% _ THE PRESBYTERY CIRCULATION .. THIS WEEK HEARD PROF. LAW On "The: 'Church and Its. Re- lation tothe War"--Rev. J. Buchanan Resigns. Af the 'meeling of Barrie Pres- Lytery held in Sl. Andrew's Church, on Tuesday, Rev. James' Buchanan, who. has been pastor ef Elmyale 'and Knox Church, dos, for the last 'for and a half 'years, tendered his resigna- tion and it. was aczepted by Presbytery, to 'take' effect at the end of this year. Mr, Lockhart of Hillsdale was eppointed mod- erator of the vacancy. . Rev. Jno. A. MacDonald, of Gore Bay, -- signified -his eptance of a call to Bal, which was 'approved. 'om. Napier in Sarnia Presby: 'a call has come to Re Wm. Melntosh, B.D. of Bond Head, and° this will be dealt with at'a' special meeting on Nov. 27. 'Rev. 'Thos. Davidson, M.A., of $1. Ann's and Wellandport, hav~| ing accepted the call from Airlie nd -Blackbank, provisional ar- Ufere was an unusually 1 tendance, Rev, Mr. MeTaggart of Wychwood Chureh,, Torosilo, spoke-en the w Schools and YF Prof, Law's 4 Rev. Prof. Haw of" Knox Cok e gave a Splendid address on "The Church-and dts Relation-to "the War." . At 'the. outset" he stated' {hat the' problems 'the Chureh has' to look. forward Ao are practically the 'same. as. it has had (o deal with for, the Jast generation, .. hough ~ possibly more accentuated and in differ- ent forms. It is. impossible to predict conditiois after the war, but there must' come sore bur- dens } in polities, econemics, commeres, social, life and--not léas The waves of saerifice per- imeating the people have lifted >life tora higher devel, but thé "speaker warned his hearers" 6f ihe: danger. ofa reaction. -- The Vast-and comjilex conditions in-|.° pnt upon, the resumption of normal conditions demand an enlarged hand 'and an enlighten- ed Wind. ~ 'After referring briefly to. the problems of turned: soldiers and, -of «getting them into forms. of useful. em- ial-movements that will, ultim- lightened democracy. In all the distress and turbance which must come vy the aftermath of war, christian- ily-as a practical force in hum, anaffairs will-be seyerely 'test- ed. Only Christ Jiving in men can save the world, Bow ean christians make themselves channets for this power te go fort aydmeét the needs~of men?. By reality. 'God-is look- in' for reality, sifting out the hearts of men. 'This .war is a 'great act of divine judgment. It has revealed vast-and terrible evil reatities,. the breaking «out of Sin that was latent in human- 'ity.« - But it~ has also brought 'out latent goodness which. is manifested, in courage, sym- pathy, comradeship and self- 'sacrifice. It is 'the unreality of: christianity-- or church-anity-- that is responsible for the war. Christians must not only realize and proclaim love .to, God and -man as the world's hope but must 'show that christianity ' is not an iron creed, but a living thing, capable of universal de- velopment, dsguning new mat- erials-and adapting itself to new. erivironments. In' polit 'today men are stripping away. stperfluities.and getting. down >to 'essentials. © Tt 'must He the same_in religion and morals. Men must get. down to hed .rock' and. discovering what is. really' yital lay 'stress on that. ' 'Towehing upon the question of church union, the speaker ques-- tioned if the present divisions in- the 'christian chureh repres- ent. any reality helpful in deal- ing 'with the problems 'of today, In the 'trenches_and in 'the hosp- itals the war has demonstrated |. the utter unreality. of ecclesis tical differences, Before. the | christian chureéh in all. its}. ~ branchts there is an unpreced- ented. demand to obliterate all : 3500. Copies differences that are irretevant to the vital issues. of more reality in emphasized. ATTRACTIVENESS OF NEW WAR LOAN |! No Investment to Equal It in Security, Interest 'and: Col- lateral Power. The following '| the features of the fourth dom- estie War Loan attractive for investment: The wealth of the nation {hind it as security. Interest on the bonds is paid tout. of' regular "Government ex- pense account. The return on. the from 5.64. to 5.84 wiing to te ma-; turity of the security' purchased. * The bonds can be sold at any y will be listed on 'the Canadian stock market. The bonds are convertible in- ito future war loan issues, which y r higher -interest rates. The bonds are practically as realizable as a 850 bank note. éllateral the bonds are of the very highest value. loaned on them | =-- sanctimonious shen on any other security go- will-be exempt from theology 'was theology: the merely convention- al is the greatest enemy. ii ile attitude will be demanded to bring theological statement close contact with 'modern real- After the war there will be a revolt against tradition. ple will be hungry for truth, but |they are superior to. other Secur- The investor has no worry or responsibility in connectian with Government looks after that througt its ag- If an inveslor wafits to place his money only for a short time, the five-year bonds are available. If he wants to place his money for.a long period, drawing a lar- ge rate of interest, he can buy the twenty year bonds. There is every reason {0:be- lieve that Canada's Victory Loan bonds will ineraase in value af- ter the war is d the fact that bonds did increase 'in value at the, close? of the war. ent of the war ending within a these bonds would that. render' it Dr, Law emphasized the need of preaching that recent. years there has been a! themes and to use the bible as a sort of Serap book of beautiful upon which Another style of 'sermonettes, ver, to judge by Préacher strives the past war the sun and noth-} ing is too mundane to hang a Teaching in the pulpit must he more prominent, The limes have deépened "and they are lool for vital: priciptes.' Tounitatiop.s'are shaken fhe need something: secure to: Which to anchor their « is no time for-faney subj Hfreak sermons, ringéments'werr made for his! y went on ec, 4. thy afternoons / certain' "tax exemptions. fore, people of. wealth will' want {to invest in them holders will probably be able to In the event of Ue continuation ofthe war ov« a long period. a 'higher rate; or interest. will have to be paid, and this maintains the value of Ml at-a profit. wrous and un- shurehly eth-| Victory Loan Meeting | local» publicity: committee jfon the Vietory, Loan campaign made 'arrangements keep others outside the church. of the Sunday! Sal sooner tional--propriety . ' Xe virile ethics, i in Wednesday next; Nov. positive, séPhe sins-most strong-Javith some features of the rela! ly condemned by churehly of the prodi A of age and had been married on- * aplication ot leading speakers, a good musical rn bus-|programme and the Vietory Loan iness methods, and showed that! films will be shown. christian ideals only need to be|ing is free--no to proveland no collection, zens are urged to attend. christiin ethies to mo say of the prudent, thrifty sins, selfishness and greed. taken to Toronto on Tuesday. Church rightly takes stand, but the: sins which | Jihat are truly pract . 'The MnasteR oF Fruaiice offers for Public Subscription Canada's Victory Loan $150,000,000 53% Gold, Bonds Bearing Isterest from December et, 1917, and offered in three miturities, the choice of which iv optional with the mubscriber, ax follows: 5 year Bonds diie December 1st, 1922 10 year Bonds due December Ist, 192% 20, year Bonds due December Ist, 1937 'This Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliamerit of Canada, and both principal and interett are a charge,épon' the € nsataned even more Fae The amount of this teme 1s $150,000,000. exclusive of the amount. (if any} pald by the surrender of boads of previouniaues, The - 'Fesérves the right to'allot the whole or any part of the amount. subscribed in 50,000,000, 'The Proceeds of this Loan will be used for War purposes only, and will be spent Principal and Inrerest_ eainations:. $50, ing Tor the re-|. iret he dealt with the soe-- e Subscriptions must be in sunis of $50 or multiples thereat. charge ot We Office of the Minister of Finance and Recti ely produce a virile and en-| fectiver General-at Ottawa, or at the Office of the Amistant Receiver Regina, Calgary and Victoria, 5 ines PRL toa Interest paysble, without charge, sae, aleve, June Ist and Dente: Ist,-at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, Bearer or ---- Bonds 0 principal.and interest. hs mail! for registered 'or bea wer. bonds, will be.lestied' after y the bank receiving the money Sedinay seer ae aia i oe re a solo grec came cen wage ean oe "Scrip 'certificates, HBcemeat in efchanee fof. p merisaal 'without coupons, in accordarice with the applicati Delivery of Intefim certificates and of definitive bonds will be made through the Chartered Baaks. in and 61-000, tod may: be registered an to.princital only. Tne ere ere Sttumiad chcate, Wil'Ge lriod tn dengimatcns of 411800. Botihh er any authored eich' new bond fat 10 convert into onde" ne olty resitered hoods wichlipppons. wil Inve: the Feit 1b covert into hin Sih pone, ad peteang godin sria etter Shave the right to cquvert ato fully regivtered bos: 'on application to the Miniser of Finance. - Surrender of Bonds Dominion of Cénada.Debenture Steck, due October, Ist, 1019, and bonds of the three ave te Sle of Senda hts bone a avinent for subscriptions 10 boade of this Berrian Sink dh Qoete. is "eine feet oe oe Dominion of Cainuda War Loan Issues, - fiat Dobe the tollowing conditioner lames of Uke metirity, or longer, made! 'ae the equivalent of cash for the purpose of subscription to euch Issue Price. Par Pree from taree--indluding any income tax--impored in pureuance of egisiation enacted by the Pirllament f Canada, oe ae Bigs Diatan tae od ial ews tee mk 'The Bonds therefore give a: net interest yield. to the investor of about: 5.61% on the 20 year Bonds - 5.68% onthe 10 year Bonds / '5.81% on the' 5 year Bonds Beil for the credit Ut Se SMiniase ot Fiaiaces arlous maturities of this ine wil, in the event of feturs 1 -- ay Bonds of the made abroad, be gccepted at par end pplied. toward See ct te ce as tee oe a wet ert wl lnwalment due date thereafter under dncoust at the rate ef 845% pox Under 'balance of subscriptions may 'the rate. of 80.10795. a ee 1918, at the sate of-20:90000 per $100. |CAR OVERTURNED KILLING A MAN How A. P. "\McEachern Met Death' on Steele Street on Monday Afternoon. ALP. McBachern, sales man- ager for the Canada Bond Co., Toronto, was fatally . injured in an automobile accident on. Steele St... at 2.30, Monday aiternoon, dying half an hour later. Mr. McEachet causing the car'to run towards the diteh, 'To avert tro\ble on that side the driver. turned -his car-quickly and in a moment it was overturned, a.wheel pro- |bably having struck a stone as the car 'swung around. Dr. Ross was on the scene in a short. time but it, was evident that nothing could be done for the wounded man. The ambulanee arrived: shortly afterwards to. take him to. the hospital but hé died he- fore reaching that institution. Marshall was somewhat daz ed, but beyond some bruises..in the forehead 'was uninjured. =P. MeEachera was 35 years ly a year, His father-in-law, Mr. Simpson, - came to 'town Monday night 'and had. the body ; The Inquest An 'inquest ita, the' circum: stances surrounding the fatality had come to Barrie that morning: in his vapacity as Central Ontario Organizer : for the: Victory Loan,. With thé ob- ject of saving 'half a day, he started by motor for Orillia to watch thé 3.35 C.P.R. train for Lindsay. Richard Marshall 'of Huxtable's. garage'! was driving him in what was practically: a new Ford car. 'Just 'as they rounded the. curve from Blake St. to Steele St. a-tire blew out, she looked up the «: ing over. She. éiulin er Game: around was held before "Coroner "Re 3, yesterday morning. The, jury Was composéd of R.A. Stephens (foreman), Buneali Morrison, J, a. Dougall, Chas. -MeGuire, De, D. Jamieson, H. C. Chan hy €,, Brown, ih G. P. Jack, Vieiory Toa organ- izer, was the first Witness. Ha said. that deceased figured on catching - the 3.35 C.P.R.. train at Orillia. Witness earranged for car, getting Richard Marshall who had been doing' the driving « for. the: Loan organization, Marshall said he thought he had * time to: catch the train. Car. left his. office about 2:20. . Witness had .made the same trip in an hour ahd ten' minutes, not going at excessive speed.. 'McRachern. asked if they could catch the train and 'Marshall answered, "If nothing happens we have time to make the trip." -- From the work: done. for him; witness believed Marshall a- careful and Capable driver. Al 'iio'time did Marshall drive. faster~than Ness thought: was. right; Ross Fowler said that:Marshall _ Passed him. at Ovenden College when witness was' driving' about. 15 miles *-an' hou Marshall weuld be going around: 20 miles He was about {50 yardé-hebind . when Marshall's, car'turned oy. er. -Witness: ist ad experienced driver and he did not think that Marshall was driving. at ah ex- cessive sberd. Witness had no knowledge of a Ford, but. did not: think, tha) a' blowout on a-rear tire on a' heavier cap running 20 miles an hour would mike -mineh difference in. the' directinin of the car, After. an' exsin ation by. Mr Boys, 'he: concladed that the flat dire-could swing the to the same. side, and the driver Would. naturally turn: his wheel the other way. ~ Supposing the rim of fhe deflated fire hit a stone, as the swung across at 20 miles an hour it would cquse the car to capsize, - 'The Jeft front fender was bent in, ihe 'radiator was bent as though tad hit the ground "| when. it went 'over, and "ane side of? the 'wimishicld was bri Tight off. Rear left. fendér was ken NOt. mueh: dente W sosaw two rear wheets in. air-so car must have frst turned" ever liead forémost and then gone ov- er sidewa: Mrs, *¢ Coles was in the }front. garden wear the 1 when she heard the tire sexpiode. As r was turn. soy which .Shé_ was: the h the Avroek:- side. . Drive m1 south wside.,-" lying 6n i said nothing 1 Inspeetor~Hagart' siated that - vas. on Blake St. af E+ when Marshall pass= stimialed. the' speed 'at 30 -miles; Had: no stop, watch, but thought could judze jhe Fully resis: ls of authorized denom- haye "the... faetss Brought -out speed: pret ly." He put his hand "in his' pocket) to' get his. istle hut before hé sould find it, the 'car was oul' of raiige. When asked if he desi protection. of the "court,, Ri { Marshall," the, driver, said, us "aS canyone -10 He.said he' had: 1.15 hou .|make Orillia, whieh is under 25 and he figuted that he 1 do if comfortably at' twen- ge When: he p: ed Fowler but he was satistied. that he was ing it -.a.. safe [speed.- He was' positive that he' was 'not rulining near 30: miles" an hour. -For two. years he 'h _ {been driving a car. His usual |Practice as he comes to a turn to slacken speed' dnd he bée-- '| lieved that 'he did so on this -6e- casion. Was not going.20 miles. After he had cut the corner and [was pat the curve 'he went to take. the-right side of-ihé road.' Ditin't. hear blow-out 'and eeuld- what happened." stinelively he turned the hed to right. the ear: He. couldn't furned over. He jre- e-wheel.He thought 'Yrying to. Bet out, mag have: just turned'in; his: seat. preparing to do so. Dar was Witness was 'not: pinned under + he cart and had no eae getting: out oi 2 the lake side and he_ inim intrnediatels looked. ° for Mr. whom he found he-,