Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1917, p. 6

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capital by harder work and greater savings, will enrich you and your 'try. _ The' men and women 'at home. must prodtce more to coveh 'waste: It is easier to make money than to Save it. Bank-of Toronto will help save what your incteased effort provides. E. Ts = -T,BEECROFT & C0, " BANKERS 1 et Established 1878. Transact a General Banking Business. Notes cas Btates. Acvounts collected." ~ Sterling Exchange bought or 20. {n this locality. Money to Loan -on Life Assurance (Company of Canada. Office Hours 10 to 4:- T, BEECROFT, Manager. Agency Sun Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan. A umber of Valuable Farms and Town _ Properties for Sale 'on the most reason Vamtedetiesd Los E [sic emphatically BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING}, "You mean aR BARRIE shes? Morg } BARRIE, ONT, ~~ EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS Al. kinds of 'small repairing-- Service"Touring Car for hire--Moloteycle for sale.: TURTON'S: GARAGE Prompt Phone 484. 15 Propri THI cluding Grave Oak Shella. Open Day & Night FOR THE-BEST Bought is 'any, : per NK or TORONTO hed or collected at the most favorable rates. "We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in. Canada or the United id. : S Special: attention will be. given to the accommodation of farmers Are Well Supplied --et--4 Scott's 8,6, Smith & Ga, -UNDERTAKERS| 'Open Day tnd Night -------- ue and Chapel in connection W. D. Minnikin Klcensed Embalmer BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS (Successor to the'Late Meaford Webb) Full tine of all kets kept. in: stook/ in- 'uneral Director 3 Phone. BROWN cecndition. '$1.00' per set! tooth. Cash by return STABLISHED 1855 Incréased effort.and efficien- cy in labor, more: economy and. less waste in living, building up coun- war's A Savings Account at the 11 Branches in Teronto 119.Branches in Canada Assets... 73,114,000 'el IMS, Manager. -- The | Dog €| Es and ~~ Heath Hosken Mortgages. | -- s rat "You were anxious-emugh to buy them before." She' cast an angry glance at-him. "Possibly, But at the present. moment you must, realize, madam, that I do not want to-be-saddled with a greater respon- sibility than at. present am forced to bear. Her glance grew venomous. 'I do not need to be told that you are a coward." . He shrugged his shoulders, 5 . "What are these investigations of my husband's! amounting to?" Whe asked 'curt- ly. -A{ "At. present, nothing," he answered, | "But. they: will 2" "Who eanjsay? It is very 'difficult, you madame, to, trace people who do not 'exist. Take Mr. Morgan, Mr, Brown-- 'Mr. Lamplough, for instance, There ix nothing to prove that such people do not hold so many shares,"" / . "You don't know Glare," she 'said shortly. "That won't be enough for him. If he sets himself to find all this' out, he | ,, cession. es are fictitious, the addresses false, 'From that to) the truth there is' only a step, 1 tell you, Van Ost, I will get rid of ull my holdings. Iam riot going to be caught in a trap at the lust moment, because. you choose to béhave like a coward and a e: T shall sell the strares in 'the open market." "Believe" me, madam, you won't,' he T do, indeed, Nobédy will touch) the R.C. just now. Afterwards--when the blown over--oh, yes!" ive-theni to' you," she said sud- ly. "Surely: you can't refuse that?" > "T fear T must, madam, It would be Wrong 'of me 'to take .advantage of y generosity. "T feel that. you would. inie ably regret it,' She clenchéd her hands on the arms her'chair. She looked. us if 'liked to strike. hinr, | She made 'another 'appeal"'té- him, how: }ever, masking her rage and: hétred with «x smile. She appealed to. him as a woman, { | to whom discovery: would mean the low of everything she valued;, her husband's af- fection and regard, her social position, the }' confidence of her friends. 'But nothirig she could say made any difference, No argu- nignt : conviriced.-him,: no appeal touched : him. He 'merely sawgin her-the yietim of 8 financial" panic, and thought her hyster- ieal, The clouds: would blow over'; they always did. 'The company was 'an absol- ute -gold mine, an_ inexhaustible tus "purse, im . 'All that-was utterly indifferent to Sher now. When she saw that there was abso-! jAutely no chance 'of gaining her end, she dismissed him with scant politeness. of e Phone 82 i Clappe) 'should stay in Venice a couple of days, ax) he hud never been in that city before, and | wished to make. himself acquainted with | ite treasures, He was going straight from | | there to Blackport, where he had business that would keep ee oecupied 'until' he led, | or the latest the Piasza, as she walked with Helier. | 'Van Ost, doffing a -huge-sombrero of pale yellow felt, wearing white kid gloves with | Vaults' and Phoné 431 'and apurple tie, came up to her with em-| pressement, and hailed her in of | -ssagrersted pleasure, and -rhapsddit quite's minute over the wonders of the City of the Sea. She could not actually cut him dead, She red: him curtly enough, while Hellier |) i EB 4 a gB nina PRODUCTION [== your co-operation how can¢that be? manager--the servant of /the company. "You are the company, for all practical purposes, Mr, Van Ost," said Monk sternly. "Perhaps you are not! aware that we he been going' very carefully: into -the shure- holders' list of your compsny. of it it is a-most ordinary one, made up of names that have. solid snd respectable ring. But wé have discovered 'that a good many of these people do not exist.* Their Their ad. Now the obvious .infer- that these assumed names cover of one ferson--the whose: inierest, in the company must out: | weigh 'all others, And the 'still more ob- vious' inference is that that person ix your- .| self, Mr, Van'Ost, you who have made the company what jt. is. will-find it out. He will find that the nam-| dresses ence® i the holdings , j only the shares that, no sone will' buy | name----not one single one more or, less Do you deny that all these holdings are | 'held by one person *"* she would line | Gop . "What did you say, Mr. Van Ost?" ST speak :the-English #0 bad,"" the other replidd, with: a shrug of. apology. rage, were nt the man's throat. 'his woice-it wax like the low roar of 1 wild bens'. uy abeol-| . "You 'are mad, you. lying' beast! "| plasphémous nonsense The name of Lady "Monk is not for your Tipe" et The. next day she 'met him point blank |~_ =e 'an Ost spread © 'And-I the English harges that wi little smile. ne. Van Ost protested with | tures. "Oh, no, no!" hee reat injustice, Sir Glare. me an founded, "I--Sir Glare," names are--well, just' names. re false. "But"I say it is not, Sir Gh Mor », 1 will not deny "Assuredly, Glare." "Then who is it? I demand that 'you should tell me." "You really demand, it, Sir Glare?" Yes 2 "It ig, madsme--your wife," ng. a Pinkham . tisement. "P iyi Re fi I will be frank with you, Ost, .I believed you had forged the letters that you were said-to have received from you tall T auit of very light blue pod white check | ehe Lisdie', Pintcham resredies "I speak no language :but my own." 'cut his arms, fish 20 badly ~that it | most difficult," he said depreca- iy. ji 'Never Mind, so long ss. you understand what' say," retorted Monk, in an emninent- ly business-like tone. guess why I have asked you to come to see me, Mr. Van Ost. Jt would have seem- ed'simple in the eyes of many people fora man in my: position, accused moving spirit in your company, 'to have | come together with you for the purpose of | disproving my: connection with it. not going to speak to you on the manage- ment of your company, or the views of it| that are expressed by people -all over: the | world, But the. reason why I have now! sought your co-operation in refuting the "*You can tio doubt of being the have been brought against | me is that I'do not believe now, as I once did, thet you. are the man' who. was the prime instrument in connecting 'me. falsely with the -B.LR.C." : Van Ost looked as-if if were occupying all his energies t6 follow whut the'-other | man said. "But you! want me---what "you reated at one time, Sir'Glare?" he suggest- ed, wi Mr. vigorous ges "That do me! how much with : "You must remember CoralieStanton "€ niéans- to me," said Monk, 4 f frankness. ~"'You know -as well as Ido that I have nothing to do with your com- pany, You know as well as Ido-what the world thinks of your methods, possible, I, 'a8 well ax all the people who work -with tie, would withdraw your con- Therefore, to have been ~sccuyer of being the leading spirit in sich .an dlortaking bas done mount 'of harm if it immense Now, Mr.(Van Ost, I be- lieve the time has come for me to claim You can do most to- wards convineing the. world) that the char- ges brought against me are utterly un- exclaimed Vian Ost, op- ening wide his cloudy, secr)tive eyes. "Put Tam only the poor On the face are. 1 that are entered "in my nk went on, person is] said there ix only one word--your wife -- Lady Monk." | "What about Lady. Monk?" "She holds the shares you speak of." | This 'tine there wax no misunderstand- Monk was traisfixed, speechless with His hands: were clenched as if they When he found } ' | He informed 'her that, hé was. going back | - to West Afriea 'the following week, but. } ' ws re ae | What Came From Reading Adver- i call "ar person Iking? | Bi Siare ttn Teneo | rem as x a bave matic wie-well i T am Van | in| blunt | were ave have Van | "But | What that you are; might have spect | by: the police. iplough--other namies. "You devil!" hissed Monk. in I see it all. "You have chosen 'shelter. yourself behind an innocent, roman), as, be- fore you 'sought to abelter' yourself 'behind me! I see it all. "But even you, dirty. dog had some re- fora lady' who has. done you no harm 'Van Ost loaked perplexed \_7 "T cannot understand," he si to Venice to see 'Lady: Monk. "To see Lady Monk! © What mean? do with Lady Monk?" "She want to sell her sharey--all her shares." ; "T go do you look*on his face. The repeated statement of the Belgian was beginning to have effect. Ost was telling him. Lady Monk." "You meai.to tell me," said Monk very my, wife 'has held shares in the B.1.R.C. Van Ost nodded. "You nisintdin that she has held many shares--a controlling interest in the com- pany?" you speak--in the different names. Lady Mork: is a lady most. wonderful, I: assure you. "Stopil"" The little man's voice was like thunder. "Do you swear it!" "Swear it? "Do you give your word of honor?" "Ah!" Van Ost's face lit up. "Parole d'honneur! -But, yet certainly, But. how could I know that Sir Glare not: know.?"" "It is impostible--utterly impossible, You are lying! It is beyond belief; you. shall be punished for this: You afe @ scoundrel, » blackguard, a murderer, 'a butcher!" Apparently Van Ost undérstood these unflattering epithets... Hix expression changed in answer to his mood. His sauve, cringing' courtesy disappeared as if by mivg- ie. His cloudy cyes flamed with a. dull, buleful' light; his loose-lipped mouths twist- ed itself into # sneer. "Sir Glare, I do not understand," he exclaimed, with "a metallic ring in his voice. 'In my country the gentleman not doubt the word of other gentleman," "Gedfleman!" cried- Monk, now carried away by his burning and righteous wrath. You do not know the meaning -of | the word. Why have I demeaned myself in listening to you? Go--get out of this room at onee, before I have you taken by the seruff of the neck and thrown into the street.'" Van Ost hag risen to his feet. His face was like rat; his smile was venomous. "Very well, 'Sir Glare," he said, with mocking emphasis. "To me it matters not. Ihave not done snything against the Inw. - I fear not the examination--even the closest. { have-obeyed only the orders I have received from Lady Monk." Monk crashed a heavy book down of-to the table. "Be silent his wife who wrote the letters signed with his name." said the Belgian, "My God!" cried. Monk furiously, "why don't I wring your neck? 'Why do I listen to "you? It's only because what you say is $0 infamous--so impostible, so 'blatantly a tisiue of lies! My wife! 'Good God, couldn't you have invented something bet- ter? Go now, don't dare to'stop another moment in this roont!. You shall be pun- ished; you shall -be made an example of, not only for your misdeeds out there, but for this tonstrous, unheard of imypertin- énceé Auld, by God, if you oe repeat this villainous lie to another soul I won't wait for the law, I will sbioof you like the dog that you are."' wrath ' : "Van Ost moved away from him; It was un indefinite sort of movement; it did- not "actually suggest fear, but there was in: it something of the shrinking of « mongrel dog. "Tam 'sorry,"" he- suid. cannot say anything but the truth: It' is in the interest "of the lady.and of Sir Glue, : Monk did not answer. hand-bell-on the table heavily, A°man in porter's. uniform appeared. He héld the door open, and Van Ost passed ot, -- Van 'Ost was smiling. He was very pleased with himself. He had © wiped out many old scores. And he believed that he had done the best for himself 'as well. > Monk did not believe «word the Belgian lutely innocent person ax his victim, the very last, the leist likely person in the world,' 'Arid that person must-be warned. Monk determined to" have him watched But meanwhile he must warn Theodora. He wrote her's long, explicit letter, but ceived one from her from Venice, in which she said she -was on.her way home, and would.come up to Blackport.". for a few days. r He awaited his wife's arrival with impa- tience. He, thought she looked pale and worn out when he met'her at the' station, pit then she had come straight through ying one. 'hee 8 ze {ih i . #j i i 'sf What 'could you possibly have to |' Monk was silent, 'There was an awful |" At least, he commenced:to realize what Van! "T have bought: some before," the Bel-| gian went on. 'Quite many to oblige | slowly, and in a curious dull voice, *"that | y "Yes, Sir Glare, Those shares of. whith ; "T would have' Sir Glare ask. the Indy.) The little man was awe-inspiring' in his | ° " Toregret--I| | He struck a)". had ssid. He 'had fastened oman abso-| | before he had sent it- to the post, he re- | + from Venice, and the journey was a Igng 4 It is about the BLR.C. man in your life She looked' up' at hi 'Her_ strange, 'nut-brown eyes were soft, and misty, full of an immense self-reprosch. - She did not ie s s . seen dear?" 'Dearest, you must pot mind my ask- ing you," he went' on; reading blank in- credulity in her gaze. "The fact is, be has been using your name. Do not be afraid, I am going to' punish him ax 'he deserves." y "Using my name?" she. asked, Her voice sounded. dreamy, (To be continued) (. SATURDAY MARKET. Enily frost left marks in.passing on some |of the vegetables, especially corn, judging from Saturday's market and wizened cobs were quite prevalent, But the "Pankins on the vine"'--and such huge ones. vendor told the reporter he had received 50c. for-one 'of his pumpkins. vegetable: marrow and cauliflower were very fie asa rule." There was plenty of butter and' eggs and there is no need to } enlarge on the. prices here, ss that has al- |,ready been accomplished. Apples were the big feature. Crabs seem very scarce this | yeur, 'Potatoes were $1.00 per b | must be holding bsck for Thanksgiving 'as none have yct 'keen marketed 'this 'sea- son, Spring chicken 'sold as low. as 20c. 8 Wb., but that was the. exception and not the rule, Average prices 'were as follow: Butter, Iby.. 2 2 es Eggs, dozen... -- .. Fowl, dressed, Ib..... d, Ib. 18: Spring Chicken, dresse 20-236 | Potatoes, peck... 20 New Potatoes, bag... Cucumbers, basket. - Tomatoes, ripe, basket Toma:oes; green, basket .. .. .. Plum or) Ground Tomatoes, basket. Onions, dried, basket .. Onions, green, bunch: of dos Cabbage, head . 3 Corn, Golden Bait Beets, bunch... .. .« 'Crab 'Apples, basket, Apples; Duchess, bi.' .. .. | Apples, Duchess, basket ~.. | Apples, Yellow Trankparent, bbl | '* Wealthies, basket Blue Plums, 'basket . Jupanese Plums, basket Pumpkins, each .. ... Vegetable Marrow; each .. Cauliflower, each .. .. .. we 'Summer Savory, small bunch ..... Thyme, bunch»... ..°.. Pepper-grass, bunch .. 'Turnips, White, bunch of three . Cream, quart <. se Buittermilk, qu: Hay, new, ton Straw, ton'... Pigs, young, pair . . $12.00 NEAR-BY MARKETS, (September 27, 1917) Alliston--Wheet, "vld, $1.90; new, $2.00, barley $1.10, peas $2.00, . oats 50c. rye 40, buckwhest $1:00, bay, ton, $10.00: 10, butter 35-38, exes 40c, potatoes, bag, $1.00, chicken 20-22c, wool, washed, 60-68c, unwashed; 44-5Uc, Z | Orillia--Wheat, feed, $1.6; barley. $1,15-$1.25, peas 9-40c, eggs' 38-40c, "potatoes 75-80c, hi ton, $10.00-813.00, wool, washed, 70- unwashed, 56 ae : Stayner--Butter 37-40c, eggs 40c, fowl Ie. chicken 15-18e, turkey 33-35¢ Becton--Butter 30c, eggs 42c, chicken 7c. + : Wheat. $2.10, 'buckwheat barley $1;10. rye $1.60, 0,. hay $9.00-10.00, . butter spring | Women who are wnaccus- tomed to hard work, euch as work 'in a munition factory, are subject toaches ahd (peins if the Kidneys ere not working properly. 7 ge Hupdcels of women woul have had togive up their patri- otic: work had it not been for { | Sttidio at 133 Collier Street. Phone 196, 'Squash, | Turkey |. .| Toronte Building, Barrie. Money to loan. 10c | Money to loan. || SURGERY Al '| Allandale who handles corsets "filled: with done' promptly. Voice 'sons for repertoire, English' and Italian, Studio at. Mrs: Gauley's, /67 McDonald St,, Barrie, Phone. 681.° For terms, etc., call 'at dion 'Wednesdays. Voices tested free. ~ MAUD E, CLAXTON, L-T.C.M, PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. : In vocal work special attention is givento Voice | Production, 'Pupils prepared for A-T.CM.. degree in both' piano and voeal;. also ele- mentary exams. of: Toronto Conservatory lof Music or University exims. © Studio: 'Kihg Block. Phone 424. 5 : : MISS ELSIE NELSON , TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY. eee LEGAL 'ALEXANDER COWAN'. Successor 'to Lennox, Cowan~& Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and |General 'Solicitor, Notary, Conveysncer, etc. Offices: Hinds'. "Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan. . +. i BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary. Public, Con- yeyancers, Etc. Money loan at lowest. rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto), Branch. office, Elmvale, Ont: W. A. Boys; KC, MP. D. C. Murchison "STEWART & STEWART -CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICIFOR, ETC, 606 Coutinental Life Building, southeast' corner |Bay and Richmond' Sts.,. Toronto. DONALD ROSS, LLB. : BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS' FOR THE Supreme Court: of Juiicature of "Ontario, Proctors,. "Notaries, Conveyancers, ete. Offices: in" Ross . Block, W.-A. J. Bell, K.C. => Barrie. MEDICAL DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence: Corner of _ Toronto and- Elizabeth -Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church. Teleghone 167. DR. W. A. ROSS LCS, Edinburgh, FCP, London" Phy? |icinn, Surgeon, ete. Office and Resi | Dunlop St, Barrie, Telephone "165. DR. E. G. TURNBULL | (MeGil) "(Successor to Dr. R. S.°Broad). Office and Residence; corner' Elizabeth and. | Bradford Sts, Barfie, Phone 105. | LEWIS, M.D. CM: ND GYNECOLOGY, especial- ly., Phone 61; 56. Collier St., Barrie: Ww. DR. MORTIMER LYON |122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 ; Owen St, Barrie, every Saturday. -- Dis- | eases of Eye, Ear, Nose ahd Throat. Cor . and, by | Barrie Phone' No: CHIROPRASTOR. DR. VVLA.M. FINLAY © VU. C: C. Graduate... Office and-residence, 21 McDonald St, Barrie: "- MOCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH .& COMPANY: 874. + J. F. Lawson, H, J. Welch, G. Hi: Playle. "JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser : For: County 'of Simeoe.- Prepared to con- * duct Sales 'st. reasonible rates. Satisfaction guarantecd. 120 Bayfield 'St. Pliong 191. © Orders left at A. F..A, Mslcomson's office. | will receive 'prompt 'attention. IMOOE MARBLE WORKS. Barri. G. W. J.-Easiman, Prop. .:G. Manuel, Mer. Dealers in Granite and Marble /Monuments and Téblets, Only' best' mister- rial used: and first-class workmen: employed. Prices always ritcht. # Miss Doane is the only one.in Barrie and Spirella . boni |rustable, flexible, hygienic, sanitary. Fit guaranteed. Maternity and nursing feature specials, "Brassieres, blouse . forms, misses and childien's waists. At home. Saturdays. 16 Charlotte: St., Barrie. The Barrie Gorner Sophia and Mary Streets i Turning and - ialty. Dressing: . Consult usawith your building. 'Phone; Tes: Mocldence'358. : -- CANA Slight! Toti on Ott and = Jimins Canad oats, * ae we all fic resjpor Quebs Colin 1917, produ turns under the ¢ Provi 1 Thi wheal 249,11 ap ay ax 0 20 b _-- me. cont that fret men box aw: cells u writ that of | wit! tor it tnd Thi thir for fc! to ~ oth ei) the mo + fro Cc) cor =

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