Waterloo Chronicle | Thursday, June 29, 2023 | 4 waterloochronicle.ca THE CITY OF Waterloo PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND COLONIAL CREEK REHABILITATION KAUFMAN FLATS, 753 UNIVERSITY AVENUE EAST The City of Waterloo is proceeding with the replacement of Pedestrian Bridge 22 and creek restoration in Kaufman Flats located at 753 University Avenue East, Waterloo. This work to rehabilitate the creek shoreline will minimize the risk of erosion and bank failure. It will also improve the water quality in the creeks, and promote a healthy, diverse habitat for fish. The pedestrian bridge is a prefabricated steel bridge with a new load limit that can accommodate the City of Waterloo's operation vehicles. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS te will be doing the work? Aprivate contractor, VanDriel Excavating Inc., selected through the City's public tender process, will undertake the work. When Weather pemmitting, construction will commence onor ‘about duly 4, 2023 and is to be completed by August 15, 2023. How will the construction affect me? In order to carry out this work, the entrance to the Claude Dubrick Trailway, including the pedestrian bridge crossing the creek, will be temporarily closed for the duration of construction. Construction will not require any road closures and will not prevent access to any private properties. Will sanitary sewer and water services be interrupted? There will or water construction. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION L_Jraicter} If you have any comments, questions or concems about the Project, en contact the below, or visit form at Future updates wil pl via the news and te City's website, .waterloo.ca Becky Phylactou Dylan Wick Engineering restructure VanDriel Excavating Inc. Engineering Servi P.O. Box 339 Integrated Planning A Public Works Clinton ON NOM 1L0 Waterloo City Centre Cell: 519-955-4163 100 Regina Street South Email: dylan@vandrielinc.com Waterloo, ON N2J 448 Phone: 519-866-1550 Ext. 78252 Email: becky.phylactou@waterloo.ca ‘Simon Green P.Eng. GM BluePlan Engineering Limited 650 Woodlawn Road West, Block C, Unit 2 Guelph, ON NIK 1B8 Phone: 519-824-8150 ext. 1216 IBNEWS COUNCIL ENDORSES HIRING PLAN FOR 27 FIREFIGHTERS BILL JACKSON bjackson@torstar.ca Increased call volume, response time challenges, projected residential growth and more intensification are justification for hiring more than two dozen firefighters over the next four thao in Waterloo. Council's unanimous endorsement of a phased staffing model last week mad add more than $5 million to the tax levy and comes ahead ofits three-year budget frame- work and final approval of a new fire mas- ter ‘plan fae this year. e that we don't have the full master plan ye yet, but we have all the bits and pieces that are going to formulate it," said Coun. Sandra Hanmer, who acknowledged that council iti year one of the budget, for six additional fire- fighters in 2024. "I think it's something that's well wortt us doing," Hanmer said. “The safety of resi dents in this community is one of our re sponsibilities and this is a way of demon- strating that.” According to a report by fire Chief Rich- ard Hepditch, Waterloo Fire Rescue has on- ly increased staffing once in the past 34 years, in 2010. POMAX Consulting, which has been working on the city's fire master plan since January of 2022, found that annual call vol- ume increased from 4,722 in 2016 to 5,932 in 2021, while the number of fire trucks de- ployed rose from 8,382 to 10,100. During that same time frame, drive times for structure fires rose from 4:37 to 6:23 for first vehicles on-scene and from 8:22 to 12:32 for second vehicles on scene. ergency response time challenges are ipreeicnre4 with ongoing trends of en- hanced traffic calming/road space reduc- tions (Le. h light rail transit infrastructure and sien icant highr and intensi fi. ition. “Oftentimes the public feels that when they call 911 that a fire truck will be there in four or five minutes or up to eight minutes. as our public survey revealed, but that's not time," said Hepditch, whose slide presenta- tion highlighted that it can take up to 15 66-786-3941 waterloo.ca minutes for to occur, from the time a fire is detected, taking mw consider- ation Lhe travel and setu) ‘When we talk about high Tees, the time is much greater than that as you can imag- ine, with elevators, the use of stairs and so See - page 5