CIRCULATION THIS WEEK ' WITH: awe Is. AMALGAMATED--------_ THE BARRIE SATURDAY) k MORNING | 'SECTION: 2 PAGES 5: TO 12 J. A. MacLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Businggs Manag te 54th Year. " , BER 22, 191 BARRIE, CANADA. NOV TERMS--Singie Copies ous: Per snnum [in advance] $1.50 7 No. 47 ----= -} SECOND WEEK OF SARJEANT & KING'S BIG SALE THIS WEEK OF OUR SALE WE ARE FI EATURING Furs and Carpets 'BOTH OF THESE LINES. WE ARE CLOSING OUT FOR THE PRESENT AND WILL SACRIFICE OUR PROFITS. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF FURS 5 only Persian Lamb Pillow Muffs, regular $25.00 to $28.00, On sale at ss soa sew ie eva c cee $15.00 '1 only Mink Rug Muff, head and tail trimming, worth S40.00, On sale ats... eee $25.00 On sale at $15.00 On sale at $18.00 6 only Mink Mermot Muffs, regular $5.00 and $6.00. Natural Alaska Sable Muff, worth $22 00, 7 WOU SUE AE go fale caw Heow des Gas dere ya 8 $3.75 1-only Blue Wolf Set, large mutt -and stole, regular $45.00. On osilé) at oon cee ce ees * $31.00 /1 only Black Japanese Fox 'Set,'large muti and stole, ~ regular $35.00 On sale" at $27.00 K 1 only Black Wolf Set, kirge mull and stole, regulat : 5.00, 'On sale at $31.00 : 1 only Isabella Opossum Set, lirge mutt sand stole, re- gular $32.50. On sale at oo... eee $22.00 1 guly Isabella Coon Set, large mut? and siole; regular S4G00. *Olr sale, ato soe cyfoes ees $26:00 a 1 only Mole, Skin Set, large: mitt? and stole, regular \ 22.00. On sale at 50 odd Scarfs and Muffs, various fturs; all on sale at afb erg MEOH Seen lal teanetane mepigiaton ct webu Cost Price. ee eS ee TAPESTRY wag BRUSSELS RUGS, s sizés 3 by 314 Lees and 3 bY 4. jevecdinasads acted $15.00 to $25.00 i - This Week cls 20 per cent. off régular price SPECIALS " 1, only Dark Brown and Fawn Wilton Rug, 3 by 31 worth $50.00, On sale at $35.00 BIG aia IN ALL OTHER , ) DEPARTMENTS 1 ie "Carry on" --Help the Boys--Buy a Victory Bond, : See. Window Display of Tweed Suitings at 69c yard. ploding shells: and though. he received no | his back was hurt. He is now in jan English hos . | Win Hovgson, Crafghurst, recmved from .| Word came to his family yn Tues {SARJEANT & KING "THE STORE OF SATISFACTION [WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI | Sergt. Wm. Boag cabled home last week battle of viny Ridge he was in the fit that he was just leaving for France wave that went "over the top." In June Sergt: Grant' Longuun's wound was {1017 be was wounded in the hand and in shatiering of the bones in one of his fingers. | September was again in the cusualty 'list It is reported that 1200 troops will win. | ith & chest wound. | He had been back it tér th Shsoe County, divided eegranen f fe trenches about s month when called up- tis, Orillin and Callie eee on to pay the supreme sarifice on behalf of Pte, Petr Cutter, son of Thor. Carter, | itr and surtice Angus, was wounded in the side on Nov. 7, He went oversexs with the 157th Bu Tom Aénistrong bus been 'given his cm: mission us Liewienant and is now attached | to, the 7th Battery, Ist-Can, Division, in | Belgium. Mujor Newton M> Young has been ap- | | pointed: presiding officer for Military District No, 21 take ibe military and naval vote | iu. the approach'ng elections | Pte. F. R. Peuron wounded on Oct. 3, is | pnow in, Endell St. Hospital, London. The | conipound fracture in his left thigh is knit: | ting nicely and be expects to Be out of bed | "b received notice on Satur- | son, Cupt. Harry K. Clif.on, (aeting Major), had been slightly wounded in the recent fighting but was able to con: | tinue on duty. | Mr. JW. ducks of Stroud received word | ou Tuesday that her brother, W. S. Dal of Toronto, had been wounded in the he und chest. He enlisted in the 264th Beav went to:France with a draft to the | 'Bri, Bn. C.EF. 1 Lofius, Phelpston, that her son, . Pte as. Loftus, 177th Bn, hus been. wounded }in the knee. Pte, Loftus: has been serving in France with the machine gun xection of | notice |. Paddison Killed that have | oh | his buttalion sinee September. Haw t \ [ite Alfred B'MeDonell, som of Alex w int Mr We | McDonell, Jusies St., was udmitted to the | Pat iveoria Son Satured Mnabulance on Nov. 1 nouneing that their son. Cpl. -Was Padadison haul yie led his fe for King und Country on Oct. 3 Deceused born in Liste y in Barrie, his occupation before énlistme being thut of GTR, fireman. In Dec 191 te MeDunell in Regina. His brother | Mte. J. MeDopell is with the 7th Canadians Lin France S| rnd. year and was | Syfeers last week received official j no vilieution that, his son Pte. TR Speers instantly killed hy -- machine gun | 157th Bn fire, while udvaneing te the attuek-at Vimy He h | Ridge, Apr/9. At the tims his death was In w letter writ reported, 'the dute was give he was killed, he sta- Apr. 8 and 10." ~The nainé of Pte, Jos Ree Bella Reevie, Shanty Buy, uialty list. A couple of times by earth thrown up by ex. | by all who knew him. | Ottawa'on Friday the belongings of his son, Pte Roy Hodgse reported mi ing last' full it rotted kille through she centre' of jt | Mr. and Mrs D. Cairns, Midhurst, ty Léa otfjeial word on Mondyy: that P pold Alb rt Polgrain hail wen addnit te Gth Field Ambulance Depot on Noy sutieving from shell gas, Pte [fisted and went overseas - with the -1 [Bu He has bepn in-Franee since May | News hus be wed this week. by Mr {and Mrs. Amos Thom: that |their son, Pre. Ci J away with the 1 » hasabeen woitnd fed and is in hospital in England suffering from shrapnel wounds and trenchsfeet. Be- > fore enlisting he eiuployed in James Vuir's grocery Mr. and Mrs Jon Friday thot ib Polgrain en dames Ch their son in t wound inthe The Late C fal Nt. Johnston jlast night' is unavoi ------ Union Government A MEETING OF WIN-THE-WAR "WOMEN OF BARRIE WILL BE HELD IN THE.ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY ON SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24 AT 8 O'CLOCK The meeting will be addressed by Officers: of the Red Cross Society, Patriotic Society, 'Field Comforts, Women's insite, Soldiers' Aid, and ty Mr. WeA; Boys, K, Every lady in Bartie whether she has a vote at the coming election oF not is invited to-be, present. GOD SAVE THE KING je Barrie Club | At the annual' meeting of the Bariie Club-| held on Monday night an inerewsed. mem: | bership was reported and a satisfactory fin- | amcial statement was. presented. The old [ TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, Nov, 25th Sunday next before Advent jotlicers were re-elected us follows -- 8.30 am----Holy Cominunion Dr. Arnall + : |" 11 asm. anc Trias. A. Leslie. eture---Dr Wallwin, W. A. Boys K.C, | itl Ross, |. 7 pms and Sern | oGiving weeps nd Receiving, ~ Bartie Stock Yards Al the Barrie'stock yards on "Tuesday Geo. Cameron louded 80 hogs and i car af | cattle while J. Shepard loaded u car of hogs $16.75 cwt, was the price quoted for. pork: | - ors 1 Collier St. Methodist Gur Sunday, Nov Rev. B. The pustcr morning, and e All wéleome" Come {music and bring 8 -- friend : Victory Loan Meeting "A-creport, of the Victory' Loan. meeting ly held over till next ure of ulvertising Barrie Baptist Church Anniversary Sunday, 'Now _ Piofessor Matthews of McMaster University week owing to pre 25h _ Credit Sale W. ts Coulter: lot -22, iarm. stock Sale utd pW A. Me Lou Stewart, lot 2. con'! 7, Innisfil (near Thorton will bold: an ' ursecsel 'The Ball Planing Mill Co., Ltd. ments, Sale at 1 pn OF farm styek anit" imipde Wo A MeConkey auttioneer (inder new management) er Mauufacturers Of und Dealers We are cleyring oft twelve secoid-hand ' Latnber, Flootine,. Ceiling: Sash whieh we hive tiken in exchange Boges, . Frames, Blinds, un, GARRETTS MUSIC STORIE. | Phare Water Troughs. Mouldings Wood PO. Box. 178. *Turnin. YO Thoneen is offering for sale) Board. F : that uewbrick tenement houw. onthe cor | "Our Manager is: a registered ner of Collier and Owen Sts Each flat bas «full suite of rooms 'with new ighting sud plumbmy. This ix one of t corners to live inthe. town "of Bar--| Will sell or take small property: inex. architect:and is prepared to draw plans and spevifications, Coasnl him.on-your building problems. - Phone 109. Night Phone 642. oa fice: Bayfield 'St. Barrie, Ont. | heesmun was in Ix iirugymore in Wisigon Cor tayo years be: 4 Misting with thé Canadian Ainbulunce Corps in Toronto. He went all through the VVitny Ridge fighting cunfarmed 'and. his [wound was probably received: at. Paschen. Jas Miller Johnston, ¢ fo a Mr an ire Geo. Overs, 37 Sanford on Tuesday canie the: following "mess erful nature, be er Artiticer $ 0 knew hint | fur Overs officially reported th Bn, he was a sign: mitted One Fild Ambulance "Depot, Nov 'uctor and ot rough [11. ganshor wound in left thigh." "Rergt eil-to go to France with-| Overs-went over with the First Contingent the 177th shough it meant | Royal Lich Fusiliers 'as losing his stripes! this showing his eager | n puirt in all the | to do hie "bit." "As far ax bis parents know jetigngements in which his battalion. hus 'he met hie death in hix first engagement been in, bur this is-the first wound be hus (41). died of gunshot wounds an the might leg | received ut No.-2 Casualty' Clearing Hosbital "on | November 6: Hie brother Atos is a eudet in the Royal Flying Corps } a Signaller Cpl, William Hook Killed | On Wedriéndsy" morniie news of another | i ity among the Barrie" soldiers'| ched town, the death reported being, that of Cpl Wm, Hook Most of the loeal men | who have died on the field of honor fi L,-but in this case the | es 8 wife dnd four small chil a which makes his tiking off exceptionally sad ~ Cpl Hook was 34 yelrs of age, the son of Henry 'Hook, Barrio, He was twice mar frie, his first wife b&ing Miss. Cora "Tran {und his second Miss Clara Robinson. For everal years he 'as emmoyed by Wo J Fowler and the late, D. W. Bolton, He was of fine physiqué and of a disposition that won' hiin many. friends. | He enlisted the 157th but transfer. |red' to the. 177th and. cs in the tren. [ches about a month whenthe was killed 'on Nov. 6. Chief King's Brother Dead News of the sccitlental death 'of their | brother, Chas. 'B. King of Auckland, Zealand, was received by "Misses Emnia Fannie King last Thursday. No. particulars were given Chix, BS King, was the. son of the' late King 'and wi Pte T: W. Ross Died from Wounds - Orie- of Oro's 'stalwart and gallant -sons went down in the ighting,at Passchendaele, Jin the person of Pte. Thos Wm, Ross, son of the late Atchibald. Ross 'of Oro ing that he.had died from-wounds in a'|fore leaving Barrieover thirty years ago clearing station on Noy. 12. for New. Zealand he had «store on Owen Pie>Ross wax born in Oro 28 years ago. | St north of Stewart. & Stewart's of- After spending several years lumbering. in Northern Seskatchewan, 'he came home st the time his father died in the fall of 1913 and continued to reside in Oro until hee listed with the 157th' Bn on Nov, 1, 1 'He went to France on Dec. 5, 1916. 'At the fice, For several years he was foreman of a large. shoe factory in Auckland, retiring from that position to go into..the grocery business, Of recent years he had been sec- refary of the Grocers': and Maer: Bakers' Union ck in his 69th year. Be-!f -- THE ~ SCREENS MOST sax REMARKABLE PRODUCTION * ke obdwyn EY: 16. cts.5 = 'PRICES--Nights: -. Balcony Ground Floor 27: cts. Bargain. Matiriee for' Children, Saturday . at It ets. es " the ~ Ladies | and 230. All, seats Conie. to the Cire First show 7.15, 2nd we 9 pa 3