WITH CANADIAN HUSBAND Kim Parker, 23-year-old Lon- don actress, poses in a wedding picture with her husband, Paul 'Canada Is Ready To Extend Search For Tourist Dollars | _ in Austria, she married Paul in London March 26, Miss Parker looks forward to combining a | Last Carpenter, former Montreal ac- tor now working in London, Born Sees Change Arctic Flow ST. JOHN'S, Nfid, (CP)~A re- ceding polar ice cap and diminish. ing Arctic currents may be having wider effects on Newfoundland than most people realize A Portuguese fishing captain here thinks the Arctic rurrents are responsible for a shift among the fish population of Newfoundland waters. A transport official sug. gests they are greatly affecting the weather, and health department officials say the changes may be responsible for an upswing in virus diseases Capt. ship Jao Alvarez Fegundes says codfish appear to be moving away from the Grand banks in favor of eooler water near Greenland, At the same time he said more had- dock are being found on the Grand banks, and they like warmer water, Pollock, distant relative of the cod, are also moving Into the Grand bank area. AFFECT BAROMETERS Capt. R. J, Randell of the trans port department says that barom- eters can't predict weathtr changes anymore, Ten years ago, he says, barometers were always right; now they are usually wrong, Since the Arctic current has dim- inished, warm winds are penetrat ing inland, making radical changes in weather, And provincial medical authori ties say this warm wind may be the cause of a definite upswing in ases this year. But so they say, this is only specu- Gilbarto Morgado of the po BETTER... By THE CANADIAN PRESS dan Jousia A Musoslation, sad Jou Canada is going after more of | AD rst" wil me her own tourist dollars in 1966, as | tourist week May 17, | well as those from abroad, J {was born with a silver dollar in its expects to drum up a recor sid mouth, so to spesk. Abundant iat. business if the weather co-op ising 00 0 Bayt The weather put & bit of 8 Srimp | created wiser 1ouiL buses 3 in things in 1954, say federal offi-| on™ over last year cials, But despite a wet, cool sum-| ¢ U.S, RESPONSE mer in most parts of the country |" "eo Dolan, head of the Cana the national take from foreign | gion "government travel bureau tourists reached $300,000,000, Just| caid the bureau had received fine J200000 short If the record set) posponse to its 1956 tourist adver- Though no accurate and separ- ne ower. tone) Ay ate figures are kept no the s- | Canadian dollar in relation to i tic tourist trade it is roughly esti US, counterpart also would favor mated at more than $300,000,000 more American travel in Canada, for 1954, making a total national | Mr, Dolan expects many Canadian | tourist trade of some $600,000,000, | resorts will absorb the exchange OVER-ALL DEFICIT | rate themselves this year and take On the basis of foreign spending | U.S, money al par, in Canada and Canadian spending All provinces except Manitoba abroad, however, Canadas has had | predict business as bie and prob. a deficit for a number of years, | ably bigger than 1954, Manitoba year Canadians are esti-| officials say the volume may be mated to have spent $3,880,000,000 | the same or slightly lower since abroad, mostly in the United States | Manitoba had a record year in 1954 leaving a deficit of $80,000,000, | with 803,000 visitors who spent an Tourist officials are planning to | estimated $26,575,000, keep more Canadian tourist dol lars at home, provinces: Whiter +++ New White Swan Softer. . A new and different Safer. ,» Made in the world's is the whitest ever , , , as immaculate, as nice as a tissue can be! ALL QUALITY-MADE BY THE EK. B, EDDY COMPANY 1055 tourist yesr, he said, | Here is the tourist picture by | side the take at around 000,000, gest in Canadas, Officials say 1954 was almost as good os the record esr of 1953 ite adverse weather with an estimated 17,560,200 entries from | the US, alone, They to be a "substantial Manitobs had #93 the island is completed, probably | later this year, Prince Edward Island attracted | 100,000 visitors and an e ted | $5,000,000 last yesr, e 1953 | by five cent, It expects | to | shatter all records with the prov: |ince's beaches #gain being the | | chief attraction, ear. $26,575,000, increases of 4% per cent" and Nova Scotia had an estimated 1480,000 visitorsi n 1954 and they ! $35,000,000, Just 85|as "pretty good | more are ex-| jubjloe eohebeations coming up, The | . pot; ovince entertained an estimated ! ,000 visitors last | A of them Americans, olis valley attract most of estimated st $12,000 tourists, New Brunswick had =» record | land with its many lakes and year in 1954 with an estimated | fishing and boating, | | 660,000 tourists and trade worth| Alberta also will have golden $18,000,000, Even bigger things are | | hoped for this year with obser. vances commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Acadian expul- | sion | Quebec expects, on the basis of { requests pouring in from the US, | and other points, to exceed the es- { timated 1954 totsl take of $145,000, 000, The Gaspe peninsula is a top | attraction along with the nations! parks and the province's salmon tabs 1955 pr: { now is cooperating with British Columbia in joint maintenance of a' tourist agent in San Francisco to lure tourists to both provinces, Alberta hes had double the num ber of tourist enquiries this year, British Columbia, with the ex ception of 1954, has been setting oturist records for a number of years and expects another banner season in 1955, A total of 1,086,000 U.S, tourists visited the province last year and the total tourist take , our owes" most hygienic tissue mill , , , Available now also in the handy 4-roll "Family Pack" softness, without flimsiness + + + even more absorbent, stronger too! A -- WHITBY Store Hours Closed All Dey Monday Open All Day Wednesday Open Friday Night until 9 p.m, Closed Soturdey ot 6 p.m, OSHAWA Store Hours Open Monday to Thursdey te 6 pm, Open Friday Night until 9 p.m, Closed Seturdey at 6 p.m, 9 Jop. Quality. Meats SHORT CUT -- PRIME 45° 6TH & ; RIB 35° Ib. 3 c LEAN, BONELESS Shoulder Ih. 29 - 35 "** BLADE 45 157 FOUR FRESH PORK Shoulder FRESH PORK BUTT FRESH PORK EITHER LOIN MAPLE LEAF READY TO SERVE SMOKED PICNICS Ib. LEAN MEATY Ib. TROUD' FOOD MARKET 354 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA 116 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY For Quality and Low Prices Every Day -- Shop At Stroud's FIRST GRADE BUTTER «99° ROBIN HOOD -- WHITE CAKE MIX 19° TULIP MARGARINE . 29° MAPLE LEAF Soap Flakes "~." 75° LUNCHEON MEAT KAM ner ww 39° YORK BRAND 28.02, TIN 25¢ REG, 43¢ BEEF PIES "..' 25° TABLE QUEEN ; You May Have Your Order We do not take phone orders and we cannot deliver C.0.D, 24.02, LOAF Grade A Large Size Loose, or in Your Container TOMATOES BREAD 15° BIRDSEYE -- FROZEN to $5.00 or more I -------------------- FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL AT BOTH STORES Lean Minced BEEF | h Ibs. 1 .00 SELECTED, FIRM, RIPE TOMATOES w 19° EXTRA LONG -- GREEN CUCUMBERS . 19° LARGE ICEBERG LETTUCE «19 JUMBO SIZE -- GREEN CELERY 2.29 NEW HOME GROWN RADISHES 5° FLORIDA NEW POTATOES 5 ..45° RED CUBAN -- LARGE SIZE PINEAPPLES - 29° NEW HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS ..29° FRESH Watermelon «uw 75° NO. 1 PEL, POTATOES .. 69° year and they spent an estimated | t | Big Enemy VANCOUVER (CP) ~ A United expect 1055 States (rapsportation expert told 44 businessmen bere that the in- visitors last | creased use of the hreatening their livelihood, | area, ospects | " with golden Dovest and sh Be said | peo) atti hl , American 8 "ency are | visitors like the province's north | Leys 10 8 profitable rans system #00d | jg pushing the bus off the streets, He said the solution isn't to pro. jubllée celebrations, The province vide w. THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursdsy, May 19, 19% 7 family car is the it difficult for em- s to get to the result was that were being forced to shop ider roads and grester fa) PICNIC HAMPER Pleasant plaid design with metal handles, A necessity for your picnie pleasure, @'.5 LADIES' COTTON SLIPS Straight cut 3 gore sanforized with eye- lot embroidery across top and bottom, Sizes 32 to 40 TURKISH TOWELS Pastel Colored -- Size 20 x 40 Reg, 59¢ Striped ~= 20x38 Reg, 55¢ | "a a CHILDREN'S TRAINING PANTS ® Short leg ® Double gusset ® Elastic waist ® Ribbed cuff o Lowest price ever 6 for WASH CLOTHS @9- Striped Turkish, - generous size 1114 x 11%4, Stock up for camp and home. FANCY GLASS DISHES WITH GOLD Relish, Bon Bon, Sell shaped footed Nut dishes, triangle shaped ideal for that buffet lunch, @ 23. 9-02, . GLASS TUMBLER In assorted floral and boat decorations, Be prepared for the thirsty months, OPEN FRIDAY ~ NIGHT Till 8 JUMBO JELLY BEANS Jumbo size of an old time favorite at a new low pric May Sale Price 29: Ih.