Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 1

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} i CIRCULATION ... "THIS WEEK LEADING BOYS TO HIGH EFFICIENCY "Mr, Statten will be the Chief Speaker at Big Boys' Con- ference Here Next Week. Great interest is being taken in/the boys' conference to be held here from Dec. 610 9. Delegates are expected from half. a dozen counties besides Simeoe and ar- rangements have been made. to billet over: 200 f A leadér- @ cship conference for the men of the different churches will be held on 'Thurs evening, pre- ed by a supper, All. men who sted im the welfare. of surged to attend this are the boys a meeting, At the conference the Jeading figure will be Taylor Statteh of wronto, Whose work 'for the hoys is known' from coast to vast. ~This young man of '35 Swas born in the village of rindale in the: County of Peel, and like other village boys his edueation consisted in. mastering the: fhree SWs in the school. Toca reporter Mr. Statten very modestly ted his life while a dad in the*villdge of Erindale, "Lavas just a-normat village boy. hut when Iytrad reached the teen of played, to more than' Uiat others: who hat {y appear before thewany. pranks that bute alas, ft develope Fwas among thes Justice of the Peace when the hotel keeper was up on three eharges. of selling to" minors, selling. in loo 'large "quantities; and-selling «after hours. - 1 ow chief witness and the: hotel kee} was 'conyiefed. AL the age of 1 and some others-went to sronto, andsnot having the pro- ner diseipline soon ran-wild and very-soon could he féund in the rendeyvous of gamblers. and plaviny= the vac Phanks: to the Young Men's: Christian.) As- sociation, «1 was': found, | and flirough its: inftuence saved froin ydhe Jife 1 was leading. Shortly after joining the Y.M.G.AL 1 be] came interested in boys, 1 joined leaders' <corps given: the position to John's Ward "in Gyn . and from that lead I enter. ed thé Bible Study Class.-T spent {three years.in the Toronto Ge: eral Postoffice in the Civil Ser- vit 1 lefts this position: when T'was qppointed Boys' Work Sec- yefary of the Toronté Central Y- = UGA Thich pacity 1 serv-| ed six years. T was then ap- pointed Provincial' Boys' Seere- tary of Ontario and Quebec and for- the 'past five years I have heen. National Be Work 'Sec- retary of the ¥.M.C "MH believe you are the founder of the 'Canadian Standard Emi iene auieriéd the re- porter. Iam," guid Mr; Slatten." "In regard td this," 1 may say that 4irst of all I exper- imented with it, while T was' at ynto* Central as. strictly Y.M. A. work. 1 found it to be a suecess and J commenced trav- elling. introducing: it. in outside plaees. ands in consultation with Revs. ©. A. Meyers and C. A. Rob- inson we worked out-a program that, hax been . found .acceptable. In connection with the work last yeat) 1 have travelled from coast tv coast attending town. confer- ference' such -as this one. Then we had conferences im every pro- vinee 'and at Sunday afternoon, meetings: 5,009' older boys made forward sieps/ in Christian life. The conference to be held in Barrie. is oné of twenty-two which are being held through- out Canada." "Have you, any hobbies whieh you -would." like to mention?" queried the scribe. "I am glad you. mentioned 'that," said " Mr. Statten. "Yes, 1 have hobbies -just ke every other man. My chief tine outside this work is in 4vooderaft, On'an island in Al- gonquin. Park I have a log cabin ahd erected an old fashioned stone fire-place and' placed an iron ¢rane, and of this achieve- mént TI feel' proud .and..endeavor to' spend:several weeks each year, Seither winter or summer. _ Last summer Ernest Thompson Seton publie 3500 Gee eT beloiged to the:gang which.) as uiek-tiamed the "Chicken- ite Gang," probably he Mr. Statten was asked if any other country was.taking up the work he had established. "Yes," he ~ said, "imany' in the United States are taking up the work, no less than 32 Protestant bodies being interested, and before the: other groups in American cities it had also been taken up in China and Japan, also Scotland where' if met with success." Bought a bend? bond. Don't bet the fere with your pings 'Get your Buy another elections inter- Christmas shop- list ready now. +) sent Phil, Dy Fagan of New York to visit us, and-he organized aj woodcraft league :and-we organ- izad-the' Wapomec Indian tribe and he taught us advanced 'In- dian lore and woodcraft, Indian'! inconvenience to PATRIOTIC GRANTS. $120,000 to Patriotic Fund-- $10,000 to British Suilors' Relief--County Finances. Warden Horrell opened the November session of the County Couneil on "Monday 'with. a very 'brief address. After welcoming {the meynbers,. he referred to the ideath of Coun.Joyce of Orillia Tp; and Coun.-MeNab of Orillia with regret,' followed by some kindly words for his successor, Ben Johnston,.- wha had -- previously BARRIE, CANADA. NOVEMBER 29, 1917 '|CO. COUNCIL RENEWS sat in the county. council. With reference to the).request of the Canadian. Patriotic Fund, «His Worship sgaid we are anxious to do our part-and just as able to Pay the bill as a year ago,:and we. will be only doing what is right if we give at least-as_much_| jas they did last year. This coun- rty has had . bountiful harvests, and prosperify is in evidence from one end of-the county to the other. Gratification(was ex- pressed at the' manner in: which the Victory Loan campaign is progressing, every part of . the county taking hold -with a will. Already one in every 25 of the 'Continued on page 3.) What. Answer Will You Give? papawec oogeet in co-opesation with Loan Committee % che' Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. 'THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 12 Pages : (/ "SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 4 'Lhe largely nt he: Film ad | Canada dresses, ho viewing § 's. Finance » Minis meeting in the Opera House, on Nov. 21, under the aus- pices of the Victory Loan was attended, and those pre- ard .some excellent. ad- The Vietory Loan: War ved Miss: Canada inter- r Fhomas White, Can- et, on why should: subSerihe, and He' many Victory. Bonds have you bought P oe - Have you "put yourself to any real - buy Victory Bonds? Have you denied yourself. some purely personal. gratification, so 'that. you could - invest the money saved in Victory Bonds? Have you realized the urgent need for --|f- personal self-sacrifice to make the Victory Loan a great success? Until you have- bought Victory Bonds to the very limit of your ability, you have not done your duty. ' Campaign Closes Saturday TERMS--Sing!e Capless « Per annum [in advance) Si.50 BUY MORE BONDS _ HELP WIN THE WAR Splendid. Addresses at the Public Meeting Held in the Opera House, Nov. 21. dly over the County. '| ginning inthis issue.: No. 48 also. several regiments of Can- adian soldiers in marching order, Mayor Craig presided and. some fine 'selections. were given by the Barrie Orchestra; the members of which gave their services grat- uitously 'to help along' the goad cause. 5 HD: Raymond Rev. " - Raymond, after deal- ing briefly with the trade balance. between Great Brrtain and Can ada took up some of the objec- tions made by people who have, been asked to. buy, s1etory: Bonds, Some -say "It is' taking: all the capital out 'of the country which should be for ordinary business.". The war is the only busines: said'the.speaker. Great factories vhich' were manufacturing var- ious articles' {0 be exported over- Seas, are now: manivfactur- ing only war produc There is nO ordinary business. | At comment ina large city in Nova Seotia. The great industries were closed down; the city .in. panic: men walked' the streets' idle, no ong knew. what would happen. next. In a few thonths every 'factory was "making munitions, every man Was. busy, even skating rinks wereturned into factories' and filled with humming machinery. 'Then," says the objector, "it ties up the capital of the smaltinves- tor, and if next year Pan Sick 'or iny house. burns down, 1 will have-wothing.. The film had answered {hat ohjeetion "My little is so insignifieant." says another. oH they eighty million people in-Canitila seach took a bond we would. have a worderfut contribution It is ty 1 the ree sourees whieh ar Object and the our, loan will by security wood? as the Domigion free thafas the tis done the fas tong ada i3 Mle Hf the Dootinion of Cana da were put-on bMgesand turned hack it wotld coven ehie Atlantic, British Isles. Gerivany,. Austria, ance, .Relginin and Russ ned he thought that a hod sway to deal wiib-the present Russian situation. was te put "Canada on fop of ik which tenrark" caused # applanse. Canada iS: spend-- ihe one miHinn dollars a day on the-war. Il goes the length and =? breadth th of Canada Whole country remark was, "If Germans? wins What about our fonds?" Well he said. there, was. no doubt they would wot thep hesreplaced, hut ant benefits SHI -anofher the stirest way-to Know that (his would not be The rase was to big, bonds. for every bond mearis so mhany whore shells to (hrow ae gainst the Hun. (Continued.on Page Ten) Annual Meeting of Children's Aid Society) The anntial 'meeting of 'the County of Simeve. Children's Aid Society was 'held. in the Police Gourt' Chamb 1 Tuesday, Nov. 27; at B-pan, sé present were Sheriff Donald Rugs, a) Young, Revs: Hj D: H. Wallace and E jfrom* fhe Ididies': At Mrs. 1.' Dpur: Mrs. Sieyenson, ne and Mis: ay ine. 'Flie. all. thé officers were it and every- ry with "the attendance, n ant Little, reports of given hea thing was. Satisfaut exeeption.. of the which should have* be four 'times' as large. Ys- tees and Directors were, ini tion, of 'Dr. -Little, séeonded hy Mrs. Cameroti, re-appointed, W. Moore' was appointed..to fill the:vacaney caused by the death of 'Rev, Dr. McLeod: 'The:printed report of {he inspector and the rsecretary-treasurer, is available to anyone. by sending a card. to the SeeyTreas...T. T. Young. } 'son pt Society may én- dow a cot. by. paying $100 cash and /&5 each year. afterwards. Help in cash. is, niuch needed now and is Solicited in order that' the , obligations. may be -met. for the winter -menths... We trast {he persons and municipalities 'that helped. since March, 1916,' will not, fail to: renew their giyings until the, Gounty Council: can 'see its way ciear: to-do its fll duty fafa so distritite the cost Pawel "Tose who enjoy' sensational fiction will, be sure 'to-like, our "The Black Box," be-." Tt_is. By the inimitable. Oppenheim. Make your: money Aight. Miya' hond. As low as $50. on éasy

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