SECTION |, PAGES 1 TO 4) BARRIE, CANADA. NOVEMBER 8.1917. ateaa' Tie cance poet A Record Tax List ' 'The' number, of properties: advertised to be sold by Treasurer Quinlan. for taxes this | por year was the largest on record for this |B county and probably for all, Ontario. - All Horticultural Annual: Notwithstanding war conditions, the re- ted 'by the Secy.-Treas. of the farrie Herticultural Society at the annual mating, 'Tuesday 'night, was a very sat- Women of Today , and Tomorrow ants Firemen plie: 'To Get Exemption orton ogre ition sonal claim does feet that the 1915 taxes 'pot been easy' to keep the te important work of the Society, yet the dircetors were determinéd: fo "carry: on" until after the war, 'feeling sure tliat fall interest. in flor- 'culture 'would again be manifested. FIRE CHIEF ASKS COUNCIL TO APPLY To 'TRIBUNAL BUT IS REFUSED-- NEW MARKET BY-LAW. Ald: Wisdom was the only absentee ut the regular meeting 'of the Town Council ,on Monday night, when.» number of im- portant items were dealt witb. Couneil declined to assist Acting Chief Shrubsole towards securing exemption from military service for certain members of \ the brigade. A by-law 'was passed requir- ing that marketed fowl be beheaded und that bags, of vegetables be of specified weights; There was some disct the annual grant to the Barrie the report was udopted on division, A communication concerning a supply of government' fish wax Jaid over for furth-|, er consideration, several members "object. ing to the clause requiring the Town 'to guarantee .the. uccounts for fish supplied ii to deulers, Asks Exemption for 'Firemen "Acting \Fire Chief Shrubsole asked. the Council to apply for exemption for fire. men, in the following letter:. According to the Military' Service Act, a number of our' firemen are eligible .for militury -ser-. vice. If these go overseas: it will 'nrater- inlly affect. the efficiency of the brigade. I wish to-bring to your attention the ne- ceskity of Having trained men: to fight fires A RB PBS should not be asked of him. He is willing not, only-to lose, as above outlined, but is prepared to-meet the Town half-way" and pay half the unpaid 1915 taxes, the Town to write off the other half. The Deadly Level Crossing, With a view 'to reducing the number of at level crossings, the motor accidents Board of Railway" the Council's opinion: on the following pointes The matter of- the view higbwap of any approaching trains. 2, Whether or not there is any difficulty |-Nj (Continued on page five) told the prisited list included 3545 parcels. Nearly all 'these . were. in. Port MeNicol. Plan 612 containing 559 'lots was with- drawn and 50 lots were redeemed before the°sale, leaving about 2900 for Major 'Ro- gers, the veteran auctioneer, to work up- The attendance was the best in years snd on a few parcels the bid- ding .was quite brisk. Although lots gal: ofe were to be had. in the Port for as low as $1.94, the 'crowd dig not see any' bar- gain in them even st that. Altogether' pO es the, May's i Commissioners asked from the isfactory one, showing that the finances of the' organization have béen well muih- tained. "Owing to the call for greater pro- duction of food stuffs Tast spring, the So- ciety. made practically no effort to boom its membership, the result being o falling off from 350 in 1916 to: 200 this year. So far, about 100 members have been secured for 1918 and it is hoped to at least 'double this number. Distribution of the fall pre- miums is being made this week. Walter N. Dull, the president, occupied the chair and gave a brief review -of the 'year's work. Owing to the great demands of war movements and the spécial offorte put forth to, grow food products, it had was voted the. wood, A: | What Will Canada' Ss Secretary. Officers were 'elected as follows:-- m8 Mr, Duff spoke: very. highly .of the work 'of the Secretary, Mr. Young, and. in reco B: nition of his efforts a special bonus of $15. Ist. Vioe-Prea,--Miss M, E. Campbel, 2nd. Vice-Pres.--W. N. Duff Becy. ---T, T: Young. 'Auditon---F. Marr and KR. J: Fletcher: Directors--F. J. D, Norman, Mise Scott, | Mrs, Cavern, Geo. Vickers, R. J. Home- Carson, J."H. Bennett, Mrs, W. HL. Wallace. T. Pearce, Dr. Barber, R. well and T. Crew. THOUGHTFUL, ADDRESS BY MRS. TODD OF ORILLIA TO THE BARRIE _WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. A large. number of ladies' were present on Monday evening «at 'the meeting in the Pol-" 'ice Ge bios the auspices of the -Wo-" men's: Ihstitute, when: Mrs, Todd of Orillia gave an address on 'The Women of Can- ada, Today. and. Tomorrow." Mrs. Harvey | presided. ' -Women of Today- and Tomorrow In her-address Mrs. Todd said it is tak- ing along time for the people to get -awsy from the idea that the Institutes are for farmers and 'country communities and not for towns, 'but there is np-reason why their motto 'For Home: aid Country" should not be as important in town 'life. Barrié is' entering Institute work. at an opportune time -for coming together, The Women's Institute is open ta every woman, not even exclusively for. members. It has'a' breadth to it not found in any fother organization; religion and _ polities are left out. Today we do not; think of any. outstand> [ing women; not those of special. attain- -| ments, but the mass of women who. are working for a common esuse. Any people are the result or product of the' time in hich they live: We -huve beew coming |. | up to this time for centuries; but the last q ead it would. be an' impdssibility to | three years has set u wonderful record. It . E ': handle an irnportunt fire "successfully. with would be a.pity to forget the Sears back "untiained men. I nisintain that the. fire- \ of 'us, the < spirit of the pioneers, the 9 men 'who give (heir services and risk 'their Y strength of 'those days, the simplicity. of. aa lives to save the lives und property: of the life. After. all, what we ure being 'usked * citizens. ar doing their '"bit,"" possibly, as well ae they would if- they were, in the + trenches. I. therefore request you 'to use to' do now-is.simply: turning back, reverting to'those old days of'simplicity of living and eating that were common -in.our' grand- your influence to secure for our firemen | é rae, . P mother's day, which would be good eae fom wibtore. tenting' Bane O ER in the sodden trenches amid the bursting shells Sn er anne Side Aen ae at lone' ing's unifoyin: a1 'Tthe pionger -in,.us or we would not have Cen ie eee ete ; and the roar/of artillery where Canada's boys are Hook to theedln" Fin cant thereat he ent, the: brigade is four, men under men and. the women-responded for their + strength. fighti ng' and dying, part, and: that' call has been repested. How Government Fish at 14 Cts, The manager of the Governiuent Fish: eries, Salis h, wrote:~"We have your , favor of Oct. 31, in whieh you state that you would like to reteive a supply of Gov- epiment. fish and naming Roy, Williams, FJ, Buchanan and T, B. Crnthers as be ing in a position to distribute/anme. We are asking the' municipal councils to guar- jee 'the "aecounts. of the dealers nanied, arid upon' receiving: such guarantee undef s corporate seal, we' will then undertake to 4 ll el a NN ee ee eee for a street light on Tiffin St,, Buldwin St. 7 z + Town Hall Wiring Bad R,_R. Matson, H.E, Inspector, notified the Council of half » dozen varieties of de- Kees in the wiring of the Town Hall. H Ip in the Victory. Loan Campaign. was solicited by. the Organization of Resources' Committee. Frank L, Cooper asked leaye to trim some trees on James St. John Jones, for-whom the Town paid s hospital bill some months ago while his west: of this time for his éther exe, Notice to this effect was received from*the Superintend- ept-of that institution, Jones having been on Clapperton St. for $1000, and gave ten: days to accept the offer, : Asks Rebate of Taxes ' W. A' J. Bell; K.C,, wrote as follows: : Mr-W. H. Kenuedy hus asked aie to bring . ' before the Council the matter of- unpaid j , taxes in respect to the Wellington Hotel. 'These: taxes are about $210, being » bal- 1915 which hid not been . Gilmour, who. ran the Wel ~ Tington Hotel, wig he assigned in spring of 1916. Gilmour made an : assignment for the Teeett of his 'creditors ate { \" 'to the Sheriff who, 'no doubt _ with th f 2 sanction of hit inspectors, deemed it-in the interests of fhe creditors to carry on the business unfil prohibition came in force and he did so, The Sheriff, we are. informed, i lize sufficient assets from the the costs and. expenses in tion the assignment and con- * sequently iy iotsing 'was tealized for the cred: Jeft eye was being treated, is again in the | _ * Toronto-.General Hospital for treatment-- |" s --they aré waiting for Canada's sale of Victory Bonds begins. answer when the ' CANADA'S soldiers expect that we at home will put and Canada. What answer. will Canada make ?. - What answer will you make Pp, Shall it be said that. Canada spares not her sons from the sacrifice of battle, yet withholds her. dollars to give them victory ?_ Rather will-it be said that Canada once more, for the fourth 'time in three years, cheerfully puts up her millions upon mil- lions for the cause of freedom; . _ righteousness and justice. Canada's Vigtory 3 Opens on Monday, November 12. Canada's answer must be, | --that the Canadian "hand to man'and the last dollar." 'That is the answer Canada will give to our boys. in. the - trenches, our kinsmen in Britain, and@ur Allies everywhere. » That is the answer we will give to the Huns who thought and said that' Canada would 'desert the Empire' before she would fight or pay. Every. bond you buy is an. answer. Let the millions of answers from:Canada's loyal men and' women make a chorus of Victory to ring around the world. Loan Campaign | 8 , Se i ee i ee ae much it has meant to our women, and we know there canbe no,slackening now. Whit has been the tesult? "Well, there 'is: the result we-can estimate in. andages. and socks, but there ure the. soul qualities that are being produced within. us which exn- not be estimated. Marjory McMurchy in he> book "The Wonray. Bless Ter," says "The .character that' is produced "ns the [| result of work is the mist blessed in life."* It-is the Very best kind of acter, The women of today are more-approuch- S * > "ye ae J abley distir i As gol : ee ns up'the millions they need to keep the plow of Victory holds stead- Se nee Ota ae a aa Mediabedoweat ae a bet fo on fighting, fast and firm, wh pane aS i arious municipalities throughout: the -pro- : Se . ae ee ai ; For : ~<a --the millions they must have that Canada is in sheng: bagel ghar e a og, "Whaat [a Tah to win Victory for freedom, home earnest when she says "the last [> [lectin berapalty cts meseiee Jna, Catlin and fifteen others petitioned . whe asked a young mother with her eryiie babs 'into cher kine to quiet the little one Before the, war'she would. not have thought of asking this nd she the the woman would not have 'responded: We @ sense' of comradeship now. © Men ve looked to us for leadership itn yistrio- tic work--and not in 'vain, and itis :the ordinury every-day woman 'whe fnas, riken | to the occasion, One. thing that hasbeen very hard to overcome ix the: little personal things that divide' us ytd another: ix indif- ference. All' this' work that has 'brought "us to- gether is going t 'jin the woman of tomorrow, We ust keep sate; we mst not be earried away: in the rush of emotionalisin over-quéstions, We much about the welfare and \ohg- our troops we get carried sway, Many are not moderate in' their views 'and one element to be "aimed' at 'is', ity, common sense to bulance- emition- ve. fiéts and study .thein out. Do one' hut, is self-erlucated. While ; y be: helper as a child is-and led out, still what we know. js through. our "own effort and-we 'must study questions, to get-, a vital _que® elf and. chilitren ryone's "children: ld welfare ix given Pm 3 al pre- vention of communicable diseases 4 Hom.d0 we value the woman of 4d? Tt will not do to hay looked siter, . but should be.eared-for. oh 'or work? No, it is whit she is hhersélf and 'how she brings these' advantages into play for the benefit of. the country, and: the country. means ur next-door neighbor.: She must SERVE. 'Tt may 'sound absurd to say that money or edu- }¢ation or work: does not count, but they is of these was Mr. Kennedy. with |. ar Chairman, Provincial Committee Psi fo Sles on Shih barretcined Se Canada's Victory Loan Cantiey htey leas | : All About It Toronto. - . : | tor rthe oman of sil erci whee. thre #. Kindly send mea copy of" pamphlet entitled -- | 'Wonien's Institute 'and she would like to , is the title.of a pamphlet that should be in the hands. of every man and , Woman in the country. Mail this coupon at once and get your copy 'Canada's Nictory Loan, all, aout, it" Name:........4 j Street or R-R. P03. Prov... . Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in_co-operation with. the Minister. of Finatce ' of the 'Domenion of --- Sea be the. very finest factor * it ber social position, her moi edu"