Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 5

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CIRCULATION 12 Pages' : 54th Year. " SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING | TERMB--Siagie Copies 3 ets. Per cnnum [in edvance) $1.50 MAY GET $3,000,000 FROM.SIMCOE COUNTY and the ve into the logn. of small big part centage of the investments being made by them Hundreds of kiddies now have bonds, hoiight either with their own savings or by their parents. Young -and old of every © Victory Loan Going' With a Splendid Swing--Help it a- Jong--Buy Another Bond. "the Buitést spot in the-coufty this, wedk ix the Headquarters. of the -Vietory Loan ign. und" Organizer Jack's - smile ns as the figures keep climbing. Sim. | County's origmal allotment $1,520,000, but this was passed last week | active organization is heading | total, of three million dollars manner in which the people.are tak: bonds is most encouraging, far- mers and townspeople alike digging up their savings, large and smull, and putting them In thousunds of cases the 4th investment is being mude on the i plan, greut convenience for the ms. The women are playing a the campaign, a very large per. Sea cP ' PRE-CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENT. The only Christmas gift, your relatives and Pa EES iia friends cannot buy is your photograph. 'At Christmas time thoughts turn to old days, old- times, and old friends, and yeur photograph' will be most-welcome then. "It takes: Dut a- few moments now, so plan t6 call J. FRANK JACKSON Maker bf Portraits (No. 48° Lieut, Harold Channen 'arrived home from England yesterday on sick leave, Lieut. 'Deans, a nephew of Mrs. J. N. '|Hobley, was recently killed in action, Lieut. A.'H. Tudhope of the 157th Bn. was' reported in the casualty lists last week few minutes with' another load," James Clarke, Y.M.C.A. offices g through his clothing from '2 shrap- ound in the -shoultlér, as 'he went | tes' expostulation with -s field hospital sur- in the 'latter getting geon, which result the best of the afgun Capt. 'Clarke is now in hospital He belongs to Allandule. Pte. Roy Brown Killed "F am not complaining. With ¢ | still on, conseription, 'J. Grasett and Lieut. W. Ostick of the 177th Bn, have gone to the 48th. Bn, 'Lt. F. A. Seeds, who enlisted 'with 'the 157th as a private, left London, Ont., ree- ently for overseas with a forestry draft. Elizabeth St, received word on Tuesday 'of the wounding of her on, Pte. Stanley Penton, ".who was with the:75th Bn, when he received gunshot wounds in the jaw on Nov. 1 Included in a detachment of 538 soldiers which landed -at Quebec lust week were the Etherington, F. W. Law. S. Tracey and P. rence, 8, F.-Martin, Walton, Barrie; G. Auston, Alliston; A. J. Crowe, Elmval-; H. B, Douse, Lefroy O, Watson, Bradforil, other Simcoe Count In the reference to the death of Cpl. Win Hook last week, it was stated. that -he had 7th and transferred to. This was an error, due to 'the fact 'that be had a 157th Bn. number. He enlisted with Col: McPhee's unit and Death of Henry Ball Henry Ball died very suddenly home in Mary St. on Sunday: 'clock Mrs, Ball was awakened ry heavily und before istunce his: spirit had Taylor Statten- The Leading Speuker at the Boys' Confer: ence to be held in Burrie N sage suying that he had died the same day. Pte. Geo. Roy Brown was the son of Mr. | and Mrs. Geo, Brown, Holly, and lacked but |a month of being 27 years ofvage. Yeurs he worked a farm for himself near his home and then returned to assist ou.his father's farm: When the war broke out he realized the justice of the cause and wing these gilt-edged securities | When the campaign is closed it is estimuted that there will be at least.one bond for every ten of Simeoe's population. Midland leuds the subscription of $365,000 from the Lokes Transportation €0. In Orillia thete were two applications of $20,000 and $2 Burrie has no subscrip- enlisted with the the 177th Bn, health for 'a year, he seemed' exceptionally: day' and transueted consider- towns owing to one went overveas with it. In order to.get over to France he dropped his stripes and went * Deceased -was in his 65th year and was born on a farm near Warminster. As a young man of twenty he went into business for himself and 'for 4 nutaber of years car- ried on # general store in Warminster, From there he moved 'to Thorntort where he had a store and. also wrote insurance for sixtesn years. For fifteen years he had been a res- He was « Conservative in 000 respectively. tions over $5000: end not man nt, yet its total is al If the oifizens, go at it with spill the cunvasspe'should be able to re- port close to $300,000 for Barrie by Satur- Wm. Looker, Allandale, receiyéd word on Gunner A. Looker, mm General Hospital, Before enlisting Gunnar at Barrie Business with the Royal Looker was a student He went overse Canadian Dragoons, wus transferred to the nd. Canadian Trench Mortar Battery and had been in the trenches 'almost 18 monthy whin he took ill | Polson, MéDonald St, received | age on Wednesda ident of Barrie. polities and a member of. St Church where he was, 'ome of the totals reported last night 4 very regular attend- 255,000,000 | 25 - herpes r 28 Pears he was ugent for the West- | the p | ire Assurance Co. and for 17 years dis. triet agent of the Sun Life stant application to business the became one of the most successful agents of the Sun and for eleven years in succession et Simooe County th Bn und had been in | Mrs Polson came to Bar- | agents writing 'the largest amount of busi. He was one of the best known insu ance men in the county and had s great many friends by whom "his death is gen | niniely regretted. In 1873 'be -marrie France since M. [rie three months/ago from soldier was horn in' Aird, County Masonic Funeral tubers of Corinthian and (Kerr | 4 nested to uttend the funeral | | of the Jat» W. BrpaiRobt. Stank ra ' Ki No regalia. The 4 Miss Sara Jarie Cun. | who survives: him day ut 4.30 p.m,, interment ot ears: ahd two months, child died in Barrie eighteen months ago "Keep Cheerful, Chaps" of. Northyille, "Mich., | Bailey of Thessulon. is a brother of the deces Jos? Bull bf Warmin- | Donnell | Dunning. $5.00, Mrs. W. Bailey _ THE LAST WEEK OF _ SARJEANT & KING'S BIG MID-SEASON SALE THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF THE BIG SALE AT THE BIG STORE BUT NOT THE LEAST FOR BARGAINS d, dated Noy. 22, had | when the 157th Bn. was being organized he told bis parents that b | He had been' in France since May 24 Pte. Brown was « member of the Holly | Methodist. church and ;man worthy in every respect the very -high esteem in which he*was held While the friends of Pte. Brown and the | | many other loyal\Cunadians who have given | minster, SR, Bal ahd Med, cAnthews at \'their untimely deuths they cannot -but re- j Onis, an, Cunhlagiats 3 Sundi wnd Mrs. Levar-c to a former Score felt it his duty to A H. Somerville. [were C. A. Shepard, Alex Craig, Jas. Henry, Alex. Ness and Among those from out of town pre- |! ry, Dr. and Mrs. |S The "pall-bearers | Il be-buck in a Sunday School, a sent were Mrs: D. B. Henry "Bailey, Thos: and Clarence Bull of War- | M08, ( fect with pride j found them devo |-gnd' whole-heurted | Welch $10:00. -R. Allison & | Duff $6.00, | $5.00, Martin themslves unselfishly to the service of their Such names can never die, and jsurely we for whom the sacrifice is made | must feel that too much' respect and. con- sideration cannot be shown to the families who have niude such a contribution 'to Can Empire in her hour of 'need meeting if Win-the- Wir Women of Fisher 810400, L. Dinwoody $5 large attendance | the interest they jada and the: E | Enthusiastio, prariotic |orived just before. the, casualty was report. | L 2 doz. only, Georgette and Crape de Chine: Blouses, in white and flesh, On Sale.' od | My Dear Mother Once again I write mother, to let you, know thyt eve 4 | Cooper $5.00, 7. FE. Menkian thing with 'me ix well. This is, Sund 6 doz. only, Women's Cashmerette Gloves; and natural, all sizes. S 'Tup; the first' for over a shite, black The Late Cpl. Wm.: Hook gomery was also- over to See us. k the war looks better, mother. one of Mrs, "omnbittees «will interview Dreamland The following 'officers were President -Mrs. E. Longman 2 -------- 3 doz: only, Tan, Brows and feat... 6 doz. only, Colored Kid: Gloves, some slightly soiled, assorted colors, all sizes. On sale. .,, 500 yards of Fancy Braids and Fringes: On sale 5¢ yd: Mri. A. J. Sarjeani Advisory Vice-Pres.Mrs. N. B. Johnston | C. Campbell $5.00, Mrs. G. Fildey $2.00, H1 |B. Barnes $3.00, Mrs. Tait-75c, Mrs. Miners | $5.00,°T, McNaught $5.00, R. Marling heir lives have not been given in Vain. honk God that I um alive and: well, and able to pen you these few lines this after- A fellow, sees-so much and lives. so 'it makes him think I often think of you over' theré |.in that peaceful country I'left but: a few shor: months ago and 1 trust thst my life may be spared.to go back and li -- i 4 Friday urday, Nov. 30-Dec. Gloves. "On y and Saturday, Nov. 30-Dec. | ger eres Ward Committees a No. I---Mrs. Hugh Calderwood, Mrs. F. R. Porritt, Mrs,'D. H. M: . Biggs, Miss Laidlaw. No.@----Miss Emina » King, Mrs.' WA. Ross, Mrs. W. A. Lewis, Mrs. V: Hart, Miss Gladys Ardagh. --Mrs. W. M. Hurvey, Mrs, A. E, H. Creswieké, Mrs. B. De Black Lisle FRANCES NELSON AND E. K. "The Almighty Dollar" and a Triangle Comedy jclose to death ai tim a farmer's barn where they were threshing. on, tread mill furnished FURS---The balance of our fur stock we are clearing at cost price. A big assortment.of odd Scarfs- and -Muffs to choose from. 12 only, White Honeycomb Bed ready hemmed. On sale: eS Boys' Wool Pull-Over Sweaters, red, blue and brown, sizes 20 to 30. On sale.... MANY BARGAINS IN'ALL DEPARTMENTS» COME AND SEE. "New Idea Patterns, 10c and 18¢. Bengaline Ties, 50¢. SARJEANT & KING & Reid' § | power and 2 man feeding the machine along with two other fellows standing around completed the geng--fér different from the way you do it-at 'home. Walter Lander the other night, He looks L'well and,is getting slong fine. Last 'Thurs- day T'was out in a beavy ri barn-we were sleeping across the street to.a French: house and sat down beside a red hot stove to hang my coat on'so that We had a, supper. cou-~ sisting of eggh and French fried potatoes, which set us back two francs.. The. people friendly and still have a T got # good' pair of Jackson, Mrs. J No, 4--Mrs. A..Carson, Mrs. M. Shanacy, 'Mrs. Jas: McMartin, Miss Spry, Miss Som- lle. "The Telephone Belle" A. buzzing, ringing comedy"in which the wire of, love is crossed wit -in the telephone of youth No. 5--Mrs. Revell; Mise McNiven, Mra. Harry Hamilton, Mrs. Meafiird Webb, Mrs. No. 6--Mrs. Whitelaw, Mrs. Barber, Mrs, Wm. Little, Mrs: Victor Knight, Mrs. J.D, was firéless I went Sprbads, g Monday and- Tuesday, Dec. 3-4 Douglas Fairbanks "The Good Bad Man" | A. Triangle-Fine Arts Production. One of. Fairbanks' best. Also Joe. Jackson and the Keystone Comedy Players in " - Bs) Gypsy. Joe one of Mack Sennett's biguést screamis soe $1.50 Women's Institute _: A'meeting of the Worhen's Institute will be held 'in the Police Court: Chumbers, tn Monday, Dec: 3, at 8 o'clock. - All'memberr are reqhiested tobe, present: and heat' the re- por of the: three way: Toronto, Nav, 21:23, and the Honorable W. J. Hanna a meeting. .Over 600 delegates attended the Convention, which shows that the W. 1. is quite alive and taking an important part in- Patriotic and other nécessary. work. ----S their uniforms and all 'kinds..of long boots ith feet and legs.in them. "Charlie Blox, ham is «till in the same Comp: Ness Wharram, as you know, is 'in the. hos- ital I may say that Nese did a ve work. In abdut half keen eye to business. Fc socks 'from 'the Barrie Field Comforts knit by Mm, Jas, Johnston of Shanty Bay. You off in' England than.over -bere, where showers of iron and bullets are by no means scarce. Upderstand, Tam not complaini tion with the war still on; conscription and couvention held' in hen Premier Hearst addressed 'You see 'the situa- a8 and was thinking that for © person jad' not seen it; he could -hardly -be believe that good level clay land 'could be put in' such a mess. 'The craters made by mines are so big that they hold four or five Sarns:'like 'was one ¢ould. see all kinds 'of German & second ha dat All for the usual price of admission, 'him on your. building: problem ROBERT. STANLEY 'CRUSHED TO DEATH Foreman of GTR. Car Dept. Almost Instantly _ 'Killed Yesterday Afternoon. Robt. Stanley, G-T.R: car foreman at Al- Iandale, was "almost instantly "killed near «['and five -olelock. "At one o'clock the aux: iliary had gone out to'clear tp a wreck of seven freight cars. They. were at work on the last. car anda broken pair of trucks that hid been' replaced. by new "ones was swung by the crane into i steel coal car. The engine drawing thé auxiliiry to which the coal car was attached then' started' to buck into the siding. As he did xo the coup. ling between the wuxiliury and' the. coal car broke and 'the chain of the crane being still attached to the tracks. suddenly jerked the heavy trucks up against the end of the car, catching Mr. Stanley between them and crushing: hini to death. - Arthur Juy, one of the auxiliary crew, also wiis in the ear' One of his feet was badly bruised and he was so severely shaken up that he was removed to the hospital, where it was found no -bones were broken. _ Dr. Arnall is holding an inquest. | 'The Jury viewed the body at.G. G. Smith & Co's tuorgue this morning' and the inquest was then adjourned until next Thursday. Taxes Well Paid Last Wednesday the second itistulment-of Barrie's. 1917 taxes fell due and the pay- |ments are reported by the Town Treacurer as: highly 'satisfactory. During the month of November there' was paid $22,199.51, which added to the $70,671.33 previously + paid brings | the total tip. to 70.34, which is orily ten per cent.' short of the total | roll. Last yeur with a total roll of $113,480.98 ments up to the end of November Were $99,626:27, leaving 'about $4000 more joutstanding -than at-the same date this year." British Red: Cross The following. donations: were received |by the collectors during "November from | the citizens af Cookstown. - + Lewis ; J. Tait $200, F. G. Campbell $5.00, James . D. Hopper and F. J, Robinson $25.00 ham $19.00, 1, Henson $2.00, Mre'G. is $1.00, J, RB. Couse $10.00, HDun- 2.00,. Jno. Agnew $10.00, Mrs: E. Ar T. H. Amnold $15.00. Fotal for. 00. : nold Essa s TECUMSETH---Dr, Shier $40.00, H.'f Mire 8. Lowrie $5.00; J. Dobson Ic, H, Reid $1.00, Zollep Sr: $1.00, Mrs: H. Mrs. Stoddart $4.00, L) Bo Avery taking' in the cam- | $10.00, T. Gollop Jr. $25.00. 'J Wilen | $10: Hudinn | $1.00, F. Rabinioh instructive |$5.00,. Mrs. J.-Prince $5.00, Jus, Feltis $3.00 ailresses were delivered. by the following ; Toral for Tecuriseth $181 73 : T GWILLIMBURY-- Rev. WY 00, <I. Robinkin, > $10.00. Mrs. $1.50, Miss Perdue $1.00, Hill'$1.00; Mre, J. Campbell $1.00,-J Heaslip $5.00, Ferg. Kidd $19.00 | Beker $1.00, WJ. Finlay $20.00, 81.00, Mise. Hesslin $4.00, W. and Mrs. Ba- $2.00, Mr. Alla $1.00, A. Robinson 3.00, Juss Moir - $3,00,- Myx JA: 'Feidil , 20 Webh $10.00, J Broley '85.00. To- NNISFIE--J: Flynn "$5.00, « T.- Merling 506, G. Neill 00. R. J. McAfee $25.00, Mrs. T: Fisher 230, Miss Sutherland: $5.00, $5.00. Jos. Carr 50¢, T. McKnight $10.00, Mrs.-Isa, Leeson $15.00, Chus, Fisher $5.00, D. HL Coleman $2,00.- "Total for .Innisfil--- $92.00 : The following dofistions hieve been- ré=* ceived since, viaking ont' report:-- W.. Robinson +-Total for town $732.15. : : Any further' donations will be receivéd ap the Union Bank here, or the Treasurer, T. L, Webb, and will be duly. acknowledged. THE WEATHER Lowest Highiest. Ruin Snow Nov. 15... .. 3h 40 on eae. 80 45 23. a7 10 m4 6 17 aye a ee 08 "26. Beg it ae 27 5 85 03 28 19 38 05 Co.,Ltd. i « (ander new 'management) Manufacturers of and<Dedlers in Lumber, Flooring, 'Ceiling, Sash, " Doors, Frames, Blinds, Tanks, © Water Troughs; Mouldings, Wood -- Turning, Columns, Shingles, Wail Board, Roofing, etc. 2 Sie Our. Manager . is @registered . architect apd is prepared to draw plans 'and@'specifications. Consult Phone 108. "Wight Pho Beyheld SL, Berrie,

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