lila = DAVID LEA The town is looking into the possibility o { banning kite fighting in Council aes ohne ‘its 2 June 19 meeting to direct 6 town staff to examine the feasibility of creating a by- law that would ban kite fighting on both public and private property In port to council, the town's director of mu. nicipal enforcement, Jim Barry, described kite fight- ‘0 or more people flying kites with the aim of cutting an opponent's kite strin: The final kite remaining in the air is the winner of the fight. ille Beaver | Thursday, June 29, 2023 To this end, the st used for kite fighting is sharp and can be made of lon string that has been chemically treated or con- se strings are in use or 1h on the ground in trees they can be a risk 4 to health and safety, cause injuries to people, pets and wildlife and dam- age parks equipment," said Barry. fard 4 Coun. Allan E]l- gar noted during the meet- ing there has been an ongo- ing issue win kite fighting the property van the Ranch, a horse rental service at 2401 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. tear said | the property n dealing witht thie, 2 tlon for years and has found kite fighting string on her property as recently as the day of the council meeting. Barry noted kite fight- ing is happening on public property, private property, and conservation area property in Oakville. Honey Buffalo Barbecue 2 Ib of Wings Louisiana Styl ouisiana Style, ‘TOWN LOOKING INTO KITE FIGHTING BAN Dias el Metroland file photo The Town of Oakville is looking into a possible kite fighting ban. in the report, town staff recommended a public ed- ucation campaign to pro- mote safety in the parks and proper disposal of kite fighting strings. They also. recom- mended bylaw changes that would require owners to keep their property free from kite fighting strings. Elgar said the recom- Honey Garlic ) ‘Jumbo Crispy mendations do not go far nough, arguing kite fight- ingisa safely iss issue. He Pointed ta to a January cident six peo- ple, maladie three chil- ren, were reportedly killed in India after their throats were cut by glass- coated kite strings during an annual kite-flying festi- val. ms is not t children's z wee “here” " said nee . "These strings can slit your neck and they do slit ecks.” He emphasized the kite strings being found at the Ranch do not originate there, but come from some distance away, in some cases, drifting over High- we Elgar said he was wor- ried about what would hap- pen if one of these strings came into contact with a motorcycle rider on the highway. "I'm wondering if our le- gal staffcan help me under- stand why we would allow a sport like that, that will cause someone's death in Oakville," said Elgar. ry said a kite fight- id be difficult to a noting the town does not presently have the enforcement staff to make such a ban effective. He also said there would be issues with tra piece of detached kite string back to its owner; there would be issues with finding out where the kite fighting is happening; and there would be potential i is- one a just moving the problem to another. Elgar argued a public education campaign to get kite fighting participants someone whose kite is detached in a fight is not going to chase that kite for a mile so they can retrieve the string. 5 Coun. Jeff Knoll pointed out Toronto im- posed a Kite fighting ban in its parks in 2011 and called on town staff to look to that example for an Oakville ban. Ultimately council vot- ed to direct town staff to look into a bylaw banning kite fighting and possible enforcement of this ban by Halton police. The matter is expected to return to council in Au- gust. SENIORS SPEAKER SERIES EMPOWERED REGISTER HERE owered or call 905-330-5201 Lean On Me PLAN TO ATTEND! a 5 Spicy Maple se M Barbecue Chipotle Ly Cooked Chicken a Wings - 907 g/2 Ib Tangy Barbecue BURLINGTON Advanced Care Planning CHOOSE FROM 5 VARIETIES SELECTION WAY VARY BY STORE, : ys 729 | |) EDUCATIONAL a Fall Off the Bone? Back Ribs—q499 TOO TALL® PARTNERS: Ore: Uelee) 1.FULL RACK OF RIBS 510 g - 680 g = 19°9 1kg : (Qs — Qualicare MLESE OTHERWISE STATED. CECK STORES FOR HOLIDAY HOURS. © eet E (Pa aaa WE GMS OAKVILLE OAKVILLE ToT ‘sign up SLI EWING 2168 Sian Ling SUBFourth Ling 5 PANCE MICHAEL BME ERS oF oy 3 Gata anannond Gatton) © 905-287-2412 tate eceeer eae LEN e su TE - FREE monthly seminars for seniors (and their families), featuring local experts, designed to help older adults navigate retirement living and later-in-life concerns. All the sessions will offer timely, honest and objective answers to questions older adults are asking. Register in advance to ensure adequate seating. JULY 12: 1.30-3.00 P.M. The Silent erty & Being Prepared Financially for Aging AUGUST 2: 1.30-3.00 P.M. LOCATION: CENTENNIAL HALL Burlington Central Library 2331 NEW ST,