Cecil Thomas Regt ee: No.1, 'Allan " Wm, Hi.' Kirby, farmer, Angus: dale. j James er farmer, No. 1, Allan], Rusell A- Por farmer, Shanty' Bay dale." cemipt to farm: . John Lavender, farmer, No 1; Barrie. m. Hunter, Allatdale, farmer, Till Class John Francis: MeDonali, farmer, No 2, 2 i eile Meson) trie: Angie me BY BUYING. | ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC a empt to farm. oh ain: lineman, (Barrie. Disa Artur' James ubbert, farmer, No. 2, Cecil Fred Moreton, brakeman, Barrie, |Allandale, | Exet Albert: Neil' Gi tamer, No; 2, Oro | 'Wm. Hy McKinley, railroader, Barrie. 50c and $1.50 ea Station. Exempt 0 ' 25c, $1.50 per pkg. Pane Fickle, Farm laborer, No.2, Ba Benes fare, Ne. 1, Bartie, Ex: OYSTER SHELLS ---MICAGRITS-- -. «> "ae A dp, tom, Ale Hee hoe mi, a "i CHARC dale." Disallogen ut " rie. lass Good music in'-the tome? is invaluable. That : OAL--BONE. MEAL-- Clartoee Den Boe ckrdkeill geen, Cot fares, Midhurst. Tl Canadians of culturé fylly realize this is shown by the many homes shal comtain a Allandale. I Arlmore Doyle, sectionman, 'Allan: |. Frank Orr, farmer, No, 2, Barrie, Ex: |empt to farm. Walter Blake 'Lautence, brakeman, -Al- landale. Till Class 2 called. brakeman, Allandale. jqhtehie Wiifford' Fraser, brakemen, Allan: 1 ade! m. Jas, Harris, aanvlarae, Allan David Sanderson, 'brakeman, Allandale. Jas. Bert Dunin, baggageman, Allandsle. Perch Eldon Hunt, brakeman, Allandale. | Discharged from C-E.F. No action. 3 Hy. Hammond, brakeman, Allandale. ne ue Menty, fener, Shanty Tay, Exempt to)farm. ue Emest Bruce, Bell Telephone Co., fas. Allan Ross, farmer, Oro 'Station. x enge. to farm. Jno, Hy. Tudhope Nesbitt, brakeman, Al Class B landale, ' Wm. Geo. Carr, switchman, Allandale. 'Thos. Bell, railway clerk, Barrie. dale, = Wm. Dunn, 'brakeman, Allandale. Walter Burton, baggageman, Allandale. These can-be procured from us in any quantity desired from. 1 -Ib. to. 100-Ib. Lots. PRICES ARE MOST REASONABLE HEINTZMAN & 60. PIANO (MADE BY YE OLDEFIRME OF HEINTZMAN & CO.) It isa particularly fine instrument to sing to pad well as to perform on, : : : USE . ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC. @ Albert Wm. Quinlan, signtlman, Allan- pm. M, Wallace Saltes, treseurer Barrie "The tone of the Heiritzman & Co. Piano is ; ae Fanning Go. FOR YOUR HORSES AND CATTLE Win. Peacock. sigoainan, Allandale, Francis Murray Davis, printer, Baie. ever note song ont 3 Sep cea pent and " . re John Russell. Page, brakeman, Allandale. mith, painter, excel . The Greatest -Tonic and Flesh Producer. : Jas, Albert Henderson, brakeman, Allan: |: Elmer Thos. Emms, lumbering, Shanty Stun aiba Serie ay crtano 1 have ee dale." Disallowed at Gravenhurst. sear Puts your Animals in Fine Condition. Eres Arch. Pyburae, brakeman, Allan dale. 50c. and $1.50 Packages Bay. Wm Thos. Nixon, farmer, No. 2, Allan- dale. Clar nce Jackson, brakeman, No. 2 Al- COLUMBIA' GRAFONOLAS 'Augultine Shouldice, heel cutter, Barrie. Justin: Ely McKernan, farmer, Barrie. | londale. PATHE PHONOGRAPHS --_ - : = ; Tompérary Exemptions iit Roweil Andenon, traenes, Al HP BRANTOLAS AND ELECTRIC MACHINES . ; Jas. Jos. Brennan, brakeman, Allandale, 'Till Mar. Ist. "Jno, Henry O'Connor, grocery clerk, Ber- Till Mar, Ist. {bas Gilbert Harper, brakeman, Allan: shes Edward Quinton, fireman, Bartie* Albert Moffatt, plumber, Barrie. James Hamilton, brakeman, Allsindale. The finest upon the market. ; e For cash or-easy terms of. pasnent. ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL FOR CALVES OR YOUNG COLTS. We supply everything _ in music and musical Ci c 4 - - *s - inte ae Jon Rabe wenn pee | instruments. ; Special value for Xmas. in violins. is 5 eo ney, pressman, 'Allandale : SALTS, SULPHUR AND LINSEED BY THE LB. Walier Blake Underhill, foreman, Barrie. | "Percival Geo. Robbins, farmer, No. 2 Be sure to-give us a.call at our new,, up-to-date .Efnest Saxon, eectionman, Allandale. Temporary Exemption Walter Reginald Lyt on, "farmer, Mid: | rie hurst. Till March st. Exemptions Granted aaah ta Me i ' vey Hill Bonney, farmer, Shanty Bay. rane Piles sherhat serineer, Bacze: ge Wen. Hubbert farmer, No. 2, allan 2 dips er Se Series, No.2, Alans | 900 anid rivin Halemny lest, Basie, Norman Fred Hodge, brakeman, Allan. |, Herbert Thos. Pyburne,' brakeman, Al Music Store, two blocks west of Five Points: f Local Agency for Heintzman & Co. & Universal Service--Buy Victory Bonds Garrett's Music Store arrie. Jas. Oswald Parker Hart, railroader, Bar- Hy. Inkerman Caldwell, farmer, Shanty Bay. H.H. OTTON & SON FIVE POINTS HARDWARE dale. Till Cluss 2 is called. landale, = David Jéhn. Carlyle Barelay, farmer, | Harvey Vincent McCaffrey, bigkeman, : i : Stroud. fxempt to farm. * Allandale. . Phone 259a. 2 P. O. Box 178. : > : Thos. Kissock, farmer, Stroud. Exempt , ie. Oscar Sparrow, trainman, Allan- e : : = ' to farm. | ale. : Wilfrid Jocks, steambost engineer, | | Herbert S. Stevens, brakeman, Allan- eel + COMMENT OF THE WEEK :- [i203 grgiow oes | 'Tames Lidgold, im. Norman Elliott, brakeman, Allan- | "Carman Cecil Gowan, elerl,' Barrie. \_"RallWaymen's Night" . mer, Shanty Bay. Till oe fy 9 ie Class-2 felled. # dale. -- lconer,, stock raiser, Barrie. Last Monday"night there was a large -at- . THE QUESTION }wins, (nothing else matters,""|- Wm. | Wellington Bishop, No. 2, Barrié ane Otto Gullagher, divinity student, bee Satya Casiga oecl sites tenvlance at eer Lodge AF) & AM, when - The question, says the Tham-| What ill it profit to lick the | Exempt ito, farm. Albert Arthur Crawford, farmer, Oré Sta- | dale. the Craft, sseisted Sy Talay embers of, : .), Which ev-| Tories orto. put the Grits in iheir for; Place, or to elect a labor man himself, at this eléction is [here and there, if the iron eek ' send help'tg the/°! @ crazy. despot -is, to crush wore a De teonte oe aot note} cut civilization, force' humanity ; ito hi place # ' It is idle to talk. about volun-|{0. Mis whim, replace right with tary enlistinent. The"appeals for! 'Chas, Wm. Nash, farmer, Cundles. Reg. Harold Mills, farmer; Shanty Bay. Jno. Wilfred Parr, farmer, Thornton. Jno. James Fraser, trackman, Barrie Leo McDonell, laborer, Barrie. Wm. F, Céston, conductor, Allandale. Stephen Jerome Hays; conductor, Allan- egville Herald "(L ery man has gol to answer tion. Thos. James New, laborer, Barrie. Fred. Parr, plumber, Barrie. Alton Everett Scott, farmier, No. 2, Bar- Class E Harold Geo. Belliston, gardetier, Barrie Frank Garner, farmer, Angus Alex. Tilloch Galt, Allandale. Jas. Hy Nixon, farmer, Allandale Ex ans i CO. COUNCH: RENEWS PATRIOTIC GRANTS (Continued from page 3.) Midland's debentures nie,-who was a despatcher at Allandale a- hout thirty years ago, and when he retired recently' was x Getieral Supt. of the CP-R™ The lodge work was done in spléndid style and was followed by:a very pleasant social hour in the Fourth Degree: The chairs were filled ax follows : WM. (Act'g)--W. Bro. W. N.. Duff: LP.M.--M. W. Bro. Wm.. Downie |mtight, and destroy. the principles of Christianity? very 2 . Mervyn Metcalfe/ seetionman,. Allandale, exemption from the first draft to. (hel Satin Wi farmer; Barrie. James 'Fraver,. sectionman, Allandale. are-aimple proof that voluntary aT Jamount of $25,000: for a loan lo| Wee sete' dnt tbo hey Willd Wiser, sectioned, Allendale <W. Bro. TD Resfer eilistment is d dead issue inCan-| After' @ thorough. investiga- the Midland Drydock Co, - were| oan eat Robson, farmer, No. 1, Bar-|. Wm. Fréchette, brakeman,*Allandale, pimdae4 Bro. AE. Stone he a das It is'waste of lime lo dig-|tion those at the head of the|guaranteed. . Another by les{rie Joa. Hy. Stephenson, farmer, Shanty Bay-| Chantsint Bio, E. B. Taylor. "p mn aun ae "thie finge whether. the; C@Madian Patriotic Fund organ-|was passed guaranteeing debeu=| Gurnet W. Soule, riteiyrein, fiindles aM. Leo Travers, farmer, Nb. 2, Ba, _D. of CW. Biv, W. Johneton. ' cus ' ' ; Borden Governivent killed i, or |/8tion, have decided that it is|tures for Lhe same Lowi lo,raice| Wm Fletcher, brakeman, Allandale wast Hapert Seleey,,. Termes, No S.D.--Bro. A. R. Walker whether, aflen.the large pergent- vage 'of British-born had gone, it died a natural death. It is dead, 'best to maintain this fund {n the saine method as in the..past, that is, by voluntary subscriptions from, municipalities and individ. $25,000 Lo .pay off indebtedness incurred for patriotic puxposes. An account of H. Trott for the burial of Wi. Cumberland; -820,, Ernest W. Harold Arnold, farmer, Ivy. Norman Hugh Pratt, thresher, Barrie. Jas. Alex. Black, farmer, Craigvale. Carr, No. 1, Allandale. No. 2% 'Allandale. Francis: Cliude Brownlee, Barrie. mond F.' Adams, electrical erigineer, 'Wm, Bemrose, farmer, No.'3, Barrie. - J.D--Bro, W.J. Hallett. ~ 3 eerie R. Dawson, - 'Bro. J. MeMil Tye Be J. Gibbons. bi ~. sand -will in all' probability *stay~ ats." Accordingly, an gappeat} as Norman 'Lidgold, farmer, Shanty. Bay. Ernest Irwin Bolton, liveryman, Barrie. mcr er ee F . We doubt*even the power was ordered to be paid. si y Era, Erwin Tatoo, Hvecaan, Barve, 1° Zeb, ye of Bit Wilfrid's silver-longued. tethe oan and. "lice ue ene ek Bere Sie a Aire Di Sout rm, 'Adal 1, Ag Bard Binith, farnitire- esi, sea SBE imaging of Baste eiee 3 ipa upnos. 10 rewurrect eae man SPonded generously: by renewing| Tyxsoruiitio the sums. of 8123| 'Heey EB' Berios tienen Nov Bar- | Vievor Stewart McCarthy, clerk, Barrie._| lowing officers were elected for thie ensuing Tee chlpeateboete aan ol are the grant that has been paidjand $151.72 respectively, heing|rie. Chas: C. Roach, brakeman, Allandale. : tHioking: 'and thinking seriously 'his year. 'As the Warden point-/teyy fer 1917. on lands taken Chas, Moflat, woodworker : iv this inatter. 'The ealis of the %! Olt: the county is prosperous |trom these townstiips for tnill- Jno. Jo, Tray fame. pack vas + some day every. man will have' to & anivire Gat nat iat regul-| for a gran, the matter was laid Howard das Evans, salesman, Barrie. J, Shepant'sshipmen}- consisted of 70:|"-Grend Marsbai{-- Ernie, Burgess, pt = iye account to the boys acrass &" Correspondent. of that paper) tover (ill, the January session War Hear Payee horse trainer, Brook: }hogs cade decd ot cattle. § pastas : nit! sea as to 'how and why he "taled that at tha women's Un-|with' a strong. recomimendation aan ween Buy a'Victory-Loan Bond. Buy a Victory Loan Bond 5 voted, dimen meeting caiddfesses Were! thal a substantial grant be made ; ; : MEd seam' to be iwo queé. #iven, by. kertain ladies. "repro- [pn tie tae et : tions and two questions only (uane the Ratriotic, Red Cross!" Should Sigrien Session . i ; Ber Bic ; is wi : © § A At.the close of Wednesday af- : . : Ey ' mesh, OF Ut will pendeT Soostios and Women's Inslitut®."|yancan'y ates' meats' f-| WATCH OUR-WINDOWS: READ OUR ADVERTISEMENTS Whoever sent the 'despaten |e! aden ine i : & "4 70! rs! 8 31 i 3 : (1).-"Should I vote to send my should have 'known that these or- Worship suggested that. as° the party "whippers-in™ fall on deaf ears this 'time. ~ Vital issues are at stake, and it, seems to us that neighbor's bay fo the front if-he doesn't want to go," and and well able:to pay its share, | A Batrie despatch tothe Mail ganizations.were siot represent- ed at this meeting and that the tary training grounds, With reference to the Y, M. C. A. National Council's application husiness is light the committees might speed' up a bit and get/ (2), "If 1 doh't, vate .to: send r e. While is ; thtough by Friday at .the latest. pen ae help At onée to the Boys: at the i poe oe Jendig' work | Coun. Simpson, Chairman of 4 il ¥ front, am I deserting. my other OnERE m ne Splendid Work! Finance, said as far as he knew All other questions -- and .;/ . ss : nexs before the committees by dj i ; many of-thent are hig ones yumm gauce, All the societies Wednenday" ansthing coming Lavgisioe Hpauned view Are worth 1c. doz. We x ' sink "into insignificance beside seotarian and non political and|? fier that should. be put over 'are going to sell them: on neighbor's boy who went volun- tarily to give his-life,.if need be, for.me and mine?" the supreme issue. The. Herald ¢an but quote the "advice of -the immortal bard:-- "aPhis above all--To thine own self he true; And.it shall. follow, as the night the day, a Thou canst not then be false to; any man," { a result of 'the-reduction in|tory on, Peter St. by a paneerty: E 25c. Selling Saturday War is a/hard master and 'it! 'local hotel accommodation, there} He gave the alarm and the fire! * t 18c. brings hard, problems, problems js g great lack of waiting rooms brigade were soon on the scene, Leal donacaea ti ihat'each map must settle alone with his corfscience. Let us be honest and sincere. We are en- @aged in a life and death. strug- jlarger country (rade that self- the' Government. 'Sane appeal 'ean be made' to Can-} a@dians of. al] political persuas- inembor <Epeniseman that (uncorrected, The enemy, is.still hammer-!other town in the county, due to| interest. has prompted | 4 very Liberals. to become members of|end would be the establishment But surely @jof a "rest room" | "fans" to < forget party considera- | purpose of. marketing or shop- "tions for the' momews and to-re-| ping. the words -of @ great could be given by the "if' Germany cepa, these: societies.are doing, did not | speak. as representatives: of the organizations 'bul "simply as pri- yate citizens favorable to. the such a, report, if allowed to' pass would be likely not only to put-the ladies-referted to" in a wrong light,,but to interfere | {with the harmony that has play ed so hig a part in. the success jeved' by these organizations, available for the 'of country péople jeoming to Barrie to' do business. Barrie has a much than' any | important means to this suitably: fur- nished 'for the convenience of those who come to town for the Valuable . suggestions | 'omen's his committee could be through by Thursday afternoon. Mem- bers. should: have all their busi- to January, Mr. Taylor, Chair- man of Roads and. Bridges, ag- reed with' Mr. Simpson: $40,000 Fire: in Orliila News-Letter -- Shortly after midnight on Saturday fife was séen issuing from the windows of the Carss Mackinaw Co.'s fac- drenching the building with sev- eral streams. The' fire had ob- tained so much héadway - that the interior of the three-storey fairly well covered by insurance. Fourteen -hands were employed. 'Tke origin. of the fire is un- known, build again at once, © ee and. if. the snerd oft this very noticeable swant could Speedily: be' = The. company. will .re- |] Trade would actively co-operate |! dale. Norman Jos: McCabe, farmer, Cundles. Robt, Geo. Fennell, farmer, No. 1, Allan- SATURDAY SAVINGS For Saturday, December Ist, we . have some extra good values ' to: offer you. COAL SCUTTLES-- WIRE HAT AND COAT. HOOKS-- gold stripes; Saturday . "YOUR CHOICE OF TWO STYLES OF HORSE BRUSHES-- Extra good value at MOP. STICKS-- -- «Steel . Mop - Sticks, On Monday, Geo. Cameron shipped 90 hogs and 100 lambs and 30 head of cattle, | Prices 'quoted 'were: Hogs, $17.00; cattle, $7.00. to $8.00; lambs $15.00 per cwt. regular. 75c. some- ; zle. building was pretty well gutted z i ing-al our'gates. How best can its' situation, its superior market|hefore il was finally. overgomé, thing every house has tos 'sell Satuard a ' we aid in driving him back? |anq excellent 'shopping facilities. |Part of the first floor was burnt have. - Regular 15c:. Sat- to-sell Saturday.at. = : ;How-much this trade means tofout, besides the second floor and . : : { 2 ; i would-he idle to say that the 'the town any business man ap:|the roof, . The walls, .bowever, pMrday. cescesea ec 100, y .. aman. who opposes the Union! preciates 'and all: the merchants |were left intact. . The loss on é ss oa 4xovernment. is disloyal. It is should be ready. to: assist in building, stock "and plant, am- ee just as wide of. the. mark to urge | }maintaining and enlarging it.|ounts to about- $40,000, and is CAN OPENERS WITH CORKSCREW AND TIN 'CUP LIFTER™ w- that-sell the word: ov- - a er for 10c. Saturday 5e 28-WATT ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS Physiciin--Dr. Pi Saturday at ... 10c.. doz. We have a limited quantity