Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 6

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capital by harder work.and greater savings; will enrich you and your coun- a 'The men and women at home: must produce more to cover war's It is easier to make money than to Save it. A Savings Account * the 'Bank of Toronto will help save what your increased effort provides. THE BANK or TORONT( Branches at Barrie and Allandale, H. A.. SIMS, T. BEECROFT & 60, BANKERS - Established 1879. 11Branchesin Toronto 119 Branch Transact a General Banking Notes cashed or.collectéd at the most favorable rates. We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in Canada or the' United Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange- bought or Id Special attention will'be given CHAPTER I. to the accommodation: of farmers Sanford' Quest, Criminologist im this locality. : - Money to. Loan on Mortgages. | rived in- New' York only. that afternoon, Agency Sun Life Assurance| and his cousin; town betn and bred, had mpany -of Canada. Office Hours 10 to 4. " T, BEECROFT, Manager Your Reading Needs _ Are Well Supplied Scott's ith Jas. Arnold Fire & Lifeinsurance Agent, ine' snd 'falling stars. The tall bul . : midway tothe cloude, was: another world, | Real Estateand MoneytoLoan |i irri or luxury, of brilliant toilets, of | dence through which light laughter, the popping -of corks, 'rhe | a little -negligentl 'A number of Valuable Farms-and: Towa joy. of living, with everywhere the vague Properties for Sale on the most reas BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING }¢4 'his cousin's arm suddenly. Se 6:6. Smith & Established (89 UNDERTAKERS _ Open: Day and.Night Se | Morgue and Chapel in-connection : ee - = ! F. A. MALCOMSON cienti Represeata Insurance Companier | fessor" ; of uindbubted Financial Standing |. "Says Wor you méan that. he is a detec and ALL' STEAMSHIP VINES. Your passage bouked w ,0P {ror | atize--hurder «till to'deal 'with all parts of-the world, W, D. Minnikin THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS '¢ Meaford Webb) Fuildine of all the latest in. stock, in. 'ave Vaults and Open Day & Night ------ W.R.Neilly, Funeral Director (Suiceessor to the I Caskets. 'kept FOR THE BEST IN ES, OAKES AND PASTRY th and Small Cor. Bay ESTABLISHED 1855 : S 5 Increased effort'and efficien- cy in labor, more economy. and less waste in'living,building up in Can $73,114,006 nag: , THE BLACK | BOX By B. Phillips Oppenheim "The young man from the West had alrendy embarked uyon the task of 'show- ing him the great city. 'Theygecupied a table in s somewhat insignificant corner of one -af New York's anost famous roof den restaurants, The place was crowded with-diners. There were many 'notabilities to be pointed out. , The town. young man' was: very. busy. Tt was all vastly interesting to the young table to table with ever-increasing interest. we are only. twelve stogies up, and-there' is nothitig to look at.- Mukes you kind of gid. dy h look past the people, down ut PRODUCTION |; to 'Lord Achligh "To igh, Hi set, land. "I find & magnificent pr 3 for itan your head ache, that rob youof' ¥ your sleep ontil You are so run, select and ad tl gir met set an lown 'that you. and |South America, returning}arly touched the switches of the electric lights. ine realized then that this was 2 man of taste. The furniture and appointments of the room wert of d cablegram, which 'on. He then unfolde and proceeded to make fast. When he had quite finished, he lit a cigarette and rose 9 little abruptly to his glided Out of the stable-yard approached the, front door. id. once pounced. up- the local: newspaper, an_excellent break- oak. The panelled ith @ few choice engrav- and papers about, 'A door at the far-. stops the tickling im the throat, and by its tonic effects to throw off the disease. Bacal, pear re A . Py 4 jarrister, citer for paling pi te of Chamberlain's is quite different wills, guerdianship and administration, and hes but also | |General Solicitor, Notary; Conveyancer, ete, - ee Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. There were' books 8 piano in' the corner. ther end led into what seemed to be a | f Quest drew up » chair to the wide-flung window, touching a. bell as he crossed the rooni. "In a few moments pened und closed noiselessly. A young woman entered with a little bun. pers in, her hand." ything for me, Laura?" he. asked "I don't believe she answeréd calmly. She drew a mall lump to-his side and Her eyes followert through the letters; from the ordinary for it not only heals, restores 'the to a healthy conditi, it-is the best and most reliable tver produced. for coughs.and colds: cough meiicine, iscuss this matter for fhe rest of the day. At dinner-time to the door wis 0 ie hi uur decision, or rathet we affected parts you can tell me yo will discuss it toget! ippearéd: through the French win- b was studying the let- lore her, her-brows a I you will think so, Mr, |dows. Lady Achleig ier stretched out bef tle knitted, her exp had turned. and was lbokin, tuble and a reading- stood quietly waiting. Quest's "as he glanced | 8eross the park, her expression matched his, She: was tall, dark) good-looking in a ive way, with a. spleridid, almost 'un- in her firm, shapely Her manner was ression distressed. Ella st towards the sea. moment she dreamet! of all the wonderful | hings. that lay on the other side of that. er streak. She saw inside the crowded She felt the tense hush, the She heard the low the saw the 'stage. low notes of music thrill of exeite sobbing of the se'ting, she heard the I sing nnd growing till every pulse in her thrilled with her one great enchus. turned back to the. table, bright und there: wax a fittle mouth and brilliant eyes a little brusque, but her voice pledsunt She was one of 'those who had learnt the nce. The criminologist glanced through the japers quickly and sorted them into two SATURDAY MARKET The first cold snap of the season greeted | the market people:on Saturday... Butter was lower in. price than for some time, 45e: per Ib. being asked: Eggs have an.upward ten- dency, though many. were sold for '0c. a Theré -was Very. little otitside- the building, Hay is up.to $15.00. «ton. Qiiite a nutuber of dressed geese were brought in, were 23c. Ib... Headless fowl of all kinds is now prevalené at the various stalls. 'Average prices were 28 follows :-- 'Send. these," he directed, "to the police nothing in them which calls for outside' intervention. matters which had better take course. To the-others simply reply that the matter they refer.to does not interest me. No further inquiries?" "Nothing, Mr. Quest," She left 'the room Quest-took down a volume from the swing. y his side, end -drew. the lamp a little closer to his right Before he -opened the volume, ir a few mometits out scrosthe sea of rpofs, thé telephone and telegraph wires, to where the lights f Broadway seemed to eat their way into the sky. Around bimi | the night life of the'grest city spréad 'itself out in waves of gilded vice and black and 'Hush 'upon her "You're: not sorry, mother?" Not really, dear," Lady. Ashfeigh ans. | wered resignedly. = who in many respects was man of his clus, had w fection for smull eeremon- nurtured by his position as irman of the C 'President of 'th: After dinner t | was served in the [ed bis throat and | His manner, as he addressed hix daughter, was almost official, "I sm to tuke it, I believ "that you have finally decided, El 'brace our friend Dela & typicul. Engtishi constitutional aff ing- book-case by reading mun fram the Weét, and he-looked' from | choulder c however, "Say, it's fine to be here!" he declared. | stendfast] We have this sort of thing back home,*but /network of ounty Magistrates. and' * locil Unionist Association. hat evening, a meal which smaller library; he clear- filled his glass with wine, Fowl, dressed, Ib... Spring chicken, dressed, Ib Duck, dressed, lb. ve ae rey's suggrstion, and HJently at the. one sight which 'to 4 stranger is perhaps' the most jgupressive. in. the new world. Twenty-five Sories below, the cable cars clanging and clashing their -way through: the narrow streets seemed like lit. tle fire-flies, children's, t invisible string of fire flar"of the city painted.the muri The line of the' river. scintiflated with es stubbed the blackness, fingers of fire. Here, The young niin from the country touch- &t a table-by himself? 'The waiters speak he a millionare, or a judge, or what ?" The New Yorker turned' his head.. Kor Signs' of inter:st. . His voice dropped 1 lit 'le. "He bimself wus impressed, "You're in luck, Alfred," he . declared. "That's the most interesting man in New York--one of the most interesting in the That's Sanford Quest.' ou haven't heard of Sanfory Quest >" | "Never.in my life" 7 | 'The young man whose privilege it was to have been born and lived all nis days in |New York drank half a glawful of wine , and leaned back in his-ehair) Words, for a few minutes, were an impossibilin "Sanford Quest," he pronounced, st Jast, ix the greatest muster in* ériminology the world bas-evér known, . He ix a. mugic *| 4 scientist, the Pierpont' Morgan of his i tive The New: Yorker steadied himself swith man, of the criminal, He takes just what cases. "he you can jost tell the lives of the people cle him his straw hat and cane, two_waiters clothes, with a- black ' a neat-colored shirt. ~ Apples, Wolf River bbl. glunoed almost indifigr- | sordid "érime. . Its /many voiees fell upon ' |dead 'ears. Until! long pust midnight. he sat | engrossed in' scientific 'volume. on Saturday for New York? Ells murmured, with "t tell -you how grate. for letting me go." own maid with you, leigh' continued eood girl, and I am sure' she will look. after you quite well; ch it is a somewhat unusual tep. .to- supplement Lenora's -surveillance : sending with you, also, ax a sort of courier and general attend, hom do you think? "Tf you please | Alexanders, basket ful T am to' you both "You will take your of "course," Lord / I | "This habit of becoming lute. for break fast," Lady Ashleigh remarked, ns she set he 'coffee-pot; "is gro Vegetable Marrow, each .. "4 glanced up fro1 | Cauliflower, gach .... mu a pile of-correspon- | 2! sbe had been "looking | 40 Lady Ashleigh looked across rhe tanle Cabbage, bead .. she nid, "T shall tell | With. knitted brows Pickling 'Cabbage, each' Green Tomatoes, basket Pumpkins, each' .. ry "When he comes, 300 | perfuine and flavor-of femininit: j him what Clyde says in his new play-- ; |unpanetuality for breakfast und over-pi tuality foFdinner are two of the signe of:| "Tell nie," he inquired, "who is the tan' advancing ag Why, however . Lord Ashleigh declared, find 9 tempora in New York-for some ill doubtless find' this ag Ella, "1 hope that my suy Simmer Savory ," her mother advised that sounde Tike an epige 'and-T noticed \that he avoided any allu: Birthday last month. . Any news, to Him sis though he were a little god. Is- hates anyshing reat advantage, | Pepper-grass, bunch to his the 'first ttme his*own face showed some 'ij Nonie ut all, mother. My correspondence | ix just the tsuil sort of rubbish --invita «und gossip. Such lot of invitutions, he VESPRA COUNCIL tion: The Couneil, met on ¢ he 19th inst. as per Lc eR Se Fes shleigh ¢leclared, mbers were pre- NEAR-BY MARKETS. hut is the sort of-.corréspondence which ho's be? you should fi Ella shook her head beautiful young wom a little moré serious than her tw | sent, ihe Reeve in the She was a very but pression | # ae heen? {or the ciampbeteas © | distribution to 'overseas. 'You know I'am not like that, mother, "Ihave found. one. thing | rests me 'more than all this olous business of amusing oneself shall never be happy n, until I have settled ¢ M 052 | rye. $1.65-1.70, buckwheat $1 of | cwt. $17.00, butter 42c, eggs Orillias-Wheat $2.10, barle such for the | 65e, Jas; McDermott, Secy. Centre Agriculture; asking for she protested. az --not really happy: | down. to study hard, y lly the only "part of life which ubsélutely up the greatest thing in, the whole world just now-ix music, my music derful, isn't neoe Board: of 'erant of $5.00 Thé following accounts were passed John Johnston, gravel: for Sunnidale Road, Banks, work on Dempster Rou, fas. McDermott, grant: to Board of It is» little won: to -have a gift, un effort. Such ignorance was hard to re- and to know it? Oh, why di | make up his'mind to let fatl "Yee," he suid sithply: "you could cull | he promised! Here comes dadd chins that--just in the sarge wag A. F. A. MALCOMSOR 'all Naptlcon a soldier ort Linesie. ~ THE_INSURANCE MAN AND : 'EAMBOAT AGENT. 4 Ganadian Norther: P.O. Gquare, Barris. Phone 447 | bs -45c, potatoes /.dressed hogs $22.00, live hogs $17.00. , mum, stepped through farther end of Lord Ashleigh, who had some French: windows at th {the terrace, piatised for a few minutes to }look around him. *|some excuse for his |The morning, | Ber, was parfeet 'tle tr the park which surrounded the house Were already gathered under the trees y gang, they | the far distance the stubble fields' stretohd gold to ridges-of pine-topped yond to the distant sea. The aw, somietimes on: the 'side-of 'the | breakfast 'table st which 'his wife and dew Telephone The Examiner about Casualties | The next-of-kin of soldiers killed or wounded are notified of the ensualties a| couple of 'days before the names appear in the official lists," By telephoning The, Ex: aminer, No. 194, on receipt of such news ing the quickest, surest of comimuniéat- other anxious relatives and 'momentary absorption. although it was late they will be t and 'most convenifnt way ing the news to understand | like- patches of him. Sometimes he seems to be on the side | hills; and | Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. --S IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE In the matter. of thé Estate of John | William Parks, late of the ¢ County of Simeoe, Farmer, The Barrie f ban J Notice is hereby: given' pursuant to the Trustée Act, Chapter 1 Statutes of 'Ontario ter were 'seated was arranged 'one terrare,- and, as"he slbwly seemed like an' oasis-of fow- pleases. and a million dollars. wouldn't broad grey texipt him to touch one he doesn't care') approached, -i about." Watch him go otit. They-say that | ere-and fruit and silver. dy, your habits are getting»positive- Ella exclaimed. "Mother rly finished--and our share Kaupp--Harris-That the Clerk be in- 'structed. to write the Minister , "Tequesting that. the Dept build -# bridge (estimated to cost $1,000) over. the Willow Creek on 'the road allotvance be- tween the 6th -and. 7th Concessions of 'the Township 'of Vespra, und that he enclose a copy of this resohition A -by-luw -appointing- the following De- puty Returning Officers and Poll' Clerks for the Municipal Election if any, in, Jan. 1918, No. 1--Geo. Baldwin, D.R.O, A, Deb- enbam, poll ele Robert Breit, poll clerk; Div. No. .. Nash, DR.O, 8. Div. No. 4, Thos: hnston, "poll clerk; Di Seseph Walton, poll clerk Alex McNabb, D.RO,,.H. Be ton, pall élerk; Div. No. 7, James Muir Sr, D.R.O..Robert Gook pall let he passes from the way they look' at him. |ly disg There: isn't a here or in the street.|und T have n i . i Who doesn't that if Sanford Quest | of the post-big ix most uninteresting, Plesce 'chose his' career would be }come and sit dow Township of n,-and tell us whether e lind ny letters this morning." _-Lord Ashleigh loitered for a moment to | raise' the covers from the dishes upon the 1914, and Amending Afterwards he seated himself' in | Acts that ll perons having clans againet | Ppa the Estate of the said John William Parks, who died on of about the Fifth day of Oct'-| 7&8, Water Trough: 17, are required to send by post .pre- ide-table. the chair which the servant: was holding fo ' T heard this morning." he qaid, "from A "are req) sot beled Te hae es manage? hur- | your friend Delarey. He went into the paid or delves. to Boye ' ried forward to nee that the way was clear | matter very fully. You shall reed hie letter rie, Solicitors for =! for him. Yet there was nothing about the | presently. The sum. and substance of it * 'appearance of the man himself which seem- | all, however, is that for the first year of A " your musical. tr 'you think McKever, poll DRO,, E. ining 'he advises--where do suggest Paris?" Ella put in The Couricil adjourned to mivet to Statutes on Dec. There was s momentary, silence. | Elle's eyes were sparkling. Her mother's face had fall : 15, at 10.00 am. « YS & MURCHISON, eae the Executors | Barrit, Ont. nm Ory |. sin CASTORIA lm repertoire,. English and - Italian. fio st Mrs.' Gauley's, 67 McDonald St, Barrie, Phone 681.. For terme, etc., ca at studio,on Wednesdays: Voices tesied free. -( MAUD.E. CLAXTON, L7.CM. | Phone - 186: helps you ee Successor. to, T believe | | Money fo loan. Le@aL ALEXANDER COWAN 4 Cowan & Brown af, BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Publié, Con- veyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest Fates of interest. 'Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). "Branch office, Elinvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, KC; MP. is STEWART & STEWART BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries Public. and .Gonveyancers. Money to loan 'in any sums at lowest current rates. Office: 13 'Owen St, Barrie, 'Ont.- D. M. Stewart. = CHARLES W. PLAXTON ; BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, 606 % ' MISS ELSIE NELSON OM, TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. Pupils. prepared' for examinations: in the different colleges. _ Also, painting. 4 . Studio at Mrs.' Bertram's, 23 Owen: St. D. €. Murchison eo Coutinental Life: Building, southeast corner Bay and 'Richmond Sts, Toronto. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. ae BARRISTER; SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of : |Toroato Building, Barrie. af Money to loan. 3 CRESWICKE & BELL \BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THE Supreme Court of: Aux <j». |Proctoré, Notaries,. Co: 45-47e | Money to. loan. Offices Barrie." W. A. J. Bell, K.C." idicature of Ontario, rf rancers, _ ete, in; Ross: Block, . Be 18-200 & sician, Surgeon, ete: ra DR. HT! ARNALL | Office and. Residence Corner oi: Toronto _| and Elizabeth "Streets, '- opposite 'Elizabeth St. Methodist Chureh: Telephone 167. DR. Wi. & ROSS, L:RCS, Edinburgh, F.G-P., London,. Phy: Office and Residence, Dunlop St,, Barrie, Telephone 165. DR. E.G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Dr. R. 8. Broad). | Office 'and, Residence, cornet Elizabeth and ; Bradford Sts; Barrie, Phone' 105, | W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. = SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especial- Barrie Phone No. 2. eases of Eve, Bar, None anil Throat. . Con- ¢| Sultation hours 11 'a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment!. Toronto Phone Norh 3326, - ' ly. Phone 6].. 56 Coffer St. Barrie. DR. MORTIMER LYON 5c. 122 Bloor' St. W;, Toronto, will be at 92 O50 | Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. - "Dis- eo 050 McDonald St. Burrie. Telephone 40, ken rye ($1.50. $1.60-1.75, Allandale 'who id the "CHIROPRACTOR. - "| DROVYLA M. FINLAY U. C. C. Graduate.' Office and reside' 5874. [JF Lawson, "HJ: Welch, G.-H. Piayle: Miss -Deane is the only one. in Burrie and handles 'corsets filled with" mes, Flooring, Ceiling, te ACCOUNTANTS 01.25, bogs | _ = LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY CHARTERED "ACCOUNTANTS, . Crown y, $1.00, outs | Life Bi 50 'Yonge Street, Toronto. $1.65:1.80, buckwheat '$1.25-1 dressed pork $20-$22, chic 0-220, butter 45-47¢, exer 45-48c, potatoes , wool unwashed 58:60¢, washed 71, Ib. i " Bimvale--Whest $2.05-3.07, | 1.65, oats 68-65c, buckwheat '$1:25,- butter | due 45¢, 21, Sec. 56, Revised |Corner Sophia and Mary Streets aoe ; Manufacturers of Sash Doors, Moul nks, etc. sorte Of Roughtena feito jassortment of Rough an ess A Meets Bae sLumber, B.C. Shij day of December, 1917, | Pared Roofi nd addresses, ind a full state. and Pre- irning-and ssing _

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