Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 3

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'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER' 8, 1917 Cookstown Flour Mills |= Bring your Wheat" and - -Exchange F; 'armers, for. Flour; Bran and Shorts. _ WE' GUARANTEE* OUR FLOUR WATER LILY imakes the nice 'Sweet Moist' Loaf, MOSS ROSE vakes the Beautiful White Crisp 'Pastry we all like. We'manufacture Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for. Dark Bread. Wheatlets and Germ sere Porridge. CHOPPING: + Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Saturdays ROBINSON BROS. - 'Proprietors NEWS OF COOKSTOWN The representative of The Barrie Examiner gud Saturday Morning. in Cookstown is George F. Thompson, News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be hhunded or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 30 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. ooo It Nov. 6----An airplane on Thursday of last dentul discharge of a revolver at Ed. Gib- week, while \Janding in. Robt. Marling's..on's slaughter Kouse.while shooting » pig. field, struck © rut in the ground and tuned; "Mrs, Permoli, who has' becn stopping clean over.' The propellor of the machine, with ser parents, - Mr. and Mrs, Duniel | was broken Gut otherwise no. damuge wae | Kidd, left for Toronto this week. done. The 'aviator eseap~d unharmed, "Mrs, Orland Lewis of/Toronto. spent a') Mre, Ellis of Toronto, wno bas been stop- | few. days "in town this week while Mr. ping with her daughter, Mrs. Wim: Henson, | Lewis' went thioiigh. to Everett with a for the past month, has returned, to her friend, Mr. Armstrong. home. | Rev. Mr, McNab of Underwood preached | in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. ey. ening. Mrs, John Ney, who has been stopping with -her"son' Robert, took a paralytic ! etroke" last". week Mrs, W. J. Draper und daughters are vie- iting' Toronto friends, Matthew Kneeshaw and family. moved to their town residence, thiy week. 12 Archdeaconry. of Simcoe It was the unanimous opinion of all pre: "Mises Gardner, Maxwell. and Robinson sent that he. eleventh annual confersnce 2 » f the school staff spent the weelvend in. of thé-Atchdeaconry of 'Simeor eld . at Toronto, | Cookstown, Oct-29 to 31, was the .most Mise Arnold of Steyner-is visiting af, t,! successful 'coiferenes held" in this "Arch- H. 'Arnold's this week 'The cold November days have come : What about a' nice . warm sweiter-coct? Fisher's ea supply -you Hallowe'en party wae Kidd's,-' All report good time: Miss Tahithia Hensoh spent the week. end 'with friends in Burtie ' Agnes' McMaster was in Toronto Professor Cosgrave gave deaconry, In -spite of inclément "weather there, was 4 good attendance of the choirs of South Simeor on.Monday evening for the combined choir service under the direc n ut' Jobn , tion of the Rey. Ganon Plummer, Professor F.H. Cosgrave at. this. service preached an impressive sermon At the Quiet Hour on Tuesday morning, vo addresses. In . 1 9 OOOOOOOOOO 00900000000 a : 'over Sunday the first address he emphYsized the impor: cal ae Arthur \Thomieon hus ledsed "Robert tunce of the development of a*true egoisn fr, + Campbell' farm in Teoumseth, as necessary to altruism, that the christian | ast .The- proceeds: of Geo, .Buker's, sale on character is necessary 'to effici¢nt social ble 3 ~ Wednesday. of last week amounted to *ervic® In the sevond address he spoke of | be : a $2000 eee the 'devotional value of quietness. pe Eldon Neilly sperit the week-end in Oril-| The Archdeacon's addvess, which dealt | ith ix with hir sivér Alma. chiefly with the importance of the mission: | oa Thelma: Grose, only daughter of Mr: and | ary and other funds of the diocese, opened or Mrs, Fred. Grose, patsed away at Ker home | the afternoon session. Pee here on Saturday morning, le Thelma} A paper, somewhat radical in character, on ni of the typhoid épidemic which'|on "The Problems of 'the Country Church" PA hus been prevalent forthe list -month| by the Rev..W. F, Carpenter, was followed tas throughout thix community. Her cave was | by an animated' discussion led by Rev. A. he. idered serious from the, begitining and|P.. Kennedy. This was followed by the ir in spite of all medical skill and kind nurs- | Rev. H; Earle's paper on "Social Service" a) "ing she failed to survive. Shé was 10 years | and a discussion 'led by Rev. E, C, Clarke, «A. public meeting: held on Tuesday even: ing wis: addressed by-'the 'Bishop 'of Tor- onto, "Archdeacon Ingles' and the Rev.. H juylor, y On of age and-was of a bright disposition. Her inins "were interred ut the Thornton C>metery on Monday. --'rhe) yall-bearers were her lit'le. school friends Jean Boake, Clarice MeKenzie,. Eleas Carr; Violet 'und Ruth Macdonald 'and Ruth Kitchey. Everyone in town was shock-d to- hear 'of the:death of Harry Hicks of Thomion on Monday, who was killed by the' acci- Wednesday "The 'Revised' Prayer Book,"" regarded from a practical point of viey, was the subject of an excellent' paper by 'the Rev. N. A. F. Bourne, and discus: ion' led by 'the Rev. Rural Bean 'Boyd. Gee se. + Sa To have gained first place as the largest selling gum in the world means that The Gum of Gumption is liked above all oth¢rs# 'ha aid Th its quali lasting ivour its led package are the. kind most .ap- precited. And that its benefits id teeth, breath, appetite and digestion have been Proven. || ter, surmounted by flag, is to be placed '| flocks with grades, und" breeding them up was the abate ne Saber ae led: by Re Holy Comiunion cbrsted 'chch morning at 7.30, About thirty clergymen 'attended the conference, At the busine 'meeting. Rev, E. B. Taylor of Allandale was appointed Secretary; Rev, N. A. F. Bourne and Rev. W. Creswick, Press Com mitte:; Rev.zW. Creswick and Rev, A. P Kennedy, Attendance Commitee, The next conference will be held at Col lingwood, Méals were-served in the patish room by ladies of St.-John's Church, who more thay, sustained the Cookstown reputation for hos- pitality A Golden Wedding Dr. and Mrs. C,.W. Buchnen, of as Bloor St. west, Toronto,' who well kngws, in Cookstown, celebrated their golden wedding: at' their residence on Sun- day, Noy. 4, Dr. Buchanan has been al- most sixty. years n moinber of the Orange | Order, is the oldest Grangeman in Toron- to, snd has a wide circle of friends from whom he' received hearty congratulations.,| 'On Sunday afternoon' many guests: were present to bonor Dr. and Mrs, Buchanan. The house .was beautifully' decorated with vf the saine flowers hed a place in the centre. of. the 'dining-room, table. In re- ie iving her guests Mrs. Buchanan was 'as- sis ed by her three daughters, Mrs. G. T. Somers 'and Mrs, Halbért, both. of Toron- to, and Mrs. Frank I, Somers, of Beeton The tea table was presided over by Mrs. Chis, Buchnan of Winnipeg, a daughter- in-law, assisted by Miss Elsie Somers of Toronto und Miss Inez Somers of Beeton, | gruncduighters. Among. the' guests pre- sent wete: Hon. Justice Ferguson, Mrs, T. R. Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson Burke, Col. | A. E Belcher and Mrs, Belcher, Mrs. Wim. en, Mrs, W. F. Dineen, Mrs. Clifford '| Dinen, Mrs. MeLeod, G. T. Somers, Frank | \1. Somers,.Mrs. Halbert, Mr." and- Mrs, Jobn 8." Willoughby and' daughter, and Mr. ond Mrs, John Ralston, Dr. Buchin- ' son, Chas, W. Buchanan of Winnipeg, was present; also four grandsons and three granddaughters, Dr. Buchanan's son snd daughters: pre sented their mother and father with two very comfortable chairs, On_Séturday evening the executive of {the Orange Lodge presented Dr. Buchan- jan wih' a beautiful silverpunch bowl. Dr. Buchanan' holds. the highest degree in the | Black Knights, | Western' -Notes | WA F. Wy Lent, the, well known barriv- ter: of Calgary, formerly of Elmvale, bas been /elected president of the Culgary Ad. | Club for the ensuing year. A bond for every baby born in Calgary oh Nov. 12, tha'day) the Victory Loan campaign opens, 'That is one of the plans by which the Calgary Committee proposes to awaken public interest in the campaign. The value 'of the bond to be presented to the babes fortunate. enough to enter the world on this date is not stipulated, but the donor's bank roll and the warmth of his patriotic feeling. A' large thermome- on- one of the principal buildings of the city. The 'altitude of 'the mereury each day 'will indicate the progress 'made in the Jocal campaign. A resident of Calgary, formerly of Bar- rie, has an eight: gilt clock of French design and make which was encased. in a glass dome. Sometime ago the dome was broken und the clock refused to go with }or. without' its pendulum. All efforts to start it were futile. Recently a child struck a responsive chord on the piano in the same room and immediately the tick of. the clock was heard. The hour was 4 p. m. and thé clock 'kept time for four days and then suddenly stopped. Repeated ef- forts to start it since buve failed. - The province of Alberta ix setting the | pace for the highest priced pure bred live- stock in the Dominion. At . sheep sale held in Culgary on Oct, 31, Alberta sheep breeders paid the highest pices ever at- tained 'in Canada for pure bred rams, the | top' price of the sale being $250, for 'an Oxford. Pure bred ewes did not move nearly so well as the rams, which indicat. es that miost breeders" are starting their | with the best they' can get in rams, Grade | ewes sold with more alicrity than the| pure breds in the morning, and disring the afiernoon.one buyer broke all records on grade stock whcn he paid $28.50 each Yor five' Oxford ewes. 'The most sensational | transaction of the whole affair was the-sale | A Frac a ane | gélden mums and ® large brass vase full | will doubtless be regulated by the size of | . 'of 11 Suffolk rams for $849, -an' average | of $77. per hhead.. Onc of 'these was. -2| shearling, the ,balunce being ram lambs, W. .D. McLennan, of.' Airdrie, paid the | highest price on Suffolks,- when he gave') $112 for, one. of the best rams ever seen | in Calgary. Mr, MeLennan bought other Suffolks, paying $80, for one and $83 | for the.other. Gavin Jack paid $85 for a| Suffolk; C. A.-Stearns, of Carstairs, bought two. at' $05 'each? R.B. Eustes, of Car-| J 'stairs, two more, arid L, Levers, of. Castor, $86 for another. These Suffolks | were | mostly of H: P. Jacques' ruising, and were consigned. and sold. by his partner, A. C. Stewart, of Castor. F.'8, King, of Cheyehne, Wyo., who in conjunction with the United States govern- | ment was the first breeier to. impart. Cor- riedale sheep from New. Zealand, and. who has been largely successful with the new breed on this continent,..has just shipped & splendid Corriedale ram to' the Domin; ion Experimental Farm at Lacombe, Alta, for use "in experiments! breeding. This is' the second shipment 'of Gorriedales to Alberta, and Mr, King expects to open. up a big trade' in these sheep, especially since the -duty has been removed. Ten of his rams recently went, to J. T, Heninger at Magrath, Alta. Mr. King is contemplating sending a show flock to the Canadian fairs next .season. The ,Corriedale is distinctly 2 range sheep, combining -the best quali- ties of the Lincoln and the Australian Mer- ino, * Its fleece is Of excellent three-eighths blood 'quslity and the "breed has a: wonder- ful size and constizution, along -with ex: cellent "herding qualities, making' sn .ideal dual, purpose beep Maximum inereass provided by sbeami ority award of 'the board' of conc A. -Friend® DoM. G: Ho Esten .. G. A. Radenhurst Dr, Little two | A..F. A, Maleomson G. D, Hebbard . Wm.' Rainford... }J. Allan... Judge Wismer pid $65 und $70 respectively. for} Mrs. D. Hl: MacLaren -. paid |J. E, Montagu-Leeds .. |'Thos,Rogers .. . |. G, Keenan .- J: McCandless Belgian. Relief Fund. Growing. Balance as per former statement $. Dyment.. 1 jggMBGS <3 wart... You Will Instantly Feel at Home in the Columbia Salesroom You will find the bina of a Graf- onola a most enjoyable. experience * because. the. dealer's every en- deavor is to make you know the' instrument as:intimately and as _ > thoroughly as he himself knows it. . He will put you in possession of facts you ought. to know. Facts - about re-prodicton -of sound.- Facts that explain Columbia Graf- cme onola's purity of tone. Facts about exclusive Grafonola nate eaves. < Columbia Grafpnolas are priced at.$24-to $300 $434.20 5.00 Columbia Graphophone Company, Toronto Facts about the: wonderful degree of skill with which the Columbia Grafonolas' are designed, built, and finished. Any Columbia 'deater feels -- sure that if you knew all about the Colunibia.Grafonola you would not permit another: day to-pass by without having one-in your home. A-corivenient method for purchase can be arranged. i Oliver Pool, an 'octogenarian of Thori- | visions, Miss Warten, Red Cross Society, f ' bury, 'has been recently visiting <Tari on Ovenden_ College; vegetables, Mr. Justice, Trinity Church," Mr. MeCullough," Mrs.' his fifth, honeymobn: * Metcalfe, Mrs. R. 'J. Fletcher, Mrs, Knupp] © With 'the first' real' snowfall- of the sen- 'of Minesing, Guthrie Mission Band, Mrs.| son: at Galton Thursday inany people wera Cameron of Allandale, Mrs, Graham, Mrs. D. Maclntosh; curtains, Mrs. D. Powell, Mrs, Paton. Read The Examiner Adlet Column. -| without "coal, but' Mayor Edwards came- to the réscue 'ahd secured a carload, which * is being. sold out in' tons .and smaller lots at $9.25. Se pee py aoe B23388388 That's iy ; advice, if you are thinking of Rav 'inga car next year and want reasonable Prices and latest designs. LOOK THEM OVER Compate our new 1918 miodel at $750.00 with. any $1000.00' car on the market and you' éan see that CHEVROLET PRICE. Se TS EXCEEDINGEY REASONABLE Ae Be Now---Save. Money. and. be Sage of:

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