Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1917, p. 12

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ge Twelve - _ Thursday; Dee 13, 1911 THE ADLET COLUMN : aia : The "cost pf advertising in this column -is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- Sry. Reward at 60 Local Ni Re cea Poy EAR aut UR. pec ban. Tart cask 80: ikortons eh Ole giao by P $e ty ee eee: (a utc: { 1es be:given ifor the price of four, Wiers rs gobs tS ARBOR SE sh cr plies are directed to .this ice an' TANTED IMMEDIATE: Eames ele wy AK * ' ' tional charge of 0c. will be made.- The | COOK-GENERAL Wa fly; wating wat | YO r Xmas. : a 3 ' pees foregoing are for CASH... When' not | i. "Apply. Mrs. Ardagh, 30 = hoo ening . . ractica paid for before the paper is: ad-| Street. | apetay helpful suggestions for your Xmec. |i # fy oa. on all hopping will ibe found. in- our advertising : - ee Gitional charge of 10c., will be ma - _ te ecléts less than one dollar. 'FOR SALE--Two choice milk cows, 01 a x ses, : : © to | Alan P. McBachern," who was' killed ina f : fers sss ee ene ene ee en Fee at | motor. secident on Btsele 'St. last month, " of xd " ¢ ae a4 FRESH MILK DAILY--Phone 295 R.J.! fendale ? 40-t£, |left un-estate of $14,775. S : . 3 it, a { pale aa the Salvation Anny, 00 Cale Se eet : : : $ " - at SOW' .FOH SALE-- Yorkshire | F° Sa vation Army, 60 Collier St., Dec. 20. y ¥ i ~ ANTED fad OS git ie sper gna, wg | a ete : > Poe x 4 pianos. J, G, Keenan. - fo months old.. WE, Clik, 2 B08 ling of saumiipal counala for receiving' the ys s p , St r | 3 g FOR SALE--Three breeding ewés. . John | =" Snaneial statement of the year's busines, : yy AN Yj, s (@) Ee ; y Bingham & Son, Barrie... 49-50p STRAYED --From Lot 1, eon. 10, Innis abe Ce eee pegivat tgs rift eS WY YA e< "3 Yr " e Z ae |, One 2-yeur- eifer, two yea ae aoa ok supe Z HOUSE TO LET--170 Dunlop St, mod-| fed steers. Information as" to. their | Christmas Mrs. Hleard,. 15 Ross poten This is going to be.a year Z cru! Apply to dame Reno? BAe) Shoresbore sill Ke sewaried. 0. C, "FRev. Geo. A, Brown will eonduch, amet : of -giving practical, sensible i |" Quant, Craigvale: R: fo. 1. reece gear Lb 5 i J . i WORMWITH PIANO--In good repair. at | and Si, Auaev's pelt wil be ator ee as and. useful Xmas. remem-. zg 1 big burgain. J. G. Beenan. 60-51 ' HOME WORK----Wosld yon fis to make | Rey. E. H. Lockhart, ; J brances. ° We, as néver be- 2 $1 gr $2 daily at home, knitting, war rox Naekon bis Sa : : ty AS | Z COLT FOR SALE --Sire peiligreed Hackiiey. | gn Auto Knitters? Experience unnecer-| boon holdag the wedi who have : fore, are prepared to show d Z Mr. Lawson; 45 Blake St,, Barrie' 49.50 ., Send $e stamp. Dent, A000, Auto the arrourie, let t town on Monday, their just-such Holiday Merchan- . oa Z 5 iter Company, ge St., Torontd. | work being comp! : : ae : 1 y SECOND-HAND VIOLINS, 12 only--Coine |-'» 48-50| Dr. Wallwin has withdrawn the appeal ; dise. _ Our store is stocked : Z quick if you'want one. J. G. Keenat . -- ~ |which he: entered against the -convietion | : f ' Tight full;with a most won- Z se 0-51 STANDING TIMBER 1 Pe ies imposed by Magistrate Radenhurst on Sept. 4 . ', Z derful line of useful Xmas. to Z FURS--Remodelled and iepuited. 'Miss |'. bolts, fence. posts and pail timber, Ls ao "i Pasriigs wit hold |" as - E Gifts. and the assortments ied Sen Z Minnie' McArthur, King Block; upstairs. tities. to its annual Concert an: istmas Tree. in ODER: = $ Z Pai a 45-55p | Ries badtocd the cont, "Apniy'to| the Town Hall Midburet. aa etter Den . areiso large and: complete : g ; D. J. Berelay, Stroud, |21. Admission 25 und 15 cence, ; that it will be a real pleasure Z , WANTED - Cordwood to 'cut. Have cir- ais : " A sblazing chimney at Frank Cooper's, q o ? for 'ou to: do your shoppin IZ cular sw: ~ Thos. Tooke, 30 Grove 8t. | 59 "AGRE FARM FOR SALE--Level, soil | Boys Street, taok the firemen out into the 7! ) yor pping -_ $8-50 | "good. loam, watered by two wells and | *4ZiNg blizzard Saturday evening.-Gut their | here. : ; spring: ereek, seven room frame house, |"rvices were not required DRESSMAKER Wants daily sewing. Ref | trait barn, Grive shed and hog pen, 6¥,| . Cutlérs had their first game of the sca |i Men's Handsome Silk Neck Scarfs, with Ladies'. Georgette Crepe Blouses, newest erences. Telephone 62. Call, or write 10 miles' from Barrie, 'Terms reasonable. | °°" 'Saturday night, snd the skating season iva 50-50 fi rie, Terme reasonable.) algo. opened with big erowd at the rink fringed ends, godd coloring, price $2.25 styles, price..........$4.75 and $5.00 . -- | Fein cet Nee. Apply sf [notwithstanding the blizzard ff) Men's Silk Neck Scarfs, with hemstitched. 'Ladies' Black Silk Blouses, special value RAW FURS-WANTED---Best prices. paid. xaminer it --XMAS. SPECIAL--A beautiful .Colum- ends, special. $1 25 and $1 50 $3,00, $4 50; $5.00 \" Hstry Levit, 64 Bayfield St., Barrie, near | = > | bia Grafonola, outfit, with record cabinet | ds, Specia +: @L.29 and $1. reese ests e+. $3.00, $4.50, $5. Ball Plana Bil Sot | FARM, FOR 8 ue aa et | 8 oan sletony, or only. $4100 Gar- Men's Heavy Wool: Mufflers, plain grey. Tea Aprons, fine lawn, lace -- trimmed; 'SEMSTITCHING--Hemstitehing and: picot | 'hardwood. and pine; 10 acres rye, 15) Next week's issue. will be one of the best and mixed colors, special price ...$1.00 these' are extra: value. : f+: ot. esee ve wurk dove while you wait at the| eeeded; ploughing done. Convenient to for gp stipes 10 arate Ceri o- Men's and Boys', Plain Black and Plain as . -:75¢, 50c, 40c,.25c, 19c, 15¢: - ee Shop, ' a station. lements with | ping ive messages in these columns, Fs * = a Singer Shop, Burrie 50-5 et rad bone aot beck tore plen-| Advertisers are requested to send in their | Grey Neck Scarfs, with fringed ends, Ladies' Large Allover Print Aprons; these LOST---Qu Elizabeth or Dunlop Sts., small) ty of water, Price $3300. Terms, small | copy early. 25c are-big value... 20. 20... 6B 0 very special... 02. 0.00. ae tales canteais f : ly to} The general public was again 'missing ut ah : - "ee i fs seis Fieve erteae is oan Resa | fee hats 5 ott sem. An 4s. |the adjourned annual meeving of the Barve | J. You should see our Men's Ties, choice pat- Ladies' Handkerchiefs, the new. colored . a. ne SSS Pty Prager de eagapiect leet Mon terns, boxed or loose, edsy priced..... corner designs, one corner embroidered, foe ale aeas ne Wake TRINITY CHURCH committee in office was adopted. tereseesiees se. 75, 50c, 35, 25e. > "special values 10c., 3 for 25c, 15¢, 2 Collier St, Burrie. 50-51 Sunday, December 16, 1917 -NEW "YEAR GIFTS--Purents-- Pre. Men's Cape and Mocha Gloves, Dent's for 25c,'20c, 25c, 35c, and « ...50c. Noied 'Sundiy Ip Adve "Scholarship" at Bante But Calege we and other makes, lined, price Ladies' Newest Styles in'Stocks, Jabot and FOR SALE, ORR Residence, 8 rooms] 8.30 a.m:--Holy Communion. | "Scholarship" at Barrie' Bus. College. It's : B » PTICe... we. ies Newest Styles in 9 Slectrie light, water, 36 Mury.St. ~ Mrs] 1] am--Morning Pr Litany and | better than a Victory Bond because it pays -..... «$2.50, $2.00, $1.75, $1.50 Sailor Collars, Georgette Crepe, Lawns, ebb, 26° Sinal Phone 4 ' ., ile of To. | You 100 times per ceht..on_invesfment. ee 4 4 ty s a Z Webb, 26 Small: 8t.. Phone 119: ,; 40s Reside erie fete US Rooke of jieholanbipm" eit $57.00 upto Men's Mocha Mitts, fine quality, price... Satin, easy priced'. . .. .$2.00, $1.50, D. Building, suitable to be remor- |]. 3" p.m, --Sunday School gar hay laeseoaa i oS Si age Vile oi Seatewioes we onatns . $1.40 $1.25, $1.00, 75c,-60c, 50c, 25c, 19c. SN THD. Deine, withle oe ee i i. masiiis --The following pupils of the Barrie Bus- | : . ; ' 7 bead Y ? a dl veri 9 an ie iueeat shee, pte Te iy Woliathe sala 7 ineae College recently accented office Me 's Fine Mitts, with good cuff, special Ladies' Heavy Cape Gloves, Tan shade, eee ey al aie se oa Rev. D. Raymond, Vicar. | rons MeKinnon, Ottawa firm; L. Me- | BECO se sceiee, meere aeaic Suusrans .. $1.25 special... .. pe Sane ees .. $1.50 jonuld, M. Robinson, G. Atkinson, Toronto A i ia : 'i : ' "Bale of Household Effects firms in Bare, M Gorion, Crown Life In Men's Long Dressing Robes, good' pat-. Ladies' Boudoir Caps in white and color- = On Friday, Dec. 21, there will be an aue \Roun bride tiie Bo hae ase terms, easy priced. ..... 2.0.25 $8.00 ed, fine' muSlins, and: the: price is so enn oe relat Dick is late vere {lav office; R Fowler, Bunk of Nova Seot Men's Heavy Working Mitts; these are hig * easy... 2.0 .:..0. eeu: 25,19, 18c. WANTED--All_kinds of auto tires to re-' Sale at 1 prin. sharp. | K. Lett, Bank of, Nova Scotia, Toronto; A ~value... . $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, 90c, 75c + Eiderdown Comforters, satin trimmed, in pair All work guarahteed. The Barrie} wa' McConkey, auctioneer. | Keaney ndard' Bunk, Bradford; | K Men's Colored 1 Mi 4 ia ' i! , Vulcavisiig Pleat' BY blesbeth Otcatnee| y jinn, Bra ford Miling Go, Bradford Fri len's Color 'Wool tts... .. -50c, 30¢ Rose, Copen, Pink, sizes:'66x72...... . cite Tie lyase, Dee, 23 Hares Boge, willl bY | erent 'maker of phonogtenks, Tron sicu0 iff BOYS' Heavy Leather Covered Mitts, sere cesses +++ .$10.00, $8.50, $7.00 DANCING CLASS 'reopens for term 1917: | public auction at the Market. Square, Barrie,:! f ' . i Mon & i . Thea c4 ' Private lessons arranged for st reasonable | quantity of household furniture, harness, | to. $300.00. at p aero ae Store, ee ++ -50¢ These-aré extra' value--you-should see. y cl Apply Mrs. F. Guilfeyte; 31: San- | cutters, buggite, ere. Sale gi40 am, W. | ret payment n even- Rodgers' Fine Quality Coffee Spoons, 6 in ° ' them. es i 49-51 | &. MeConkey,. auctioneer. satin-lined case..... 2... . . -$2.00 Fine Quality White Batting Filled Com- Y | Barrie Markets |[} Tee Spoons, 6 in case _Dessert.Spoons, 6 in case $20782.10/ Forks,6inbox...... .. - $2.75 forters, choice coverings, prices... ... $4.25 cee $6.00, $5.00, $4.50, $2.25 . $4.25 . Children's: Cot Comforters, batting filled,. | , ree foo : * ' ins t I 'ies ri ? i ; sfiex: os 3 . +:70-72¢ Case of Carvers, Knife and Fork and Steel nice coloring, priees. .$1.25 $1.00° 'There : | S mas ra, Yi pers ye ete kecmmane * in satin-lined case, special... .. $3.25 All the above lines are much under price. ee | | we | Boek eae a ~ Ladies' Silk Hose, . VS alae | f. f gs a F Bees i ed Black,: Pale Blue,' j eae : | oe oad : : : Pink, Green, Dark | re : rac Ica | $ Brown, White and La a a : \ i é i | Bees, dozen Mauve, very spe-\'. , ne : ; Tallow, rendre, oY cial value. $2.00, i { - -- lorse Hides Ee sharp. 4 a i Z | Hore es We are ready -for Christmas trade -with the most | ai Skim pase ™ complete line = Holiday Slippers ever shown in Barrie. Flour Arrenie) ee eb Special' alan ee at yi us * t . , ton te ne oe ze " : é i i :- par: their C AT POPULAR PRICES on Hea ii se = es ae tags 75c, Black Leather Club Bags, with two hand- Henry va Vool, unwashed, . c te les, leather lined, 18 and 20 inches, SONIA: THE i prices... .. ..$10.50, $10.00, '$9.00 i: é ittings, both Ladies' and Gentleman' Sia POSSIBLE, ole t for the Club Bags, price... 2.040. ; = fcome. any time weds ena es + 2 99,003°$6.7! -00. that suits you. We. Fibre Suit Cases, with pond hese tae ' will give you best. . catches, 22", 24", 26", special price... _ attention. -$1.50 and $1.65 With Every Dollar Purchase we give you a/5c. Coupon, 'redeemable at out. Prerii- ium Counter. See the nice goods at 'small Prices, --~ isan We stuidied the needs and comfort of Men, Women -and Children 'and bought the prettiest and most service- "STYLES FOR ALL. ) MEN'S SLIPPERS in Cosy, Everitt, Opera and Romeo Styles, etc. "4 eMOSIL AY. - Prices ranging from $1.00 to $3.00 pair WOMEN'S SLIPPERS in fancy cosy styles with padded' insoles and fancy trimmings in the newest colors and various other designs at * pote (. Prices ranging from $1.15 to $1.90 pair SS eEEEEREEEEREEEEnnemneeeneennee a ' CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS in endless variety of désigns . : At prices ranging from 50c pair WE SELL FOR CASH. : WE SELL FOR LESS. Our stocks are also. complete. with full.ranges of Gaiters, Overshoes; Leggings, Moccasins, Hockey Boots, Snow Shoes, etc. pie oN These are only suggestions from' our Holiday Sel-. ection. ae , Ne s ; Remember we, cheerfully exchange goods after Xmas. ' x a 'i CAPT: REV. JOHN. COBURN. Collier St. Methodist Church * Pastor, Rev. R. J. Fallis. » "Sunday, Dec. 16th. The pastor' will be assisted in the services | _ Mrs. Morley Black. of Bimvale and Miss Ly Rev. (Capt.) John Coburn -of fidland, | Evelyn Black are visiting Mrs. F. J. Lower. . ; : who will preach shdrning and evening, 11 | ". Miss Edith Shepherd and Mist Hudel Wil- i ates . . eu | am. and 7 pan. : ~~ |sokovisited the former's aunt, Mrs. A. Paddi- | H, B. "a stud f : ead, identi ' : Special: music' will be 'furnished by the'{son, 48 Brock St, dver Sunday : E 2 ' |church choir. Mrs. Laidman will sing st both .serviees, ig . mn of gt the lust meeting. for | a8 he could get » t

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