92 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Vridey, Jenusry #1, 1955 SPORTS MENU "Everything from Soup to Nuis" by Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR | MACDONALD'S ALSO Kiwanis And B'Nai Still Setting Sos These OUTSTANDING A-1 IVALUES -af = SEAWAY MOTORS 25 Grenfell Street (Formerly Alexender Blvd) B'Rith Pace annual meeting in Cobourg on March 1920, This Is me 2 years, except eight years ago at Peterborough BA has ever held its annual meeting east of Oshawa, Dodge # former councilor and mayor, got the support of rg civic hody and the first step in Assuring the success of convention hes been taken, They'll banquet the 100-004 delegates at Cobourg's pavilion, We doubt if they'll have a hundred delegates | minded there hw at fonst, the Lakeshore League should gain some prestige with the governing body and maybe get some of the support they deserve, Latest cenire 10 report a serious dr off of stiendance at hockey games, is the ely of Quebec, For Yesrs, the Quebes fans have heen known is extremely loyal, very rabid and generous with their support (0 thelr teams, both in senlor and Junior ranks, Now there is danger Liat fedms in Quebec will have to fold up, her cause of Jack of support, Louis Fusk. writing in the Chromicle Telegraph, opines that too many prolonged playoll series have cunsed the fans bo silky away from league games, waiting for the playoifs and too long a schedule Js also submitted as another factor, ' Woods, on passes from and Kawrenes opened he se A lor Macdonald v | have ormond from B, imeoe tie the score, - 2 period Beaton's hoe Payne seating son, ¥i not | Page, Humphries, hoi B Colvin nd Me i briny tion to his anager, slong with $1.00 and he will see that you om: wired information is as "other iden follows: § ma name, Vather's name and player's name of birth id ame was a real thriller iy wart 10 finish " dhe ted IT'S A MISS | - AND THERE MUST HAVE BEEN SEVERAL pion Far ols wince mis. | Won Wale vino yanimots | garded ld whe wat nderdoy "WAN a long lett against Jim. | dociton In" 10-round fight a | in the betting; BOWLING NEWS LADIES MAYFAIR BUSINESS LEAGUE os rigs fey Wok dots to A th & score and MONTREAL (CP) -- The Pan. | igh single goes American Games Associgtion of | high single, 276 10 7. Knipe with Canadn announced the names of | 200 League: P, Knipe 251 and Canadian athletes who will com-| 278 8. Powers 272 and G pete in the Pan-American Games, | Elliott 202 and 264, ¥. Davidson ovghing March 12 at Mexico City, | 254, A, Allen 239, 'f, Sullivan 229. The list includes a ladies' swim: |B, Pearce 225, A, Brown 220 and ming team 216, H, Katols 211, E, Snow 219, Competing In the men's events | V, Dewell 210 and 202, M. Voy 208 will be Ted Simpson, Vancouver; | M, Sheridon 206, B, Simmons 204 Geogge Park, Hamilton; Jerry Me- | and 208, B, Gibson 206, ¥, Pritch Namee, Vancouver: Bon, Sale. Van | ard 208, D, Hoskins 208, § couver; Hon Crane, Vancouver; | Cullough 204, C, Coll , M, and Bill Patrick, Calgary. Gil 20 A ifs, W The Peterborough, Ont, orna-| lemon League: R. Snelgrove, 8, mental team of Betty Welch, Iris | Thompson, Reilly, Pat Nickels, Joan Craig,| Henderson's Joan Lyncy, Joan Brown, Jean| Lakas Lunch Gallagher, Dorothy Russels, Don-| Unl-Mae na Bristow, Shirley Muldaver, 1948 CHRYSLER simplimatic transmission, strates perfectly = 1948 PONTIAC Sedan ~~ Spot- Cra Sedan v low Name Canada Athletes For Pan-Am Games | #l- | 1948 MERCURY wen, A cloon throughout 1949 PONTIAC Soden -- Abso- ute beyond critichm, wpholstery . 1949 MERCURY Coach, font tion, also priced to cloor 1949 DODGE Custom Sedan ~~ Yeory clean throughout on collont mechanically, $795 nearly new tres 1950 ANGLIA =~ Blue, meotch- ing Interior, new tires, You'll not be disappointed $196 in this cor [4 Duffield WANS, | Warner, Fleming, Wilso vapped in his team's only goal Lions Melnick, Taylor, Sprag } gle, Khaw, Neway BA Rided By Speedy Niagara Progress, Hydro Power Picture Best In 9 Years The brightest Ontario Hy dro ated with the operation of the two cially begun when Internationsl er ploture since . the end of | plants was responsible for their | sod-turning ceremonies were held World ar 11 was reported by | increased power produetion, This| at Cornwall, Ont, and Masens, Chairman Robert H, Saunders in! udditonal output came as Hydro| N a review of Hydro operations, The | experienced unprecedented pow: eireles across the horder but on Michigan says it's all "sour grapes' and figures the presence of the experienced Canadian players has rajsed the standard of thelr game and improved the interest, INDUSTRIAL BASKETBALL Duplate, Pro. Control, Cay's cols J J J r] Vv H Hesond AGINCOURY L, Ross, J, Green, B. Walton, L, Walton, skip, to scoring A Maedonsld came out full Ante ' Lions Club sithough they 't | Hayden ] ie 1a very important 8s you! w naged to {ie B'Nai B'Rith, | Of determination In the third per 0 v, is, Sutton from Cra y OMM.A, playdowns unless these | game ot | are turned ry January Hs syne from Lawrence tied " s | 500 riod to give | Lond | | Wood scoring for | Macdonald, Germond B, # { the marks. | ton's Dairy were the stars of the | game | dott ronan, | . Mahon, Weldon, Lawrence, Millon, cr Curling Scores | ONTARIO _TANKARD " Rownd AGINCOURT 4 1, Row, 1,"Givson, 5. Walton, , Brillinger, Li. Walton, skip, Brown, skip, § Hesdabrand, L. ¥, Rows, skip, 28; Ch. whip, 11, Round OSHAWA B, Walker, Morrison, , Parkhill, skip, 15 win, mi will he ineligible to compete in The [4 10 4 for the first time in many & | lod and drove in three unanswered nd then Woods scored the | Simeoe, Me- | coe up from the Midgets for Bes ' Gov. - General Hayden Macdonald v. erais Woods, | rir UNIONVILLE J, Green, Harmon, , Van Laven, 2 Young, a , Agincourt, Unionville, 17, Ww, Wilson, Sawyer, Y. Together these two entities are Burns Credit Jewellers Win Tuesday One massacre and two well play #l basketball games were the ord: er of the night Tuesday when the Night's Games Ken Wrubel also played a fine ame for the winners and Bil | Mackness as usual was in the | right position at the right time to commission, According to prelim nary figures, had 8 reserve capa city in its southern Ontario system of 18.7 per cent at the time of the December primory peak demand er domands on its southern Ontario system. Throughout November and December, primary peak demands recorded new highs culminating Dee, 21 in an alltime peak of 4, bull " the vast $600 million pro- Jeet wey will share (with one exception the consntruction costs, and each will be entitled to one half of the installed capacity or | ¥ ) n w n, 1 DP, Van Luven, ¥. Sellers, J, Walton, LB, Ross, skip, 16 Totals, Agincourt, J] Oshawa, #7, Don Holden, skip, Chums Retaurant Morrison Furs Little Buckaroos Shore Acres OPUL, LEAGUE Norma Douglas and Elaine Tuck- or also will make the trip The Vancouver Ellers, four times ladies' Canadian champions, will represent Canada in basketball, RVRVRIIDTY 12, 1950 PREFECT ~~ Thorough! : § Industrial Baskethall League pre: PRELIMINARY UNIONVILLE COBOURG } Morvow, 1. Plummer, , Lawrie, ron, mn Will Trewin, skip, 11 Clif Coarse, Max Smith, Paul Allan, ©, Winters, skip; § Cobourg, 19, Hound UNIONVILLE R. Sellers, Rn. Lawrie, ©, Blundell, : Roberts, skip, 15 Morrow, Lawrie, Brown, MeMullen, skip, i | Kum G4, Willson, § Rutherford, 'Third, H, Lithle, skip, 9, Carl Nellers, Bennett, oh, Mitepatriek, H, Burwash, skip, 0, 1950 CHEVROLET Tor , light grey, tires, Al =~ guerenteed 1950 METEOR Custom Tudor Just n, mere 706 once, As gusrontesd $ 95 1950 MONARCH Seden ~~ Just in, priced to move, AY guaranteed | 1951 CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- don ~~ Loaded with ny extras, light green, ' inside, Al guerentesd | 1951 FORD Sedon ~~ Dark blue, radio, a 7 edo new + the highest 'n nine years "This," sald Mr, Saunders, "is a result of Hydro's (remendous expansion program and the plae ing in service during 1954 of seven units three more than orginally lanned for the year -- aL our new lagara . Project, together with I'l water conditions in most areas of the Province, As we enter 1085, Hydro can look forward to the safest period In terms of re serve of power "In 1045, the commission had margin hetween power demands end available supplies to meet the | crowing power requirements of the | Provinee's rapidly developing in ustrial might," sald Mr, Baun- re, Three yeurs later, the effet of extreme low-water eonditions and nounting electrical demands gave hydro a year of eritical puw: er shortage, "Considering that In 1958 we were able to overcome a similar low-water supply situation on the Ottawa river without any major power cuts and today have achiev ed a nearly 14 per cent power re | serve, 1s a wonderful tribute to the success of our labor-management team, contractors and suppliers in' pushing through the greatest paver expansion program In the hetory of the commisson," he! added | While Hydro's 1064 activities on the power front were als) highlight ed by the oficial start on the Bt Lawrence power project, completion of a two-unit addition tn 178,000 horsepower "Fhe ability of our hardworking and efficient construetion men and engineers at the Bir Adam Beck No, 2 plant to exceed this year's original objective of our units en abled the commission to take care of the resord peak demands,' the chairman stated, "The demands were met despite the fact that two 134 000-horsepower units at the Richard 1. Hern Generating ta: tion, Canada's largest fuel-electrie power plant, Were out of service owing 3 mechanical damage n The chairman paid warm trib: /] ™ ute to the wonderful co-operation i Ailes doweettenni. unler the which Hydro has received at Ni y . 4 | Wfoot Cornwall canal to provide ggara from its contractors and sup ready and. rapid. Access to the fers, including Rayner ° Atlas | SolB Ske "SES for construction a, Campbell, perini + Walsh, Canadian GO neral 1. Eveniss, skip, Wioctrio Canadian Westinghouse, oquipment, Then and supp », Jomiplo J éineering. orton | OP) Frond ras ro) A fice. a Towle, Oshaws, tec] Works, English Electric, Can. | FL CTOUEEE (ORREEE ne nd a | WOODVILLE ado Bridge "and" 'many "othep Fat miles west of A ag Burin, 8, + Trehelien, Power from the huge §343,742,000 jhe tuahly important fleld project Li MacPherson, Bir Adam Beck No, 2 plant, OBEN") 4 Calling of tenders Nov, 30 by | 10: ed officially last Aug, 30 by Her Hydro for crushed rock or crush. + Baker, Royal Highness, The Duchess of gravel and sand to be used a !, Lilien, Kent, was initially delivered In concrete Aggregate in the ton struction of the Een. akin, 18 April this year, less than three anadian section of | | Totals, Wooaville. and one. hall years after construe. | oo powerhouse and associated work in the vicinity of Cornwall; and the reviewing by the com- mission of tender, bids for the supply and installation of the pow: er-house generator units On Aug, 17, Hydro presented its community planning and rehabill- tation proposal to officials of the communities to be affected along a 46-mile stretch of the north shore of the Bt, Lawrence river, "Progress has been made on Dans associated with this immense and complex task of relocating and rehabilitating the com munities which ultimately wi be flooded, Mr, Saunders stated 1,100,000 horsepower for emnch agency, The exceplon is the pur: chase, Installation and operation of mechanical and electrical equip. ment for the power house to be handled and paid for separately by each entity Progress on the project during 1064 included; 1, The completion of the first stage of the cofferdam sealing off the north channel of the river, be tween Sheek and Barnhart Islands above the powerhouse site, and the start on a second cofferdam some The Bouncers and Dumbbells each took 3 Joints from the Sparky's and Lolos, and the Vly. ers and Bellringers took 2 points each, / Viyers 44 Sparky's 41 Dumb-bells 4 i] a sented thelr regular triple header, | rack up his usual quota, The latter The Clowns placed exceptionally | seems to be the recipient of may well on Tuesday evening to give | well aimed passes from hol the Duplate team a hard time to | teams and is deadly when within eke oul a win hilt the » | 10 foet of the basket and he Is not night default Jo Cay's Lumber: | often much farther away, ings to retain undisputed cellar| The Whithy boys at no time kings threw in the sponge but towards position Following Duplate in the win col | {he end of the contest it was pret: unm for the first time this season | ty soggy. Jim Musselman garner: the Clowns appeared to have aled 12 points and Bob Hensteek 15 team that could work together and with Charlie Greenlaw getting # some exceptional solo work by Bill Goon FINAL GAME McHugh gave the Duplate team all The final game was a thriller: they wanted in pulling a 56-42 de filler Ki he way nd most of he cision single basket only and on numer: | At the end of the first quarter | ou occasions the seore was dead: | Duplate led by a single basket | joked 1¢ yay anyone's fame up inl ort 'at ie a Pole Sod hrs ul o ol passes from Rae Zilinsky and | {wo (eams and one could safe other teammates, For the Clowns | say that It was just a matter of everyone got inte the shaw vIIh #1 geiting the breaks to come out on basket, At the end of the half the | tap on the contest picture hadn't changed and tha |) At the end of the initial half the plate still had one basket | scoreboard read 20-18 for Ajax and margin 18:16 with Bob Lambert | at the end of the third quarter and Ralph Harlowe figuring In the | Cay's had the upper hand with a Duplate scores, ei sount I th il McHugh really was brilliant | In the final quarter of the game wil vont it Hi centre three | Macinally played brilliantly to give times In a row to go through the the Ajax Kor the lead once more whole Duplate team to seare three | Put Hoy Tartley began hitting the hasket and again put Cay's in the heautiful field goals and keep the Clowns in the running lead Qordon Schniidhe, missing a or | Al MacTavish started a rally for oy ey gin the 13hie in] the Clowns ta nut them within nme | deadlocked the score with two haske! hut pe Jagr came quickies only jo have Matthews through in the pinch with a score three of his long-range ones 10 voinl effort and together with | in a row to put Rh, again Harlowe and Lambert adding 10 for the last time, Ajax scored once the total the Duplate team coasted | again before the whistle but Wa | the rematning two minutes for a | still two, #oal short of heir objec A642 win tive and Cay's were the winners Sheridan and Zilinsky contribu: | 46-42 ed greatly to the Duplate win with | The beat player on the floor was nee defensive work and Zilinaky | Matthews who time and again car Shawinigan Cataracts Cling To Top Position Shawinigan Falls Cataracts, who stress defensive hockey and cap- italize on the breaks, did just that again Thursday night and consol idated their hold on first place in the Quebec Hockey League, The I" Cats rattled In two second period goals to beat Montreal Royals 2-1. In the other league game, Valley: field Braves pulled out of the league cellar Into a tle for fourth lace with Chicoutimi by downin he Sagueneens 4-3 in Valleyfield, " Lan BR fellers, bai 1 Lolos Beliringers uncers 2 Ladies' high single: Diane Col ns 241, Ladies' nigh triple: Molly Harts horn 236, 211, 185, (634), Men's high single: Harry Gim- blett 27 whip HA Totals, Unionville, J #eosond OSHAWA T. Chenier, 0, Palle, 0, Parker, A, Webster, skip, 13 Hugh Benton, Ross Mills, - 242 and 224 (040), D, 8 Don't wash eggs before storing. an, ), D, Sager 214, A, Coyne 209, J, Power 201, B, Holley: Water takes off the protective film , that keeps out air H he D. Collins 201, i conditioned, Al guaranteed |, OR Fudorm five to clear, OAR AY guaranteed 1952 FORD Cosch--~Radlo, 05 Need money to pay rank alr conditioning, Alguarantesd | § 1952 CHEV. Custom Sedon-- Reduced to Siege, $1246 Al guaranteed 1952 MORRIS Oxford Sedan~ Leather trim, thoroughly re. conditioned, $746 new tires Totals, Woodville, 11] Agineourt, 3% Round WOODVILLE Thorpe; 8 Newman, 4, Woodville, 18, tion began, The present objective Pinal calls for the Installation of five more units by mid-summer of 1056 which will mean the initial 12-unit stage will he gomploted about one year ahead of original estimates, Four more 100000 + horsepower | near | generators will be added as re: Quired which, together with the Pine Portage Generating Station | pumped Worage scheme, will give on the Nipigan river, and rapid | the plant an ultimate installed cap progress at Manitou Falls Gener | mely of 1,820,000 horsepower ating Station on the Engh river,| With the speeded-up construe: it was the vutyandng headway on | tion schedule In effect on this pro the Bir Adam Beck-Niagara Cen | Jeet, Mr. Baunders sald the com erating Station No, 2 whieh helped | mision hopes to be able to main place the commission's southern | (ain a satisfactory margin in was partieularly effective snaring | ried the ball up the floor for the | Ontario system in its present | southern Ontario between power rehounds of tha haokhaard to five | winners and either passed Aceur. | greatly improved position demands and available supplies | said that an agreement of far: floor length passes to Harlowe and | ately for scores or let go with his | IAGARA NRECORD {until 1068 when the first units of | reaching importance was signed Waldinsnerver f $00" 1 favourite long range set shots to | On Dee, 21 last, for example, | Hydro's 1,100,000 horsepower shave | Nov, 20 hetween Hydro and Cald: Kdwar worked hard all the way | accomplish the same thing Mat | the combined output of Hydvo's| of the St, Lawrence power pro: | Well Linen Mills covering the pur and fiers Wik y [thews along with Rae Zilinksy of | two giant Sir. Adam Beck plants | jeet comes Into service, Substantia | chase by Mydro of the company's perser, Tambert had 14 and Har {the Duplate team were the best | soared to an all-time high of 1,413, | completion of the entire' power | existing plant and dwellings in Iro- fowe netted 10. For the Clowns It | guards of the evening including all | 000 horsepower On this day, the Rowe Is expected in 1050 a was MaeTavish with 1} MeHugh | teams | noven In-secviee units. at the 8iv| NT, LAWR INCE PROJECT with 10 and Winse Bradley with| High scorers for the Cay's-Ajax | Atem Beck No. 4 plant produced | Sought for nearly 40 years, the [] { fo were Cordon Behmidke for ihe | I! LOW hofseoower A } Rowse. historie ud val -. kawivnce . TR A ee oser w § points, For t 1 0 i eam Ower project recelveg al au: WHITRY NO MATCH _ | Joser with 10 points. Kor the win: | Flilled oy uci, while the older | thorlsation June 7, 1004 when the The Production Control toam Pan | coved noints to his eredit, The two | Sir Adam Beck No, 1 station de: | United Btates hupreme Court up: vampage over the Whithy Merean: | fe "Ga Mathews with 10 points | l'vered 003,000 he rsepower, Which | held the right of the Power Au tiles and it was rather an Unni | iotanees for the evening were | Xcreded its installed capacity by | thority of the State of New Yori ein me 14 "Lai Dell and Bill Geingrich, The | 77,000 horsepower to develop the power potential of sided, However V | ie OANAWA Webster, 14) Kveniss, 80( Joel, Oshawa, Clean them up all at one time! Loans of $50 to 81,000 made at HFC on your own signature, Easy -tosmeet' requirements, One-day service, 24 months to repay, Today . , + keep your credit good, start fresh with an HFC loan! Need money ? Bills to pay? Call HFC today! (7 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 11% Simcoe 81.80uth, second floor, phone Oshawa LORE OSHAWA, ONT, PORY HOPE BRANCH: 71 Walton 81, 3nd floor, phone 3050 PELICAN COLONY One of America's largest breed ing colonies of white pelicans, big and lovely birds of elghtto ten foot wingspread, flourishes curiou sly enough in Pyramid Lake, Nev: ada, in the midst of seared desert and bitter chemical-laden waters, reconditioned, Al guerenteed | 1954 FORD Tudor =~ Company official's car, still under new NOW AT SRV oe TRUCKS 1947 INTERNATIONAL Hekur cer SOD 1948 FOR] ...... $346 PICK-V! 1948 INTERNATIONAL STAKE i My BY "racks, practically pg Ls $696 1951 GMC 3-TON =~ Complete with dump 1953 FORD wi. S1608 Apuols and Matilda township, To the residents of the area the agree: ment gives assurance that the Caldwell organization will not only continue but will expand its opera: tions, thereby creating additional employment, Ligh ler momenia @ BERTIE MEANWI BERTIE THINKS A FOUL LINE |S THE FORMATION DUCKS Ya'y \ Arga put on A umpires were Albert Nagey and! Mr, Saunders stated that tha ex: | the river in joint partnership with ant alin gut | Dave Kelly, Seorers wera Lloyd cellent flow of water through the! Ontario Hydro, Two months later of aceurate | Bolahood and Ralph Harlowe and tunnels and canal systems associ: lon Aug, 10, the project 'was offi converted | the timer was Allan Gouldburne, | BATTER SRE YOUR RH. D.° nie out of 19 tries | The referees and umpires all de: | FRANKLY, I DONT THINK W/LBUR FLYING PINS...ITS JUST y . . . T\E AUNCING BER OU - BOY THAT T DON KNOW WHERS THE PIN-BOY RULE | OSE 0 a fine demonstration fouls shoating as he 1952 FORD 3.TON == Now 14' platform, 27 thou: $1696 sand miles only | 1954 FORD PANEL -- 11,000 miles only, As) guaranteed | 1950 MERCURY PANEL Gueren! condition SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED 25 Grenfell Street (Formerly Alexender Blvd.) Dial 3-4683 WHITBY 301 Dundas St. W. Phone MO. 8-3331 WEEK HE TRIPPED HALF WAY DOWN AND PR TTTAMALYA We HA To CHISEL His A t le) ~~ 7 LOOK AT THOSE BOUNCES... * OLD POT-HOLE MEANWELL AT WORK AGAIN nd this doubled sare eonting di season to date, Perhaps the recent thraughout mast of the contest | extra studies prompted by the new: funny Maecon eareied the hall| ly organised Oshawa Basketball up the floae most of the time and | Referees Asociation is in a large was wemantihla for sting 76 | part responsible for the improve per cent of the production plays, ' ment in officiating Av the end of helf time one carve a net on the heck for the could sea "(he willing on the wall" | line control they had over the as tha UContoall had th Me em Fhev were perhaps the on the ropes to the tune of 40:80 smoothest officiated games of the KNOWS WHAT IT |6/== HE JUST HTC th ASN - LE W UGH od OUR RETAIL. HARDWARE DEALER AFTER HE GETS THROUGH THEY'LL HAFTA USE A ROAD GRADER TO POLISH THE ALLEY (EERE YOU ONLY GIT WHAT YOU PAY FOR This gentleman needed a hat, He went to the store, and walked owt with a very cheap hat, As he stood in the rain that evening waiting for hia bus, the hat shrunk to half it's sive, As his mustache got very wel he thought to himself, "You only get what you pay for", Insurance Is like that you keow, Cheap insurance shows up 'After a fire, a robbery, ar an accident, Then, when it's time 10 collect, you wind up as part of a statistician's table, One of those that didn't have the night kind of insurance coverage. Give your local General Accident insurance agent a all, and ask him to disouss insurance that really insures, His counsel deals not merely with the premium but the Kfeime benefive you desire, wwe GENERAL ACCIDENT Srevp \ HARRISON () KINSMAN HARDWARE == HOUSEWARES Paints & Power Tools EVERYTHING FOR YOUR NOME 337 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH DIAL 3.4428 N FOR THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR EVERY JOR, SEE YOUR pe RETAIL HARDWARE DEALER? YOU'LL NOT ONLY . FIND PRICES SATIBFACTORY, BUT VOU'L\. RECEVE | »g PERSONAL, FRIENBLY ATTENTION AND GUIDANCE, ' BOWLING IS A GRAND GAME ::: and as in all games there are rules that govern it A good anort abides by them, BREWERY LIMITED o