NOVEMBER 5, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS! : NOTICE T (Form: 3; Section 12 LIST: (Form 3, Section 12) ELECTIONS FOR TRUSTEES OF THE VOTERS' LIST 1970 MUNICIPALITY OF ROSSPORT . DISTRICT OF THUNDER BAY LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION Notice is hereby given that | have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that | have Nomination date is November 23rd, 1970 from posted up at my office at Schreiber, on the 4th day 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. for the following elections: = of November, 1970, the list of all persons entitled For Public School Trustees - Terrace Bay and to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec= | Jackfish, in the large meeting room of the tions, and that such list remains there for inspection.| Recreation Centre, Terrace Bay; = Schreiber and And | hereby call upon all voters to take immedi= | Rossport in the Town Hall Basement, Schreiber. ate proceedings to have any errors or omissions For Trustees elected by Separate School support= corrected according to law, the last day for appeal ers for Secondary School purposes only, through- being the 18th day of November, 1970. out the Division: Nominations will be held only E.J. Morgan, at the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre, large Secretary meeting room ; Loke Superior Bourd of Education. Elections will take place December 7th, 1970 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ROSSPORT . i ~The Community Hall Committee held the annual Brownie Fiy=Up = cont'd from pegs 16 4s iii: Hallowe'en party in the hall Friday evening with Other Brownies enrolled were Kathy Belliveau, games being played, contests, a sing-song and dan- Debbie Siedel, Rosalyne Calder, Patty Dakin, cing. There were = Continued on page 23..... Natalie Kostuik, and Linda Sitko. 1970 VIVA - 4DR. SEDAN S.L. MODEL Balance of G .M. Warranty - Stock # 315-A SALE PRICE - $1895, 1968 CHEV. BEL AIR - 4 DR. SEDAN - V-8 motor Stock #316 - auto trans.; power steering and radio. SALE PRICE - $2295. Lvery One a Hina, 1968 CHEV. IMPALA CUSTOM ~ 2 DR. HARD TOP | - Power Brakes, Power Steering 17740 BO LAB ALAD, «#500522 <- motor and radio; Aut $2695, 1967 FORD MUSTANG - 2 DR. 1967 VOLT - 4 DR. SEDAN - FURY II HARD TOP = V-6 motor, auto trans. 390 cu. in. motor = P.S.,P.B. auto trans. Stock #5606A - P.S.,P.B. SALE PRICE- $1995. Stock #5616A - bucket seats and radio 1966 OLDS. DELTA CUSTOM - 2 DR. HARD TOP - P S ing, P k SALE PRICE- $2195. Stock #56 15A - ii) eon SALE PRICE- $1 795. See Leo Rajotte SPADONI BROS. LTD Schreiber 824-2304 * Terrace Bay 825-3898