L PRESENT FOR ROYAL CHILDREN The 17,000 members of the Caravan Club of Great Britain and Ireland purchased the above miniature trailer for the royal children, Prince Charles and Princess Anne. The tiny vehicle | is equipped with foam rubber | E. German Agent/ Gets 12 Years | BERLIN (Reuters) A self-con- | fessed agent of the East German | security service today began a 12-| year hard labor term for trying to kidnap two West Berliners and poison one of them. The agent, Gerhard Beck, 29, had | at one time given information on | seats, beds, wardrobes, a 12- inch desk and a furnished kitch- en, Mr. C. T. R, Young, who is foreman of the firm of manufsc- turers, is seen with the caravan prior to the presentation. Central Press Canadian m-- - ---------- employees of the United States high commission radio (RIAS) When the East German state se- curity service learned this they or- dered Beck last March to deliver information concerning RIAS to them and instructed him to kidnap one employee, Mrs. Elisabeth Stein, by poisoning her with a cake. The attempt failed although Mrs. Stein was unconscious for 48 hours after taking the poison, Beck was arrested in West Ber- lin when he returned last month, to East German conditions to German kidnap another RIAS employee. TODAY'S CROSSWORD ACROSS 8. Horley. 1. A falsehood gathering 4. Common insect level 4, Drawn out 7. Heap 5. Subtle 8. Regrets emanation 10. Cup-like 6. To become rancid (dial. Eng.) 1. Famous ship canal / 9. Identical /, 10. Let slide * 14. A life saver, 12. Man's name 15, Chum / 14. Greek letter , 1 /& 36. Principal wl » eriminal § fi 3 » 88. [] 36. Up to 3. 38. 29. j {! = 28 i : H : i "A little painting ond fixing up would make it like a new house. | wish we had the ready cash..." "Well, why don't you berrew the money. My Bank is making Home Improvement Loans for this very thing." That's a very practical sugges. tion. See your local B of M manager about a Home Improve. ment Loan today. And ask for your copy of this foldet Xa Bof M Home Improve: ment Loans are inex- pensive -- interest at only 84% per annum -- repayable in easy instalments, Oshawo Branch, 20 Simcoe St. North: Bowmanville Branch: Whitby Branch: Ajax Broneh: JOHN HUGHES, Manager™ GEORGE MOODY, Manager JACK McKONE, Manager JOHN McKILLOP, Manager \ THIS IS ou the, Hop The great advances in Human Betterment made by the Frost Government are an enduring contribution to the welfare of the people of Ontario. Under the present Progressive Con- servative administration, more forward steps have been taken to increase individual and IN TERMS OF SOCIAL SECURITY , . . this means Equality of Opportunity in Education for all the children of the province , . . 25,000 new beds in our general and private hospitals as a direct result of provincial grants . . , the world's finest system of mental hospitals . . . the securing of Old Age Pensions for all at 70 and for needy senior citizens at 65... Pensions for the totally disabled (for family security than in all our previous history. IN TERMS OF HUMAN DIGNITY 7' it means the outlawing of discrimination in employment and accommodation on grounds of race, creed or colour , . . the right of women to serve on juries and to equal pay for equal work . . . the grant of full civil rights to our Indian fellow citizens . . . the highest Workmen's Compensation benefits in Canada , , . IN TERMS OF MONEY . , , it means that almost 50 cents of every dollar the the first time in Canada) and Pensions for the Blind at age 18... greatly in- Pravin receives in rm is now paid out for Human Betterment in Health, ublic Welfare an ucation . . . creased Mothers' Allowances and Children's Aid... J New Ontario Mental Hospital at Smith's Falls HEALTH--A sound foundation is being laid in Ontario for national Health Insurance by the vast system of provincial grants for mainténance and building of hospitals. The province will spend $58 million on health projects this year. In the last three years, grants of $900 per bed have been paid to hospitals for repairs and new equipment. Hospital grants have increased 20-fold since 1943, Hundreds of thousands of school children have received free polio vaccination--the greatest use of the new vaccine anywhere in the world, ALL THESE GREAT THINGS HAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED Modern Home for the Aged PUBLIC WELFARE--In 1952, Premier Frost's leadership secured Old Age Pensions for all at. 70 and for the needy at 65. To further incease old age security, the province pays half of the costs of all municipal Homes for the Aged and $2000 per bed for homes operated by charities. A total of 74 homes receives these grants. In 1952, Ontario became the first province to provide pensions for the totally disabled. It was the first province to give free medical services to a large class of needy citizens, Ontario's Mothers' Allowances and Children's Aid wre the most generous in Canada. . Kindorgarion in ont of our new schoole EDUCATION--Under the present government, the province's expenditures on education have risen from a mere $13 million when the administration took office to $102 million this year, Provincial grants are related to the financial resources of each community in order to provide Equality of Opportunity for all children regardless of where they live, For the same reason, free text books are provided, and grants are made for school transportation and milk in schools, Teachers' pensions have been expanded. School 'accommodation has increased ovef 50% in 10 years, WITH NO NEW... or SALES... or NUISANCE TAXES "ONTARIO TAXES ARE THE LOWEST IN CANADA! otwarZ ONTARIO P.R O G R E 8S .§~4 CONSERVATIVE Put Oshawa Riding On The Right Side With PREMIER FROST VOTE MACDONALD, Hayden Committee Rooms...135 Simcoe Street North--RA 5-9211 SA WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 18% iad ----- . tt -- - v 1