Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 12

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de. Spend at Vicke This is the "Get Ready" Week at Vickers', and while we are preparing = == ae for the display' of Merchandise s itable for the Christmas Trade, we '. So. -- direct: your atte ation to the following as goods of real worth : 2 A GRAND § OWING 'OF BEAUTIFUL CHINTZES 'AND CREFONNES AND SATEENS . : that are so Popular for Knitting Bags, Work Bags, Draperies, Cushions, Utility Boxes, etc., etc, These come in many colors and designs and are selling. away below the present market prices... 28 to 36 inches wide: s Plain colored Sateens to match. - a Specials at 37c.,'42c., 50c., 57. and 67c. ° PLAIN SHADES , LARGE SIZE . | LARGE SIZE { 10 PATTERNS COTTON COMFORTERS WOOLBLANKETS | PURE. - CREPE 37c. » 4.$350° - $1150 - LINEN i 10. different col; |'in \ Rose,.. Belgian | . Thesé are much in Coverings of fine, }'° These: are Fine, | HAND orings in full 36-inch Blue, Sky.Blue and | demand for home | even: thread Chintz Pure Wool Blankets, 'TOWELLING + wide Delainettes, for rie ' decorations and for in Paisley and Floral:| 'ported direct from]. § the making of Com- | Cardinal, for Kimon- | children. Union Jack | i" Paisley and Floral) copes: Gree whip- | in bleached and un- forters, Paisley de- | as, Sacques, etc. This | and Dominion, v designs. Fine cotton ped in single pairs; | bleached stripes'and: signs, soft without ¥ j<- yor. scarce and| inches by 5: inches, | filled, in shades of | extra good" quality, La di f dressing. 2 widths to » i on stained ° sticks, | Blue, Rose, Sky and | selling at prices pre- | Plain, now discontin- 'the Comforter. cannotbe duplicated. | gold spear tipped. © | Red. Worth $4.50. | vailing 'a 'year ago, | ued by the Mills. Yard .... ....25¢ | Yard ........37¢] Each ..2.. ..... 5e | At each «.!., 15 to sell. Pr. $11.50 | Seiwa ~ WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU IS | FRENCH' WOOL DELAINES. use BUY TILLICOULTRY SHIRTING NOW BEST FOR US Fine quality Frénch, Delaines in Black and White dot, White This is fast selling and cannot -now 'be procured. from. the Your interests and ours in buy- with Black dot, White with Sky dot, White with pretty floral de- Maker. We have only six patter nS left. : Those who.have bought . d-selit lothes in this St signs; also Rose and Blue grounds. Very pretty for Sacques, this. Shirting will use no other-=avoid disappointment and. antic- ing and'selling clothes in this Store Waists, Gawns and Children's wear.. Yard . 60c ipate your future needs. Buy it Now. Yard............ are identical. We cannot do any- o a u thing better for ourselvés than to SALE-OF-CHILDREN'S HATS home : "do our best for you. It's a yery s~--"_ These are all made and trimmed b y our own staff and represent the season's ' simple tule of business; if you "get newest-and most popular styles forthe little Miss. Of velvet beautifully. trimmed the "Just Right Thing" 'we've both | with ribbon. Regular$3.25, $3.50, $3.75 $4.00 and $4.25. Sale got satisfaction. | That's why we 7 ; OUR SPECIAL "DOWNY" FLANELETTES 20c. say: . ' Buy our "Art" and "Perfection": |. Pure White Twilled Flannelette, very soft and no dressing.. It is 27 inches Clothing. -'We.know they're what |" wide and extra good wearing. This was bought 12 months since in a great quantity . You want; we know they're the. | and has met with a remarkable sdle, Ask to see it. Worth much more today." Yd. 20c best value that can be had; Real i is : Economiy. in Good Clothes. You ge at Genie "wean oor | BETTER VALUE IN HOSIERY -- lothing. - en in Barrie : : ' c se - 7 ' An no Store in this District will you see such a stock of Hosiery and nowhere is better value to be had. We specialize in-Hosiery and give you Special Value--made possible only by buying in large quantities at rock 'bot- tom prices. Buy vour Stockings Here. Buy Now. ° At any rate see what we' offer before you buy. Plain Cashmere, Union.,. 25¢ 'Extra Fine Ribbed a 'i ache x Plain "Llama" ....:.. 85¢ Cashmere... -:..; $ These cold winter days you'll appre- - 65e. 7° ciate our splendid showing of ooh. Bg 7e Scarlet and White Wool'Hose . -- zs Ribbed Wool, heavy . : $1.00 for overstackings 50c to 65c : LADIES' . COATS INITIAL SHOWING OF- ' t WOOL FOR KNITTING SOCKS ; 'of Velours, Plush and Zibelines. Colors DOLLS. AND. TOYS "| is already scarce. Mills are falling Yown in deliveries and refuse to take orders for ne Burgunny, Tp Wig olis. ane FOR THE LITTLE ONES ip per em near ig White, Light Grey, Mid Grey, Dark Grey, lb $2.00 ae; SECOND FLOOR 'Scotch Fingering Special, |ight Grey and. White, at Ib'... ... --:. $2,50 "Come on in and See. $16.50.and up to $28.50 @ Specials in Men's Wool Underwear . Men's Wool-Socks Men's Cashmere Socks Men's'New Underwear R. MALCOMSON-- Manager Men's Department. bie erence $17.50 and up to $57.00 ? WE SELL VICTROLAS--The Victrola is,ail musical instruments in one--' 2 dind more--for it brings to you as no other instrument can the Art of all the famous : > ' : y : d-Instrumentalists in fhe world. hate . : | wf ; 'The Victrola is not only a Joy at Christmas, but a delight all the year around. ' y | ' : Come 'and' Hear it. - We are Distributors for Barrié District. MINESING -|fellowmen, iistead of waiting in|and deserving of an éven larger esi ie A after] vain for larger opportunities 'of |audience than was. present 6) ss: A, Bust' erviens oa the Mi which the happy couple left amid|service to come. -~ He appeatad | see them. Gjréuit_on the I&th: inst. were very 'm d 7 Tali < a ted. He ki took: Mr, "Berrs:s Showers of confetti and good} strongly to the congregation to| Rev.W. J, Watt is taking an Racosgmaeee Pasta ah ities p: News from the TRaitway Ward... " ~ 'wishes for Clinfon, Ont. go forward with new. zeal and ven aia moe Sunday, Glad to 'see Leighton' Chajipel -afound' 7 cites end cit i {_.Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings will/consecration, His message will|Dec. 2, on the Oro field, a gain after 'is long illness, dihidey lean ao ey paced i sicck ne ent dlecharge reside in "Hamilton. bear. ils fruit . in the days -to Neil Campbell will take his work) "Ri "Berry Toronis seat few ds ' * ae mi - pS C . i iss St. C or d pe age 1 of @ number of freight cars sigar jas been replaced' by a'glass one,| _ Presbyterian Anniversary CORR "6: dessa: ' es are | » Vine," : The Swastika Glub held a very; Decidedly Successful were the} The choir varé deserving 0 Se JACK'S LAKE S. Henson has moved his fam-|suceesstul Bazaar' on Wednes- anniversary services. held in 'the| Special mention for the splendid ily to Concord, having accepted'|day, Nov. 24, in the Orange Hall; Essa St.. Presbyterian Church on way in 'whith they, Eranen Ue the -position "as. track foreman|In spite of the many: other at. Sunday last. A goudly number | Service of praise, contribu el é there, ae oe tractions that night, the hall wag. were present al the mornjng}the success of the day: rege West seis he beck: , Miss 'Irene Breech has return- feu filled. Everyone enjoyed the 'Servite, while in the eyening ev-'| were ass Breech 0} x 7 A 7, | spending the last few weeks with -frientis 1 to her home in Waubaushene|good program and the sale of ery sedi was tilled and several| Waubausheni sang chris' ie jhere, returned home on. Thursday. after. @ pleasant visit with Mr. ! work. was 'very gratifying to.the Chairs brought in as well. v> [evening 'serv é j,, Ed. Allen of Heaslip "spent & few days and. Mrsv Ed. Whitebread, 'young ladies of the Glub; realiz- _ The speaker for the day was| TI Tas! message in har-| i cok with his brothers, George' and "..Mrs. Re Griffin -of Severn <i ime the sum/of 8150, which will Rev. Walter Moffat of Millbank |mony with the preacher's theme. | Thos, Allen, of this place. sii spending @ week with her moth- be divided between' Red Cross (formerly of London). His sub-]; The financial aspect of the an-1 | Congatlatson NE Le Theta | *-,er, Mrs. H. Robinson, {Bradford atid Field Comforts. if ject ih the nidrning- was "The; Hiversary The Bowed ot Manage |: Lan Bapwnec tee oll ite tess iy Was" Pee Bt Ee P Hutchings--Lowe Jey of Salvation" (Ps. 5:12).] success, ie. are: Ob. 2 E°~|-Gelbraith of Flos. a { . ' _ { had. asked for 'a speeial of- Lovet visited his 8 'Laur of ow 4 After outlining . the 'many and| men ; Anniversary. 'services were 'donducted at-| snente the aa od "with Mire, auiel and' orig) Weiling wan Naried' sources of joy for the in| fering of $400 ioe tbe oe Se ee re ee : : Grover Kashner, 57 Tiffin 'St. solemnized at College St. Meth- dividual, he stiowed how the su-|t0 the "great vatis regeied. dnd faaeeet ee oan CaN ee eced @ ced ee ohh ¥ Ye ead '\when Preme joy for-every heart con=jthis amount was regched and | fic Si: inh 1. ees Mrs. J. A. Bremner . is. spend- odist Church, Toronto, \when PI z "s|Passed. "A little over 8418 'was| Pte.,Lonnie Bilton \of | Camp 'Boren |Abor i ea" hacen ing' the winter months here. > 'Minnie Irene, eldest daughter of sisted in being on' friendship's i ) the plate during: the day, |spent 6ver Sunday ut' Rictlerd Gopk's. Roepe or reer 1a erin "ASB. Stone of Toronto and-W. Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Lowe of al-, terms with the Divine. He show.|!aid on the plate a lh rev], Met. Herman-Reeves and daughter Helen,| ved st a Saeet sm naira \ natiet 'of Hamilton . visited . old landale, became the wife of Mr. © how through :man's folly this|and a fow more:contributions are}; woe ae ne ne Sommer | ceo "Ge RaeeoeT Gee a SG kek friends here on their visit.to the Frank G. Hutchings of Hamilton, mutual friendettip, cold he. in~jstll to ¢ome in: on Father, 'Weer Rbbey, who's que aio 1 ea business. i / Railway Night in connestion with Rev.- A.J. Paul officiating. " terrupted, and so the joy lost, as} The pastor . "and officials ot] 5 Sasa es . 3 "the local lodges 'of the A. F. & The bride looked very charm. |in the case of the Psalmist. But/the church have every reason to} . ay * ies 2 - "ing in her trayelling suit of-navy the hope for atl of us lay in this |feel gratified at the splendid suc Mrs. W5'di-Watt had the m broadeloth, with..black picture |--that God could restore. unto|cess' of the day and also at'the fortune to fall down 'the -cellar|hat: dotted with: French flowers, | US that joy again when through sood will and harmony . preva is at their home on Monday last, and. wearing the gift of the groom | Pepitence we sought Him. Mrs, Wm. Wolsley, returned bowie "on | ding trip to Téronto. . Their man; . aa os sll 5 r j = Monday sftex spending » couple of weeks in % but I am glad' to 'say there were}a set of white fox furs, a ie apical. _ his mae Sek 5 he hav Toront Re ® bones broken, althongh she They "were attended by. Miss | taken from Genesis vat, gy John Gaines of Ivy spent a co ts dufering tram the Shock. - | Edith Robertson.and Mr, Frank|is that in thine han: Fromi}Moffat gave an 'illustrated: talk,| with tis daughter, Are. 'Wilfred hope for a-speédy tecovery. G. Lowe. Mrs. W. G. Miles play-|this text he preached a forceful |iaking his audience through the-this ie 5 sermon on our call to take the/different countries at present en- things that 'Jay at our hand and} gaged in the war- and. showing consecrate them to the service|the ravages wrought by the in. of. God through service to. our /vader." The pictures were good}, Donald: Kelcey and Miss Baye|ed the wedding music, and Mrs. Keloéy of Toronto spent the week-}1., Gartner sang "A. Perfect end with, the. former's sister, : Q "Mrs. A. E. Hooper,.73 Tiffin St., ~ Buffet 'uncheon "was "served at.

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