Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 4

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Page Four irsday, Nov. 29, 1917." ng ein = Red Cross Notes _- oA . - : The regular meeting of Barrie Fey es s Branch: will he held on Monday, : ag ; TO. | 'Dee, 3, at '4 p.m., in the «Red : figs | [ = Gross.' Rooms. Attendance " of s ' : . oat l ' Executive and members is re= ' * 5 quested. . The following letter was. re- " ceived by Mrs.. Calderwoo in Remain for You to get your ia ae st ie + P shipped'fy Barrie Branch. "The note sent was enclosed in the é letter. In the Field, Belgium, ict x ( ry | 5 yr 1 Ss : 30-14-17 Mrs. "J. A. Caldexgond, Barrie ; : ; Herewith enclosed kind greet~ th: : i axe ings to the troops' and good this season than ever before, aye anhice: 4 Don't Forget and be So: wishes which eame-with parcel|| Ppate-a than usual. < ts rry of socks this month. They wers||- sa P Peosived -and iss to: the-men Large quantities of pretty useful Gift Goods arid Wear things are being : of the 2nd Can, Divisional Engin- conspi * displayed in Booths. Store, on « will \ rs, and are much appreciated y y all through the so that "'choosing be . is cold and rainy weather. In made . a s order to keep' the feet in good _ D..J. REBURN, District Manager }siav-. treauent changes of socks SELECT EARLY WHEN 'arp necessary, and, the govern- SUN I IFE OF. CANADA ment issue must he supplement- ed if this is to be done often en- CHOICE 1s BEST q ough When they are constantly y 4 7 : - oul in the mud. Thinking: you} Zi al would be .glad to 'know they had. i - i 4 f ' reached the destination: intended, EXCELLENT VALUES IN What About Moore & Armstrong's OWN Tuwould write you: to READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS " : i by : ow your kindness Is. ap: aed wee hal a HOSIERY VALUES ? '| preciated, 'It is a well known' fact that Moore & Armstrong's . ' 'The representative 'of The Barrie Examiner. and-Saturday Morning in Cookstown Very .aincerely. yours, show the larg.st and best adsorted stock of Ready-to-Wear To: sée them is to know they: de equal to, anything -w George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country 'may. be B. weroft, Apparel in Barrie. sbiown wnd Ouspmeetment 2 Bigs : handed er phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No, M.O, 2nd Can. Dis, Eng. 'A good' variety of needful apparel for the infant, It is only reasonable to-expect that with a buying 80 finds him, Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him: | px 'This unit had its quar-|] the miss St the lady. slways ready for your call, and our | "4 erlling capacity such as we have in Barrie and Guelph Nov.-29---Ted Ross of Toron-) Miss McMann of 'Toronto. is [ters at Ottawa and is composed |] "moderate price" on all that yo ne seem ats a eee fi visiled in town this week. . | visiting ~'at.Alex. Arnold's this }0f, men. from Ontario: in greater Several lines of Coats and. Dresses reduced to nearly We buy in large quantities. We sell at close (prices. - | ~ "Bert Stewart of the 157th Bn.|week. Miss MeMani 'returned|Paré sections being recruited at |) half price this week. Buy your Hosiery here. was officially reported wounded|recently from Shorncliffé Hosp-|Utlawa and Kingston and from - - Jast week. . ngland, Where she has bees surrounding stewns, three field * Egle t *. Ss Ila, cers sit "oes 81 A LOVELY COLLECTION OF LINENS FOR GIFT GIVING Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Couse, a ait spent.a few days inijS@PPers. 2 BC. b s ; ' daughter. i the' guest of : . a : - Paiek Chas. Wesson returned -- tofher nice . A. Fraser. ' Te Cone ha ' ne Openly displayed on the Main' Floor near the Store Entrance are Linens and_ town this week after, visiting) R. J. Colemagr, who "has been] fr ChUreien ee S ori Fancy Goods that will please you. with his daughter, Mrs. Fleming, ill for semp--timie, is mueli im-} Shep on Ne J _ ; at Alliston, proved receipts wet "Silandale |} pure Linen Embroidered Serviettes, hemstitched or scsllop- -Shams,.Table Covers, Doylies, Etc., in aburidance. Thé Methodist Choir supplied|. The flest snow-of the season is [Churches will have charge on odd "edges: «2+ - $8.00 dozen Stamped. or Ready: Embroidered Pillow Cases, splenstid the music for the anniversary|being much. enjoyed by the kid. Saturday, Dec, 1, and {he fotlow- |] Pure Linen Luncheon Set square or rounil; nicely embroid- value... +» 90¢, $100 and $1.59 pair ' sorvicds "at Lefroy on Sunday. dies: ing Saturday' Baptist Church and ered, 1 cloth and 6 Aspkins to match $6.00.s8t " Laundry lags, eithcr"in dark. Chintz or gmbroiered,Lina Nupes Readinen is yisiithe at at : Salvation Army. Tray Cloths, all pure litien ..,.0.2..... WGe-to $2.25 each : 50c and $1.00 each tone seal . Shop committee © this Sideboard or Dresser Scarfe, in Chints, Buttenbug or Pure' By the Vard--We have old, values in Table ahd Embroid: he Hh geal werk. amaovweut | L South, Simooe. Enumerators Mrs. Palling' Mrs. - 'Linen sia: 35¢ to $2.25 each ery Linens. by the yard wos, See these oq Surgical operation last. week.|:,Barric--dames Arnold, B. . b.|next week, Mrs. Payne, 3 aca at ace er game, nano IRISH LINEN AND SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS Visken's heiie tabborn that aro oward. nations to Shop on Satur- Re ees nate rulners Mat ere | thn Robinson, Wm.]day, | Knock; 500; and-wwbildrer: : Rod McConkey, "Ed. Me-]5th 1. So Lie, ------------ We are quite sure that our display of, Handkérchiefs " We " . yge, | Si stil, $200 cash, 9 eggs » a b S DI . se 3, ouxht a, hand?, Buy another opt aught sate pe a ea 8 h. 9 exes, CIh.|) These Goods awe were ib: evn BP tee ee end ougat SRY This Store ' iond, ; sree al ink ecu es } : ' ' the yeur. F Official word was received. on! Ree ee ae eikl aunetee Goa coe, pie ay ~miean a real saving 'anlkerchidfe ith ome toveh of color ire more [FOF Gloves Monday that. Pte, Fred Suther: 7 row, ram iyh Line, Vespra, 1 qt to the Buyer in demand thun.dther styles. Thousands: of them here. and Neckwear lin is: seriousl Banting. x. Deuny, . Alex.Jeream, 'jar marmalade. : Oe aot a8 yee etre so}. |Wiloughhs, * Ernest Morrison, -- Ladies' Sutin finished Visit the-Handkerchiet Boosh. : Yo have a beautiful diers'" concert which «amounted|!"2, Wilkinson, James Doguell. | "The Poetry of Aifred)Noyes | Jievecs. with tat ' . waviety' af new. Xinax Neck LL ROR.SE have Doon handed aver! West Gwillimbuby--Fred Rit] Php tecture on the-Poetry of ery, Bine: poly ami HEAVY UNDERWEAR FOR: Peel arta to the Canadian Red Cross Fund, cHie, Wm. Bains, H. B. Jets, Ino.| Alfred' N delivered by "Rev ie ad i Wear ranging, in price, from Pie Archie. Smith, brother ct] Ueastip,, Wine Church. | Mr, Wallace: at, Ovenden on Fri feuds coe Sheet ' 35¢. to-$2.50: each oe Yt Se 'and & las 7 with imitation lew soles M Leonard Ross, was official= ieee M. Seim and 8. }day night, Nov. 23, wits most ip all best colors, sizes' to THE COLD WEATHER | F ¥ ly: reported killed in action. | Martin, . a teresting and tly appreciated 7 und' renvarkable value ut Gloves 'ere. one. a our Mie Soldiers' Gonifort Cla ofl Beeton--Wm, - Bayeroft, by all avho beard it. 29¢. pait | _J:very personsknows the condition of the Wool Market to- .[jthecialtice. "In Kid Gloves SI; ns Chiret, will meét on Tattent 4S a: Knight | "AHL the Werld is a fairy tale, | Lovely Bed' Slipipers, ay Fortunat;ly, we have « ock a -good 'assoit € norsette, Cashmere Mondayevening. The Clob-has Rich. Ellison. G.j but, ah. the tale is true, So mare of two-fold wool Eid iment of Combinstions and Separate Garments anc. Wool. lines we excel. niwy . on-hand "eiough wool! ty} B-"Ellison, Geo. Hayes, J.-PiWil-|sings, Alfrad Noyes," and, the |)' .erdown, 'soft and epey on + te to $3.80 ad Kap the ladies knitting all wine {0% Ry Miteholt,.,Thox. Robinsof/quotation may gerve to iilustrate || dhe feet. oon Woes pait | Ladies" and Children's Knitted Undorskirs See the' Kayser Cham | Tossorontio -- Jas. McCreary,|his optimistic oulook on fife, , Me te: SRE aah Listen, san. popular "thi 4 ter. Anyone who desires to knit 'Soeks for the boys may procure bs fhe woot trom the Club, Tolan Wiktiams, Z Mrs: McCabe; of the 3rd line; Adiala--Thos. Goodeve, Rab Intisfl, is confined to her home| MéKenna, J.T. Honey, Geo, Thos, Anderson, John Anderso: _ through illness. ilton. Rey. Mr, Lane of Grand Valley,| Alliston--Jas. ham, A. formerly of this place, conducted the annive holston on ry services at. Nie- inday BUY ANOTHER BOND. |Cookstown 'Flour Mills 1 Farmers, for Flour, Bran and: Shorts. I ; WE GUARANTEE OUR-FLOUR WATER LILY makes the nice Sweet Moist Loaf. MOSS ROSE taakes the-Beautiful White Crisg Pastry weall like. We maniifacture Gtaham Flour; Whole Wheat Flour for Dark, Bread. Wheatlets and Germ Meal for Porridge. CHOPPING:- Tuesdays; Thursdays-aad Saturdays ROBINSON BROS. - Proprietors : Slowly'and surely'to the place where it belongs, namely: Among the/ $1000 Cars. i "On Dee. Ast. the price of the Four-Ninety will be _ $825.00. I have a few in stock, which up fo Dec. ast. 1 will sell at the.$750: 00 'price. ~ "Drop in and arrange or phone for one if you 'care to make 140% on your money. f a There's no guessing. You're buying. a- sellable; tried article from a strong a where quality is the big con- sideration. Bring your Wheat 'iid Cains n,| which, finds expression in all his poems, His belief in the zoog- pt.) ness of the world and his high ideals oof human endeavor still persist on an earth where there | is so much disillusionment and} care, and' the gospel he preaches through his poetry is {hat which has inspired the | Englishman through every battle he has fought Noyes is not the fraditional type of poet with long hair and a mwoeful ballad"; be is, on the other hand, deeply interested fh all- athletic sports, in whieh. he won great fame. at Oxford, and | in appearance he is more of the type of a faultlessty dressed Am- eritan millionaire. 3 may be called a roman- {ie 'idealist who draws his theme from stories of the-English past, and who sipgs enthusiastically the praises. 'of his native land. His longest poem, "Drake," is more than . history. put into verse, it'is an illustration. of what Noyes Uhinks an man should be. Drake, and his-interpretation of Doughty's. death . ix one which ean never -be forgotten. Unb most modern writer: believes that. there is something in. the old faith, and) he pulls back .to the moorigs which Fancy-dishes of all kinds marked at prices lese than. regular, See the Wool Pull Over Sweaters and skating: Sets. s.ason,' Black, Grey, or White. Special $1-00 pair 'MOORE 7 ARMSTRONG "Sam Stats." atale of the Niagara'Riv-|hearty vote-of thanks (0 the Iec- "yThe Black Box," dur new s er; is especially interesting 'to ae was proposed by Rev. H. ial, hegins in. this-issue. D Canadians, ang it Noyes mak-|1), Raymond.and. seconded by Mr.' fail to read the opening mst! es the rear ff the river' illus= tants Ord, ment. irate ihe thoughts of the Indian' ~The next lecture' of the series i a i eem taaiden when she finds her lover|on. "Pioneer 'Life, in the County © Yninght a hond? lain hy-the Mohawks. In his/of Simeoe" will be given'hy Mr. "Barrel Organ" and "Haunts" in] FoG:-darvis, K.C., ¢f Toronte,. we van realize No' . of imagery and.thé|:- -gaprie Masons in Oshawa realism of his effets, The Oshawa-Reformer had the These poems are but. a few of| following report, of the recent Noyes' best known works and it/visit' "of: ihe Barrie Masons - to- them he has maintaimed'the tra-! (hat town: . ditions of English poetry and-hits! Qn Eriday splendidly vitwlieated his ideals Y neotine wt He hax silenced, those. who 'say |1, eee the days of poetry are past, and| ag fi, ee si ids jiraved thet there arg' sll eer ce oy ne purpose of wol bd Monee me gouls {Coming a umber of "brethren ranges. where adventurous SOW'S| trom. the Barrie lodges, who had may: roam. !eome to make .a fraternal visil- At the cloge of thé lecture a/\Wor, "Bro. Pelt, an old Ostrawa | boys son of the long to be re- meinbered Everett Felt, was in Buy anotiiee + bond. 'BUY ANOTHER BOND. the f6th modern. inundations have almost Swept away. .He hates modern materialism and is not intenest- ed in the "new gods." The reason for Noyes'. popu- larity is 'the medium 'through which he has transferred hi thoughts. He-is essentially and fundamentally a poet.. Although erities" ha' agreed -- that;.he is} best in, Jyric verse, anything,. deal with any and with any rhythr a -master in using ~thoruses which recur again and again' ing his poems. His "Songs of the: Mermaid Tavern" have inadé. him } | especially famous, with theingd tales of jing Eldorado, and * * and the tragic. death] | of "Bess, the landlord's daughter, the landlord's black-eyed daugh-| ter," is perhaps his" most 'well Known poem, and. illustrates. Noyes' peculiarity of repeating the same words... "The River of which no one ever found.4q the Fast; and-assisted by a num-| ber" of -mast, eloquent brethren exemplified 'the Second degree. in a thanner' worthy of all praise. Bro: Webster was the fortunate | candidate. .Ai the close of the work an enjoyable supper was partaken of and the brethren re- peal +a big dieses the 'appear 7° tured. to the Lodge, Rt."Wor; of any garment ent to. a" to be , P.H..Punshon, again, taking eased prewed or dyed. From: shabtine |charge of the "proceedings. je ¢ raat Spa ary Speech, song and' story 'filled & hasty, 'therefore, in .disesrding gow two hours' fnost ,enjayable pro- dremes, costs, . laces, feathers, -or of gravy and 'with 'the singing of, articles of sttire on the ground. that the oh {Auld Lang "Sine". the meeting look too old or too shabby. After. we .J}was hroneght, to a close, although i=our fine work your: best friends. wot, the Rarrie boys, who were leay- 9t know that the a. cnente Se the seve ing at 6 o'¢leck; would bave pre- | ~ ish fo have stayed up .all Help to Finish the War 5 Aff vou like The cao, tell your friends who may not hel: subscribers, 84.50 per year. fo}: =: 'any address .in Carfada. ~ Miss Celete Scudder as Luana in. © Make' your money Aight. is Pal "THE BIRD OF PARADISE" pond. s low as 850, on easy Grand Oper peen, Bari Mats Dre. 5. parents if you desire. -\:

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