Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 3

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t/¢ " "Thursday; Nov. 29, 1947. ian THE CANDIDATES Lt.-Col. John A. Currie Conservative Unionist DOMINION ELECTIONS To the Electors of South Simcoe: Alliston, November 24h, 1917 Ladies ancl Genglemen:--At a convention 'held in Alliston. on Novemb:r 17th I was' choven ax candidate forthe riding of South Simeoe é My opponent ix Mr. Boys, the nominee 'of a Conservaiive convention I regret 'that th» present Member; who was nominated before the advent of Union Government; did not resi¢n, as many ean- didatex in a similar position have done, and leave it open for a Union Convention to take such netion as it may see fit, As he did not. take any move in that dir- tion," a deputation was appointed by the Liberal Executive on Noveniber 7th to~ge- cvértain from him whet his views were as to. Union Convention, A le:ter received by me from him afterwards held out no hope of his resignation to permit a Union, Convention," "Following: this the Alliston Convention above mentioned was called "It appears to' me that the electors should Have an opsortunity 'to pronounce. -them- selves on the important quéstions . before them: The will.of the prople should goy- ern: I have heen und always will be in favor of every effort' being, made to support 'sur soldiers at 'the front-and to' win the war. I do not-spprove of miany of the means adopted in framing sind pasting the present Conscription Act, but it is now law. and be- fore any. new purliument can meet it, will be carrie! out and at 'an end, I do 'not, 'therefore.' consitler the. present Act an ixsue in this election ; I'stand ax a° representitive of the férm- ing 'community and, the. labor -- masses against 'autocracy snd the interests, "1 op- pose the new Pranchise Act, expecially. that part of. it that-allows- only a small portion af our loyal women to vote. I defend the rights. and loyalty of oar. Cunindian "boys, whether in France or. at home, ".T resent the imputation that the latter 'are all' slackers* and cowards, 'Every cue nrust be judged on its own merits: My -INNNORTH SIMCOE E. C. Drury Independent Liberal motto i¢ to give every man'a fair sho: The needs of the farmer must not be dver- looked. £ If those who are urging conscription of men so' energetivally would cons-nt to the consetiption of wealth is.well ak men jad electors, T'would have more faith in their sincerity. Why is it that the Toronto press have ceased to urge-the conscription' of wealth ? I think the past -adriinistration of the Militia Department and the Ruilway Legis Present mongrel Union Government. I feel | that. litle is to' be -expeeted from them on these questions, T am one of yourselves 'and am willing to be judged on my past record. If elected, T will be tied toaio"party 'or leader but will be free to act/in the interests-of: the elec- tors on all-juestions that may arise | I may not be abl to meet all of you, but will do what T ean to' place my views be- fore you. 1 ask you to consider the present {situation on its wmerits, F invite your. in fluenée 'and support on December 17th.» Faithfully. yours, 48-50+ J. H. MITCHELL. Threatened to Hang Unionist Candidate Quebec, Qu:., Nov. 25--Mr. Joseph: Bar. nard, editor of -L'Eyenement, and Unionist candidate in Quebec County'in opposition to Muyor Lavigueur, of 'this city; the Liberal nominee, was threatened with hanging at } uttempt was made to hold a "contradictory meeting." Muyor Lavigueur was given "a warm r ception, but when Mr. Barnard ad- vance! to sneak he was hooted so loudly that he could not make himseif ' heard." 'Snowballs and 'ther missiles were thrown t him,.and'a section of the crowd, shaut- ing they would hang him, produced a rope 'and charged the: platform. After a greut deal of excitement the crowd was pacified a little, but. when Mr. Barnard was walking towards his automobile to return to the city he was surrounded and struck several tim: es, but was' not seriously hurt Buy a Victory Loan Bond. ee ighters } y The name of Ateeth, Made In The Password to and workers at home is WRIGLEYS = Chewing Gum that. has aHealth-hel; potent oee -- Sree : diges- . "tien. It. steadies stomach and ~ nerves. It is ever-ready refresh- . ment when you're fagged. , Sealed Tight--Kept Right The Flavour Lasts for the abroad 4 the famous verywhere, Canada would submit. the whole questioir to the | lation: just enacted should be subject 'to in- |- vestigation by a different body. than the | Ancienne. bwrette this afternoon; when sn | killed by a | -|cher of Lawson. OLIVER 'MOR CO.COUNCIL:RENEWS _ PATRIOTIC GRANTS (Continued From Pege 1) population of Simcoe has pur- chased a bond. Mr. Hopper *of Toronté ad- dressed the Council on behalf of the National Council of the ¥. M. °C. A. Starting with. the opera- tions at Valcartier, he gave a brief outline of the "Y" military work for our troops in Canada, England and in France. , The Lovering- Compensation Notification was received from the Compensation Board regard- ing award "in connection the death of Colin 'GC, Lovering, while engaged on County . Road work. By the award, the. five Children of the deceased, ' John, Douglas, Meryl, Mary. and Roh ert, are given §28.60 compensation, all pay made through Wmi. -L Ar- The Board also ordered the payment: immédiate- ly of $143, being compensation to Aug, 15, 1917. each of the aforementioned children becomes of aie, the allowance to him. or her. ceases A finance report confirmed paying this $28.60, and also the] sum of # to the father of H. L. Durnford, who was killed at the same time: as fixed by. 'the Compensation Board. firm. conviction that the supreme | duty of not only the people of Simcoe County but of the whole Dominion of 'Canada at the pre-| sent time is to \ devote every | available resource of men and: money to help the Allies ta achieve victory in' the great struggle for freedom, . And we would further strongly urge up- on. the people of this county to} put. forth "their strongest, and mightiést effort to producé and, conserve foodstuffs so that not only the brave boys of Cariada, who are fighting our battles may} be: fed, but also that all other countries who .are in ient: food to: allow them -to give E BARRIE EXAMINER Grand Opera H OSCO ried unanime with| a ave-in ala gravel pit | a month as!ed Byrnes, The customary grant 'of $500 | jbefore "that time, and the British' Mightiest -Efforis Urged Sai Relief will get a lump| Couns. Coleman gd Beinett of $10,000 ; introduced. thy following resoli- Education | tion:--That we, the members of] thé inaintenanee 'et Bin. this council of the County of/eae pupils in Owen Sdund-C..L, Simeoe, 'the banner 'count 'of |g93.76 was voled, and 8193.13 10 Ontario, desire to express our | Newmarket 'School. for- thi EXACTLY AS PRESENTED AT THE ROYAL ALEX ANDRA MASSIVE PRODUCTION. AND THE SOUL-STIRRING PLAY OF LOVE AND SACRIFICE MAIL ORDERS. NOW. SEATS MONDAY, DEC..3, AT. MALCOMSON'S. Phone 447w. | RESERVE YOUR SEATS cial Tnot tao earnestly impress. upon the people the urgeney' of the demands our country's needs-are jiimposing upon us today. Some far no doubt feel discour- aged at help 'being taken from. |the farm to serve 1 the army, ibut these and all others should jbe encouraged to-go ahead and jdo the best they can under the circumstances to produce, . He hoped that war would be. over jbeforé those now being called -to the, colors reached ttie trenches. ; Warden. Horrell also emphas= ized the necessity . of assisting jthe: work .of production in every possible wa lees Finance un. Bennett and the Warden were authorized to consult with the vounty soli#itor and arrange for the maiftenance of a ward of jthe Children's Aid Society nam- i Was voled.the Simeoe Branch of 'the "Agricultural Dept. Th Beecroft and M..N.. Ste- |phens were re-appdinted audi- tors at 8100 each per annum. Patriotic Grants Renewed Without a word of comment the council unanimously decided to re-vole the grants-of 1917. to the -Patriotic and British Sail- ors' Relief: Funds. -'The former will receive $10,000 a 'month during 1918 unless the war ends | High same purpose. Roads and Bridges 825.75, was passed tu pay' Sim-| coe's share of work 'on bridge on | Mulntur townline Also~. $1.60) for share of 'repairs to bridge on | Dufferin line} $28.50 for one on the Mono-Adjata line; 89.25 for} one on. the Grey. lire: and $16.50 for another: on the Mulmur-Tossorpntio: line... In atcordance with a" request| from Couns. Walsh and. Watti it was decided to huild.a new bridge over Bailey River. Couns. Bali, Lawrence and Taylor were appointed to invest- igate the condition of the. bridge on the south end-of Mill 8t., all help. possible in winning the. war. 2s pice Coun. Coleman said it was the} duty of public bodies the county council to lead-.-in- patriotic movements: We can- such .asjasking $250 damages to" his: ea) repairs to the -extent of $400. ------ |this purpose and the balance was | Nottawasaga |- Creemore, with power to order}. | bond. rand Opera House, Wednesday Dec.5 _ THE PLAY EVERYBODY IN ONTARIO IS TALKING ABOUT SCO orrens RICHARD. D OF PAR AN HAWAIIAN" ROMANCE -THE STORY: OFA _ WITH THE FAMOUS HAWAIIAN SINGERS' AND PLAYERS ALTON TULLY'S. EXCELLENT CAST. PRICES: 50°-75°-$1.00-$1, Imotoring to, Lafontaine he ran 'into a Washout beside a bridge vn con, 15 and his wife-and fam- ily, were thrown 'into 'the water, Damage to the cay he estimated at 4300 but he is, willing to take] 250, Finances in Good Shape On 'Wednesday morning Trea~ surer Quinlan gave 'a . short statement of the County 'finances, Al present the debenture in- debtedness. is $79,630.26. - Four | sels of debentures a il) run- ning, "though one' expires .next | This was an. issue of | sold in 1898 to raise the-House of Refige and farm, Of this amount less} than . $44,000 was°required for} used to clear up some deficits. | In 1903 debentures amounting to $100,000 were. sold for Goad} Roads, Both-of these sets carry interest al 344 .per.cent and the Good Re debentures' sold. at | a premium sof over, $3,000.; -- Inj 1915 there .were two issues 'of debentures for $20,000 \each. sold fo raise motiéy for bridges. | These "debentures carry. interest} at 5. per cent." The annual. pay- ment onthe Poor House deben tures, whi¢h expire next year, is 3537.58. Duringthe current. year ith: en found necessary to' borrow $230,000... Though the. levies are not -due fill Dec. 20, hy offering the: 2' per -cent. discount, if paid by Sept. 30, $164,386.71 has al- dy been' received. | There is still 'owing to the} bank $110,000 at. 544 per cent., but $180,000 of levies is yet to come. in: . It is estimated that, 870,000 will be required to run| the County until the end of the year, ipeluding two. monthly pay ment& of. $10,000 each to Patri otic Fund. It is expected that the year will close with a small surplus instead of a deficit as has, been' the. case » for' several years: (Coptirjued..on. page' 9.) That the- public». appreciates | the news service given by The |, Examiner is evident from the! number of new subscribers: that are -coming' in' every 'week, and also by 'the steadily increasing sale 'of single copies. Last week over 200 extra copie® 'were sold dver the office counter and through: the bookstores. SUCCESS of SUCCESSES ANB] RS) = WOMAN'S SOUL THEATRE, TORONTO, WITH: THE SAME 3 Acres med Make: your money fight, buy-a P. Bru alleged. to 'have 'been. eaused by a defective county road. While As low as 850, on easy Payments if you desire- -- x es ae ist 50 | ol VIMY: RIDGE The following verses were sent home not long ago by the late Pte. T. W. Rom of Oro, who was in the first that went "over the top"-in that historic engagement: "Vimy Ridge. is impregnable!" the blatant Prussians said, For twa and a half years they held it, and laughed at 'our noble' dead, Broke grey that Easter Monday; and Can- ~'.ade's fighting sons Thrilled to the order given--as the deep tongued British guns [That had «wept the Ridge by day and night slackened their cannonade-- Went oyer the top, wave o'er wave, with a spirit undismayed, a Rifle' and machitie gun fird they braved, thelr biayonets soon were 'red; They fought as they did Ypres, and avenged the noble dead, 'They cleared the Ridge from :en the: Prussisn prisoners tell How, they swept across the German like hordes let-loose from. hell. In Oitturio'x righ, 'deep valleys, where the pleasant fartistends lie, sy read the tale which brought the tear of pride to. many an eye, : And far, far-West beyond the Rockies' last great berrier white Vancouver heari.--the immortal talle of Vimy's hard-won, fight And proud' she was, and sye will be, long after 'this "la-guerre," To 'say with pride 'sind gladness, "My own brave sons' were there." _ Pte. G.J. Wulker, 3 Coy., ist Bn.-C. --Upholstering "and furniture repairing neatly done by competent - workmen. st Dougall Bros. 45-48 Buy s Victory..Wai Bond, gilt-edged investment." 7): : ----EEEEEE = PROPERTIES. FOR SALE. IN AND ADJOINING TOWN OF BARRIE 10' Acres of Clay "Loam; 6-room brick house, barns; with stable, good orchard Cun haye town water und eléctrie light. Pric> $3200. $1000 cash. 1 Acre, Wellington: St... Barrie, all in' fruit, 6 roomed, house, good barn,.town water arid electiic light. Price $1800, $800.cx res 'adjoining the Town of Barrie, n-~w use, barn with stable, good water sind. rehiard. "Price '$2200, one-half cash 4 Acres in Barrie, new 6 roomed Bungalow, new bank bien, spring. water in house and barn,some orchard. Price $2200. one-half 'cash, 25 Acres adjoining the Town of Barrie, cox dening land, good house and barn, lot water, "Prive $2800, one-half cash. f Can W.C.TH fice' 15 Owen St., Barrie; ee «| Phone.288 srrange terms on any ofithe shore |" inna Se

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