ROOM RECREATION CENTRE Given under my hand this 15th day of November, 1972 W.J. Hanley Returning Officer. Minor Hockey Kick-Off - cont'd from page 3 two goals. Just over five minutes later, in the sec- ond period, a forward, Mama Connie Thomas, assist- ed by all the other Mothers, scored the second power play goal, blasting a drive from close range. Four- teen seconds later, Paul Dashkewytch stole the puck from a Mother defender for a break-away and fired low shot from point-blank range, which beat Goalie Mama Bouchard at her left side. This gave the Atoms 3 goals, with the Mothers trailing behind with 2. It seems that the Mothers, at this point in the game, were beginning to understand it. So using this knowledge, they began their straf- egy play, for the remainder of the second period. With two minutes remaining, their strategy paid off. Mama Rosalind Kenny scored the typing goal. The Atoms fired 37 shots at the Mother's Net Mind er, Mama Bouchard, whole the Mothers managed 10 at Danny Vienneau, the Atoms goal tender. The three goals for the Atoms were scored by Patrick Moher and Paul Dashkewytch. The third one just seemed to slide in, scorer unidentified. The three goals scored by the Mothers, were 2 for Mum Kenney and 1 for Mum Thomas. Penalties were handed out to Mama Rita McBride and Mama Marilyn Thomas, 2 minutes each for tripping. Oh, oh, what these Mothers won't do for a goal . The Coaches, Referees, Linesmen and Minor Hockey Executive played the next Kick-Off game against the Bantams. This sports writer apologizes for not being able to give you play-by-play description of the Bantam game, which followed immediately after the Mothers game with the Atoms (she had to go home and soak her tired feet and muscles), but from all reports, it was a good game. Although the Bantams opponents grabbed an early lead and held onto it for a while, the Bantams never gave up, but kept up a strong pace, tying the game 8-8. To all those who participated in these games and to the fans we thank you. Without you, the Kick- off wouldn't have been the success it was.