Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1917, p. 10

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«= each car whefi these first letters are all put together' highly of. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegets- call * 'O that we may become acquaint= ed with more young people 'this Christmas, we are giving you this train loaded, down with Christmas .° | presents. Each car.contains one kind of present and the-name is on each car but the man who. painted the name got the letters. all jumbled... Worse still, the man who coupled the cars got them in the wrong order. Now, can you straighten things out and. re-arrange the letters in the names of the presents in each car and put the cars in' their right order behind 'the locomotive? Car No, 6, DOES ILL,contains "Dollies." The other ,cars tay contain' gloves, candy, baseballs, animals, bicycles, building blocks, skipping ropes, nine pins, engines, states, Noah's Ark, perfume, nierns, tools, footballs, games, or something else. it is for your to find out: 2 «Should you get. the cars behind the locomotive fa - their right order, you will find that the firat letter of the correct 'name of each Christmas present in 'will spell out the name of a great Nation in Europe, Gue of the Allies--a:Nation whose Navy controlé the Oceans. pare: Qn Christmas Day. Uncle Peter. who edits the Bunny Page in EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD, will "judge the answers and, award the following big cash prizes'to young people under seventeen, years ¢ complying with ,the conditions of the con- whose answers are all correct or nearest cor- ert, neatest and best written. So get busy and tend in qn ariswer to-day, and this Christmas Season Buay be the happiest you have ever hal. The Big Cash Prizes $25.00 Cush to the Boy of Girl who-sends_us the best reply. $15.00 Gash to the Boy or Girl sending'the second best reply. $10.00 Cash to the Hoy or Girl sending the third best reply. DOLLAR BILLS... Fifty bright;new, crisp $1.00 bills to the filly next Boys and Girls with the 50 next bestreplies, If you are bright and quick you will also have the portunity of winning 'a Shetland Pony and Cart $r icycie and many other fine prizes in 9 pleasant Contest even more interesting that this one. Write your answers in pen and-ink, using only ong side of the paper. Put your name, address and awe, in.the upper right hand corner of Send: Your Answer This Very Eyening! HERE are $3 Cash Prizee and in addition other fine awards for every young person who qualifies his or her entry.in this fascinating contest. Each boy or girl desiring his or her entry to compete for one of the fine prizes will-be required to perform a. sinail service for Everywoman's World for which additional Reward or Cash Payment will be given. Wouldn't you like $25.00 Cash? Wouldn't you like'a Shetland Pony and Cart or Bicycle? These fine prizes will eo tour young frends and we 'Would like you" to get the hest of them, Address yout answers as follows: Uncle Peter, c/o Everywoman's Wetld, _ 90 Continental Buildin NOTICE TO "SIGK WOMEN + Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's- Vegetable ..y Compound Relieves < Suffering. Bridgeton, N.J.--"'I cannot speak too | 'Foronte What Are You Doing to Protect Crop Savers? - On Sept, 10, secure heads in the news- papers announced. that "frost had caused damage in the United States to the extent of probably, $50,000,000, the grain markets 'became excited, and prices advanced. Why? Because it was unusual, 000,000 lois occurs 'through the depreda- tions of insects, This is n conservative: es- timate, 'made by experts, Such an an- .|npuncement, However, creates. no interest either in the griin market or newspapert Canada sutfers proportionately, It ie but another of the enormous -wastes which we 'are eontent to put up with, and: feel that, with our bountiful hurvests and rich pat: ble Compound fox 'inflammation and I en otherweaknesses. I | util resources, we can'afford to bé extra was very irregular | *0nt. nv and would have ter. |, If somié means existed to overtome early ible pains sothat E | ste: no time would he lost' in putting could hardly take a |t*™ into effect, Not so, howevér, step. Sometimes £.| 26 Sontinusd loss by insects, "Our Would betomisera.:|ivotous birds, fat from: receiving protec tion, have heen promiscuouisly and contin. jaidionptpac POF | oily slaughtered, to the detriment of our field crops. é doctored part of the | °"F, ri e : BN ore Sat tale me | sta fad Se, Ng change, I later took Lydia E. Pink-'|¢5 ihe Migratoty Bird Treaty ioe the reat i veteiable cpempoond oe spon | tection of insettivorous binds, To many felt a change forthe better. I took it: | this protection is looked upon as » curtail patil J was in good "healthy condition. «| went' of lity. "Ta ceality; boweuses al vooene the teuctiamn eeenecien © ia means of putting money into each good regults."--Mrs. MILPoRD T. Cun citizen's pocket, and severyone, boch by MINGS, $22 Harmony St., Renn's Grove, ample ynd influence, should do every: NJ. , 2 Tes, possible to "Grofect our "feathered 'Such testimony should be accepted by | '™"- - as convincing vila ot the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the distressing ills of women sue displacements, inflammation, ulceration, backache, painful periods, nervousness and Kindred ailments," OS Thorius David, aged 55, of Picton, ar- [rested at Kingston as' a vagrant. way cought trying to beat bis brains, out "again- st the ows removal to Picton. Expert Testimony. - To speak distinctly, directly ~~ , into the mouthpiece -- N eminent.telephone man of 30 years' ex Xperience says that this is the great need in telephoning. Over half the servicedifficulties would disappear if distinct and direct speak- Sag were precited: To x towarde your telephone from a or 80 away, or to speak geross it means - " 'wrong 'nu ms and annoyance. void wreag miso ou can help the ervies, avail wreog. numbers, Parl reget Eres irae og an and af as inch from ite tim. a "Good service ** * our tue intent." = ie Bell Telephone Co. Every year, in the United States, $800,- Is of his cell while awaiting his | Your Part in the War ~. You- want: our Allies to-.win this war, don't you? -Of course you do. . Then buy a' Victory Bond'snd so help our Can- adian boys to "carry on." They have and are doing bravely at the 'front, winning high praise from other 'nations. They must be paid, fed," clothed,- and furnished with 'the best equipment 'snd "plenty of munitions.' You can and must help--have who can, buy a bond. What. part sre you playing, reader? If you can't get in the firing line of battle, nation win--buy a Victory Bond. bond bought is just so much smniunition Every bond bought 'makes peace and surer. Do your part then, buy a. Vie- other part of this paper: ; Camp Hoare Open Some Time Yet That the activi ber. is: extremely unlikely. The mien training there when the' camp breaks up! and the staff will all \go to Texis. The move will probably. tuke' place' toward the end of. November: und will not take' very much time. as simply' the officers and men will take their personal belongings, ind the records' of the office will have 1 ferred tothe southern camp. and all other equipment will be left he planes wipter and) putin order the seventy-five | or more sircraft so thst they may be taken out for a Hight as soon as the cathp opens for aviation training next spring. and Monday was the first night all men were:taken from tents and put in barracks. Already most' of the Sammies have 'left Camp Hoare and goue to Ameriewn camps further south--Alliston Herald, The Late Sarpuel Alexander The news of the-Sadden death of as nearly 70 yeats ngo. The earlier part of his life was spent in the haxbering business and 'the last twenty-five 3 e been devoted to farming He of the Methédist Church enrnest christian, though man of few words, und ted by all who knew him: three sons and four Albert and Sidni at home. Charles of 'Parry Sound, Mrx. Robt, Cook and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton of Apto," Mrs. Geo. Beston of Edenvale, and Mrs. Edgar Jackson of Regina; also a sister, Mrs, Rob jért Carson of Anten Mills, anda brother, Robert Alexander 'of Grenfell, Sask. loved and. re; He leaves a daughters: Oro Plowing Match The Oro Plowmen's third aimual match was held Tuesday, Oct. 30, at lot 13, con. 9, Oro, Albert Jermey's farm. The wea ther was very unfavoruble, so the | attendance was small, but those who- gt- |tended were well repaid. The government | tractor was present cand gave an exhibit . | of plowing. under -all copilition The judging of the match was. done by William Resnie, of Agincourt... The following woti the prizes Class 1, high cnr' plows in sod, Samuel Thortiton; Class 2, common plows sod, open to all who have not. plowed in Class 1, William Flete Cluss 3, common plows in sod, boys 17 to 21 years Michael Mahoney, jr.; Clase -4, common plows in stubble, boys under 17 years, Clif ford Carseadden; Clase 5, residents of Oro only, who have never plowed in-a. match' before, Ernest Horne; Clase 6, twin-plow in sod, Thomas Jermey; Class 7, single plow in: sod, men over 60 years, John Ley, Michael Mahoney, sr.; In's and Out's in wl, William Fletcber; best' finish in sod, Wm. Fietchery 7 The officers of the | Assoeiution, under whose direction the match Was held, are President, Wm. I. Clark; Ist Vie, Arch ibald Smith; 2nd Vice, Michael Mahoney. ; Secretary-'Treasurer, "Irwin MrMahon. The annual 'meeting ix called for Friday, Nov: 9, at 8 o'clock, in the hall at Mit- chell' Square, 3 Essa Council Eisa Council met in 'Thornton on Oct 22, ull niembers (present: 2? fp that <the sum of $1.000 be granted to the British Red Cross. Moved by Adams, seconded by Bunting, sind carried, that the Council of the Tp. of Essa see fit to leuse that portion of the roadway known as the 2nd tine and sit- uated between lots 32,-Ist and 2nd cons. ; that is, commencing -at the north townline and extending 'south to Mad River, a dis- | tance of 32 roda, more or less, for » term every year. A letter from the Sick Children's Hos- pital, was read, asking Council to pay for keep of child named' Miscampbell of Anius, the expense, On niotion of- Asaph : and, Lowrie, Mr. Adams was instructed to look into the matter and report at' next meet in On. motion of Adems and Lowrie, the following accounts were..pasyed :--W.. Ad- ams, work on N. Div; $76.50:; -John Whiteside, bal. on gravel, $2; Win, Mo- Kinnon, for Pte. McKinnon, - $10; Reeve, Assessor and Clerk, selection 'of jurors, $19; H. Donnell, om sce, for Village of Cookstown, $200; Jas. Topp, refund on dog tex, $1. "Council adjourned to meet in Thornton 'on Monday, Nov. 19, at 10 a.m 3 W. DINWOODY, Clerk. 'One-of the first things which the Can- adian Railway Association' of National De: fence will undertake: is to recover' more caging epee atl ror being | in-excess of number of American. cars on Canadian railways, nights are getting cold up on the plains! Moved by Banting, seconded by Lowrie, | IMRS. BAKER CONFI Mariposa Avenue, Torsnto. tory, Bond. See the announcement in an-| come. tome to un end this yeur eurly in Novem- (at. all scarcely. Many u night I would foundiand and your « : in fie awake and. toss and roll until day. at |t get out of bed, and I realized that I' it was to Camp Hoare und a stuf of one bundred | kaining in weight mechanies will | remain at the camp all Me now and my stomach never troubles' have made. prior discoveries and denoun- } He detailed the origin | steady 'and I sleep all night long every and development of his telephone, 'saying | The') tWenty-xe: umuel | thinking so." ual for the/last two weeks, his death | Ardill, in Stayner by was entirely unfxpected, and on: Saturday | in Cookstown by W. morning he arose and went about his du-| Waudbausheue *b: eorgian Bay ies much as he had done each 'day for] Puimbher Co. Lid, in Port MeNic-- months. oll by P. H.. Beattie, in Alliston ! dred of & thousand dollar bond. Mr. Alexander was bor near Toronto| hy E, B. Schell, in Lisle by Rabert of 20 years for the sum of $1 each and | whose widowed mother was unable. to bear |, She'Thought Her (tion at the Yonge St. crossing .of the Grand Apparent limpassibilities Time Had,Come BED FOR WEEKS--RESTOREDYT0 HEALTH ties'" said extreme limits, what next? I cannot "I had been going down in health for..the conversation, From ~Honolulu 'to get in the firing: line' of finance--help the | more than a year, losing weight and stend: .Biffel Tower is 8,000 miles, one-third of Every |ily getting weaker all-the time," contin- ithe circumference of. the globe. Does it ued Mrs, Beker. © "My troubles were mein- 'ot 'mean that we can talk from any. part in this war for Liberty and Democracy. |ly stomach disorders und nervousness, and {of the world Every bond bought 'brings victory' neater. | about six weeks ago I: tobk a very sudden | wire? sooner ;turn for the wore. to any other Dr. Bell 'referred to' the great in bed and thought sure my time /had: the airplane was 200 years. old, and. thing.on iy stomach and was so week as high. as' 20,000 feet' m the air, I could hardly' raise my hand: I was very 'higher they sre the rarer the air and nervous and the least noise would startle greater the. speed. T coast of "Ireland," h fell off until T weighed only one hundred {of the telephone positively 'prophesied, and' twelve pounds and when T begun tuk- that the day would come when ngnt ing Tanlae I had. been contined to my bed' ration would he transmitted electrically and persons would be uble to see by wi though -he does mot exp:ct himself to/ ai In this connection he he trans, Tanlac and pretty soon I began to feel réealled that in 1881 he filed a patent at able: Washington, and it became: rumored ' fford sight over telegrayin wires. My appetize is 'and at once s group of persons tlaimed ta for three weeks. "Mr. Baker had tuken Tunlue with won: derful results, so I bought « bortle of in realizing this, better. So it wasn't long. until I- was me at all. My nerves ure cpaliu. and ced Bell as a thief night. I now weigh one hundred and thst a-few d: n pounds, have gained fifteen message from New York to Chicago, pours, and have hardly' finshed my se- received a whispered -reply> cond bottle of Tanlac yet. Ivnm now feel: conchidifig,. said that - just ing stronger"and betier than-I have sinc my troubles began--ean do all my work an: impossibility, 'why shoald riot Us juffalo, N. without the least inconvenience--and con- ternational league of peace be possible? | sider it wonderful. the way ,Tankie has} Ste, LT built 'me up, Mr. Buker and I both think | A Service Opportunity i ------ pasate Tanlge the grandest medicine in the world! Are you, studying the "Vierory Loan" ~Damaged Stamps and we certainly have good, rewions for "gdvertining? 'There has siever 'been such} 'au cismied envelopes which are Alexunder' of Mifjesing on the 'morning of! 'Tanlae is sold. in| Bayrie -by¥ " | 38 a Y national underiuking in this country Oct, 27 eume ast great shock to his wiany| George Monkian, in Orillia by' gfters an tpeieoniy to sume Our 0 nae. M. H. Cooke & in Elmvate bya fow dollars beside him to serve without | ough be hag not been feeling as well | WI) Mctuire, in Lefroy by-G. R. cacrifies; to help Canada by helping damaged' by B, West. Mackay, in (4s H. Lite, in Gilford by James A Casuphell.--Advertisement, 'to yield 'about oe! per cent. Trunk*Company's tracks a mile and o- half y where. south of Aurora led to a recomniendastion among the most thrifty, prosperous he borne. jointly by. the and the municipalities. of King an Whitchure' This is the crossing on which. D. W. Bolton this part of the great Dominion has portunities, "Dr. Graham Bell," addressing the Cana- dian Glub" in St, Catharines on Friday ight, Oct. 26, on "Apparent: Impossibili-| "If the telephone hits reached ita what next, but I can tell you of some-|~ thing that happened in Washington about ee a three weeks ago. The: telephone has been Honestly, I have gained. fifteen pounds | applied to 'wireless; and aman an Arling-| a part-in the war--every man and woman | and my neighbors, as welljas mys:If, are j ton,. just. across the river from Washington |, Yes, every Cana-| amazed ap the change' Tanlac has. niade dian must play some part in the war.!in me,' said Mrs. Emma. Baker, of 39: Paris by. telephone without wires. © But) [that is not all, A man in Honolulu heard , alked with @'man on the Eiffel Tower in! sna without ! Finally I got dewn! vance in aviation in recent yeurs, though I was so sick I couldn't-retain a' ditted machines flying 130 miles an hour ago he hid whisnered a} Dr. Bell, in as the world war hud, hefore it broke out, been deeméd ; to National Drug & Chemical Co- an in a campaign of publicity put on tor ai' 9! i 'Tt In 'the | United States ther w.re about 4 subserib ers to the first American' loan out of ey: Every man and every woman with as these bonds by recommending: them every- | The readers. of this paper sre) Extra conies sof The Examiner dn selé nt-all local bookstores. and-at this office, | necessary', say | th: ad- pron KIDNEYS SUCCEEDED : The Where Travel and Change of me, Climate Failed to Restore Health pre- | "The timg- will come ies at Canip Hoare will) and I touldn't get uny sleep or rest' when you will tuke your breakfast in New- | upper on 'the Wests Sw said. "The inveritor || Hamilton, Ont., Apr. 10th, 1917, Bout four, yearango 1 wrote you of my condition from Muscular and 1:,flammatory, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble and my too." Hortsthrough travel nmi chaage of climate to vib- * rid myself of these: 'come guests, and how Tonly found relief inGin Pills after 'spending aa lot of time and money in foreign lands: "since then Gin Pills have been my sheet anchor. Ifind in advancing years a tendency Of the kidni-ys to Rt out-of order more easily thaa formerly ew doses of Gin Pills puts them right and wards off other'and more | serious trouble, When E remember what F endured throvgh Kidney Trouble and Rheum. Stisi and the freedom from these which tow enjoy, 1 feel it not only a duty but a pleasure to reedmmend Gin jer Troubles to.iny- iends throughout am well known 1s a comme | over forty years' a that and) 17 (Signed) W. G. REID, (Gin Pills sell for 50c a box or 6 boxes for $2.50 eligead dsclors. Hemblo free f you write Limited, Toronto; or to United States address, ° Ne-Dru-Co,,ine., 202'Main, St. Ne by mistukes. committed in superserthing will be reiieemed by the postotfice de ment at their Stamp value, Postage stars sticking together in. wara. or fore Hm" damp weather, or for other causes | using, msy be_refurned to the depart: aind-their value, exchanged for new sts Ali redeemed envelopes und statti are sent. by the postuiaster who rédeems, th5m to the department -and 'records of same are kept, These regul the Tortenha .°S think; "n6t generally. known ar large, sua Blain. i Tottenham by' iy indied persons, They. cal reecocty ees wet eral: Hoe ay Meee; an Nettleton, in Hawkestone Sty por cent. In Canadw for the last' wer | jycre Kumber of -propie * Stone, in Hilsdale by R I Joan thére were only about 41,000 'subserib-- "® P e in Coldwater 'hy Cy C.|ers, or say 4 in every 700, Yet in' Can-| oh " in Midland by © George | gda the interést was much: higher--on the | Bes ee Gerrie and in Bradford by. W. I.) Vietory Bonds 'that will probably. be issued! Rod, and. Gun for November, .sehil:, is now on the newsstand, -contuins a | many' stories arid' articles of to 'the lover of out-doot "li . h as fifty dollars should own ; terest A Subway' on Yonge Street one of these bonds, and net only that: tra (aportamen generally, Re J, Eraser in this Consideration, of the niutter_ of proves: | should help to show others the worth of | #8Ue describes the "Joys of the Wenter Camp" and Charles. Camsell writes of "au dian plains, The funeral wns held on Monday, Oct.' of. the Dominion' Railway Board lust week public spirited in -the Dominion," When | Wastcemes te 29, to the-Union Cemerery,. and was lurgé:|thnt the' Grand Trunk Company submit the sulweriptions to the Victory Loan are Fractured. a Leg ly attended. plans of a subway, Tn the event of the added un from the various districts andy Bradford Witness--Weston:Haint at - ----- construction of a" subw ost would sub-districts, we, expect them to show-that With nn/accident on Tuesday: afternoon, as been. a resyli of which his left Jeg had a) he true to its' traditions and just, to its op- "amputated Me was' in the act of oline engine when "the atikle s0° bud! ABA AA mule out Canada. These are always within easy ¢--for gasoline, oil, 'motor adjustments. the car itself. Nineteen of the most call $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of cars and you will realize the.advantage of than 20,000 Canadian freight cars that are| - tires, repairs, acessories, expert, advice ORS 32 eS _ The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of owning a Kord.: Complete Service to Ford - Owners Everywhere Cate attention to your needs wherever you oa travel is something you appreciate, and: being a Owner you can get it. jJYou are always "among frien There are more than 700 Ford DealerService Stations through- © |. reach of Ford owners: pe ea other ec tions arr, we Wood Butfalo of our North-Western: € in- Fe cael

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