Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1917, p. 3

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Seguenergiemiaen tan INTEREST GROWS IN SCHOOL FAIRS (Continued From Page 1) Peck Osts--Stanley- Kerr, No. 6. Sheof" Oste--Vivian McCann, No, 95 Willie Ball, No. 2; Weston Cochrane, No. 4; Charles "Arnold, No, 2; Elmer' Braden, No. 3; Theodore Morris, No. 4: % Six' Stalks Ensiluge Corn with Ears -- Robt. Spencer, No: 9 In,; Geo. Spencer, No 9 In.; F. Fife, No. 1; Violet McDonald, No. 15; Robt.-Spencer, No. 9;.In.; Geo. Spen- cer, No. 9, In.;.0'Graham, Np. 4. Six Ears "Sweet Corn--Mildréd" Henry, No:"9 In.; Edith Arnold, No. 7; Clifford! Whiteside, No.2; Otteline Fife, No. 1;| Geo, Baker, No.'5; Raymond Morris, _¢ No. 6. Half Dozen. Delaware Potatoes---Frank Higginson 'No, 9; 1. Arnold, No. 2; Calvin. S | | Shawy/No. 6; Joel Thompson, No, 9, In + | Victor Ross, 3 a "The price in the pocket" Smart -Overcoats for Young Men Which. do. you.prefer-- a custom-made coat, or one ready to try on, and' be finished to your exact measure ? ne mith, No.9; Frank Higginson, ie Higginson No. 9. Six Mangels--Orval Carr, No. 15; Lloyd | McDonald, No. 15; Kenneth Kidd, No. 5;/ Nelson, Harris, No. 9; Jennie Morris, No. 6; Lorne Byers. Six' Turnips--Arthur' Fletcher, No. 73) 'Phelina Grose, No. 15; Roy McCann, No. 9} Gladys Daney, No. 9; Frank Lennox, No, 6; Reta:McDonald, No. 15. | Six Beets--Evelyn Carter, No.4; Lorna Jennett, No. 1; Haughton Beéelby, No. 9 1.; 'Clifford Runey, No, .7; Garfield McQuay, Ward, No. 2 Six Carrots--Harry Marden, No. 9; Gourlay Asaph, No, 2; Eddie" McCullough, Clifford Fagan, No 9 In.; Irene Me- Quay, Hazel Higginson, No. 9. 'Six Onions---Perey 'Wilson, No. 7; Nessie Speers, No, 7; Francis Berthelotte, No. 95 Viola Rachar,. No. 9; Wilma 'Thompson, No. 9, In.;.Beverly Burns, No. 9, Innisfil. _ so. Specialized expert men tailors. make all Semi- ready Overcoats, and you can have either a fine stock garment, or pay a little more and have us make ' mM ii ons k . of Pachages of this famous War-time Sweetmeat are - gent toithe soldiers, sailors ard aviators at the front. : *: If you have a friend there, see that every. parcel or letter contains'a few bars or a you one to your exact measure. It will not be any. better, but it will be better tailored than the average custom. tailor can make, as No. 9; In; i ; : Package of MAIGLEY'S: che great chew Wf |i !ath AE Mioe J) stp na real han served their appen- : st a 8; Gilbert , No. 95 i é a . y a . o . » i world. és tis aroun Heaven Ye Go Bike MN No."9. ticeships in a retail 'shop, and obtained their degree Boquet |Axtere--Otteline Fife, No. 15 in the wholesale Semi-ready physique type system. Keep it always on hand. It Wilma Thompson, 9 In.; Annie Ward, No: ; Cams helps teeth, appetite, digestion. a * 2; Thelmg Grose, No Lloyd MeDon- re Sa |] 25, Tae ere MieDonald ao. 18. Overcoats at $18 and $20, up to $25, $35 and Home {Garden Boque Addie Bares $40--in ten different styles. ough, No, 7; Mary Creswick, No. 4 Kirk, No) 9, In.; Clitford Davis Gurr, No) 15; Meta Fife, No. L Apples--Lyall Jennett, No. 7; No. 7; 0.] Arthur' F 7; Roy MeDonald, No. 153, Fred. Fife, No, 1; Luella Davis, No. 7; Mervin Di lo. eis THE W. C. HUNTER CLOTHING CO. 6; Mervin Lennox, No. 7; Elliott 'Terry; ' No. 9, In.; Fred. Fife, No .1. 1 : . Five Snow Apples--Reginald McKenzie, ; Inns.::Artbur Fletcher, No. 7; Elvin Pear son, No, 9, Inns.; Torrance Hunter, No.~9, Inne; Clarice McKenzie, No. 9, Draft Colt--Lorne MeLenna: Beef Cslf--Gordon Henry, man Jennett, No. 7; Willie Phill Beverly Burns, Inns. ' Trio, 1 Gockerel and 2 Pallets > Harold Ayerst, @ In.; Lloyd MeDonald,(No. 15; Reta McMonald, Ni 6; Elsie Carr, 'Cockerel--Jamies No. 85 McDonald, No, 1; Rrta McDonald, 15; Robert Scace, No; 15; Harold Ayerst, No. 9, In.; May Elphick, No. 9. Pullet--Harbld Ayerst, 9 In.; \ oH C . The Flavour Lasts » Put WRIGLEY'S in Your Fighter's Christmas Box: It coste little but gives a lot 'of comfort 'and refreshment. Not,only ' long-lasting confection but a nerve-steadier, a thirst-quencher, @ pick-| aed me-up. Every Christmas parcel should contain some WRIGLEY'S GUM Inns No. 7. A Youthful Elsie Carr, bearing interest at 7 \per cent. per ainum. : W.- A! McCONKEY, AUCT: eee | Ht you like 'The Examiner, recommend it 'to any friends who are not already sul seribers: $1.50 per year. But You _the -difference by letting mé_examine i "Tenn eyery job I turn out Twill" _ Gasoline is going up! handle any kind of on 'a tire: Retreading, Blow: Outs, Sectional and-Surfuce Guts, 'Tube-Splicing, Blow Outs snd Punctures. of ll kinds. Guarantee it_ will 'This is my UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE 'on every job of 'tire repairing ete vulcanising, plant ever built. let's (a pretty bad way and'returned soldiers who' | lend themselves 'to this kind of thing are | deserving of no consideration and should be dawn good and hard.--Collingwood ent Cures Burns, Etc. your tires frequently and. keep them in IT tura outy Z 'open my shop-on Elisabeth St. I have 'them over. "I can ssve you Lig 'Competition --Elwood Me- Tionald, No. 15; Bugene Smith, No. 9; Arnold No: 7; Leila Davis, No. 7; Claud Carruth: No. 9; Hazel Higginson, No. 9; Reta ers, McDonald, No.,15; Marguerite Grose; No.15|_ Unpainted Whiffletree---Elliott; erry, 9 Inns; Chas. Arnold,' No.' 2. Bird House--Hilton Leeson, No. 5. Loaf -Bread--Addie McCullough, No. 7; Lorna Jennett, No. 1; Thelma Jennett, No. 7; Viona Elliott, No, 8; Wilma Leeson, No. 5;. Irene Whiteside, No. 2..." 'Ten Cookies--Violet: MeDonald, No. 15; Addie McCullough, No. 7; Beatrice Me: Quay, No. 8; Edith Arnold, 'No. 7;.Wilma Thompkon,-9, In:; Light Layer Cake. -- Violet. McDonald, No. 15; Amy Lennox, No, 7; Jean McLean No. 7; Clarice McKenzie, 9 In.;. Reta Me- Donald, No. 15; May Connell, No. 1 Double Loaf Bread, Campbell Flour Mills 'Co--Wilms | Leeson, No* 5; Vidoa Elliott, No. 8. oT 'Three Buttonholes--Elsie Carr, No, 15; Viola "Wilson, No. 7; Irene Whiteside, No- 2: Viola Rachar, No: 9; Wilma :Leeson, No. 5; Vera Bilis; No. 9. "Handmade -Apron--Viona Elliott, No. 85 Elsie Carr, No. 15; Gladys Kirk, 9 Innisfil. itted "Wristlet Addie McCul- Hunter, 9 Tonisfil. Embroidery "Stock" Judging Compet No, 3. iz 5 "Fndividual Prizes for Stock Judging --| 0 No. 7; Weston Coch* tune, No..6; H.-Robinson, No, 5; Theodore '6; Elliott Terry; 9 Inns. Lyall Irene Whiteside; No:, 2. |- Williard. McDonald, No. 15; Estelle Lennox, No. 6; Addie Me, meer reread: 15, No. aA ae | Sehoot Taking Most Prinee---8. 8. No. 15.1" eat eS TPL TRUTPUORTOLOREUEE (nT ali Thea are important questions: They affect the health of your family. - Because they are so vital we believe you willbe repaid to study the "Hecla" heating:system. Fresh Air in Every-Room Many heating systems provide ample warmth... But we believe you will not find any other heating:system combini warmth with adequate ventilation quite so effectively. as does the "Hecla:" ; 'The "Hecla" is a fi if ai gece bs net tae " It draws in a constant supply of fresh air whlch is, warmed, pete iy with the have fine ing ample ° _ Mgilow i "Hecla" Warm Air Is Clean / and Free from Gas It is true that some warm-air furnaces have given trouble in the shape of gas and dust. oe : We have heard such objections--but never from the owner of a "Hecla.": owners. . that they have never been troubled -with the 'nuisance of gas or fire ash-dust. And. they never will be. The' ""Hecla" fused .joints are porate "proof against leaks of gas an furnace. I-buive-leartied and practiced the tire repair business in the shops of the: Pair Koni x i ; 'bissin' Jough, No. 7; Mabel Trasx, No. 9; Edith : f manufacturers at Indianapol To prove to you thet T know my businéss, ie om dome Wo! 153 ' BP oe 4 according eystemn. Its Unconditionally : rant 1 Rots McDonald, No, 15: Vera Burns, 9 In. ~OUTWEAR the rest of the Tire ffse%, Ver iom. Sf ipehpioge the many advantages of the "Hecla" warm-air furnace-- 'And there are thousands of "Hecla" Any one of them will assure you, dust for the lifetime of the " SVOVORDGUUODAUERAGHOTOUADREEUHEANS } . ; i CREDIT SALE Midiand'Feee.Prear---Youthful marriages| No. 15; Reta- MeDonald; No. 1: Beverly 3 : -- : | are not encouraged "in Canada und when | Burns, 9 In; Lloyd MeDoneld, No, 15; 3 'The. undersigned has" received instruc-|'* Was learned that 'a Jocal girl aged 13,| May Elphick, No. 9. | "ions from: vo bad fuse loft the public. sthool, 'was| .. Fifteen, Weeds Etwood McDonald,, No. > | 4 FITZGERALD BROS. congerlating matrimony, the "help of the] 15. iS lat ee? Ns 15; Willie El- Ny I to gall 'by pilblie aveth "cf hildren's .Aid "Department: was invoked.| Dhick, No. 7; Haney Tame th r = ose Recper ay their farm. | AP ehcir request, J. T,-Campbell, President | Higginson, No. 7; Marguerte: Grove, No. 1 ( ', of the Midland Branch, did soine investi Ree een Fe OID md --ON i sane ' 2h i 3; Li jonald NWEENEROAY ocr: 10, 1917" ',, [zebng end wetness ag del Hind MaDe peuiid, Ho, AB. c ; ' ; conanusteiye at 1 a stack shar the follow-| inade when-registering at sehool and that| , Collection Insects-- Murwood' Burling, we bead one sel be ; : HOREES TL hnpureed, Olydantale waren Cee mionth of, two of being) NOs A Niaigan, ie ice ofthe air we breathe im ur Sk: c .[fourieen.. In view of 'that statement, ix| No, 15; R. Miligsty Sot homes is the preponder 9, years 'old; fof. by "her side, bred: to. Im: | was deemed best : Collection Native Wood Werte ap Hershey 3 a; " ' 'wt not to postpone the mar- ollection' Native anae factor in determinis t potted King of Diamonds. 3 Résiotred Mage, and it consequently took place | jan, 9 In.; Robt. Spencer, 9 In of ur health and coon Whe dares ; pe eet ae ald, ted to fing | Monday. and Tueslay of last weeks two Donald, No. 15% Lloyd McDonald, No. 15: Hom of life itself. Freshair and ae of Tae. Le eS Heckiney | days being devoted. to the 'eereshony. The | Th0*. Fraser No, 4; William MeDonald, sunshine--we are only beginning to valiie : | 1 lan reaitezed. Hiackory share, 6 77, | grooe is wbout ten years older than bis! No. 15. : : them arigh?.""--Christopher H. Shearer, M.D. gece oo pai =, 3 geaty old. 2| bride and' both are-of Polish descent, A| , Grains, Gravee Clovers--Arthur MeKee/ ' Cc. eee ; '| Chel are, foals by se." 5. Cite: priest of thet own hit came to fown to} No. 9, In.; Reginald MeKenzie, No. 9, In ye - " : | aie tt, 4 years. ok. 'wo-year-old| Preside, 'The arrangements for the .wed-| « Collection Fores Leaver Hasty: As 1 . , : loys... 2 mares, 6 years ald, bred to.King | ding were quite elaborate, the' home of the') 9 In.; Reta McDonald, No, 155, Gladys ] our ea an Ou i of Diamonds. I-mare, 9 years old, bréd to juvenile bride being gaily decked for- the | Higginson. No. 15; Violet MeDonald, No. ; aE 4 : ; King ieee nd eS Pee : occasion. he Henn Sh No. 8; Margaret. Cres- P. ss - gee 2: " y ' , aged, 0 King of Sees wick, 5 Diamonds z 5 Soldjor: Canvaisars 'Taiays, "My Favorite Pet," 'How' T ure, ols Ir: te CATTLE--42" 'oné~ and "two-year-old | Two sin' shree sipposedly returned ol Managed My Chiekens'"--Thelma : Grose, : ets si . 2 see: 2 he wee: zeecal eit ders ave ia town trying to work the sym: No. 15 sieatic Speers, No, 7; Jean Hig BEFORE you' install a new heat- degree s pean nature requires, and | IV calves by side, 4 mileh | jathy racket while canv for a Tor- | €in#on, eo = i i i is: cite 4 h : | posed to be in calf. yl pee polneGen, Our readers or ald do | Essay), How Girls and Boys Can Help Bl gine test it on this basis: eae enig la h ny eae nes i. sraantity of ear Pate pg [ell Bot to he exploited in thie gray, Any} im War Time: -- Addie McCullough, No. 73) _)E Will it_ventilate-my home in wine on 8 ee "heated 'home. the: air is | pe ff, months grat will be Journal that tries to work on the patriotisin Kegneth KsAd, Not Viola Wily iio. 7- "|B. ter?' Will it-supply, lots of fresh = cane fresh ond Futana } iy 1 furnishing\, approved. joint notes he ' ' a a i fap of County of, Sinsde--Viol i A lowed. tis a pleasant ani df the people to sécufe subscribers is in air when you have shut out the cold ?." in winter. i thy home

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