Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 2

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ty ---- 4 We'must-look: sfter her and 'find hor prover What the "Want" » Columns Reveal . - |qyANTED--BY__REFINED ELDERLY SW ANiue coploymess fer tow boxe daly housework or sewing; good needie= Box 817, Star. 6 SWORK--YOUNG MO. |( a worker, will be glad f fortable home, where she pA cody des baby with her. Apply to Box fight woman. j ENERAL HOUSE! ? GP ier, avick, 1317, Star. H_WOMAN, WITH CHILD, DE- he eg paton i Meni te ee Ingman good cook' and) manarer. Apply Box 420, Star. The above from recent issues of a Toronto news- paper, tell the story of.the heartbreaking position in which many widows. are placed unexpectedly. Snatched away in the prime of life--uninsured--their husbands had thotight' to-morrow would 'be time enough to insure--but to-morrow never came. Will your 'wife come 'to this, or will you provide for her while there is yet time? An Ymperial Home Protection policy is the solution. Ask for particulars. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company.of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO G. S. McConkey, © W. R. Devins, Ey Ky c IN WOMAN'S REALM. ~ | WOMEN OF TODAY AND TOMORROW: Todd sqid the women im Canada have af (Contihued from. page 1) | glorious' future and sense of comradeship Hines, gtady Canada und Kfiow what 19 "89d love. wbead, In ten years if our immigration | : increases after 'the war as jt did before, we; Although the hour was getting very late will hus in Canada one hundred million the ladies were 'pleased and exceedingly | people, ready for than? "When interested to hear Mr., Jack exploin how j L ste 4 wom tting on Sunday' I often | the women could help in the Victory Wars wonder is she 'gaining or losing for Cun: } Loah campy gp to be put.on in a few days Canada's Victory Loan ada, What of the Sabbath that has 'been | - Mr. Jack. said that it would be quite im handled down. to us?" Our. pioneers had Possible. to ask -the banks to: furnish 'the great and strong ideals on Subbuth. -If we! Present lonn. 'They have to lnok after the et it gu. cure we: not letting go something liquid assets to. move grain and to. finance ins Nong -peeeloun "to ea ek the jam nitton plan's besides eureying of the children coming on? general business' of the. count: Eighty | million dollars' hus to be found some other Question, the speaker suid'that ii has been way, so the Government is asking "the, 1 thin buurdsof Education" ut their people to take the 'issue. In every 200. in iv" never "Speak of the child at sll, population only one suvseribed to the last but of the things sround the child, ind, loun.-For'the last loan in the United States she thought: they werg 'putting first, thing: one in évery tén subscribed and in Englind Revertipg agnin to tbe chill. weltar Jat." Education should be simply 9 titing one in- eight, . | for life. > The women-should 7 bi They 'have eighteen' working days. to get briwe th)' "soul qualities". into this 'compaign through' und" it is entailing | ® greut amoiint of work. Publicity. ix the main object now. Two million dollars hax been alfotter! as Simeoe County's ahiare und | 32009000 for Burrie, As is of course known, | We are responsible for 'the s0 romney. We must créste it Th ien't. enough to say thai a girl is going ustray, musement. Tt is better to prevens thon 'noagold ig' bring shipped "buck : and forth Teeebvini serows the Atlantic, . Great Britain takes The "bome ix the best plues of all to wre of the financing of the @anadiun Army | we in 'urn send her munitions and Bot Grest Britain esn' only put keouts a grent, future for the nation two million sincle women in re ite s Peaynley nusjarity of them | will chose as she ean obtain credit. | Prosperi Da. we but home-makiig um only be enrried on hy losning mon tw be" Mois the chief to Brituin? , She gives credit hut noe: Children know and The war ix costing Canada $890,000 and up to.the present one has been spent te of all things and ion dollars oO il-innortant for Car va as ytyivirly developed home-tife.. Lat Thr Victory War, Loan ie a profitable | ie girl me seieiwe in th» hewie.. She must :t Fook at Russias where they sande ti Deol it ie punt het clit bere eroe but no gharke:, and 5 Mi if vs she "Argentine who has tio tonnige. There will GIsaitiee/thidsetee y of hy the Saine conditions Jiore if we emit household work is also faseinat- ex wl eredit 4a Grent Brit i ing for older women, "bec it is also Tt has been 'found that 000,000 Tas, pructionl, been hinrdéd in-Canada, Fhe bigks have Atiths clove of her splendid nditress'Mrs, increased -theit circulation bur & eacne Ask For | and insist on getting a ~ Victrola and Victor Records Don't be put off with an imitation hes os real. . ing costs no mote. ;Genuine Vi trolas and Victor -Records aly Bear the tradetauck Laces the world Ky Lenoir Street 176 jand for which, Barrie Bran | MacLuren, | League a | attendance, | sentation. of Leaguers bei || their different departments. freshments were serv 1 ae f E ' i r i A 3 Ty i rf par can Hi It is. very' very Necessary that the ladies -help out, said Mr. Jack, In thanking Mr. Jack for his address, Mrs, "Harvey ssid that the Wonien's In. stitutes could help great deal in this way for they 'are the. only organizations in the country that; meet' regularly,' - ' Chautauqua Work ' Miss Sherwood, representing 'sn Ameri- can organization, put » proposition before the meeting to bring the°Chautauqua Weck entertainment 'here during © the 'coming summer. .This, she said, is a travelling. FOR FHE ity only Yas Overcoats, in Brown only. heavy twee with belt all' around, kets, straps on sleeve Sizes. 34 and 35... BOYS' BELTEQ BACK OVERCOAT wit] university, many public men both.in Can. and the United States being present at all of the eleven: meetings. 'They are} asking @ guarantee of $1200, six hundred | seuts st $2.00 each. 'The tent holds 3,000 | ang there .°is 'a schildren's pageant 'and | meetings for them. 25 per cent, .of all: Proceeds go to' the. Red Cross. The meeting they would help! 2 | Red Cross Notes Tt has been said that Prisoners of W. do not receive their parcels So-far Bar rie Branch's prisoners of war, for" whom the garden fete on the grounds of Mr. Boys and: Mr. Lesli> was given, have been te. ceiving their parcels most regularly. Of the 'twenty adopted _ prisoners, nineteen' have been sending cards acknowledging. the | receipt of parcels sent by the Red Cross | ch supplies the | money required to furnish contonts. | The following letter was received from Mrs. "VanKoughnet, Hon. Supt. Soldiers' Comforts, Military "Hospitals Commission, Dear Mrs, Cylderwood:---Your kind let. tir of Oct. 2° hus just come in land it iv inost awfully. nice to hearthat your mem. | bers would Heal. interested -in doing some thing for the hospitals at Newmarket, wher» all the cases are merital, Jam always weleame there. I will be glad if/ you think bf sending. some if you will let this Department 'know in order that we ! may not overlap st the same tine with | perhups another*quantity.. We' are heving sent from Mount Albert to Newmarket, some live chickens, as the men long: to! have chickens in the run, 'which would be so splendid. They feel that they can look | "| decided that if the men of the town would | | Suersntee the: amount, with the sale of tickets, Browns, Grays or Navy, 'sizes 29 to 33 : Sg e From. Seamin Dempster gr Following are extracts from: a letter 're- ceived reccntly by Mrs. A. McRae from 'her brother, Seaman Alex; Dempster, for- merly a member of the Bunk of Toronto staff here Tam down at Dover now, came here on Sept. 17th and am doing my time on. a trawler or a mine-weeper 'as' you people | know them, We do four days at sea and Ri adi , Brey. Chinchilla overcoat, double-breasted and buttoned up close to \the neck, 'belt on the back... Special $3.75 ANOTHER COAT for the same sized boys in'a better qual- Chinchilla cloth, made in the same' style as above belt goes all around, same as on the new Trench Special $5.00 each YOUTHS! TRENCH OVERCOATS .in sizes 31, 32 and -33 only, mide from an extra good quality pinch back, 'patch. poe- aiid convertible collar, . not work, was sow on the plutform when I arrived and has demi To the Editor. of The Examiner, is buneh of Barrie boys in the 18th Can- | ~Men's Overcoats ALL BOY from 4 to 8 yeurs we Have a nice |/MEN,S DARK GREY HEAVY OVERCOATS with shawl + collar and belt on Sack, sizes 36 to 42..,.Special $10.00 MEN'S DARK BROWN HEAVY OVERCOATS, jame style | . Special $12.00 a8 sbove sizes, Sizes 87 to' 40 only . 'above; sizée 34 to'42 of dark checked style as above, sizes 34:16 4 shaw! dollar in th at -$5.75, $8.00, $10.50. and $13.50 BOYS AND. GIRL ney F HISON | w. in the le 'ain. 'Tt rained last night and they could 'ilton for the The weather is cold und there | Murriat' came county of, Wentworth. oh 'and energetic -ascistant Would Like Some Comforts his success, Dear Sir:--My husband, Sgt-Major -F. | Johnson, has written fo say that there | In his new pos lian Light Railway Operating. Co., ©-0! count of himself. MEN'S BROWN OVERCOATS made from a fine Chinchilla cloth, two different qualities of eloth but sanie style as w+, Special $15.00 MEN'S DARK GREY OVERCOATS, made frome fine' Chinchilla cloth 'or a heavy weight dark tweed, same + Special $18.00 ané.$20.00 YOUNG MEN'S TRENCH OVERCOATS, made froni s nice quality of dirk mixture tweed with belt -all around, patch Pockets and straps on leéves, sizes 36,37 and 38. $20.00 EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL LINES OF UNDERWEAR OR LADIES. AND GENTLEMEN, Make YOUR. Mo Buy Victory Bonds DEVLIN & MURC SOCOCOOOEPOOOOOOOSO049000009000004 | LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS S9O090000000000000000000000060 900000009 9¢000000 " Marrtat, .who has been assistant reul office "of. the Departrient of Agriculture to F.°A. Wiggins, has been ap: {pointed to the charge. of the office in Han; Mr.. to «Collingwood 'in Muy last ionstrited himself a capable He is well. versed 2 :in his work and ix deeply interested, hence He goes. to Wentworth with the good: recommendation of the farmers 6f Simcoe und' with,-the good - wish-« of those with whom he hax' heen associated, ion, which he assumed on Monday, he will doubtless give a good se- He is a native of Kes- + ® | awful burd titne of it. Z count of himself. more definite. interest and encouragement | on our sweeping ix as follows: Two trawl. Army Post Oe, RE, BE Franee, | wick. York County, 'and graduate of the for poultry farming in the future. The ers go together . and pass .a cable from TL in great pend 'comfort! Ms they | Ontario Agricultural' College: -- Colling- hospital there is preparéd . to have 100°stern, to stern, This cable is, 1 uppose, i eel very, ples Titve been working fe | "om Bales. ibs rena rot have" asked for fifty from hou: three or four heindred anda King. | Frcsce and Bega otae Wien ae a eae WES : be oul, MLS to eee Mond fron 1 {tian separate a' far a tho: sable, will | at gon "gtr everyone is s0 sure of | Of the picture which will, be shown. af Barrie? We have also been asked for set of boxing gloves which will cost $12. The ten' long for exercise of any kind, wnd all of this; of course, would be (under certuin cure and restriction, 'Then, they are wanting more gramophone recorde, In the house they ure really. more interested | in music than in anything else. We can get ten double records, making twenty tunes, for $10.50, 1 mention this price as T always like to know inysélf what a mount' each gift will cost. The men love sweets, Candy "how, of urse, is un expensive gift, but if occas ionally your Junior Red Cross Society felt like making fudg: and that sort of thin, there are 124 men there just, now. Cand for that' number would be a lurge expense wind) perhaps it may be out of the ques tion. Will you let me know if any 'of these things appeal to you, ax: you see they sre of @ varied nature? The regular. monthty on Thureday, v. 15. All contributions should be in by Wednesday, Now. 14 St. Mary's Church. hud charge Shop Saturday, Nov. 3. Net $61,00. St. of the receipts Andrew's. Church _ will have charge | on Saturday, Nov, 10, and the -followin; Saturday Collier St. Methodist Church, Shop conmnittee this week: Mrs, Barber, Mrs. Juekson; next week, Mrs. Little. Mrs A Successful League Rally Through the untiring efforts of the- Ex ecutive of the Central Methodist Church very 'uccessful Rally, wax ar- | ranged for. 'Sunday -'morning: the servicé'! took the form of ' special sermon. on Lea- | gone. work, followed . by. the: Sucraniental | Service, a large number of people being in| The church' was distelully de-. gorated with flags and artistically -draped pledges and League 'motors, Sunday ev-| ening was marked bya Very Jarge gather ing of people to hear the .very. instrufti address to young lacties, a -splendid repre: | ing present, ac- | cupying the front seats anid wearing. the | League colors. On Monday evening upwards of seventy fyoung people gathered in the, schoolroom, | which was artisically, draped for the 'oc. casion' with flags and flowers and -pledges, { aswuming 8 very homelike appearance. | An excellent program was given in th: +| form of addresses by the president and five | vice-presidents of the various departments of the -work, :interspersed by appropriate musical selections. The subject of the ad- dresses 'was. "Greater. Production,"* "which | Was. ably dealt with by the various presi. dents, éach one dealing important Phases of the subject. and applying in ex. cellent form the underlying principles to! Many excel: lent points were brought out showing con. | clusively the great need of grester. produc, tion in the church life as welkas in the na-! tional life. At the close of am altogether | pleasant and: profitable evening light re-! ~ é packing. will be * board twenty hours, of which we sailed Tee allow, so that «it will be well under water. | We sweep up and doyn our section of the | sea, It's very interesting anv still a little exciting, expecially when we pull up a mine or so, These trawlers were fishing boats in peace times, but they are cer- | tainly helping the Navy out in their' good | work, Still they don't get any credit for, it, as our other bosts do, They are out in 'all kinds of weather, clearitig the way for the fighting craft to work. . Besides;! to to 10 mine-rweeping ix considered one of the most dangerous jobs in.th= Navy, You 'ean see our Canndian suilnx are doing their little. bit in 'the Navy xs well as our Tommies are in Frince. : Dover iv' not "sn ex raordinary place. It is too much of a navel town to have any sport. The chalky cliffs logk very nice, 1 suppose you have to wus up through it a few uneient things and shells they used in olden days, 'which would be little or no use in thix war, T saw one gun there called Queen' tlizabeth's pocket pistol, with the engraving on it: "Load me well anc keep 'me clean, and T-will carry « ball to Calais Green." But T doubt if-it would: By the way, on one 'of-our patrols. we 'went. to France; was. right outside of Calais.» I 'didn't get ushore but would have liked to very much, However, I can say I have seen it, anyway. I was down to Deal, a plice about' forty .miles from Dover and saw: an" awful lot of wounded Canadian- soldiers there. It semis: to be a: base for them, 'It-certainly segméd nice to get a mong friends agdin, " , \ In a previous letter Seaman Detnpster said: he, along with the other men of his unit, had Feceived a gift of three pairs of socks, muffler, @ cardigan jacket and 9 suit of underwear from the Queen. Visited His Parents' Old Home Writing home on Oct. 12 from Sh-tland, Scotland, Pte, Wns, Smith of the 3rd Can. Reserve, Bg., tells of a visit to the. child hood horie Sf. his parents, "I arriyed here safely, having' been' on only twelve hours, and lay at anchor'eight hours, I had'to wire from Thurso for ex- tension, which TI. was justin time to -get the right boat forand so catch"the boat for Lenwick whichis fifteen miles from |- Sundwick. I had to hunt arourid till about four o'clock before I met in with a man by the name of Sinclair witha car. As soon es T told him my mame,, he "said" be |. knew my father before he, was married, and could 'se his' likeness in my face. He ives here and. knew the folks all around, » took me with him through to Qousin Jessie's place and the house miother wai born in. They had not npeniiend letter ing Iwas coming, #0 T took them quite j sdeecely You would think T was a Wild western or something equally odd the way the people flockéd in to see_me, the man from Ameries, §« they call bef {the war being over soon. needed is more men, if it is to be brought your paper, I remain, seribers. $1.50 per year. , but it-won't helyy, the end it if they just stay there. What | Turse 4 successful' and quick end." « Trusting you will. find room for this: in Yours: truly, MRS. F. R. JOHNSON. Charles St:, Barrie. PS. If you like The Examiner, recommen: pected ability: of Miss Nei any. friends "who sre not already sub | Blever 'wits all honors. in. the produetio: EXEMPTION TRIBUNALS MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 Se oie For the Attention of Class One: Men The location of The Exe: this district is as follows:-- : TRIBUNAL ONT. 'NO..318--BARRIE : é ONT. NO. 303--CRAIGHURST . Thésé Tribunals will commence to deal exemption on November 8th. ption Tribunals, in with claims for All claims' for exemption must be made not later than. » . November 10th. . : ; Those who make' or have tion 'in/writing' through notice by registered letter will be dealt with. made theif clair for exemp- the Post Office will receive Of date on which their claim 3 j 5 Reports for service must be made on 10th through the Post Office. © ~ Severe penaltied are provided by law for failure to report _ for service or'claim exemptioi as above. >, Ro or before November fo es id Opera House 'next. Monilay and the New York Star says:.**] jBlm experts as one of the Art of the 'season, shows the' marvellous aid, unex: "iis @ picture Without previous 'experience, she 4 ¥

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