Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 5

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_, SECTION 2 -- PAGES 5 TO 12 é. "post signs on thé road would assist in ob- | THE RISE OF SUSAN 4. A. MacLares, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager --<--$---- 54th Year. it Mrs, ay nsfer lane beside Wants Firemen her block in Dunlop St to the Town, the to 'Get Exemption |Finsvee Committee reported' adversely. granted the Exemption 'Tribunal for, its sessions. " Won't Ask Exeniption + Ald, Lennox and Reeve Bennett moyed that no uction' be taken regarding 'the re- 'quest of Aéting' Fire Chief Shrubsole. Ald, Brother greed with the motign. The Council does uot employ the firenien and so has no right to make such # claim for exenyption. FIRE CHIEF ASKS COUNCIL TO APPLY :TO TRIBUNAL BUT. IS- REFUSED NEW MARKET BY-LAW, (Continued from page 1) in seeing "the standard "railway crossing sign. from motors, und -whether additional viating accidents, for example, warning ae posts. placed st some distunce from the] Mayor Craig opined' that it was up to Crossing' or posts placed in the centre of |the Fire Chief to make the applicstion, the highway about fifty feet from the Whe Brigade picks its men and it's up to crowing? : jthe Brigade to look after them, 2, Whether humps or hogs-backs should | In the opinion of the Reeve, the Coyn- be placed on the road so us to compel mo-| éil would huve 'no status before 'the trib- torists to bring down the speed of their | unial as thé firemen's service is purely vol- cars to a rate ut which they may 'safely | untdry. proceed. The motion, curried without any dissent. 4. Ought motors' to be brought to a 'The Fish Supply stop before setoaling? i tik 'There Wak e 'tilk-as-you-please discussion 'aiiue pecan ienslevhich 'ul the. eomevunestion conepning the' Sah 6. Can apy change be made in railway | "RU? : F 'yrer was very strongly in favor of Hevslations, stil sie are injuring the | eying to grt, thy/Tsh.~A price of 14 cents 'y. of the public service, will PTO-| would be big improvement on the 20- me pee the: reeitalio® shisthe "biguats? "04 Pe ew aes, fi Ald.. Davis and Alderman Clark were de- be mee, Corer to. Highway, OF ANY | cidedly of the same. opinion and -emphas- change be hier in the use of the signal ized whut cheap fish would 'mean. to the or the "bell? people--who have to pay such high prices 'for meat or do without it. Mex. McDougall, Back St., again called the Council's attention te the condition of the roads full the 'threshing -machine ,went' through both of the culverts. He asked the Coun cil fo muke repairs und notified them that | he would hold 'them responsible for any | ed by delay. e~ Marshall Heaton ssked the Council's ev-operation {6 secre a re Anetion in, Catiada's firs lost of about 815, 000,000 danually Frequiremelite sre pretty well supplied, and Water & Light Gonimittee ibe thought .muking a deal such as suggest: 'The plan of the, H. E. Power Cémmis- ti would 'be preniature -hefore- further in tion's Additional transmission line through. formation is Secured, Bertie was 'reenmmerided: for approval" |, Finally the matter was iaid over, the cetrje ligh's were ordered to be placed Mayor erveing to consult locat dealers (1) ut the corner of Jaines and Albert Sts,| concerning the proposition: (2) on -Groy (3) at the corner of | Big Gravel Bed Secured Louint 'and Nogth Sts. A by-law owas passed authorizing the This report! evok-d u good, dead, at 'tall; purchass ut a eost of '$1000 of the Lée ax is, meuml when jhe location of street property on' Clapperton St. to furnish a lights is mentioned, but i: contained no-! supply: of .eravel, thingsaiew: and "the lights named' were fin-|. Angiher by-law provided for the grunt aly saree fe. a jof $5000 to the British Red Croisé Not soy however, thé clause concerning Hae 7] tye HE twee lie. ; Vegetables and Chickens Depitty "Lowe, 'chairman of 'thie' tom: | Sofie. new market regulations shittee, thought 'the HE. Conin. id as | Poflied in a w that was passed, the principal clauses. being as follows: (1) they pleased, unc the, Mayor igreed :that hey had: » ewer, No persdén shall, sell on the niarket by the Pe eres wide teres, bag any carrots; -beets, pit ort onions This didn't worry. Reeve Bennett who |DAE any carrots; beets, paranine ot owiors wemvanae Ty al of the matra Tine | Unless the bags conta wei repressed his. igapproval of the eatrs Tine | ai least 75°Ibe, euch exclusive of the bag, through the town. atid said it should have, a (2) or uny bag of potatoes or turnips les "at the 'very least, been put on, lest fre- | qiuented: streets... Somé of the poles were| thas 90 Ibe. in weight. (3) All bugs shall not' as tightly ws. they might-be, and he | De weighed: free" of 'charge by the market | suggested. that this feature. might be. im-| letk when so requested, prio Jofféred for. vale on the public tnarket shail 'The-clause was deleted. anid the matter{have the heads removed and the ends of wit ar toqatiel inte fnether, | the necks properly covered with, paper se . fastened, . For breaches of the Botrd of Works 2 A lave' a pehalty" not. exceeding $30 may be! 'The report recomimendinig. payment. of | imposed, $25 (to Robt. Jack was - -reseinded and the|" Ald. Thorapson' quoted' from an O.A.C. sum ef $36.00 was ordered to'be paid in pamphlet to show that 'the*proper way to full settlement of his claim for opening | market fowl ix with the heads on. In the main sewer. on. Burton Ave. | face of Kuck expert advice he did 'not' think 'The petition for sewer on Mulcaster and' it wise-to decapiture the-birds. He thought Sophia Sts., being sufficiently signed, an | such a.regulation would decrease the fowl' engineer will bé employed to prepare &/ marketed here and would result: in large plan to "be submitted to the Provincial | numbers being shipped alive to Toronto, rd of Health, und if approved aby-| " y, 2 ne = i f ahie| ,. Nese ago when chiickens sold at 40 and law aut aorising the ip ietoc | of this) 45 cents a pair, 'they were marketed 'minus od irons mW 6. Me: {eats and lege, said. Deputy Soules, 'who 'ermigsion was giver 'thought the Teiulation in 'the interests of tae eer on eee RE BE | the 'consuiner and io hardship on the far- atone ter Chariots 'St, An3 to mer considering the present high prices. to'eut down deal! pine on Cook. St: Mie cinipade Inspector' Hagert volecd -his opinion Hoving. carefully considered the ofer of aguinst the change, a -with the heals off it is very difficult to judge-whether the fowl are diseased or 'not. Friday-Saturday, Nov. 9-10 confiscuted."only. two' pairs in three years, he-had' ordered a number' of other people Clara Kimball Young' ae of 'dealers didn't appeal to, Mayor Craig, iit Ald. Horsfield thought this might be bviated by each dealer making a deposit © cover a stated supply. Ald. Lang was positive thet Government \nalt water fish bad been wold in Bartie 0! | prices considerably higher than - Govern |ment' quotations. were em = té take biflls home. Althotigh the M.O.H. advised agginst the removal of heads before selling, he had no suthority to prohibit it. Ald. Tyrer thought Dr, Little's opinion should have a lot of Weight in the consideration of the mutter, as health is more important than" saving the few cents the weight 6f -a chicken's head. would represent report was adopted, but will not be putin force for a few works, Annual Grant to Fait ~ | In thé Finance report, was sin item of $150 for the annual grant fo Barrie Fair. | Reeve /Benneit desired io know if the Fair were behind. If so, he favored 9 grant, but if it had a-surplus, the Board} should not ask help furirig the war. | Monday-Tuesday, Nov. 12:13 Triangle Presents | Mae Marsh & Robi. Haron Slim Summerville in "The Wining Puck i by-Mack Sennett i THE LAUGH OF THE YEAR SAME PRICES, | ~ The fact that the fair has had' a couple should Be withheld, said Deputy Lowe, and *Ald. Davis. remarked that: this annual grant was, an 'understood thing in recogni Soe 6h she aida of; tim fel to'the town An amendment by Ald, Payne and De- The use of the police court chamber was 'The schome of guarantecing the payment. It seeme@®to the Reeye that the local |, (4) All poultry) Although be had. 1 Deputy Soules thought the grant should | *"l Mrs --Int be made conditional upén the need being | shown, 91) Mayor Craig referred to the good work! he L el lar done by the fair, its value to the town and =ALgo~. ef Sed uses was oo Tammie that ihe read puty Soules to refer, this' clause back. to roel was defeated on the following TERMS--Singie Copies cts. Per cnncm [in edvance) 31.50 No. 45° Victor Hewson, 102nd Ba. son-of Judge} 'The 'company, in which Hewson of Gore Bay, was wounded. on|he was serving did not operate the Lewis Nov. 1, "gunshot wounds in thigh," be-|machine- guns, but~worked the Vickers | ing the information received by friends |guns which 'are used in sendisig'the bar here. | : ages. According, to press reports, the | A bar to the Militery. Crom has been |Huns have paid particular attention to the awarded to Capt. Oswald J. Day, Royal |source of this barage fire and it'is not to be wondered at that there hive been num~ erous casualties among the gunners, It is a little over a year since his brother, Lieut, JohngLongman, was Killed. Medicals, son of Isase Day, Orillia. Capt. Day received his Cross. in June for con- spicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. Lieut, William .Dougles Aird, nephew of Wm. Aird, Barrie, is reported to have been killed in' action, - aecording to word "| reéeived by his parents in Suskatoon, Sask. Litut, Aird was twenty years of age, and {had been fifteen months in 'France with a machine gun company. His brother is now recovering from wounds in England. "Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ness, 70 Waterloo Ave.,. Guelph, that their son, Harry Ness, was officially ieported: in the 4th casualty clearing sta- tion, Oct. 25, with guinshot wounds in the right arm and leg. Hurry 'has three bro- thers, Mac, Jack and Bob, who have, been fighting for over year. These boys are| well known around Barrie. Sheriff and Mrs. Harvey received .u cable this week announcing that their youngest son, Lieut, Dane Harvey, who went over- 2] From an Innisfil family Flight-Lieut, R. A. Little, Austral premier. uirman, is x son of a former In- nisfil min, and » grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little, 21 Division St., Tor: onto, who for a numbér of years farmed near. Killyleagh,. James Little, father of | the distinguished uviator, left Canada for | Australia about 30 years ago. Lieut tle brought down "23 enemy: planes. He won the -bar to his D.S.0; for bringing down a: plane each day. for three di On Apr. 28, he brought.down an Aviatik, the next day he shot down @ scout and on Apr. 30, with three other muchities, he saw 4 big fight going on.- He attacked one tnachine at 50 yards and sent it, out of control. A few minutes later he attacked 'a red scout with a larger, machine than the seus' a year ugo, had been admitted to a rest, This machine wax hundled with great | French hospital om Oct. 90, suffering from | i, bur Lieuty Little shot it down out of | gunshot otnty inthe back. He weit to A | France "withthe 7th Canadian Machine |¢ i Gun Section. This makes-the 'third son of this fanjily to be jn the casualty list This week messages were received by the G.N.W, for relatives of No, 83896 | Henry Delbert Corneil, who is wounded, | and No, 438563, James Bell, who is in x j hospital owing to exhaustion, No street, \ddress being given .on the- méssages, the G.N.W. has been unable to locate the par |ties to whom they were addressed. The G.N.W."would be glad to bear from any one who knows either of these soldiers. Bradford Witness --bieut, Grahum Evans urned from Europ: of Sunday, About eur ago Lieut, Evans left Cunada with a draft of officers, and shortly. after going ino action he was severely Wounded, sus taining 'a double fructure of the by. A& ter spending many 'inonths in French and |the return to the new Parliament of an | English hospitals he has been enabled to |OUCand-out supporter of the Union. Gov return to Bradford, looking tine, but lame /emment in: Mr. E. °C. Drury, but they | from the fractur;. [have now gone a siep further. "They"have 'John' Reid, Collicr St., bas not had any invited the co-operation of, the Consefva word. from his son Edward -(Balky), who | tives and -with this jin view have sent a was reported missing some weeks ygo. He | letter to' the Executive of the Liberal-Con- | has\had, however, several letters from his |SFvstivé Association of North Simeoe. | chuns stating that they were confident| The letter which was given to the sec | that he had been taken prisoner at 'Lens. | retary of the Conservative Association, It. He went through the sitack all right but |. Fair, on- Tuesday, and copy of which | afterwards went out with a party to al |in some wounded and was not scen again. | the offer, as follow: | His brother Bert is also in France, ser In comipliance with the' expressed anu with the Royal Engineers repeated wish and urgent appeal of the Beeton "World--Supper Elwood Belfry, | Prime Minister, Sir Robert Borden, and: bis who died from wounds, list month in| Cabinet that "the Supporters of Union Go; France, was in the employ of the G.T.R.| ernment in both polit(eal: parties get previous to enlisting and for several years | gether and ugree on a candidate acceptable 'us baggageman -at Beeton station, com: | to: both 'parties and favorable. to the Union ing liere from Bradford where his ;parehts|Goyernment, we have been instructed by feside,. He leaves a wife and-three small the Executive of the North Simcoe Liberal 'children, His-wife was formerly Miss Am-| Association with the concurrence 'of the clin Hammell, to whom he was 'married | Liberal ee Mr. E, C: Drury, a) 'a short time. before leaving Beeton for! propose to your candidate,. Col Toronto, joa. Currie, [that both candidates" with- The name of a grandson of thé late Jus. | draw and that a Union Government cdn- Scroggie of Barrie eppeared in this week's | ven if an equal number of casualty list. This was, Captain George T. | Conser il Seroggie, officer commanding the Eaton] new candidate in, support of the Union }Motor Machiné Gun Battery, who. has -beén | Government, such candidate to retain the wounded in the thigh. "Since he went to séat until the end of the war or during the France in April, 1916, he has 'achieved | life of the Parliament to be elected in Dee- some distinction. He was mentioned in| ember. despatches, promoted .and given his present Our Executive would be- pleased to meet post. Capt, Scroggie is a son of George | the Executive of the North Simcoe Liberal- BR. Scroggie, advertising. manager of the | Conservative Association some time thir Mail and Empire, He is twenty-five years | week in' order to discuss the matter of » of age." : | Union candidate and Union convention and Toronto Telegram-- "Gunner Arthur | endeavor to find some solution. to overconie Francis, 30 Wood St., was admitted to the the -necessity of 'a war-time election ~ in 47th, General Hospital on Oct, 22, for gun-, North.Simeoe. --* shot wound of right-leg,"" was the mess-| We. trust that you will receive thie pro. tage received ut bis home last Wednesday. | nosition in the spirit -it is proposed and Gunner Francis was also wounded in the that you will meet us in the effort to com: 'head with-shrapnel at. the Somme, but he ply-with the desire' of the Government, [recovered within a week and was' able to) * resume bis post. He is 22 years of ogc, | was born and elucated in Barrie. and ha been in Toronto five years when, .he enlist eft with the 34h Battery *in Kington in October, 1915. He -went overseas * with that body, reaching France in June, 1916. He is om the honot roll of the St, Basil's the selling wary . Loan church: A brother, Pte, Melville. Francis, | Bonds' will sitive. eperkinane | 24 years of age, enlisted at the same time | throughout the Dominion. |in 1915 with the Eaton Battery in Winni-| In Barrie. the event. will be heralded by | Peg," and 'has so far escaped riishap. Gun- | the "ringing. of .all the church and school | ner' Arthur-was through Vimy Ridge. "I bells, "blowing of factory whistles and in lost everything but 'myself in. that battle," cine aking crag noise -possible for at 'These- soldjers are sons of Mi minut Be ee ee ces wit | Commie ty ® been: formed thréuginut | dents of Barrie until a few years ago. Be-| the County of Simeoe to h leaving: for Winnipeg, Melville was |.ers for "*Canada's Victory i in every. with George Vickers several: years. | possible beds hseiiiocr will eae 2 hips (Mr. and "Mrs, E) Longman on Tuesday | and village and every?! at! a. received notifiestion that their Son, Sergt. | Pe thought .of will: b¢ done 'to make' our | Geant' Longman; was admitted to' No. 2| War: Loan a suceess and help: win the war Western General Hospital, Manchester, on| The Simeoe County organization are, very Noy. '1, suffering from -- "wound, confident that 'Barrie atid the County "of: Sant hil fesctuial. Longman | Simeos will be well to the top of the Tist Se a cacwin i wokueke when the campaign closes on December 1 In February, 8 awarded the DS.C. Three months later when he bad the defeat of, thirteen, enemy | planes to his credit he was awarded: a bar to the cross and the Croix de-Guerre. On July 1, 1917, with twenty-three enemy ma- chines to, his credit he wus awurded the D.S.0, His wife and! infant, children a in. Dover, England. His brother James is, also serving. | North Simcoe Liberals. Suggest. Union Convention 1 (Collingwood Bulletin) The Liberuls of North Simcoe are not only willing, but ready to see re 1 | | " CANADA'S VICTORY LOAN Campaign Opens 9 Next Monday at 9 o'¢lock 157th was broken. 'up, be was employed as he was one of its first' members and. ujy hits closing she was prominently ide ;daught-r. of the late George Bishop, was also sent to Col. J. A. Currie, sets forth | conducted: by tion of the 187th, In England, Fee he aT Death of Robt. Buchanan As @ great shock to his. miany friends came the news: 'of the death' of Robert Leela who passed away at nine.o'clock Sunday morning.' Throughout his life Mr. Buchanan 'had never experienced any sick- |.mess-Of a serious nature and few outside |" 7 family and intimate friends were aware f his Idst illness. For ten days he had been suffering with a cold but was able to 'about his work. until Wednesday even- ing when he took to bed. There was little apprehension as.to his condition until Sat-' urday whe developed and speedily ran its fatal course. Robt. Buchanan was born on- Feb. 19, 1886, at Bally James Duff, County Gavan, i. As a youth of eighteen, he left S parental fireside and sturted for. Can- ada, Coming dircet to Barrie, he entered the employ of Jonathan Henderson, whose store was where the Bank of Toronto' is now -located:. With Mr. Henderson -he te- mained over twenty-five years and became very well known through. town and country- side,. For -a few years he was in busitiess on his own account, the firm being Buch- anan & Penstone. This busines was taken over by J. R. Hambly; wno-succeeded Jon- athan Henderson, and Mr. Buchanan took ® position with Mr. Hambly which he held until: three. years ago' when, he was ap- pointed caretaker of the post office build- Mr. Buchanan was' staunch Conserv tive from eafly manhood. He was 9 prora inent Orangemen, being the oldest member of the Barrie lodge'in which. he was in: itiated about 47 yeaix-ago;. Not only had he been through all: the chairs of iHis lodge, but he had held the position 'of Count Master and-also had been honored sith the leading offices in the Scarlet Chipier, ° | |$6,000 Damages - Against the G. T, R. IN| FAVOR. OF TINY FARMER'S FAM- ILY--EIGHT CASES AT THE ASSIZ- ad WERE SETTLED. 0 ano: G0 here 'ek doin tor the Fall Assizes, which opened' ~on Tuesday with Mr, Justice Latchford presiding, eight were settled, leaving Brunelle vs G.TR. 'ag the only civil action. this the criminal charges against George Gray 'and' Wilton MeLean were' tried. In addition to + $6000 Against G.T.R. The G.T.R, case was an action' brought on behalf of the children of © Telesphors Desrvehes, to recover $10,000. dainages: for their father's death. on Apr, 6, 1915, being struck by the night Desrovhes -was killed passenger' aé it crossed Queen St.' running into. Penetang. a' few minutes' before, on his way to his While crossing' the track farm in Tiny, Desroches in the dark seo In religion, Mr, Buchanan was un Episco: palian. When Christ Church was 'pened | 7 its work, being a Warden for many, Tn his ehureh or iny his daily a he always discharged his duties yeat whom he came in. contect In 1876 he married Mary, Ann Bishop, Robert C., Oaklani MF. Cook and "Hy. u | His Lordship submitted -s¢: to the jury. Pours, ietar of 'the GTR. tected slit switeh on could not 'have avoided the saine owing to: durkiess | $6000, to be ives" among: tne vy-child $100 w and A, B. Thompeon, for the pte: ped on a split switch which caught his foot and held him fast, so that"he could not esedpe the -train, taken .off just above the knees, and when he was picked up his foot, was still firmly: held. i es wei switch and to show the character: and 4 earning capacity of the deceased. shown that the switch was on the street allowance. $ Both" his legs. were - cs the switch: A nuriber of witness" called to prove the locatiod of the Tt was For the defence only two witnewes,-J, Ferguson (chief, road- After nig these, cral- questions fer 'being 'vut about two the jury answered 'these: questions. by reporting. thet it found the sleath of es to have been due to -the negli in' having an tmpro- a publie chighway nd that the decewsed'with reasonable care master) ealled. 'The. damuges. they: fixed at «others onal according * to, youngest receiving $1400. H jy: MoCarthy;, K.C.» for Be Walter, | | Toronto; Harry J,, Barrie; Samuel G., | \Toront Albert, Midland ; Misses Margaret, |. Mary, Jean 'and Maud, 'at -hom?, ~ One) daughter, Mrs. A. B. Cook. died sust veut | Tago. -Decented wax a brother. of Wm | Buchanan, Barrie, and) a half-brovher :of | Mrs. R, Goold. Toronto... There are also some brothers nd sisters in. Ir fond. Inferment 'was made in' the Union Cem-} etery on Tuesday afternoon under Orange | auspices, after service in .THinity Church | Rev. 'H, .D, Raymond, The giall-bearers were the follo ters of Barrie L.0.L.,; H.:G. Robertson, 1c. Past. Mas: | pay, $1000- anid Ldraw> all allegations "of fraud. . Hurst, C. EL Partridge, (.. Horstiel S: Pratt and Joseph Leighton. Among thort | present from out of town were Misx Mary | Goold, Robt., John wid Albect Goold, niece and nephews, und Fred. Cates, all of Tor: onto. - Included in the many -{ floral exhéestinns af 'en columnh frow Rev anchor from the staff of Sérjewnt-&. King, a. pillow from 'the postmaster, bie staff 'and the liter ctescent from the Gavern- ils in the building. Telephone The Examiner about Casualties The next-of-kin of soldiers killed or wounded sire notified of 'the casuilties . w} couple of days befnre the names appear in the official lists, By telephoning The Ex- aminer, No: 194, on receipt of such 'news they will be tiking the quickest, -sirest and, most "convenient way' of ;communicat- ing the news to other anxious relutives und friends, . Business Men' Helping Barrie -business men are showi interest in'the Victory War Loan by devot "of their advertising , space to These bonds are not only good for Canada but good: forthe 'buyer: Everyone. should belp the" sale-in eve possible way. Mrs: Duncan, wirow of the late Alexan- der Duncan, of Stroud, died on Sunday -at the home -of her daughter in' Culgary, where she "had been living. The funeral will be held' from Craigvsle station on Fri- day to Stroud, c=metery. Oat : '3 "year, CANADA'S VICTORY LOAN or, improper sete agairist C Insurance' Cases Not Tried James .Playfair's seven! suits saint the insurance companies, from whorh he clitim- ed $27;100 for loss to his dock .and build ings destroyed in an 'electrical 'storm on July 30, 1916, were settled ont, o court Burton Case. Settled 'The suit of Henry M.-Campbéll sgainst Archie Burton-'to 'reaver. on. u note of $1004. given in connection: with» mining fendant. agreeing to 0 casts and aha te with- conspiracy aphell set out nt of elaini.: Creswieke & Bell Millar "&=Co. for deft: Guilty of Indecerit Assault The first of the 'two 'criminal, cases oc: deal was settled. cupiéd 'the attenition.of the'court'the whole of Wednesda: : Td wa trieon-a charge of rahe saint when' George Gray of Mid- 'ria Herhor 'girl of fit en. H, G. icker at Owen /Sound. who yeas 'the Crown -- Prosecutar, «id not "mince "}ton, George of ign painter. He was unmarried. words in his references 'to the yougg man find' His Lordship in: several stinging com- | ments 'mide very -eviden' bis indignation lat. the. conduct.of the prisber as chown by the evidence. an hour, the finding the -prisoner gitilty of indecent _as- salt: \the 'trial' of McLean, morning. ,W. A. Boys, the defenct. . | MoLean found guilty before noon, of ager offence as:Gray: and ;was given * six months. years. : After deliberating "over ary brought 'in a. verdict, ice wat deferred 'until after whieh began' this KC, conducted _ Sen Gray's sentence was two Fatal, Shooting Accident "By the accidentol discharge of a revolver, ." Harry Hieks, « well-kiiown Thornton inn, was 'Killed. in that ¥illge Monday noon, In company with Edward Gibson, butcher, he had gone to.the jaughter house, + After shooting: » pig wilht- revolver, he laid the weapon' on the \grusc, A few minutes' later "Mr. Gibson picked up 'the revolver. which uccidentully' 'dis¢harged he-lifted it,and the bullet hit his compar ion beneath the left collar béne, causing +} almost instant death, No blame arene is, attached: to Mr, Gibson, Deceased was horn ini England, 58 years * go: but' most -of his 'was? spent. in Thognton, iwhere he carried an, his: trade aw « He ic sirgived by seven'sisters, all diving' "Jim Toronto: Mrx, Meritt Cline, Mrs." James Wilsof, Mrs." Stewart Wilson, Mrs. Alex. .! > Wilson, Mrs, Milligan, Miv,.'Forbes, Mrs. Taylor, and-three brothers, Wm. of Thorn-_, aa Thom: (under. new panizeeeat). Manufacturers. of and poles

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