NOVEMBER 5, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 LEGION AWARDS - Cont'd from page 13 .... Jim Beddard, Sports Officer, presented the golf tournament prizes: Low Net-Legion Trophy = S. Lundburg; Runner-Up, Men - Carlings Award = D.. Rafalant; Low Net, Ladies-Legion Trophy = M. Han+ ley; Runner-Up, Ladies-Carlings Award = J. Gunter; High Hidden Hole Prize, Men - Pat Jones; Ladies - S. Gusul; Novelty prizes = P. Coupal, D. Ballen- tine and J. St.Louis. Cribbage Winner, G. Churney - Legion Trophy and prize; Runner-Up = N. Chopty. Dart Tournament Winners, pairs = G. Churney and C. Koski. An enjoyable social evening was held with fresh oysters featured for the lunch. Music was by G. Churney, W. Megraw and L. Pineault. Photo Above - G. Churney receives Cribbage Trophy. | Photo Above - G. Churney presents Ladies door prize to Lois Lang. Winner. S. Lundburg with the Legion Trophy Photosby J. Beddard Photo below - H. Duriez received barometer for Rainbow Trout Photo by M. Lundberg 4%: GARDEN DIRT The compost pile has been referred to as the gold mine of your garden. It provides a supply of much needed humus to keep the soil in good condition and a handy spot to toss weeds, grass, efc. Most of us have a good supply of the material for a compost pile - weeds, grass clippings, leaves, tops of vegetables and flowers. The heat generated with= in the pile will destroy weed seeds so it is a good way to get even with the weeds for having invaded your garden in the first place. The best location is a shady spot. No sides are required unless you wish - cont'd page 16 1 suinle