( NOVEMBER 25, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 USE ACTION-PACKED classified ads CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS- 1 Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under) CASH IN ADVANC ($1.00 if charged). 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 FOR SALE - Part Collie, part Lab puppie. months old. Phone 824-2724, Three (3) FOR SALE - Wringer washer. : 2 years old - in excellent condition. 5 year warranty. Phone 825-3889. FOR SALE - Ford wheel covers - I} inch - Phone 8 25-3553. FOR SALE - I-200 gallon oil tenk and space heater. $25.00. One Annex woodstove - $20.00. Phone 824-2493, FOR SALE - T.V. and electric sweeper. Both in good condition. Come and see at 503 Lakeview Drive at Jaremy's. . FOR SALE - Bronze space heater with 3 gallon tank attached end pipes in perfect condition. New - $159.00 will sell for $75.00. Phone 824-2369. FOR RENT - Apertment for rent. Phone 824-2734. FOR RENT - Three bedroom house. 280% $11 5:00 p.m. CARD OF THANKS - My sincere thanks to Dr. Adey, Dr. MeCausland, nurses and staff of the McCausland Hospital for their wonderful cere given to me while I was a patient there. Also my sincere thanks to my friends in Schreiber and Terrace Bay, Women of the Moose, who visited me in the hcspital, sent gifts and cards. Many thanks to those who brought baking to my family at home. Your kind- ness will always be remembered. - Helen Almos. Phone 824-2779 or 82i- WANTED FOR PRIVATE COLLECTION- old guns and pistols includ- ing single shot lever action rifles also looking for photos of 52'nd, 96'th and LSR regiments and Cerman military souveniers such as deggers, swords, helmets, medals and bedges. Contact: A.W. Vass, 420 Sycamore Place, Thunder Bay, Ontario. FOR SALE - Westinghouse automatic washer. Phone 825-3868, CARD OF THANKS - We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people who skated, and the people who sponsored these skaters in our recent skate-a-thon. A special thanks to you ladies and gents who did such a fine job at the arenas = Minor Hockey Executive. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gordon M. Dodge GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE-FIRE-CASUALTY-LIABILITY 179 HUDSON DRIVE Donald Beno INSURANCE AGENT 1968 saw 63,767 properties damaged by fire in Canada FIRE IS SO FINAL - PHONE: 824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO KINSMEN CLUB OF SCHREIBER KINGO CARDS may be obtained from the follow- ing outlets: - Caccamo's Foodmarket - Terrace Bay Costa's Foodmarket - Terrace Bay Costa's Foodateria - Schreiber Caccamo's Limited - Schreiber to obtain dignity, simplicity n eeovcos FUNERAL AND MEMORIAL SOCIETY, and economy in funerals through advance planning. the time has come when all of us ought to be talking about the kind of funerals that human dignity would seem to re- quire." For information write: P.O. Box 136, Schreiber or Phone 824-2881, entation CARD OF THANKS = The Schreiber Minor Hockey Association congratulates the many skaters who made our skate-a-thon a success. We also wish to express our thanks to the many people who contri- buted both their time and energy to this worth- while project. - Schreiber Minor Hockey Association. WANTED - home for a full grown male siamese cat . If in- terested call - 825-3588. SERVICE DRY CLEANING ~- Hours - 1 4 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. | MAYTAG WASHERS - 35¢ PER LOAD LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS - 10¢ for 10 minutes REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA -*TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787 - 8 LB. LOAD - $3.00 SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING