aR mm a ---- EL ENR RRA Volume 7, No. 6 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY vopar " pun . orn February 21, 1652. CAB/RET FRIDAY NIGHT The postponed Valentine Cabaret sponsor- ed by the Terrace Bay Hockey Club will take place in the Recreation Hall between the hours of 10 and 2 tomorrow, Friday night. There still remains accomodation for a few reservations, and these may be had by immediately contacting any one of the follow= ing: Glenna Coughlin, Frank Scchesky, Earl Knight, Pat Dooling or Reg. Payette, Dress optional; Music by Adamo; Picture Pak:ng by Len Swirhunj; Checking by Herman Roberts and Boy Scouts. Ldmission is $3.00 per couple which will include two chances to the three prizes of Lst $50.00, 2nd $25.00 and 3rd $10.00, Supplementary tickets to the Draw may be had at 25 cents each. This is your opportunity of helping to promote hockey in Terrace Bay, and at the seme time participating in a good time. The social calendar shows this Valentine and Pre Lenten Cabaret as the last dance before Bas-ur,. 0=0=0 wp;T TW FLCES" DEFEAT "KENEDY'S CONVERSIONS" --~"Tnadees and Gentilmen, these ces Pit La Mousse talking, my fren Joe de announcer she has pass out at de microfone but de las ting she say 'Pit, you call de game' sO Pit, dat's me, say "sure", I am forgot one ting, ell my life I live in de bush and nevaire see one hockee game before, But I try for my fran Joe to tell you what is going on. Tonite's game she ses between two teams, naturalment, one ees "Kennedy Ccnversion" de odder ees de "Pale Faces". Somebody in a white sweater on de ice is blowing a whist- le and many men have come on de ice. Dey 'are wearing skates and 'ave boards in their stockings, many 'ave long mittens. Two men have pieces of mattress on dere legs and stand in front of two beeg baskets. Dese are de goalies, one is "Stringer" Long and. oo (cont. on page 5) MONTEITH RINK WINS 'SPIEL : The Whizz Kids have done it again in winning the Terrace Bay Annual Invitational Bonspiel., 4s everyone knows, members of this minor phencmenon are as follows: Bob Monteith, skip; Jim MacDonald, third; fcc. McLeod, second and George Delong Jr., lead. Runners-up consisted of Bert Lohr, skip; Steve Valigrodsky, third; Scotty Hamilton, second; and Sid Spencer, lead, Consolation winner was the Lawrie rink from Marathon, Congratulations to all three teams! Tt was gratifying to have so many out-of-town rinks with us and hope that next year our Bonspiel will attract an even greater number of fellow curlers from the surrcind- ing district. From all accounts the Pons- piel was a real bang-up affair (including the curling) end we are all grateful to tl. - of our members who were responsible for ito success, This week end should see the wind up of the Imperial Bank Trophy and the Hudsci's Bay Trophy play should also be well on its way. Also over the week end we are having the pleasure of a visit of 3 rinks from Chapleau who are coming up for a few fricndly games on Saturday afternoon. So come ca out curlers and help make with the welcome mnt. The challenge mateh for the Chapple Trophy between Terrace Bay and Marathor scheduled for this week end has been cauccl- led indefinitely. As soon as a new datc lias been established you'll read about it in this column, I understand, men, we have a new Lropiy to contend for, donated by Bradings, a good old friend of mAny of us. There should be considerable interest in this one so watch 'for the new complement of rinks in the near future. You all know what some cf thesc cup donors promise the winners! 0-0-0 KEEP YOUR MIND ON YOUR WORK ~ IT'S S/ITR