Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Dec 1917, p. 10

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ow. Ewant you-to go o sleep.' ; i ry he touched 2' bell by his side. t 3 ' 'Laura ow alesost at once. © f "Open the Iaborstory," Quest ordered. "PRODUCTION | secon" Soi | gett es Increased effort and'éfficién-| matter of That's cy in labor, more economy and | Sefer they i eek 'anaes __._~_ less waste ip living, building up|to a lurger apartment, the some other '| Produstion. ° Pupils prepared for AT.CM. capital by. harder work and.greater savings, will enrich you and your coun- SS oe i | degree im both piano' and -vooal; also ele- . tsy.. The mea and women at home 'must produce more to cover war's| of ge ST z 'mentary: cxame- of Toveato. Conservatory _ ou "waste. ; , : words this SATURDAY! MARKET: - : or * Unitversity: » Studie: ee It is easier to make money than to $ave it. A Savings Account at' the | Det in an easy: pors: He was a blustry: deg and .cold: amd ithe: | BPO: ilk j T ' 4 d eff id + sche battery is market 'attendance was not large 45e.Jb. : WEESON: Le Bank of Toronto will help save what your increased effort provides. whispered. pega o 1 for first-class butterswas the feature. Eggs. Le hy, ni 4 ee ad 11 Branches in Toronto 119 Branches in Cana "SGive.me the band." + fones bead' 'Humane tem sppertott we feel, several boge of-potstoea sere ix and | Pubilb prepared: for: examinations in, the ee i 1 Assets... $73,114,000 She turned away for a'moment and dis- |usclese. Science, you Have been my mis- |$1.75 per bag was asked for'them. ° There | different colleges. Also painting: FE : : ae : appeared in the shadows. When she ~ }tress all my days. You must' save my bfe.| was, also pork: and. beef the first this | Studio at | Mrs... Bérfram/s, 23: Owen S¢. 3 ed, she carried curved band of steel: | now or lose an earnest 2" _ {aeason for the latter. 'There was a' good | Phtae 186. ° ui - " ] Quest took "it from her, attached it by.| He felt in bie overcoat and drew out a/sale for these meats. Some 'were Looking |------<$----$--$--$-------------- z F OF ! E 'means of a coil of wire to the battery, and small hard pellet ". He gripped it in his fin- |for turkeys, but were forestalied by the Leqau é ' J ' with rae soft-fingers slipped it on to Len} gers, stood as nearly as possible underneath |d:alers who bought, up the :ineagre supply E 5. . s : : ora's forehead. Then be st back.' A'| the-spot from which he:hiad been projected, {early. There were some: geese, . and _ ALEXANDER ?COWAN: Rik. Branches at Barrie and Allandale, H. A. SIMS, Manag Fagg concen quivated tis tome yy |Poely, swung his-arm back, and flung: the fehickens at last: week's: priaes. 'The. election | "Succesor to Lennox,.Cowan. & Brown Si ' . "She's. a subject, Laura--I'm sure of it! | hurd. pebble against the sliding door. The | was discussed 'by well-informed. farmers of | Barsister,. Soliciter for obtaining: probate of- oy 2 'Now for our great experiment 'explosion which: followed. shook the very | the district, as 'they gathered in fhe, none | yj inmabyé 'and. admihiteath 4 # pam tat: . 4 They. watched Lenora intently. ~/Her | ground ginder bits feet. The walls' cracked |too well heated builting- ; q ., face twitched uneasily, byt she did not open | shout Men, Blue fire seemed to be playing.| Average prices were as follows :-- y her-eyes and her breathi tinued ' A ber-eyes and her breathing continued regu: | aroundfhe blackiiess, He, jumped on ane | pitter f aS ' aj a, am, 7 oe "ioety asd easy |ride, "barely, in. time to escape # shower of | Pees. . Sone ¢ BANKERS "your mind is full of one subject. You sec | prick') or minutes afterwards everything | Fowi, ih... <1 3 "BOYSs& MURCHISON ' > your mistress in he chair by the fireside. | other match. The whole oft he | Chicken, - dressed, . Ibs... | Bacrisiers,- Solicitors, Netarj, Public, Com * "7 Established 1878. She is toying with her diamonds. Look a- | place was gone. By buikdin = | Duck, dressed, Jb... veyiaserrs, Eto: I wt ' gain, (She lies there dead! Who wasit.en- |fovethr, he was. eusily ableto. clei {Veol, Ib... Gen A tered {the 'room, Lenora? Look! Look! |encugh to swine hieet' Gres tic hapten |Muttony Ib). 2. 22. 400 Transact @ General Banking Gaze into that mirror. What do you see of ii hallway" Bi Apples, Alexander, barret T Business. there?" ars ba dulidd noe me le spatpte - Vanowe, 'basket... ' __ Notes cashed er collected at the The, girl's dyes" Bad opened. They were |of people rusted in Sanford Guest emer- | Alexanders, basket E most favorable rates. fixed new upon the mirror--distended, full | Ped' dusty but uabwt, and touched & com. | Potatoes, peck ..... -R 'We cash Cheques drawn on any of unholy things, Quest wiped a drop of |eriife on his amt. | Potatoes, bag: . ' ss in Canada or the United perspiration from hix forehead... "Arrest me," he Ordered. "Iam Sanford | Beets, basket: .. T B . : he muttered, bis Quest. I must be taken at onetvte' head. |Carrete, basket". . Accounts collected. own breath laboring is there in your quarters " sums at: lowest: cunrent rates. Aiice: 18 KF Sterling Exchange bought or brain! Look!" 7 7 "That x0, Mr. Quest? Stand on one side, Owen: St; Barne; Ont: Di Mi Stewart. ee sold. .. : 7 SYNOPSIS Laura for the first time showed signs of | you loafers," the man ordered, pusbing -his -- > of He Special attention will be given be te ay ths Sieland - Eth emotion. She pointed towards the mirror: | way out 3 dg mpl fo the accommodation of farmers r-apartment. at 'the Lelan #, | Quest was suddenly silent. He seemed to) "We'll have u taxicab," Quest decided. ig rs fe thie locntity. + {daughter of Lord Ashleigh, is murdered and | have turned into a-figure of stone, For-a| {, there ony one che inthe buon? ( a) Money to Loan on Mortgages. | the Ashleigh diamond' necklace' stolen, The | single second the smooth surface of the mir- | policeman asked : = ; that Agency Sun Life Assurance | New York police place the case in the hands | ror-was obscured. A room crept dimly like |?" "Not a soul," Quest answered: ee J od Bompany' of Cariada. ", | 9f Stoford Quest, known and feared as-the |'s picttire into being, a fire upon'the hearth, | They fvand a eub without niuch diffi. . 100 DONALD: ROSS LLB ihe : 10 to 4 master criminologist. of the: world, He takes | 9 giri leaning back in her chair. A door in |culty. Tl was five o'clock when they Be f co Office Hours 0 A. Lenora, Elld's maid, to his own apattments. | the background opened. A male stole out. | reached tite central police station sctoe:l th | BARRISTER, SOLIOIDOR; ETC. - Bank of ROS 'a is d the of elt . r reached tite central p 'ation, Inspector | Thyme, bunolr : . » 060 f - r wiped T. BEECROFT, Manager. | Through hypnotism and the use' of electro- | He crept nearer to the girl--his eyes fixed |French happened to bb: just going off duty. |Pecperigrose, buaeli 112 o6@{ Poronto.-Bomilting, Birriey | Money to. lous. refin telepathic applianees, he discovers her-con- | upon the diamonds, a thin, silken cord twis: | 11e vecogized Quest with a little exelama. | Cronin, Sreave - - - i gestae " - neetion with the' crime and recovers. the | ted round is Re Suddenly wee ar Bim tien. Y a ee ae CRESWICKE: &@ BELL. ace : diamonds. . too late! His hand was upon her lips--bis | "Gor your man to bring me here," Quest | < "3 BARRISTERS, SOLICIMORS FOR THE sa Y Rea je N P fine, spent start almost from the mirror |explained, "so as to get away from the | Ste toa" ~ ee Supreme; Court: of; Zndi¢ature of Ontarig, oon our ding eeds "Lean back and make.yourself comfort.'| --then blackness! ay |mch." . : Fa eee 12:60:815.00 ' Proctors, Notaries, - Gonveysacers, été. ronfss« able," Quest invited, as he took a chair | , Lenora opened her eves. She was stillim | "vs een in trouble!" te Ti | Pork Uredned, Bo. ©. dibO4e | Money: to.loan.: Offices: im Ross' Bloc! Whi pe ' i opposite to her. T must just look oN she faltered pector remarked, Teading the way into his | piitternute, basket » ..50e.| Barrie, WR Ay J), Bell) AG, ted. in .Are' Well Supplied through these papers."" r. Quest!" she faltere Beechi 300.| shore. The. girl did as she,was told: She opened | "I am so sorry," he suid politely "Bit of -un 'explosion. that's all," Quest PC*eHnuts. quart ' at-- her coat, 'The room was delightfully warm, |teélly had. forgotten that you were here. | repiid. "1 hull be ull right when you've = MEDICAL * almost overheated, A sense of rest erepy |BUt you know--that you have been a jlent me a clothesbrush - NEARBY MARKETS; ; It is Py " 9 over her. For the first monient since the "leep?" . ss "The Ashleigh dinmonds, ¢h?" the In- Sy (Dee. 6, 1917.) | OR. He.Te ARNALL Sp nwful shock "her nerves seemed quieter. | She half rose to her fegt. She was per |spector usked engerty. Allistin-Whent_ $2.07, barlty $1.15; |Olfien and "Résidenee Corner of "Toronto nen CO r BS) Gradually she began to feel almost . as hase if ty i "Have oT? T shall have theky at nine o'clock this jens $3.50, oats 65c, rye $1.70, buster 37-,|and Elizabeth, Streets, opposite Elizabeth poctaed 5 thaugh she were passing into sleep. She it dees rig henitle a a snare morning. nford Quest promised, "and | 40 eggs Se, potatoes $1)5M, chicken' St: i Methiedist: Giureh, Telephone. 167. _ uel, bp = sturted "up, but sank back again almost im Sal eee een areeen che tele, [BROT You over the. murderer somewhat 2p: lard 25-30¢,. wasted - wool 60-68c, | inanuf ¢ Bookstore mediately. She was: éonseious that Quest ead iB TIRE. RAYOOE OM: ND Cele ppaggns tial Sree tuna bed 442500, : : DR: W: A, ROSS lief ste ie eg eRe we | gre hal Know ot Quit amare br | "Hun Say te soune sepa" OH Me Me: LCS, Raab, ER, Leon Phy -- . Saami 72 Dretening to red. His ape were fic NO! ater Tac Ler ceed Toe ait bi ee eee note, van, [tines Gerpemrete" Gls ae Rakion: Jas , Arnold in them, 4 strange new feeling pee ir 'to pee one of my. men soon after we they are, rot scorn se ee mabe" i ley $1:00-1.20, rye $1.70,. pens 3.55:3:60, {-Dunlens St arrie, - "Byihone 105 - 'Telephone' 165, through her veins). Was she-goinig-to slee} 3 Bas ey ave" him, luest promised. burter 43-440, eggs 55-60c, olticken 20:22¢. ¥4 ' is k Quest's voice broke an unnatural _ sil- el © now 2" she at To tett you {Come round about half-past nine, wid: FE" Creemore--Whest #2.00-2.00, oats 67- | OR E.G MWRNBULL - f Fire & Life Insurance Agent 'ence. : Certainly," Quest replies 'o tell you hand over the diamonds to start wil 8c. harley $1.10-1.15, . rye $1.75, peas ; (MoGill) (Successon; to Dr. R. §: Broad). eles "You are anxious to telephone. some one" the truth, I find that I shall nat t need to ask Quest spt for a couple of hours, had » - $.00-3.50, hay $9.00-1000, potatoer $1:61n, | Office. and Residence, eommer Elizabeth and Real Estateand Money to Loan |} si. "You looked st both: che boothe Fee tRe Sitte anation his heen: here ie, Path. ane masle » leivurely toile" At» | hatter 43c, eggx 48, live hogs $16.00: Bradford Sts.,, Barrie,, Phione 105, , J POMM Fas we came through the hotel. 'Then, you j! ; qui 6 nine he sat dlown to ms isco -- é b ig ays.they have come to the conclusion that - jn his rooms f sadbehigra i . number of Valuable Farms and Towa |fo" hare Set. | Telephone nee. Phe tage Very well known gang of New York-erini-|""~At nine 'elock:" fe told hix"servane, _Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Sunnie is be prctnleny as E Properties for Sale on the mos{-reasoo | hone is at your /right hard, You know , als are in this thing We -know/how to a young ludy will call. Bring her wp." c i LOGY, especial, able terms. : : Die quater'? jtrack them down all right." -Y The dobr was suddnly opened: Lenora m4 Ix Phin 61.36; CoBier St, Barrie. BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING | 'She ob-yed simi at once, She took the| E49, £0 theo?" she repented, wil inv walked ins Quert-gtanent in same ot TEE SAD STORY a BARRIE reseiver from the instrument at her side... | ™ense. relief the clock - DR. MOWTHRER LYON "Number 700, New York City." Quest.escorted the.girl downstairs, opened.|~ "My fault!" he exetsimed "We age 422 Bloon St. .W.,, Toronto, will be at 91 "You will: ask," Quest continues, "yeheth- | the front door, blew his whistle, gnd his car slow." Good morning, Miss Lenora! 3 Owen St, Buarie, every Saturday.-» Die- , er he is all right, whether the jewels are | Pulled up at-the door. - She came straight to th: table. The ser eases of Eye, Bar, Nose ard 'Throg':-.Com- + a BG fe ~4 ie ew young Indy, ; eee igen at # ag * m d i subbation hours 11 sm. to' 5 pam. and by.' ss ; \, | "wherever- she 'wishes. Good t { vere. bi _ : ui em , ie 7 rise was. a, brief silence, themgthe aia The girl drove off. Quest watched the "he! se-mefl exhausted. She laid a litle FOR LIFE Baie: Phove berey peer 'Oa Us vv Are yourthere, James? Yea, Cr Sees ag ie beh he he packet upon the tuble © Quest opened it ? Fee ina a rae Established 180° ii a sppu-safe? Have you.the . 22° lowly back and made preparations | cooly, The Axhleieh « pnds flashed ap, a UND E RTA KERS eat eee eee see for his advonture i Jat him. He. fed Lenora to. chair amt. 18 frequently revealed in. these war CHIROPRACTOR M . Te piers -thaeeh ate ~ No, 'Number 700, New York," he muttered, ' rang the. bell. : * times, even in this well-to-do Province, powhing fresh tee bappenc" ~ -.5."° Chalf an hour'luter, ashe left his house. "Be: \" -'Phepare u bedroom upstairs." he order Tard' enough: to be poor--still worse. OR. VYLA M. FINLAY a BE Sea EE a fo Put it ha a ra Te AE En fy Sipeatiect teeny aie y, ing:to. bin." joo. + }ra," he added, tx h y ent i 06 i a ie. ra are gong to, bin stain] He besiated. for a: inoment, feeling the |Siy Mit fee has ereeetars iMerel. The lot of the cénsumpfive is & spe- ue and Ghapel T cannot deep," she ¢ontinued.,"I. am | areicles in his overcoat pocket-a revolver ua : : cially 'trying one. Only recently a ; : enming to you." vee F $ - family discovered living in two. 'ACCOUNTANTS Morg f Rit in ove, ® small piece of hard substance in : the other. Then. he stepped' into his car, | She s.t down-the receiver. Quest leaned small rooms over a store, At-oné time they had occupied a comfortable home but the father took- sick and: had. to give up work. With the savings. all gone, they were forced to sell the fur- in connection LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crowe. Life Builiting," 59: Yonge: Streét,' Toronto. which had just returned, . "Where did you leave the young lady ?" he asked the chauffeur. BARRIE, ONT. Black as Dirt Her-lips quivered.- Slie ride no answer. -Your passage booked tw or fron . Represanting 'Canadian 'Norther: | 0, Square, Barrie, Phone 447» Phone C.BROWN -- a F. a. MALCOMSON t .Represeats Insurance -Companies. of. undeubted Financial Standing ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. all parts of 'the world. - A; F. A- MALCOMSON | THE INSURANCE MAN AND | STEAMBOAT AGENT. | - Sees ee W. D. Minnikin ,Licensed Embalmer Proprietor ; 'THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS Suecessaé to the Late Meaford Webb) Full ine of alt the latest Gaskets kept in_ stock, in-. cluding Grave Vaults and "Oak Shells, ; Open Day & Night - Phone 431 cite edhe Breen ted W.R.Neilly, Funeral Director | liver. My liver became so enlarged 5 J that you coud oat the aves Ps THE Sone -|on either' side, ard it was o1 aimeulty that T could get my clothes | DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE friend advised me to gét Dr. \ BETWEEN 5 | : > AND' A FULL LINE OF . PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY -- She turned unevsily in her chair, "Tell me the place ?"" Quest persisted There was still no résponse from the girl There were 'drops of perspiration on her for hend. Quest, shrugged his shoulders | slight "Very. good," he coticluded* "You -need riot tell me, Only remember.this! At nine o'clock tomirrow morning you will bring: those jewels:to this apartment Rest FOUR WEEKS A friend who is a'aurse ask af Phckhan's ¥ and Sal ae "In Broadway, Sr boarded a ¢ross-town car. Quest_noddetl approvingly "No fines," he sighed. She left me and 5 Sanford Quest was naturally a person uit affected by plesentiments or nervousness of any ¢ort, yet, having advanced -a couple pf yards along the hallway of the house which he had just entered without difficulty, he came to a stundstill, oppressed -with .w' sense of impending danger. With his electric. torch he carefully surveyed the dilapidated stuir- case in front of him, the walls from which 'the paper-hung down in depressing-looking strips, The house was to all appearances, uninhabited. The door had yielded easily to biy master-key. - Yet this was the house connected with Number 700, New York, th» house to which Lenora had.come. Further. more, from the street outside he had seen é upon the first floor instantly extin. ax he had climbed the steps. ny one here?" he asked, raising his voice a' little. There was no direct response, yet from somewhere upstairs he heard thered.cry of 2 woman. He gripped his re- 'volver 'in his fingers. He was a fatalist and guil rid yin black sat Soe ares bales 18 few inched back. torph shone upon bis CO waa as i ht hence of ad out" Quest "None!" was -|completely cured and fe! Ab out the Eyes Liver Was All Upset and There Was Pain Under the Shoul. der-blade -- Two Inter. aed esting Letters. | | | | | rangements of the liver' that we feel sure these two feports, just re recelved, 'will prove interesting |ing and Valuable. information to |readers of this paper ' Mra. Fo L. Harr jSask., writes: "F wi jliver trouble--had a he |one shoulder -biade all the time, and |was nearly as black as dirt areund th some ot I did eyes, -so -I concluded to t: 0, and. before f had taken one 25¢ Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. menced to gain in fiesh, and by the time I had. tak two boxes I. was like a new: person. My trouble was .caused: by heavy work out-of-doors, and, of I would kidney Chase' vise anyone -suffering from or liver trouble to 'give Dr. Pills a trial." Mrs. Charles Terry, Tweed, Ont., writes :. "Before I was married I was troubled with enlargement of the on. 'Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and take 'them: I commenced this treatment, 'and 'used hine boxes, which cured me at-that time. Then. about, two or three years afterward I was troubled a with the swelling, -but only on my tht side. -I secured some' more Kidney-Liver Pills, and_- took which fin: e 'to anyone having So many people suffer from de- | | the Muskoka Fre vy pain under |, box the pain had left me: and I comi--, course, heavy eating and constipation. | niture to buy' food. When the man i was found -to be a-consumptive, 'this _was.the opportunity of the Muskoxa 'free Hospital to bring relief so' that not only would the stricken, husband | Nave a winning chance for life, but 'more desirable still; the wife and chil- dren should be removed fram danger of contracting the disease. Under skil- ful guidance the home was cleaned up and the' family temporarily provided or. It is'now reported that the patient doing well, with every chance of recovery. This is the great work carried on by Hospital which is | now appealing for help. + tions may be sent te W. J man, $4. Spadina Avemie | Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secretary. | Treasurer, 22° Cple*-" St. Taronta. FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. MoKERNAN 58 Small .St., Barrie. - Phone 323 GRAND TRUNK sete | MONTREAL ? Telephone SF. Lawson. Corner Sophia Main 5874. & es H, J Welch. : ae PATERSON For County duet Sales at. guatanteed. A. Mealeomon' attention, a Manufacturers of- 'Fram . Dressing Consult net with your Syilding.

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