SCCUT AND CUB NEWS Boy Scout Apple Day for 1952 will be held on Saturdey, October llth, Remember this date as it will present you with an op~ portunity to help the local Scout movement by purchasing an apple from the Cubs when you are approached on that day. Watch for the posters, Watch the "News® for an announcement on the sale of an entirely new line of Christmas Cards including personalized greet- ings, 4 house to house canvass will be made by the Boy Scouts when final plans are form- ulated, ] : " An appeal is now directed to any per- song in the Townsite who are interested in helping with Scout Leadership. Assistance is badly needed at this time if we are to successfully continue with our Scout activi= tios in Terrace Bay, Will those who are in- terested please contact Gord Rowlandson, 'Secretary or Horman Roberts, Chairman of Group Committee, Organizations requiring hat check or services for dances, parties, etc., may obtain same by conteebting Peter Gombola in the Engineering Department at Mill Local 23. 0-0-0 FOR SLIE 1 boat, 1 outboard motor, 1 Penn reel on bemboo rod, 2 gas cans, 2 funnels, 600 feet of steel line, 7 baits, 1 gaff hook, $225,00, Apply house #263. 0-0-0 HYDRO MEN VISIT TERRACE BAY 4s part of the Ontario Municipal Elec- tric Association held in Schreiber early this week, the Association had a luncheon on Tuesday in Hotel Terrace, to which severgl Longlac representatives were invited, Close to 100 people sat down at a dincheon that was addressed by Mr, Robt. H. Saunders, CuB+E., Q4Cs, Chairman of the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, After the luncheon the visitors were taken on a tour through the mill, Judging by comments overheard, the visitors were most certainly impressed by our Community. 0-0-0 OUR_TOWN THROUGH VISITORS' EYES The following note was placed in one of the T,B, Newsboxes: Me are visitors from Minnesota and Wisconsin and we are thrilled and delight=- ed with the color and erchitecture of your homes ~ We appreciate the splendid planning. Mary D. Leid, Lake Elmo, Minnesota, U.S.h. 0-0-0 "September 17th at 6:45. Page 4 MEN'S 5~PIN LELGUE "What: Organization Meeting When: Tuesday, September 16th, 7:30 PM Where: Teen Town Who: All men 5~pin bowlers (new & old w» # good or bad) Why: Elect Secretary Treasurer to direct league and plan year's activities, Lgenda 1. Elect Sec, -Treas, 2. Do we want a split schedule ending one section in December and one section in April? 3, How much prize money? (and who gets it?) 4e What kind of point system? Pete Mazza is organizing meeting. for details, Note: Men's League starts Monday, September 22nd, Get your entries ini! LADIES 5~PIN LEAGUE What: Organization meeting Then: Monday September 15th, 7:30 FM Where: Community Church basement Note this is not Recreation Hall} Who: All lady 5-pin bowlers Why: Eloct Sec~Treas, to direct league and plan year's activities, ] Agende 1, Elect. Sec,~Treas, 2, Docide on schedule, Split at December? 3, Who will replace Misfits? (Who can re=~ place Misfits) Les Prize money and point system See him Joey Semeniuk is organizing meeting. Soe her for details, Note: Ladies League Starts Tuesday or Thurse day afternoon September 23 or 25. Get your entries in! MIXED 5-pin LEAGUE What: Organization meeting When: Monday, September 15, 73:30 PM Where: Community Church basement Note: This is not Recreation Hall} Thc: All mixed 5 pin bowlers, Jhy: Elect Sec,-Treas., to direct league and plan year's activities, igenda Same as Men's 5-pin above, Main item is the split schedule, lMske sure your teem is represented, Pat Dooling is organizing meeting, See her for details, Note: Mixed League starts Tuesday or Thurse day night September 23 or 25, Get your entries in} 10-PIN LEAGUE The 10-pin league will start Wednesday, Eight teams are presently planned, Warehouse, Admin, Office, Overheads, Royals, Engineers, end 3 teams which are at present being formed, We welcome any additional teams or individuals eontinued page 5. :