6 THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Wednesdsy, Mey 15, 1955 Editorials Toe ony Tomar Goss Ooms, WRT) copingt br Visas Gass Publis Limbs Simeon Street South, Oshawa, Ontario, 25 -Year Dinner Is Marked By Optimistic Will Canada have a population of 25, 000,000 by 19757 RB. 8. McLaughlin, chairman of the board of General Motors of Canada Ltd, pays it will, Pointing out that the new 6B.acre South Plait here was not put up without considerable thought, Mr, McLaughlin clearly indicated that it may not be suf- ficlently large to meet the company's needs by that time, Mr, McLaughlin was speaking at the annual dinner of the company's 25-year elub ---- largest get-together of its kind in Canada -- and told the assembly of more than 1,40C that he was born an op- timist and always had ideas of great ex- pansion. His expressions of great optimism for this city were soundly endorsed by wil. liam A, Wecker, president of General Mo- tors of Canada Ltd, who 'said Canada faces a bright economic outlook for the "foreseeable future." Then he went on to explain that the views were not based on "empty optimism" but on "the sound foot~ ing of several long-term growth factors that are present in our economic struc ture." Canada's history towards "self-suffici- ency" was one of these factors as the Do- N.R. Crump New One of the most popular appointments ever made in Canadian railway adminis tration is that which has placed N. R. Crump in the presidency of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He has. come up all through the railroading business and has an elaborate knowledge of every end of it, "From laborer to head it" is the way his connection with the great railway sys: tem is now being described, Those who know the new president des- eribe him as keenly alert to everything around him, a friendly type, a good listen. er but very direct and to the point in his conversation, He impresses' people, it is sald, that he knows where he wants to go without hesitation after he feels he has full information on any question or prob- lem. And besides all this, employees of the railway know thelr 'boss' has been "through the mill" and that therefore Statements minion made its great store of natural re- sources work for the betterment of coun. try, he continued, Between 1987 and 1961, the last year for which figures have been processed in detail the number of wage earners in Can- adian factories more than doubled to just over a million, The net worth of the goods they produced increased five full times to almost $7 billion, the speaker said, It was interesting to hear Mr, Wecker say that more than one out of every two passenger sutomobiles sold in Canada during the first four months of 19656 was 8 General Motors product, "We of General Motors stand ready and equipped to build and sell more cars than at any time in history," Mr. Wecker said, He sdded that Canada stands in the first rank of the most powerful industrial nations of the modern worlds, The optimistic reports of these two in- fluential GM officials should lend us all encouragement in helping to build Osha- wa into one of the hubs of industry in Canada, No city in Canada today has advanced more rapidly in an economic way and no city has a greater future than this thriv- ing automobile manufacturing centre 'Which we call our home, Head CPR. there is an understanding man at the top, / He enjoys their respect, The new CP ", president h- 1 spent all his working liie in railway works, has fit ted himself by engineering studies and degrees and by very persistent study of all changes in railway development, For instance he has often been referred to lately as the C.P.R,'s dieselization expert, In the opinion of C.P.R. directors Mr, Crump is the safe and courageous man to face the task of piloting one of the world's greatest travel systems through the next few years of the rapid development in Canada, Any outside opinions we hear agree with the decision of C.P.R's gov. erning! body that Mr, Crump is the man for the job. The big railway's governors are indeed fortunate to have a man of such all-round experience and ability to guide the progress of the system at this time, Graduates Facing The World The time is fast approaching when a large number of young men and women will be winding up their scholastic careers and venturing into the world of busi. ness. In many universities and colleges, final examinations have been written, and the graduating students are awaiting the ceremonies which will crown their aca- demic endeavors. Next month, the high schools will "graduate thousands more, many of whom will be seeking a place in industry or commerce, It is 'not too soon for these young men and women to give serious thought to what they will be doing to earn their daily read, Some have already decided, and are fortunate enough to have work lined up for them when they are ready for the great change from the somewhat shelter ed life within the schools to the highly Others face a great problém, made even greater by the large number of unemploy- Fact finders are forever digging up facts for us -- but after they've dug, . . . ~ I'he Daily Times-Gazette Published by TIMES GAZETTE PUBLISHERS LIMITED The Dally Times-Gazette (Oshawa, Whithy) The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and ®he hithy (Sundays and 'Watutary holidays excepted), Members of The Canadian Press, The Canadian Dally Association and the Audit Bureau of Clreulation. The dian Press is ely entitled to the use for . publi Papel The Assoelated Press or Reuters, and alse the local news published therein, Al vights of special des "MeINTYRE HOOD, Managing. Rater sity Tower Building Montreal, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Perry, Alax and Plokering, not aver 306 per week, By Mall (a Province of Ontario) outside carrier delivery areas DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR APRIL competitive world of business, . . Editorial Notes what does anyone do with them, - 7 Simooe Street South, Oshawa combining Gasette and Chronicle (est 1863) is Newspapers Association and the Ontario Provincial Dailies of all news despatohes in the credited to it or Palehas are alao 'reserved, Offices: #4 King Street West, Astemo, Ontario, 383 Univer Delivered by carriers in Oshawa, Whithy, Brooklin, Pert $12.00. Elsewhere $15.00 per vear ed at present in the country, These young people have no immediate prospect, and in addition many have no idea of what they want to do, nor what they can do, * The National Employment Service op. erates a special placement section to help these young people who face the transi. tion from school to work, An interview with one of the special officers within the next week or two might help to settle the minds of these young people, and could even result in a job waiting for them when the appropriate moment are rives. This is a matter of preparation that could well be urged upon every person at this 'time. He may wish to have a brief holiday after finishing school, but that can be taken into account, His main concern should be that there is no pro- longed period of unproductive time, and this can best be assured through making as complete arrangements as possible now. ' Other Editors' Views IN DERT IN CANADA (Toronto Telegram) This country has loans outstanding against a dozen nations in the amount of $1,700,000,000 most of it lent Britain under a financial agreement of 106, The budget papers disclose that advances have been made to seven foreign countries to as sist them In purchasing goods and services in Canada. Repayments due in the fiscal year 1954-58 were made by all except China and Cazechosl ? Kiet A TOUGH CUSTOMER § TAKE OVER --- , IVE OF THINGS JUST THOUGHT OTHER. 1 MUST ATTEND TO GALLUP POLL OF BRITAIN ( Labor And Conservatives Are Practically Equal By BRITISH INSTITUTE of PUBLIC OPINION LONDON « Labor has cut down the Conservative Party Lead and the two Parties are running a Neck-and-Neck Race, in terms of the popular vote, as the Rritish fon Campalgn enters the fin: al Ber sirveys showed the Con. ssbvaiivas leading Labor hy sev. era that this Lead has been virtually Wit vu ya xeludin, all' volers hy rn ha ve 10 Take Tooter fi TH up Anat ot ; % on, the Intest ular Jota gures are PRR th General Election, how do a intend to vote?' fotservasive 47 per cent, r 47 per cent, Aral, Other 6 per cent An interesting sidelight in that, apart fro they intend to vote themse R, hes Yio ritish hush 0 is pretty much convinced that t Conservatives will win, The survey also «asked voters the following question: "Whe do 3 Jhink will. win the next Elect wie results San? all British vot: oe nservative 88 per cent, » fabor 19 per, cent; Fa _ Don't know per eent, oints, Today's figures show jo 2 lace May 26th. Here are the six prin sons given hy those who Conservatives will win: {4A the MAC'S MUSINGS ding of 2, Increase in Old-Age Pensions 8, Government has done well, 4, Abolishing of Food-Rationing, 5, Work for Everyone, 6, Labor Party split because of incipal rea. eh Bevan, And here are the 0 think La- sons dven by those win: (i W ] aller poor people, Work. : ] Mer old people , Work for Everyone, 8, Work for {Rat nf when in olfice. { Hoot he remembered that to day's surv o figures anply only only to the popular vote, not in Paria out, Hittory shows hat a clope Election rms of oe votes can sometimes 13 in substantial majority of seats 'por lament for the winning par ¥ Normal the Labor Party must have a F boi Lead in the popu- lar vote to win enough seats to control parliament and select the rime Fl Institute is continu. in its surveys up to within twe days of the Election, which takes PARIS LETTER Danish Royalty 'Welcomed In % By FRANCES KNECHT pecial Correspondent 0 The Times-Gazette PA RIS, France That part of A the Champs Elysees #iuated he tween Avenue frie V and the Etoile, where, until a few months ago cafes and restaurants were fonscious by their absence, is now becoming a most cosmopolitan area, fio ihe all, yt) American style cafeteria ade 8 appear: ance, This was followed By the Engish-style Corner-House rest. aurant, Now there Is the Denmark House, with its f*henhagen restau: cant and bar, It was nau arated by the King and Queen mark, along with President Coty, They came to Paris specially for the opening ceremony The seven: J rey buliding itself, with its small flat windows, seems from the outside to be rather aus: tere, Yet once in the lovely courts yard, with its lily pond, statues and grass lawns, a most romantic, na Anderson: dike atmogpilere 1 Here are terraces, with M tab! os. where ono can sample Dans ish cooking in the open air. For those who know Copenhagen, it Tetalls something of a small Tivoli kia, Under the head of miscellaneous loans, Can- ada is creditor to France, Greece, Rumania, the Netherlands and Russia, The Soviets paid off $1, 800,000, reducing the debt to $3,600,000, Bible Thoughts A Princeton professor wrote a book. "The Di» rection of Human Evolution," This boek ended In complete confusion and bewilderment, John was definite and specific. To be like Christ is a 'worthy ambition and life goal, Now we are children of God, and it is not yet manifest what we shall be, We know * * * we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.~~1 John LIEN for den, the world over as @ big attraction of the Danish capital, The ground floor has a tourist office, a pottery shop, sil: ver and china Ky ect shop, exhi tion rooms and a bar NRW CHURCH 'oPENED Ble ghureh opening on the Byron was also opened v the in royalty last Sunday, The stained glass windows, of mod: ern inspiration, were executed by the Danish sculptor, Palle Bruun, This little Scandinavian country, which boasts an embassy and PA here, has a colony of no less than 600 peaple, and it is mow the proud possessor of one of the biggest houses in Paris, This has certainly been a Danish woek, so far as entertainment was concerned. There was a concert at the Champs-Elysees Theatre, give en by the Danish radio orchestra, Paris with the King and n and French personalities, includion Sing the President and Mme, Coty, ent, re-hash of the film, ' hang rise tian Anderson and the dancer' with Danny Kaye, was given af the Monte Carlo Cinema, n addis von to various public' receptions, The op Rening of Dentoark ouse, was arvang to selnoide wi the" 150th annivers the birth of Hans Anderson, Most of the build: ings on the Champs Elysees put a out the Danish flag Pred with white cross), as a algn of friendship for their neighbors. The moat interest: ing display was in the next-door showrooms of a hig automobile firm, which, inspired the great story: eller, had installed seenery of cantlen | n the at, and different animals in ¢ ard, re tesentin the Man dh Sn Guoard, of Blk hoo y During A ceremony in he a amphitheatre of the Sorbonne Monsieur Jean Rarthoin minister of national educat n, pala omage MOUNTBATTEN Fr TED The Inter-Allled Club was a brils liant scene when the French-Rrits Ish Association gav dinner in honor of Lovd and fay Louis Mountbatten, rat sea nd All the men were in dinner suits: == no uniforms Land the ladies in eve ning dress. Lady Louis wore a sea- ble gren gown and some magnificent Jewels, tucluding i) Snarmous dias mond bY oh, neck) Ha ears rings who coun od Paris 500 ai LR were assembled in an easy-going and friendly atmos. Jere. Speeches were short, he one made hy Lord Louls was a Masterpiece of humor and under statemen Parislennes have been eating strawberries for th last ten days, Now they ave on the market priced at 130 franos (40 cents) a small basket, weighing about half a pound, They seem to be plentiful, no doubt due to the very dry wea: ther, Seldon has so little rain been registered in Paris during th month of April, We have found many a In our long yeary of Newspaper experience That there are people Who will always object Ven the truth is printed bout them, and gives he ublic some facts are not vei 4 " to have known, Fotis TdT Tidunin Dot. hen we have hae facet such | ishing us if fi only One side of the ory, Our answer has usually Aven, that oH belleve he duty of a lige iJ ul The a ing on in. public pla And th hat men ht Diring to Re elected to offine Should never be afraid To have the truth told, ny man whose desires have his actions Glossed over or even Falsified usually has Something to hide for A specific purpose, and. We would Mover dondane Covering up the truth ven when it means the osing of a friend, : husier than ever on this cam oi dst Bar Confessions From Preliminary B.C. Cadis Told VANCOUVER op - READER'S VIEWS Says Frost Had Courage | i In Dismissing Dempsey x Lp oa matter The thar, The Times Ganetts, sary amr Sir; 1 have just read the Times LO. ourty maha Garett (May 15) and ooo 's Queen' ark oar Faris ap (0 nsed 7 £283 fae 8 H :% a chy, Fok Bogs i 1 Frost, ih men we fe no a, fear nor IN DAYS GONE BY 2% YEARS he po no : Males, which had in tL of the pol Dolise ips als aitended, Harold Ever 4) log Sront _', The city w fi were LL to west of ice garage, Gay and Dora tion of oe united In AKON's Fh odin in Bi attest | on edd hngs n moe Breet City Counefl brs ond. # motor boat, Bing § hooks to be used oi fake" dur aded Shin fo HgTe i ed to the position of e 8 Ride Rods Aoain Like In D opression pointed be [] Sommiiies OTTAWA pr --- pli and Dr, ¥ Ly L/% ah oh fon ie Hl Vouion lo? 3, Something ho sa i i i i od 10 see a nd pila 4 Commeree for oh to succeed Loon Fraser, nt fone ed or the ro oad to the cit, 4 the le ares, The Board of Education, he Alex W, Bell, Fl y, at the ehireh Bt, George I i, Geant "Wiodow a" or of the late 0 had been a Sg r of ih Board, rie Hart, president, oi = & Fomor, "ie ee - presen he Rotary Club, londnd ¥ oh the po of the 27th dis - rd trict of Rotary International, held of mun not QUEEN'S PARK Both Sides Plan Tactical Fight DON O'HEARN - id i it EDDA Corre RL nla LJ Times of on y his own CA to Snada, Gohans chain 31 of the Board o i ul } omier Frost is delaying bis fom ampalgning until Ma 1 leaves . a weeks * mision slum very short time cons Winnin sidering Bhe' territory to he cov. aide the skirts of the master. waa | i: are Shawing in the move, Wi he foley Ee CY AX ais i Conservative planners were out: foxed on that ope, Premier Frost yoaq ho food oronto Af Woo thought A Hood trick, model pal " Wied lo fad t the opposition inte tion po toh Eh § the Sitio though wa ready t So eo Is going io POY & spaces ali wed runnin t hh dag ut He the oth Thi hen the first clearly, 0 shows 8 yg worn down on the pub. hood idea, a MN backfired, 0 "he wilh r al it the impact There were a Aum mber of spoiled ballots a "The rl flag. And And a g in the over 20 of them il hat: the v, had marked od thelr X il remko but they also out the other names, Saskatchewan 7 TORONTO ~~ The ty ists are ui the wrence parks ¢ hy etn a oll Renfrew fd {fhe ih a from the reason fn aremko, yy of i a game, AXES AT END He will let the Liberals shoot the early Cg tert, o 1 opposi Fd las womey ae yp NA up finish with sy of . pA 5 swinging mightily I! ro a J have a They may an: fo toate 8 i mn plan and A Flood Rid to up their own tactics to meet IG hg Ue alien for on Japecitied amount in FOR BETTER HEALTH eral ald to meet a yn flood damage in federal contribution of j By WRMAN N, UNI: gh Loss of a tooth oh0 ar of tooth is mot 'generally ont der too, tragic A 088, fd the pain I discon ort are relieved, How- i the teeth have an important f inotion in the tructure of the face and mattioation of food, And sometimes the loss of an mpor: tant tooth or teeth can have def: inite effects in after years, hen a part of a tooth is brok. en off, "Be tooth may or may net undergo detrimental changes, ever, with 1 a dentist order extent oy times, X- examination will termine how severely the teet have been injured. Certain people are more aublest to injuries to their teeth Than oth: ersons with protruding teeth "hick teeth'--are more likely to have the teeth injured since they would be the first point of tact ith any blow against the face. A blow to the chin my break the tosth. that are on ¢ sides of the mouth, Teeth ey Ale nol tolined at roper ave | reater tendeno k Be ing A yeild dents, ay to rat ig preva» aS more nd lent in teen-age children and young adits who are active in sports, ajury to the teeth has hy + Prompt Care Of Injured Teeth Wil Prevent Loss " wav, In Addition the XA » wank | A of the cost of a oon wan Dearing "the oth ih proposals ae ihe We teas Monday Saskatchewan minis sought to olared a iE | ors Wha er is affected, some: gency Telit Jollowing A May times 0 seth have to be trea ed Norm, caused floods that left more ros Prem Canadian acres under water 4 Fl medicines which than 4,500,000 affected 35 muniel place with a SH an seriously palities ae Lg Jarente to oh mae i oe Jone tist uh on any fury lo ir mouths ocours, 1) latming | the extent and rovers the | yond | fevent ne loa of oth, 1s hat A would 0 Push he _tostored, ah and here wi io ile erence with the norm Ne _m oolth and face, A hat nt . 1 ©! p n a to fe a chetks . no ine ean iat {] by A in the hn to When AND ANSWER Al: M by had a high tem. five ure hn convulsions about months Mo. 'What 1s the t way to bring down a je o yy order to prevent convuls Answer: Of course, you sho call a doctor immediately a the baby has a very hig temper: ver, usually spongin; with naif eal and hal wa Ny the giving of a cool tap water enema and small amounts of as pinia will help bring down the emperature until the arrival of LONDON (OF (CP) 1 Noyes oe tht of 0 AE pa te he x rl th 4 ahs | Fl aid shown Ch la ave ing here June 0 L sre Te Consolidate 0 Monthly Payments ' For Home k Repair S Emergency To Toe In Shiv Woy i, Clic! For New Purchaser For Any Se Us for this mechanical a i auto aceident, ger beside the driver is mare a to have his teeth injured than "e driver himself, ton +R aly ST \ VB passin: soon as the other bodily parts have heen repaired or treated. Loose teeth may often he fixed hy wire or sutures, If the vital part of the Finance 3, NH WILSON, Mgr, 29)4 Simeon §, Diel RA 5:1121 OSHAWA the doctor, x RALPE §, JONES BARRISTER & SOLICITOR |' 63 SIMEOR ST. §. PHONE -- 5.3241 5.6159 A -- fr ECONOMY No other fare can compare! COLONIAL COACH LINES Gray Conch Lines » Toli RA 3-224) a