Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1917, p. 8

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/ PURSE LOST On GTR. train, between "Allandale: and -Buérie, on Wednesda morning Finer kindly lew 2 ser Olfice-and, receive *endugh supplies for a yeir 24 milking cost of advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of per Issue, Terms cash. Six inserti be given for the price of four. Where plies ate directed to this Office an" addi- Bros. FOR SALE Barrie.|. Wm, Booth, Cookstown, 48-49p issued, an ad- made on all good 'condition, 47-48 45 "ucres, about a niile from --Sp seats 11 cents. Bought a. bond? Buy: another bond: - -Little Lake was frozen over "on Friday night, somewhat. earHer. than usual, Come to the Circus "at the Opera House, Friday and Salur- of the W.C.T.U. will be held 4,-at 3 o'clock. A full attendani is particularly requested, as bu: iness, of importance will be di: eral candidate in North Siincoe, will hold a meeting at the Town |an 'automobile cial ladies' and children' matinee at the Opera House on) Saturday, Dec. 4, at 2.30. . All] The regular monthly meeting thé home of thé president, Mrs. N. B; Johnston, on Tuesday, Dec. 5 a cussed, including the new, Y.M. day, this week. Evening prices, | 4 movement. ~ 46 and 27 cents. : iy jordon Moysey, son of A: B. E. C. Drury, Independent Lib-| Moysey, 4 ho has a summer home} at Big Bay Point, was killed by in Toronto on al ce | s- is C. | \FURS--Reniodelled und repaired, Miss Hell. Ore, on Brlday, Hov..S0, atl Monday. He was. walking on the | Mintiie McArthur, King Block, upstairs, | 8 'P-1. sidewalk when two -motors col-| 48-53p -|lided and one of them shot up on ng -- tH. Pug-Gilehrist, h the sidewalk and struck: the boy, WANTED--Condwood to 'cut, Have sir-| Presbyterians have called' Rev.| fracturing his 'skull. A riurse, cular saw. Thos. Tooke, 30 eon Bs, A. Irwin, B.A, of Hyde Park,|who was accompanying him, was si 4850 | ondon. A Bone ;|Padly injured. "The lad was 14 FOR SALE--Single harness and cutter. Deputy-Reeve Coughlin of | years of age. ; amily to D. D. MeLeun, Bo 221, Bar-|Flos says. there is no truth in|" While one of the big motor rie, oe = 48- | the report Uat he val ppncRe tenders was coming in from St Mr. Train. for. the reeveship next] (; Hoar st r y BARRED, ROCK COCKERELS for sale, | y; arp oare last . Wednesday fine -laying strain . Burrie DOMESTIC WANTED--For general bouse- * Apply 49 Brock 48-48 work, small: family St., Barrie. FOR SALE.--Brick house in Barrie. Would Apply W. Booth, 4748p |that a by exchange for u\farm Coukstown Apply 8. J. Fisher, 46-41 AKER--wants daily sewing, ref- Telephone 62. Call or write 10 January. " At the County Council yester- day motning, Reeve Ball of. Oro Jannounced that he wilk retire from municipal life at the close of this year, . A deputation interviewed the County Council this week asking aw be passed enlarg- ing the limits of the police vill- Thornton. night, carrying a party of twen ty cadets to the G.W.V.A} dane the machine skidded into tl ditch and was completely ove turned. The accident happen tive miles out of -town, but th secured conveyances to for their' unpleasant experienc: . --Hurlburt's Shoe Store | és ; Louisa Street 45-48? | selling Men's {-buckle Qver- PERSONAL MENTION TED Set double driving, harness; al- |,SHOeS for 81.59 a pair, and Wo- ---- ed covered carriage. Apply |Men's. or. 'Boys' {-buckle 'Over-| Bought a bond? Buy anothe Exuminer Office 48-48 |shoes for $1.19 a' pair. bond. ' To LET nished, 'bathro ; fair 'and tea at Mrs. T..Wifson'3, | Miss Birdie Rhinehart -left to- bourd, "Box 682, B: i 3 0 eal, Het -- {46 Bradford St... on --Tuesday,|day for a' visit with friends i LAMBS FOR SALE--Six extra good grade |Déc. 4., from 3 to 9 p.m. Toronto. : Shrope j Jame $16 oon We. | --Acmecting of the Women's] Mrs, J. Allen of Binghamptor Jones, lot 7, can, 8 Vespa. Institute will be held in the Pol- | N.Y... is visiting at Mrs: A, Man MAN WANTED -- For Farm work; married peythes, Rergusortvale. Phone 19972. 48 | hers ar poetic in tinal, ea mth lel or single iddle-aged Ww. Apply Wal od anil 3 Reply to this' office, stuting size. Fon SALE ung 4 Brox, i from -imported stock Nt R3, Barrie. Phone 620. NING AND PRES ING. "suit 'and 6vetcoat can be made to look! ink. Owen 8if| from S.lo°6 pany, like new: by Harry: Twiss, Owen St WANTED pair Private Ie terns, Apply Mes. F. Guilfoyle, 31 S | matters were discussed and |! {0 Toronto on: ford St 49-61 adjournment made until' Dec, 10, {58turday ti; resume her duties ~ | Kor, either sleighing. or motor.{! "Terento.Central Registry for| FOR SALE--Combinatigg wate; parlor'coal) i ie ernie onan hece {Graduate Nurses." | Bester, parlor cabinet, \parpet, all neadly |'1F | (He roads are goad these} "Mio Rehecea Carr of South ts good ss new, 8. E. Tumer, 70 To-| ives) s H, Mitchell. and Tenia" tadiana, is spending a few jh ge 440] \hitewiie, who. suptored cover | Gon nit yan Sanat a few [from Aliston-on Monday, report | {ee BP: a a) at hertterei attest eters ot Rami meting ot aye MP Semon Crk. orton, son 2000 Ihe RYO, Gik | Roatd of Education will be held Ballet i Phe he . Gil ' 4 Mrs, Norton, Belleville, Ont. The holy; 24 sLount St 47-48p [On Friday nigtt to decide upon aan sill tak z "ly | : the tenders Yor, the B.C.L, so that} Mar ace, will 'lake' place carly WANTED Gor "Children's Shelter, gin |thé two alternative' propositions}! December.» stunt matron ora good general wait" Apply to Miss 'MeCracken ut the: Shel r,- 17: izabeth &, 47-4 FOR SALE=8:momed brick house; with |"! Lindl Elbe ood land, suilable {OF the Lown. are cordially. invited, barn 'and 2 | to their home in Elmvale after spending the for murket garden. Apply to. Mrs, Me) A doancexhibit of rare. and] past. few days with friends here. - J, gByrne, RMD, Barrie; of phone jcrstt antique Chinese embroid- | ~Mrs, Jas. Patterson, J. W. Henry and 493.> ~ 44:49 | ories will he held. 'at the resi. {Mrs R. E. Coulter attended the funeral of -- | aie rs)e| the late Henry Ball of Barrie. Delivery. itdigh, cuter, bra (2°0G° Of Mrs. Wilkinson, Maple ; FOR SALE hisliding two barrels; also one wood heit- er, Enquire Grihum's Restaurant, 194, Bare. Ee FOR SALE--- Standing -- timber,' mostly "hardwood, some-suitable for square tim: ber or lumber, Any. quantity to" suit pirchaser," Lot 12, Eleventh Line, -In- nisfil BF,' Quantz, Barrie, 43.48 STRAYED. From 'Lot-11, con, 10, Innis. il, one 2year-old rect heifer, two yearling red steers Infarniation. 'as whereshouts will be rewardett Qhaptz" Craigvale ROR. No. 11 'HOME WORK--Would, you -liké to ~ 81 or $2 daily at Home, knitting wa wto Knittéts?" Experience unngecs- Send §e stanip. Dept, 408C, Auto an Kaitter Company, College St, Toronto. | : « __ 43-50 MILK. BUSINESS -FOR SALE~--In Barrie, rigs. and complete » equipment, cows anil iso good list of producers sup,- plymg-milk. Fuller idformation on' ap: plication. D. Bishop, 184 Dunlop St, 48 pH: eR RSIS - esa re ne A FOR: SALE--On Mary. Street 'six:roomed >, brik cottage, "all'coriveniencés;. half-acre garden, clay loam; all kinds of fruit 'apples,' pears, plums; cherries, grapes, 'strawberries, ~raspberries, surat also, stable, «A snap. Apply A. E. Lennox, Barrie. ~ x 40-4 FARM FOR SALE--95 acres; west half Jot 8, con,:4, Vespra; 35 acres' bush-- hardwood 'and'-pine; 10. neres: rye, 15 seeded; ploughing done. Convenient to school and station --Implenients with Good house and. bank barn, plen- Front bedroom, comfortably fur- n floor, with or without Z 48p TED + Building suituble to be remo. | eried into an implement shed. | 47-50 I cregistered 'Shropshire shear- Bell 48p Your old | {he -resideneo of Mrs All kinds of 'uuto tires to 're- reopens for term 1917, | eeling of the Canadian' Patrio, + arranged'for at reasonable | ti Fund on Monday night, turday, Nov, 17, ig (ers in January *, nd a xelf-niéasuring' coal oil tank | or Box | 11 of St, George's their annual --The ladies Mrs. A. Creevy 'has ureh will hold | LCh |.to New Orleans for the winter. json's, Bradford St. Mrs. Wni. Bulterfield of Orilti I spent a couple of days w, B. W. Rhinehart this week. ive Court. Chambers on Monday, Dee al 8 p.m: All the mem- requested to be present. Parties' who desire one of | : | -A Witling Tea will pe held at! Pall- Dee. 7. ie benefit "Adinission, Edney of Bradfe inday with their aunt, Hounseme, Sanford) St. Miss Belle Thompson of onto. sister of Capt. Joe The son, Quartermaster of the is visiting Mrs. I.E William St. Miss Maude SL, who spent home, returns n Frist for af the Red, Cross 2h. rents. No persons éxcept the commits |lee turned up -at © the annual the past Sey lihe going as geod ia Mrs. Robt, A. Carr, Toronto St., mid- hool, dark skirt, | Sumier. Lbefore entering | the American this | ; =e Red' Crags Service al Ca ee, | on paying for this | A -decided treat was 'wiven the Peek "Virginia: ariel members of ihe Collier St. Meth- |" See é ' . rae S ohiehe | Mt. and Mrs. Herbert C. Will: Two choice. young "bulls, one|Odist League on Monday night, son, 1302 Ossington Ave. Tors! ereford. undone Shorthorn, weigh a-/ When. Deputy-Reeve Wm, Will- onto, formerly of Churchill, ane | euch: Fred M. Warnica,/inms of Collingwood gave an'ads , moka nelire nad idle, 46-461 dread: "fri Methodisin |0NNCe the engagement of the ; {Stands For." wet only daughter, Mildred May. fo may he submitted to the pat be " + THORNTON Noy. 28--Mr, and Mev. Jax, A. Lennox spent u few days recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Lennox Miss Standew, returned "miss- jonary from China, will, address the W.MLS. on the werk among} 'The Women's Institute met and packed the Chingse women, in the Coll- [some 'nineteen or twenty boxes for boys . Methodist: Chuych, on Fri_] overseas recently. The boxes are-valuted at Poco ' at least $50.00 Deg, Sat 8 pam. The lading [Ore io Stee Hest Bidder have caturned | Epworth League will Hold a concert basement of the church om Friday i, Nov. 30, at.8 p.m.. Tickets 25¢. The Farniers' Co-operstive Co of Thorn: on Saturday, Dec. 1, from, 2 t0 6 pam. and from 7 to tO) for the benefit. of the Red ngs." Admission, 25 cents," --Keep your feet warm ~ and cozy by putting them into a pair of Hurlburt's House' Slippers, "A splendid assortment to choose from at 45c, 63¢, B9c, 99e, 81.15, | $1.45- and 81.69 a pair, at |Hurthurt's Shoe Stove, 32 Dun- lop St." Barrie, STANDING TIMBER FoR SALE--Suit- able for. barn' timber, lumber, shingle bolts, fence posts and pail' timber. Large or. small quantities "to suit. purchaser. Also hardwood bythe sere. Apply: to D J. Barelay, Stroud... / 6-tf | from John: Jamieson and are -prepared to pay the highest market prices for grain. They alto expect to have for .sale in the | near future coal, galt, ete. , Mrs, Jolin /A. 'Corbett has returnéd Kome after spending a few -days with her sister, [Mrs. (Dr,) Currie, of Elmvale . + Rey. Geo, -R. Kitching took' charge of the Anniversary Services in Lefroy lust. Sub- | bath and his work here was taken by Rev. Wm: Clements of Stroud. UTOPIA _ Nov. 27--The first sleighing of the season has arrived All the citizens and friends .are- cordially invited to contribute to the "Trench Show- er." Please remember to leave articles at MM, Bell's store any time from now till jEriday, Dec. 7--not later. ° These articles will then' be forwarded to the trenches, where the hoyd will-greatly appreciate the gift 6 matter how small it me The previous shower was a decided 'success and we trust this will be a-liberal nge. Mrs. McQuay of Sunnidale "teturned to her home-on Sunday. after.spending 2 few a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cooke and Elsie have re- turned after a trip to Montreal Mrs. M. M. Bell was called to Honeywood on Saturday owing to, the illness .of her hose : 3 C. Miller, A. T. and Mrs. Arnold motoreid to Thornton and spent-Sunday with friends there. * ae Peer ieaurimathis Ls ee AMIE FOR SALE--Modern .9-roomed house, south-east: corner Bayfield and Welling. ton. Sts. All, gonveniences, hardwood finish, hot water heating, 4 'fire places, large: verandah, spacious grounds. Apply 8. McAdam; 41 Dunlop St. Barrie, 82-¢-0-w-tf miles. from "Barrie, * Terms reasonable. ~ Possession on short notice... Apply at Examiner. Office. 45-8 FARM goes cS 100 acres, more or southeast X, lot 9, and eputhwert' i. let 10, esa: | cession 8, Tecymseth. On the- 8 comfortable house .and. bank barn, house atid-implement shed, gos with friends "here. sony of at induc | sittery | are 'enol 'to get several letters om hen! the "boys" at-the- Front who receive their || socks. "Among those is Miss 'V. Bell, 'We have already published several: letters she Con- from flyers telephoned Huxtable's and bring them in to the dance, which ihey apparently enjoyed none the less réturned th Mrs, | No, Viekerst beautiful art-cat-| Mrs. W. Bibhy and json of St.]] endars far 1914 should register Albans, Vermont. visited -at We their nares at the store as early daughters, Mrs, p as possible, as the supply is lim | Sanford Misses Ge¥trude and Kathleen | arr Marshall. Blake | year at ton and Ivy have purchased the elevator | S. Shaw of Toronto spent the week-end |1 A- he ne a or in ny i a! 'be the last. near future Rye... as cl Pei Bu has- received and. sre now. giving the sub- | Bran? ton Saturday gent... Apply to wulafs stance of. one she got om Inst. n, Barrie. 48-t2| apply to James Fraser, Tottenham. 43-tf' "Dear Friend:--After strenuous trip in | oli ili iS MEN'S NAVY BLUE SERGE SUITS Old dyes, made by the best make are big value . $22.00, TS. 20.00, 16.00 Do-not miss this line. These | AND COUNTRY TALKING. THEY | LOOKED AND WE,"SHOWED' THEM Showed them and proved em. that Sufclif 'e's Over- coats and Suits are exactly what we represent them to be SEE OUR .MEN'S OVERCOATS--Ulsters, Trench Coats, Black and Grey Melton Overcoats, with silk velvet collars. Special values ji...0 0s $20.00, 19.00, "18.00, 15.50, 14.50. and 12.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS, sizes 26 to 32, good. heavy ( Tweed Coats, with belt at back. Special prices $9.00, 10.00 and' 11.00 LITTLE. BOYS' OVERCOATS, 'Tweed and. Khaki, nicely made 'with patch pockets, good. wearing goods, fit ages 4 to 8. . Easy priced $5.00, 5.50, $7 MEN'S PLAID. 'THE CANUCKINAW COAT," colors grey and black, red and black, sizes 40, 42,. 46. sizes 28, 30, 32. Price... eu. ntcs cows Both these lines have' belts and patch pockets. WITH A $40.00 PURCHASE YOU CAN' GET THIS: -HANDSOME AND. USEFUL KITCHEN: CUT.. LERY SET OF EIGHT PIECES, or you. can save your coupons and get it. present. Call and see this set. It is worth-$ today, but we give it to you at -------------- MEN'S HEAVY UNTEARABLE'"TWEED PANTS These are extra good quality, sizes 32 to 44 Prices Boys', 1 Youths', 1 Linpsay the trenches and a long march out, have been. given a pair of socks in'which I | Wool, washed, Ib... found a slip of paper bearing your address, As I am' receiving so mueh comfort out of the socks, I think it my duty to drop you line to thank you for them. It'is very' kind of the girls at home to think so much of us out' here." We often get boxes of stuff from strangers we never heard.of before-and we appreciate the kindness ¥e1 looks as though we will have.dnother win. { terdin France, but it'is to be hoped it will MEN'S HEAVY BLAC! 34 to.44, Prices... eS MEN'S HEAVY LUMBERMEN'S: SOX, colors black and dark grey. Special ... seen if, BOYS: AND YOUTHS' HEAVY BLACK LUMBER- MEN'S SOX.. Special to § ... fto13... With every dollar purchase:we give at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods WE SELL FOR CASH: : 1 I much. It 1 came frorh--Sault.Ste Marie All: Cunadias get lots of mail as it stems to make the sun | shine even when it is raining." Barrie: Markets Thursday Wholesale Prices. Fall Whest . Oats...) .. Barley myself, but there are not many of the boys left who capigwith me. I can consider my- self very lucky, a I-have never been hurt any more than a-small piece of shrapnel. in | my: leg; which luckily enough did not tay | me up. Well I um not. going to say niuch jthis time, but hope to hear from you in the soldiers like to, WHERE MOST PEO Bi}. the. Ist. of Devethber, one year. 'azo today, It makes a nice' Xmas. 0 senee $2.00 vests.» $3:75 and $4.50 MACKINAW PANTS, sizes $5.00 and $3.00 $1.00 ++. 90c and 75c. ------------ MEN'S LEATHER LARRIGANS, made b Leather Co., Limited. R. M. Beal Men's .. LN Wool, unwashed, Ib .. Beef "Hides; green Lamb Skins .. .. Sheep Skins Deer Skihs, Ib °, BORN | EXELL--In the R. V. Hospital on Nov.-22, 'p! to Mr. and Mrx, Frank Exell, « son. HUGHES--To Mr: and Mrs. Bdward Hugh- es) Czar, Alta; on Monday, Nov. 19, 9 daughter." MORROW--At Shanty: Bay, on Nov. 28" to Gunner and Mrs. H' Morrow, a diughter MARRIED --" MeLewn--McCauley--At the Céntral Meth- odist 'Patvonnge, on Nov. 21, by Rev. H. Moore, Clifford M..B. McLean of Barrie to Miss Hazel 'E, McCauley" of Creemore ees ee DIED At the apartnints) of her | Maple Ave, on wv. 26, Ann Jane Gar. ict' of the Tate William Finlayson, FINLAYSON, tn Memoriai fe In loving mentoty. of our infant, who died Harvey William Baldwin. 'Our Bube is not forgot, For in otir minds dre the parting hours, And we place upon his little plot, ~A buneh. of memory'fiowers s 0 . "MR, AND MRS, C..H, BALDWIN, |: "Gard 'of Thanks? =. '300. ; Mrs. C. Johnston and family wish. to |. '| thank their friends for kindness and: sym- you @ Se Co BUY YOUR 'BOOTS 'AND RUBBERS NOW AND SAVE MONEY Men's, Boys' _ * Prices .....4....4. $9.00, $10.00 and $11.00 BOYS" RED. AND BLACK. CANUCKINAW COATS, and Youths" Heavy Lum- bermen's Rubbers: at close prices: for . first quality! upon, redeemable ' at small prices WE SELL FOR: LESS. PLE TRADE TRINITY CHURCH Sundgy, De, 2, 1917. - 8.30 a. 11.00 a.m.--Mornii Ist. Sunday --Holy Communion: | ~' munion and wermon, "Studies Boia. in Advent S 3 P.m--Sunday Sehool. Ta. "An Advent 'vesi ing Prayer ard. sermon; Message." Pastor--Wm. Harris Wallace ~ Sermon, Tépies for Deo. 2. 11 a.m,.--Wrong Magnitudes 7 pa 3 p.m Rev. R. J Fall 'Years and ix collection of throughout * Visitors Wélcome. Collier St. Methodist Church Sundgy, 'Dec. 2. Follow the Gleam. .m.-~Bible School. Lord's Supper in the torning, > Pastor. will Preach Morning and Evening 5 Both services will be of special intérest as marking the intreduetior Book in: our Church services has been in. course of préparati 'This program 'of music at the pathy extended to them. if their recent he. n of the New Hymn Book ion for some hines whett died § snd... jwad. of oS hii The is ¢H Uuinki tie thh party ears ul wtia Sami osive the sulted : matty + ee sink the <u ain lin © Animer te : This 'i Be And it pone | Thea'

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