Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 12

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lal Lz) DE DEVEEESEEEEEEEEE PERE ESPNS EEPeEEEE RRERARRRR RRR Friday and | of any held by us in our 15 years of business in last. two days of our celebration. saved is money made. B 16-inch Heavy Pure Linen Hand Towel- Jing; in for . Wide Fancy Ribbons of many patterns in plain and stripe, old price "20c, stripes und floral designs, regular. 50c, sit eiawiice wenmesatercas TOG $F cee e vg gdteunensite wx 4c the last two da will be days of intense interest to all thrifty buyers. ys of o SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, IS THE LAST DAY OF THE SALE. Y A VICTORY WAR : ae j we : ur Anniversary Sale This Sale in pointef the Frawley Block, and Foresight and fearless buying on our Merchandise and our policy of Economy. in your interests insures good goods at the, lowest possible cost to you. Money: Here are different ways open to you White Voile Waists in. very pretty styles, Regular Size Kbaki Handkerchiefs, heni- Dark" Colored Flannelette, inches. wide, sizes 36 to 44, regular $1.25, for . .98¢ stitebed ooo... oo + 3.for 25¢ Grey: and Brown, "regular 25c, for 19¢ ----______. --_------ ---- eed, Merchandise sold has been the most successful we're going to crowd ina deal of activity in these: part before the recent advances in many linés of of making money if you take advantage. BO : > 36:inch Pure Bleached Flannelette, plain, 1Se Bubies' Terry Feeders .<:.2 for #8¢. | 'White Flanneletie, 29 iachex wide, British A Heayy Pure Linen 16-inch Hand Toye Waste-Paper and Japanese Lunch Baskets heavy weight, regular 300, for 20¢ made, regular. 20c, for ...... Vc sx - «Ting, "8 patterns, 20¢, for....... .. T8c a large, asin and small 'sizes, 68, a Scotch Fingering Yarn, in Grey a Stal en POS, 0 eS ECE Rk 70c and 75e, for .......4.. ye . 4 - Ib, $1.80, ibs. $9.00 rr eer . h Heavy Flannelefte, Twill, in Pink, ie 18x18 Cushion Fotms, regulur 45c, for 35¢ --_--_--_--_--_--_._______., y, White and Brown, regular 25c, '4 Fine 66-inch. Pure Bleached: Tabling, reg- | _ 19¢ iui Wanaeer meee ; ular $1.00, for o...0... 0... Te : 5 . 7 only Women's Tweed and Kersey Coats, a ar es =<] ¢ g ¢ Light Weight Corsets, well boried, medium ee: es a Ut Seat ccc : sae ] ee , figure, sizes 19 to 27, special 57 7 ' peas stele Sar a at aha oe 20X20 Cushion Forms, filled with Russian iB j s . 46-inch Soft :Finish ¥lannelette in stripes, ud tm down, regular 50c, for :.:.. 43c All Cashmere Hote,. sizes ae Pink and Blue, yard wide, for 226 __-- : : and 10, regulor $1.25, Jor : Chinas A ' ; eS , A 08 relting, - i ice of 23 -pieces Dresx Goods, Voiles es { 7 aneicaiaclk nage i ul Ms poe te ee ee ae. . . and Funey: Weaves, regulir 50e:to $1.00, 22x22\inch Cushion "Fornix, well filled, RB ---- ". Womens's Whit Natural Underv a for .... bat -. 29e regular 60¢, for .......\ op ise, MBO | s * - lung sleever, for 50c i Women's Silk "Hose in Black, White, Pink re rs aS and Blue, sizes'8% to 10, regular $1.25 27-inwh Grey Twill Flannel, union cotton 7 = Wide Paillette Silk for Dresges, splendid 4-inch Very Fine Bieached Tabling, reg: RB OE 0S stan' 2 aarenay 1a and wool, regular 25e, for $9 We Hair Nets, fine, with elastic, 2 for 10¢ weight, regular $1.85, for..\. 2. $1.48 ular price $1.00, sale ....,., 75c, This Store is Headquarters for 0 I <b " (3) ur Mail Order Service is Perfect Victor: Victrolas and Records ' B&R . Send us yor and plewse remein- i No home-is complete without «Vietrola, ne hes oe wd: lean remain & oy carry stock of, both -Vietrolas and Re. her to enclose purchase' money.with order ds, Buy yours before the Christmas --if too much is sent bakinee will be re- BR ruth There's going to be » shartage. turned--no books ate kept for: this" Dept. BR > > ' 13 . = : : the, air-several cylinders of the engine went | men's Missionary Society: give tw the Workd =' MISS ELSIE' NELSON |. Studio <at Mev, Bestrisi's, 38 Owen' =: N sd f the ie ys ie eter rte paca = Our Duty 10 Missions in the Present) TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. | Phone 185. N i ° ;fuirly good landing so that he was. unburt | Crisis : ews rom e ailway Ward..... jand the muchine little aamagesty By Collier Street: "Have we Mohitized | pis Pretzel for. examinations in the 4 . _ Wi. Mortimer of Row Clare, Muskoka, | ull our Forces to meet the Urient Need of { le aie Paintini od Jealled on.$, J, MeMorran this week on hix | the Time?" Mrs: dus, Hedger spent 'the week-end. 8. Garside is spending two-wecke with (way home trom Phelpston." 'They hind not] 'The afternoon aession begay shivrp. st 2 : with friends in' Toronto, jfriends' in Toronto und Montreal, jseen euch other for twenty years and great-| o'clock. A true inspiration way given, the Bes Or eC Econ eee | Bert Phoenix' of Hamilton called on Al-| ~'Ms. Chison, Easa 8t., has returied from|¥ cnioyed. the meeting. speakers by the leudership. of Mrs, Moore, , e e es . landale friends. this. week. 4 delightful' visit of ten weeks in Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Cowan and. son of | who took the devotional sex rcises, Fe i Miss Gladys 'Firman is 'in the 'hospital, | and 'Western .Canada, {Colgan and Mrs, Walter Moore of Brad-|. 'The question of stewardship was before See b . i sifforing from typhpid fever. Mrs, Wm, Park ia oficiutiig fn the op. | ford visited xt D: Magloughlin's last week | the convention for the afternoon. Papers < q : - : Mrs. R; Frame has returned from 'visit /gan in 'Burton Ave, Methodist Church dur. {92 theif Way, home. from Midland, | Russell; were giveit by . Mrs, Estes of Orillia, Mrs. /M. , ! with Ger: brother in Palmerston tha ba cD, Ni Sho {Baker of Collingwood and Ernest Eimer of | Pickett of Midfand, Mrs. Matshall of Elm . Mi seit at Es haps She ith |i eieiee paps eg Ste, Marie fe | Schomberg were at the Magloughlin's for | vale and Mrs, Lamb of Burton Avenue, All So iti heise, Bait: 4 ReeaE TL rene ne with [ie vis ils aa cae the week-end. these were vapers of merit(and during the me will be surprised to know you ean'buy a ee » Mrs. Frank: Hill, Cumberland St. {8 cone of wrath... The carpet bowling tournament in con-! consecration. hour shiek tollewet a by Set of Dj P ett Sales aed "Mrs. 8, Gill of Midhurst has been visit-| Some -of the aes Lig Rica Jang Rectiou with the Sone of England is in-a Rev, R. J. Fallis, gave food for'. serious! ol Mmnerware--97 Pieces: © Beautiful ing Mrs. Jobu Coulter, 4ho' has been very | tended the G.W.V.A: Bull on 'Wednesday véry interesting stage. All the games ure thought. Stock Patt 5 ill, | night of last. week were Mre nid Mir keenly. contested. Mr. Whitney's team | ~The pastor of the convention chateh | -- <x fatterns for $22.50 at our. Store. A. Swastika concert sid bazaar in aid | Guilfoyle: Mr. and Mrs, J, W. Munro and'jeecured n lewd of one point in Friday's! prewided in the evening, while Mise Brack These Goods were Imported Direct.. of Field Comforts and Red Cros will be | Carl Marshall 7 ' The standing: bill of West China give a wonderfully oh: | : on Nov. 21. Aeroplane No.-C181, foaded on 'a truck. | m1, 19 points; eative and appealing addrese on the work : J.D. ve Beni, ay and T, Wal- | paid eh Fed Tyeniay, on ie vied A.. Dérricks's 'team, 16 points, of the Women's Missionary 'Society in that JF COT TAGE DINNER SETS On-are attending the Y/M.C.A. convention to Camp Hoare. It had fallen below | Old Railroadman. Dead part: l i g in Ottawa this week. : 7 retiarket, ear Sharon. Whe 8000 ft; aise thirteen mromtn ot suifering, The minienl part of the convention come ae 45 Pieces, for $10.00 ~ - Charles Johnston -pussed into hix eternal in for well merited pease ee selon: | CL OVER : A : 4 i rent on 'Saturday night: Nov..3 Bon was appropriate and showed the fin 3 | ""Deosaned "wan boca' in Derohesien nee sity of or local fale and of the: oth. | EAF DESIGN 5 c: London, Ont. und-as a young man took ¢™ who took" part e following sang | 3 ; versie with the GT-R. soon. working hin Mine, Jobneton, Jefiey Brunton avi Cups and Saueers; $2.00. Doz.. self upto be conductor. After over tw nty itebread of urton Ave., and ses rj -& yesin with the GIR, he moved to Port R and Bobeon "and Mrs. Rivell nf Cups only me $1.50 Doz. Arthur where: he joined the C.N.R. staff ax Barrie, The serviees of Mrs. Park .as or On aoeaz conductor and for some time was in-charge Kenis! and of 'the chyjr were truly helpful . : F i. Hf0f the 'Superior Limited" .on thst divi As most of the, delegates-came' on early 7 ' 17. : y f sion, He spent ten years 'on 'the €.N. R. trains br akfust wx well as the othe meals OWN COOKING WARE (G ' ) p OR WOMEN ONLY [230.2 co8) Secrest] BROWN | uernsey) J i ago. He was of an upright character sid 'the church. . This gave. opportunity: for «ll so ie ' \ 4 mT 4 ie ees Bi ae | | much esteemed, In réliginn he' wan i Pree the deleeates and athers te become aermain comprising Covered Casseroles, 'Bean. : , | byterian, atid his lodge. connections were tet', The visitors voted the convention < ' : : with 'the Orange. and Masonic, he being' a and/the splendid 'hospitality sfforted. te | Pots, Pudding Pans. at mm [member of Shuriiah Lodge, A. F.& A.M, the convention church "the hert ever."* wn! 95, 3 : : Port Arthur arid of Rainy River L.O.L, | declared themselves as 'anxious to son ' 5 Mre.Johnston, who is in delicate health, grin to Bur'on Ave, Barrie, for 9. si c, 35c; 50c,. 60c to $1.25 i oe survives, with. lodge. Rev, W. J. clergyman 'anil the 'bers of Kerr Loige Shows 7.15, 8.30, 9.45 jof Barrie vention wa ( But:by my spi MATINEE : Saturday at 3 o'clock ALL SEATS, 27c. presided, gather 'able to three "children Fletcher, 'Allandale ; perboro; Chas: M. Johnston, Sudbury, . Interment took place in the Union Cem etery on Tuesday under Masonic auspices, Kerr Lodge acting on behalf of his mother Presbyterian. church : . W, M.S. The, Methodist Women's Missioriary Con. .@ : vention for the Barrie District, .was held : - ¥ j}in Burton Ave, Church, on Thursday, Oct. : ei ad 18. 'This proved to bea very fine gather. oo 5 Vie ing of the ladies of thé district. 'The out- side places represented were Orillia, Mid- land, Emmvale and Coldwater and there [were many attending from the churches The special motto of 'thé 'von- i by rr" fe ath the Lard of Hones Frese. 'Rey* from the Newbee a cae te fre, | Tived home. for the funeral. ©. i The meeting 'opened sharp at 9.30, Mre, The remains' were brought 'to- Barrie via | -TR. on: Saturdey and. the took place to the Grenfel Church, where service 'Mrs, Was coniiueted by Rev; A. Shepherd. In-* Todd of Orillia, who has-been secretary for, trment took place in Grenfel cemetery. ; the past two years, was also on the plat- meri form and her ability to. graep and analyze | Teatly 'missed. ~ His parents "and family the business transacted and the papers .and | have the deep sympathy of many friends speech given left the Society with a-mas-|# their sad lose, Yeport. j : , 'The' topicr which - were' very > eapably (Bev.) F. L. Brown, the district orgsnizer, and the noted success of this |S. was in no little 'degree attribut: | splendid executive abili Mrs. Cal. Mrs. A, L, King: Pet: » grateful to all the Watt of the Essa St wax the officiating pallbearers were mem- Convention sorrow that her 29, in' the friends' bere. whom are serving Earnest was a occasion should they be invited, The W.M.S. ladies of the.church are very wry ax it was by their co-operation that | the convention was'such a success, Boy Killed by. Motor (From, our Grenfel Correspondent) The many friends bere of Mr: and Mra. Fred Thrun of 'Toronto learned with deep Quainee, hud passed away on: Monday, Det. | 3 General the result of injuries received from beitig run-down 'by an auto while riding « bicycle | six days previously on Parliame: i Earnest spent the summer holid it He wus. in. his fourteenth | year, the. youngest .of 'five boys, three of | Tdiew who helped in-any Fancy Earthenware Tea Pots Brought diréct from England. Splendid o 'Assortment, all colors. and. beautifully decorated. : ! ; Prices run from 35c-to: $1.25- See these Goods in 'our Store and you'll be pleased Make YOUR Money Fight-- ___Bay Victory Bonds | | i | Eafnest | youngest -son, Hospital, " Torento,'| with | their: country somewhere | bright boy. and will be

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