Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 6

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cy in labor, more economy and | * "less waste in living, building up capital by harder work aad greater ORS will entich you and your coun- 'ry. The men and romney at home must produce more to cover var' 'Ss waste. It if easier to Make money than to Save it. A Savings Sade at the Bank of Toronto will help save what your increased effort provides. ~ WW Ain in Toronto 119 Branches in Canada : 873,114,000 'THE. : BANK "oF TORONTO Branches.at Barrie and Allandal ) H. A, SIMS, Manager. T, BEECROFT & CO. -BANKERS Established 1879. Transact a Géneral Banking Business. Notes cashed or collected at the | most favorable rates. "We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in.Canada or the United States. : Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange bought: or sold: - Special attention will be given tw the accommodation of farmers in this. locality. * Money to Loan, on Mortgages. Agency Sun 'Life Assurance Company of Canada. Office Hours 10 to 4: T. BEECROFT, Manager. Your Reading Needs 'Coralie Stanton -., and Heath Hosken But there was oot-time to. be it was impossible for him to'be ill. Here he was .alone with these' other two, Peier with a terrible wound, half dead from haustion. und exposure; Lorion fever-rav 'aged "and safféting from a fearful mentel shock." Napier's knowledge of: medivine, his in- domitable will, and, above all, bis faith in Goil stood him in good stead, 'The youth and strength and excellent 'PRODUCTION (= _"Ancregsed effort anil efficien- | He shivered. * ite rair: comes." in fact, | + | us ship tack- |ing. He shouted as ag 'went--at least, he thought he did, but really only faint mur- muring cries came from between his lips. He lost count of time. Minutes or eter- nities might be slipping by while he made his painful ' passage - across And no'one came. Why did no one come? Why didn't his shouts: bring the natives from their tents?~ Surely he must be mak- ing himself heard, Some irresistible forte ee ee "T say," smd Peter, as sudden terrible flesh 'revealed. violet world, "this is aw- ful for Lorion, It may go on all night like this, tent," "He can have my'hut," said Napier. "Mine is the more sheltered," put in We mustn't 'leave him in thet) Peter. "We must think of that urged him towards the-forest. He did not "Then you must have mine, know why. ® "No, I couldn't,, 1 suppose it's rot, but| He staggered on, alone. No natives, I couldn't sleep where' that poor chap died. T'll be all right.in Lorion's tent. I'm per- fectly fit now, and I don't mind-storms in the least, But he's jolly. seedy, and, be-; sides, his tent . is 8 good way off, if he! should want anything. I- shouldn't feel a bit easy in my mind, really, if he is nét moved to miy. hi . "All right," said Nepier, but bie voice as a little doubtful. "Are you sure you won't have mine?" "No, thanks, really, I shall be quite all' right, Let's get him changed 'before swered his cries. He was alone in the; grey chill 'that preceded the dawn. Everything depended on chim, He knew thet, and it gave him power to what he did, which he afterwards came to regard as something of 4 miracle, And Peter! Where was Peter' towards the forest he stumbled, Every moment he grew" weaker; {strength 'seemed. to be ooziaz from' him, gradually but certainly going out in a thiu stream. Soon it. would he cxhausted;, he ! would not even be able to stumbl: on ox! he was doing now. He reached. the forest; by intuition -he found the track, He. stumbled on: the | thick, white, poisonous tmist closed around him, .wrapping him us in a garment, chili- ing him' to the bone. j | What 'was thet' A cry--a long drewn- | out, moaning ery. The ery: of someone in' pain, Lotion stopped still arid clung to the stem of a tree, listening with ull his.care, with all his being. Yes--there it wax uguin beyond, from deeper in the 'They went outside and across the clear- ing, and every moment they had to hide their faces from o blinding flash, -- The thunder was. like all the artillery' of the, world. 'gt practice. The sky between the | electric discharges was so black that they 'couldn't seé their hands before their faces. The air wax hot 'and quivering, like some | | living creature in mortal pain. "We're in for it, no doubt about that," said, Peter. 'There's the wind coming up; the rain will be down in a moment, Let ry. : z They woke Lorion rather abruptly, He was only half-conscious, und. made 'no re- ristence to their question that he should change his quarters for the hight. His |-head and hands were -burning;. he was | shivering violently}; there was every. sign | that, be was.in for's slierp.atfack of fever." 1 cum2 from hh awry ! if wax a human voice. He went on; he .was lost in the gloom ; several times he stumbled; "nce be} 'tripped over a giant paresite plant snd. fell / Carrots, basket .. eres 'heavily to the earth. He struggle! wn,' with grazed hands, aching in every limb. his | MARKET ITEMS 'SATURDAY MARKET That butter is being brought from Tor- onto and Newmarket and 'sold on Barrie market for 50c, a lb. is the newest con- tention of some. tow who keep in touch with the market, "Mrs. Buylow' perhaps can' tell us bow it is. possible to buy butter: so. much 'cheaper at her market than here... With plenty of corn now for the clearing. (feeding, butter eemed more plentiful this week. Potatoes were bought for $1.50 by the load. One man quoted a more. fantastic'! price to 'a. reporter. Veal was. 19 and 23 cents Ib, there evidently: still being a sale is so° much. controversy by our food con- ~;servgtion linguists. Wolf River apples at $5.00 per barrel were about the only: kind of apples-to be had, .Turnips were: 60c .& bag, one farmer having « large wagon load |by some and were 25c a basket, Small beets were 5c: basket and Inrge opiex 25¢ per basket, more labor entailed in prodite- ing the former being given as' the reason for the fieures, Dressed. fowl commanded 2c, per Ib. for both chicken' and duck, euch nicely prepared in most "instances, though we notice they still retain 'heir |awlwarid long necks and feet commented | omrecently by our-Reeve as being unneces- sary market adornments, Average prices were as follows:-- Butter, Ib.. Eggs, dozen'... Fowl, dressed, ib Spring chicken, dressed, Tb . Duck, reseed, Ih... Veal,'Ib.. Mutton, Ib. sy 220 | Apples, Woit Rive "bh 08 Snows, basket 5 + 40-506 Alexanders, b: "4060 Pears, basket $1.00! Potatoes, peck. Potatoes, beg Beet®, basket Parsnips, basket Turnips, bags... Vegetable Marrow, each . Ceuliflower, exch .. Celery, bunch. . for this young meat on which subject there | wills, of them on-hand. Parsnips are- being ditg | wAUD £. CLAXTON, LIT.COM. PIANO AND VOCAL' LESSONS.' In vocal 'mentary exams. of Toronto Conservatory of Music: or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. MISS ELSIE NELSON - ' "TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. Studio st 483 Collier Street, Phone 186, LEGAL _ (ALEXANDER COWAN | Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown B: Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of -- guardianship and administration,' and --" General' ai Solicitor; Notary Calaveras; ete. Offices: Gt Block, 8 Dunlop St, Money to loan. BOYS'& MURCHISON : Barristers, Solicitors, Notary. Public, Con- | veyanvers, Etc. 'Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Offices: 13 Owen St. (in | the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto}. "Brunch: office, Elmvale, Ont. W..A. Boys, K.G; MP. D. C. Murchison STEWART & STEWART |BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan 'in any Be sums at lowest current rates. Office: 13 yg | Owen St, Barrie, Ont, °D. M. Stewart, 3 |. CHARLES -W. PLAXTON Br BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, "606 |Coi.tinental Life 'Building, southeast corner |Bay and Richmond Sts., Toronto. ~ 'DONALD ROSS, LL.B. . 3 |BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of et |Toronto Building, Barrie.' Money' to loan. . : - CRESWICKE & BELL vancers, ete. * 2 : in Ross Block, 4 |Barries WA. J. Bell, KC ------ MEDICAL DR. H. T. ARNALL; * | Office and Rogidence. Cofner 'of 'Toronto Are Well Supplied condition of the two younger men, aided| They got into Peter's hut j@st as the His strength was giving. gut Could. he? 7 by,his devoted nursing, pulled them, first huge raindrops fell that heralded the go on? --at-- through, deluge of 8 tropjcal storm. They admin-. Of course, he mus'--he must. 'He hear He was alone save for the natives. The istered the usual remedies to him, settled the ery again. . It sounded nearer, no. 'es Were sulle and subdued. They him comfortably, and Napier went. to. epll buried-the dead: boy Bobby with strange their own boy, Bobby, and 'gave him, in- Seott' $s rites. Of what had 'happened, that night | s*rwetions to watch ll night, in case Mus. quite: 80 many miles away; he sl back. ~ ped | | Cabbage, hend : Pickling cahbage ench Tomatoes, ripe, basket... . 1c and Elizabeth" Streets, 'opposife Elizabeth Ie |St. Methodist' Chureh. Telephone 167. 200 | Sire _ OF even cents they would not ,speak.. Napier could not | ial whether they knew any more than he lig, He remembered: nothing before he | hed wakened from a stupor in broad day- light, found Pet.r's hut and Lorion's tent , empty, and, gathering the natives around him, had started on his:search which had Bookstore Jas. Arnold. | The cry took ona familiar sound, {1 | Tomatoes, \green, basket + 20e! sa Lorion needed him, or the storm. did- was an Englishman's voice. It moaned! Plum or Ground Tomatoes, quart -, .18c | any. damage to the hut. {out: "Help! Hap;" Pumpkins, each .. 10, 15 and-20¢/ 'The'last thing-before they turned in they| Peter's voice. "Yes, it must. be. Citron, esch . raed aes had a look at.Lorion. To their surprise he| Lorion gathered all his failing forces with | Simmer Savory, «mall bunch seemied_ to .be sleeping peacefully enough. |» hurin effort of will, und ran for-| 'Thyme, Bunch... tse | the storm was still raging violently. ward, shouting 'as he ran, Penber-grass, bunch . He fell, half fainting, at the foot of a and the voice that had cried Peter persisted in sleeping in Lorion great tree, : 85e Onions, dried, basket Peter and Lorion shook their beads and tent sou. Napier Pico seein to ae Beha hae Laredaeee toca Butternuts, bushel ae i want: back éo:'tt tive huts. But "ade him, It was about. eleven o'clock for $ely exme immediately abovethim. - | Reeshnuts, qt. +2060 | Fire & Life Insurance Agent Rn Back: to: thie. renire he when they bade ach other oed-nieht. When, he recovered bis semes hes Cream, cart foe : to {Peter said he was fearfully sleepy, and was Peter--Peter lashed to the. trunk of the | Ruttermilk, quart ee Real Estete and Moneyto Loan |" by ae SE toe, Hotone oiee SE. aha no wom ould keep" tims aeee saat tree with ropes made of creepers, Hay. n-w,. ton. si.osinzan i > They found the Men of Onge 'ranged-up | *hat night, ewe jeruel, green rojies fe strong as steel. "Pet-| omy, ton Nu - A Supsber of Salen pee ng acd Toye fn front, of Lorion's tent, and on the earth '7 ler's ie nae about two feet fag the | Pigs, young, Yorkshire, pair ote Tere, for Sale. on they hed. paced some' fat 'earthenware |, Lotion heard extraordinary soundi in hig &P0und i they Be Bound sound the tee, ans-containing « kind of corn, some wa- 'teams. They 'sounded like voices, very $0 Was the middle of his body, so. was his BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING ten peel aad and some dry garth. They fierce, but \mufled, and then there wax a Neck. He was suspended there,-fxed. im MEAR-8Y (MARKETS, . ~ -BARRIE!: Were sitting of their hunches, chanting 'steat shuffling of feet, and) then a cry.-™ovable. On his shoulder was 8 great Alliston--Whent $2.07. barley $1.05 = [their weird kind of dirge-like melody. Ont Then sll was still, , Wound, and blood was streaming down his | peas $3:00, oats 60c, rye $1.65, buckwheat | jiperceiving Lorion they rose to their. fect He war in. a half-weking, helf-dreaming ®™- $120, hay $10-$12, butter 42. enge |nd 'executed a feir-etepe of a wild dance, state. He turned over restlewly, and dozed _ Peter tied to a tree, in danger of bleel | 42-43, potatoe: $1:10-81.25, chicken 20 Lofion, who was feeling very ill, glanced ' sgain. The thunder was still growling ing to death, and Lorion conscious. that he | wool 60-68, unwashed 44-50. ¢ f ith & Co, | indifferently at the curious sight and would , in the distance, as the storm rolled away. adn't the strength to save him! Beeton--Butter 40-48¢, eggs' 450, dress. | OB have gone buck into his tent, But Peter, He awoke again, conscious of a fearful But he must pf course he must. ed chicken 18-20 a Established 1869 ealled to, him. chill, The air was icy. He-became vagne- Stteneth or weakness, what did, that mat . Bridford Wheat. $2:05- 0 ey 'UNDERTAKERS "L say. they: have evidently brought ly conscious that the door of the hut war "TE bie fi 81-12-$1.14, sits 60, rye $1.65-81.70, but E 'gifts. "They think you're a veiy big gun, PM. and a faint grey Tight was stealing | He strukeled to jis fret ter. 45e, eggs Occ, This in Moriarty"s influence, 12. It's I--Lorion,"', he said ino hoarse Stay oars "Butter 38-42c, 'eggs 400; Open Day and. Night You'd better say soriething to them, Ire. At first he did not know where he wae; Voices, **You"ll be ail right now--old man. ken ; "right. in front of your teat; thére's no then, he sat un, peering vaguely. around How: long.can, you last out Orillia "Wheat. 5; batley "$1 mistike about it." Lorion forced himself to make some sign of recognition. Ashe 'could not con-~ verse: with the. strange, forbidding-looking mén, he smiled, unid bowed. and spread: out his 'arms. 'The Men of Oiga forthwith gave vent to their weird, mad cries, And from -the Gasoline and Oils! forest they were echoed in. an uncanny Morgue and Chapel \ in. connection BARRIE, ONT. Antomébile Supplies nidnner by: the yest of the, natives. -Turton's Garage [Try sow sueer thot counts ssi BARRIE 4 | Peter, "'Nog a. bit nice, does it? What Hi Five' Poi [an extraordinary lot 'they are!"! Bansal Sitione eta, Fivp boi | ithe Men of Ongu at thit moment ox: aes another extraordinary manoeuvre. 'All Kinds of Small Repaiting Done Promptly They. ju Bg eid, tees kiks Wien ae | filed past the earthenwaie vessels, touched \each with a forefinger, and then with ex- traordinary suddenpess dashed back into | the * W. D. Minnikin Licensed. Embalmer Proprietor : "THE BARRIE --- UNDERTAKING - PARLORS (Sueceasar to the Late Meaford Webb) Full, lime of all. the latest Caskets 'kept in stock, cluding Grave Vaults an Oak Shells. Open Day & Night " exclaimed Peter. are a-weird crowd. They evidently lopk "upon you's something quite. aparr from the ordinary ruck of humanity, Lor- ion. should certainly eal that cook of; | yours"and find out what it 'all-means - Sandy: was summoned acedrdingly, 'He came Very slowly, and gave the earthen: very wide berth. indeed. t think 'he's fit to go near, tly,"" suggested Peter, "Ask him' what they wanted." "Men of Onga show massa that magna | great man," explained Sandy. Men of Onga 'show | massa anywhere." "And where have they' gone now?" t "Gone Maiea Boone hed. in-| Onga go away.' : Bo "| OT dee. "Ol ht 1, pare 1 can supply you with Bread for your ularly want to nee them isin," sid Lor- Hunt thatwill keep in Fine Condition «until the'end of the trip. Old False Teeth . Bought ja any, contin. $1.00: per pet | th wan 2670 Keplanade | 25790 Esplanade i away. structions. Massa Boone dead. Men of |" |.atecstruggle on the niud floor. "T don't know," Peter answered faint, ly. "'L can't see you;'T can. hardly heur | your voice."! "Can you lust ouf til T go back for! help? don't know --T'll t "No!" Lorion's voice had grown strong. | er, His fingers had'closed on somethiny | hard in-.the pocket of his coat. "Here's 'a knife. - Thank God!" He set to work to cut the: cruel creeper bonds, first the mitidle, then the feet. The} *| perspiration poured down hit face; panited; it was like cutting throuigh 'neal | "T ean't reach your neck," he muttered, | "If T hold your feet will you try to. free ;that yourself?" He passed up the Knife. At first Peter | jeouldn't hold it. His arms were numbed with the. pain:from the banda, As life hia turnéd: 'the pain, was excruciating. knelt down..and, placed 'the young oa "Z| feet firmly sn his shoulders him, and remembered that someone had come and hauled hini out of his tent and taken him somewhere else. He felt dreadfully wrak, and wae just &-| 'bout to fall back on his pillows when che was seized with. an indescribable feeling that something had happened. ig The sound that he had heard ream eame back to: him vivic voices, the shuffling of feet, the 1 'silence. He struggled up, He did not now: why, but he had to. Forno earth! jticn would he have «1 He had to cling to the bed-post, snd then to a niece of furniture, and then to the wall. 'knees trembled under him ; hia bead swam: there. wae a vague blur | before "his eyes Tt seemed fours heft he reached door of the hut, ° It was. open. At first Lorion could nee nothing else, He had to grasp, the side of: the 'hut with the frenzied. grip: of a drowning m: And the. strane' mid intangible.feeing--2 the "feeling of horror, of calm ram rashes bth Coy Gorciont BY RTE When. groming Tights, ibe Rt. won tHe He recled out into the clesring.' Surely, ing-.Lorion-cobh! examine' the wound in | there wat: something black son the eaith | Peters shookler. Tt wast frightful one; "that had been plonghed up into' deen meesthe skin was all torn away. 'and furrows by the rain" of, the night,| Péter war wrapped in a dreming gown | | Surelythere was something lying there. If there was 'he could only.résch it! He went forward. | : |swayinie from side to 'side, with hie arms) bandaged the shoulder as best be could. | outstretched to balance himself, Tt teem-| The tery? eadigiaaa He began i ' move and mutter, 'Then began a sprogies edie if he, walked for hours. before he! the Lanier alpige~ teeters' shite as a passage through Hell. He began to helf.'carry, half: drag the pow, boy back through the forest: He onl | realized thet he mustn't stop, that if they stopped they might bs "overtaken, 'fallen | upon, and killed. He was no longér con- of any. phvsical sensations -himeelf. | Tt only seemed: to him as if he vere doomed sf nmr te for all eter-; the sound his eck, -He slid down, in a cheap on-the-ground in'a dead faint. | lay. stretched" on his back with his ine opened wide, Lorion stooped and touched him. jwan cold. and stift Then». wurden strength was instilled in- to Lorion's shaking limbs by some myster- fous 'agency, The sense of calamity. grew to panic. He turned and ran, stumbling blindly at every step, to the tent that had) eee ee eee ould He: heard familinr sounds : Ital ot that ndly black faces, and fell senseless ae ae the finp open and went in; ' Lae 'The bed was empty; the clothes-had been |- torn away, 'There were signs of a. deeper-| - For three days, Lorion' and Peter ley in i danger of death. et mio oraorgs on a reat' crore | ing, with outstretched rrme. | a !to-mateh the, and ne one to eld them i "Nie lived through a time He that He Hife, well, that 'Could Not Lift: 'At last Peter mangged to eut the bonds | De" A fel juntilT had P taken five boxes, whieh' cured never to experience' agnin ss Is0# | Chay' onts 60¢, peas $1.50-2.00, buckwheat $1.00- " 25, butter 4c. eggs 44c, wool washed '4-77¢, unwashed 58-59¢. MCdlingwont Buster 43-450. | 28c;, ergs 45-47e, potatoes $1.20:1 |60°63e, wheat $2.00-2.15, hay $10.00-11.00 | chicken 23-266. | Stick of Wood WOULD "ALMOST: FAINT FROM SE- VERE -PAIN. IN BACK--DOCTORS * COULD NOT GET THE: KID- NEYS SET RIGHT. Benton, N.B., Nov. 8A grest many | people suffer the results of deranged kid- s, and- do not - understand the cause rig trouble-or the.way -to obtain cure. The writer of this 'letter: suffered' excruc- ing pains in, the back, and' in- vain hir physician: tried to cure him,, For some eon or other his "medicines-did not hive the desired: effect. >, Mr. Olt's brothér was'a merchant sell. | among other medicines, Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver Pills, and he heard :his cus- tomers 'telling! about how they were cured of kidney derangements by their use, led to. Mr. Olés rutting them to the test, with the splendid results. reported inv this letter: : MrvE,.C. Olts, Benton, Carleton County, |N.B., writes: "Tam glad--to tet you know how niuch 'your: médiciné: hax done for me. from -my -kidneys, whieb +at_on were:'so. bad. th: could- not lift 4 stick: of wood "without getting on my: knees, and then would almost faint from the pam in my. back. T consulted s déetor bout it, but it did not help me. My brother, who is-s mer: ie medicines, Pills. 1 me, go T got another one, and' kept' on' 'me. T have had no- trouble with my back since, 'snd am never without Dr, Chase's Kicney-Liver Pillay in the, House, _ Last oe oe T ued them. McDonald St., Barrie. "| Telephone Majn 5874. DR. W. A, ROSS : j LRCS, Einboreb, F.CP.; London, Phy- sician, Sirgen, ete. Oice. and Residence, e | Dunlop S:, Barrie." Teléphone 165 sg es DR. E. G. TURNBULL - | (McGill) (Successor to Dr. R: 8° Broad). Sc. Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts, Barrie, Phone 105 . .W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M, > it SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especial- | Phone 61. 56 Collier St, Barrie. DR. MORTIMER LYON' "he Bloop St. -W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St, Berrie, every Saturday. Dis- eases of Eye, Ear, Nose: snd Throat, : Con- sultation-Hours'11° a.m. to"S pin: and by | appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326, \Bu rie Phone No. 2. x | CHIROPRACTCR ie DR. VYLA M. FINLAY U. ©. C..Graduate: Office and residence, 21 ancumanie ane ene rts llr LAWSON, WELGH & COMPANY |CHARTERED - ACCOUNTANTS, _ Crows Life Building, "59. Yonge Street, Toronto. JF. Lawson, H, J. Welch, G. H. Playta' ------------ JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser - l For County 'of Simcoe: Prepared. to con- duct Sules at 'reasonable rates, Satisfucti guaranteed. . 120. Bayfisid St., Phone 19. Orders left at A.'F. A. Maléomson's office will receive prompt attention. SIMOOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie. G. WJ.) Eastman, R.:G, Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in cma Marble ¥ yniaments: and Tablets. 'Only best 'mater- - used 'and first-elass " Prlose always. right... --eaeoeae=ewaqoaSS >> Miss Doane is the only one'in 'Barrie and Allandale who hi andles 'corsets filled with Spirella boning. it is. unt 'non- rurtable; fléxible, hygienic, sanitary. Fit - ree Maternity and nursiig feature blouse forms;- misses i a home Saturdays, 16. Charlotte St. | = he Bare Phas Mill Corner 'Sophia and oe, Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors," Fraines, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water Troughs, Tank: e carry. in. stock. a large assortment of ease and Dressed x Lumber, B. ( cee and Pre- oo and < Represents Insurance Companies oc aa 7 nancial lessacaso' s ¥or sage ee trom : ur ab booked to or _ all parts of the 4

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