Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1917, p. 2

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> of -the Munici POLICE VILLAGE OF THORNTON Township. of Esa By-Law No....... Township of Innisfil By-Law No., Of Municipaligies of Essa and Innisfil to authorize issue "of Debentures. for sam of $4,500.00 for the transmission and. supply to. the Municjpal «Corporation of the Police \: Village of Thornton, of electrical' power to be supplied by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario: Whereas in order thereto it will be nec- y to ruise by way of loan $4,500.00 for} Uistribution of electric power to be supplied Ly the Hydro-Electrie Power Commission of Ontario and: for this purpose to issue debentures as. follows: Township" of Esa $2700. Township "of Innis! $1800:00 in all: $4,500.00,, the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-Law the proceeds of the Debentures to be applied for' suid purpose and no other. 3 'And Whereas the total amount to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as- hereinafter provided is $302.34, which total amount hall .be raived in the following proportions, namely Essa $235.404; Innisfil, $156.936, 'And wherea* the whole rateable property 1] Corporation of the said ~ Polite : Village of. Thornton, according to the latest revised assessment rolls, is $66,400.00. 'And whereus the amount of the existing} debenture debt of the ~skid Municipality exclusive of local improvement debt is nil abd no part of principal of interest is in arrears ; Therefore, the several-Councils of the re- epective Mutiicipinlities. of, Esxy and Tnnis- ail each 'enact as follows:-- 1. That for the purposes aforesaid" it éhall be lawful for the said Corporations 16 borrow the sum of $4,500.00 in the fol- Jowing proportions=-Essa $2700.00, Innisfil $1300.00 and to issue debentures of the ezid Corporations * for such respective u- mounts, "Kuch of said debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof abd all such debentures shall be payable within 20 yeurs: fromthe date of issue and shall bm payable at the office. of "The Union Benk" of Thornton. 2, The said debentures shall be payable 0 years next after the iskue,thereof and fotal aniount of principal and interest | - poyable during. exch of the said years-shell te as follows' $392.34 of which total Essa: 'i $235.404, Innisfil shall - pay | Annual Amount. 392.34 4 302.34 173,25. - 160.11, 392.34 392.34 302.34 392.34 Bu) 0.05 22. 392.34 $.-..Kach. of said 'debentures to be issued he "reipgctive .Township~ Municipalities shall be-tigned by the Reeve and, Treueurer | Reeve will in writing signed by him-appoint of said Munitipality. or-by some other per-) two persons' to attend "at the final. sym- son authorized by-law, fo sign the same and eile) with the corporate seal of the Cor-, poration. 7 3 "4. 'The suid debentures shall bear in- terest'at the rate of. \per cent, per annum jnyable yearly-at the office of The Union Bankof Thornton, : Has B che currency of the said, de- Hentures there shall be «raised annually by. 'spooind rate on'all the rateable property: in rhe:vote of 'the electors of the Police ey By-Laws shall be taken thereon at the following' timé and place by the dep- uty-returning' officer and, pollclerk hereins stier mentioned. « : ~ "On the 22nd day of Octotier, 1917, 'be: "iween the hours of @ aan, and 5 p.m, at the Orunge Hall in said Police Village by Alex. Stowart,, Returning: Officer, andobn "A. Jamieson, Poll Clerk, 8. On the "23rd. day of 'October, 1917, af-the Orange Hall-in. the said-Police V age at 8.0'clock P.M, the respective-Reeves { the. several: Corporations of Esta and Tenis) will in writing signed by them ap-| Point 'two persons to attend 'to the final aming up of the votes by the Lagi of se Townships and one-pefson th atten ach polling plueé on behalf of the persons interested. in and desirons of the answering of the anid {question in the 'affirinative, and | 4 like-mimber on behalf of the persons in- ested in and desirous of the answering fegative re- of the suid. question' in' the <seetively . . The 28rd: day of October, 1917, at 'il Orange' Hall at eight o'clock P.M, in eby appointed for the' summing: up, by e Clerks of the said Townships of: the puriber of votes given-in the affirmative and in the negative réspectively. 10. . A-true cgpy of this By-Law shall be published in' '*The Barrie Examiner and _ Saturday Morning,"' a nevespaper publi fin: the Town' of Barrie, on the days here- inafter mentioned, that is to say, on the 27th day of September and on the 4th and 11th days of October, 1917, and-a copy 'of this By-Law shall: be posted -at the Post Office, -Tomlinson , Bros. Store," *Gibson's * Buteher Shop and Mrs, Ayerst's Store said Police: Village. . - Introduced; read avfirwt and second time "his 17th day of September, 1917. ¥ JAMES DUNDAS, Reeve, Essa. W. M. DINWOODY, Clerk, Hasa. LEBEN TODD, Reexe, Innisfil 'RM, McCONKEY,, Clerk, Innisfil, _ "RAKE! NOTICE that the foregoing ina 'tm copy: of a proposed By-Law. of Corporation: of Eyss and Innisfil to be sub- 2 4 z 3. 1g 3 i 2 & i 2 e g cof October, 1917, 'between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m,, and at the hours, day and place therein fixed for taking the vote 'af Thornton qualified to yote on| by the returning officer! te oon '2 poll gill be! held nd' thet tke iy of Ox > AQ17, 'at i. in the 'Orange Hall in said Police and final summing up of the- votes by the And if the consent of the électors is ob- tained' to said By-Laws they will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Coun- cils sforesnid at meetings to\be held after the expiration of one month front the, date ofthe first' publication of this notice. which | was on the 27th day of September, 1917. | And take notice further that a-fenant who desires to vote upon the said 'proposed By-Law. must deliver to the Clerk of the 'Township in which he appears to be- as- sessed not Inter than the tenth day before the day sppointed: for taking the vote a declaration under the Canadisn Evidence Act. that..he is-a tenant whose lease ex- tends for 'the. time for which the debt or liability is: crested, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed By-Law is pay- able,:or for at least 21 years, and that be! hus 'by (said lease covenanted to pay all| municipal taxes in respect to the property' of which he is tenant other than local im- provement rates. W. M. DINWOODY, Clerk, Essu, R. M. MeCONKEY,' Clerk, Tnnisfit ----== POLICE VILLAGE OF THORNTON BY-LAW NO, .494. Township sof Essa" By-Law No. Township of Innisfil By-Law No. To tuke the vote of the ratepayers of the Police Village of Thornton entit | 'on tioney by-laws, of a question to 'be submitted whether the saiti ratepayers. are in favor of » supply of electric: power from the Hydro-Electric Power Comniission of 'Ontario. 'Whereas. the Municipal Councils of the [Townships of Exwn and Innisfil deem it ad- visable to submit to the ratepayers of the ssid Police Village of 'Thornton erititled to yote on.maney by-laws a' question ax "to whether the ssid ratepayers are in favor of a supply of-electrie power from the ectrie "Power Commission of On- 'Therefore the respective Councils of. the Corporations of the 'Townships of Essa and Innisfil -enuet as follows: . te 1. That the following qurstion be sub- mitted to the ratepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Police Villyge of Thorn- 'ton entiiled tp vote on' money" by-laws: Are you jx favor of obtuining from th Hyuro-Klecsvie vower, Gontmission of On- tario a supply of electric power? 2. That the votes-of the saifi ratepayers shall be taken' on this question at: the fol- lowing times and places and' by the Dep- uty: Returning. Officers and Poll Clerks here 'after. mentioned, thet is to say: "On the 23nd. day of October, 1917; begween the hours of 'nine o'clock in the forenoon an five o'clock in the aiternoon at the Orangé Hall in said Police Villuge. by Alex. Siew- art, Returning Officer and John 'A, Jam- ieson, Poll Clerk. 3.. A true copy 6f this By-Law. shall be published, in the Barrie Examiner and § urday Morning, s. newspaper published in the Town of Barrie, und a éopy of this By-Law shall he posted ut the Post Office, Tomlinson: Bros:' Store, Gibson's Butcher | Shop,» and, Mi Ayerst's Store. 4. Ow the 28rd day of October, at_ his | office in thy Council Chamber inthe Policr | Village: of Thornton "at 8 o'clock P.M.,.the | ming up of thi" votes by the Clerk of this polling place on' behalf of the persons in-. terested in aid desirous of the answering of the said question in the affirmative, and | a like number.on behalf of the 'persons in- terested in and desirous of 'thé answering of the guid question in. the negative respec: tively. . : Township afid one 'person' th .attend 'each | Siem TT ESSA COUNCIL _ Council met in Thornton the 17th day' 'of September, . all the members present. inutes of last meeting read and confirmed, * "Moved by. Councillors Asaph and Lowrie that Standing Committee No, 1 recom- mend payment of the following: secounts: Robt. Addis, rep. hill on ard. line, $18; J. T. Dutton, repairs to'road. machine, 60c Geo; Davis, bal. om gravel, $5.50; .C. Hyde, rep. hill 10 siderosd and' 'filling washout, $11.50; Eli Worsnop, for eement and rep. culvert con. 10, $17.25; J..B. Cunningham, rep. to culvert 5th line, $5.75; W.'Adams, work in W.D,, $134.20; E. Skelton, re- cruit, $10; Arthur Tiffin, recruit, $10; J. Whiteside, gravel on 7th Bne,-$75. The by-law authorizing the. police village of- Cookstown to raise $8,500 for the pur- chase of Hydro-Electrie 'power from the Ontario Power Commission; which 'received! its first and second readings on July 23rcl, was read a,third time and passed. Moved by Councillors-Bunting 'and Low- rie, that leave be granted to introduee a by-law for the purpose: of appointing a gol- lector of taxes for-yeur 1947, and that' by- law herewith presented be read' a: first time. By-law was read first, second and third time and T. M, Fletcher wax appointed s Asaph and Lowrie, that leave be granted to introduce an en- abling bylaw for the purpose of deciding on a supply of electric power from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ont- ario for the police village of Thornton, und that by-law herewith presented be read 1 first time. By-law received third readings. Moved by Councillors Benting ~ and Adams, that leave be granted to: introdaee a bylaw. to authorize the polite village of Thornton tq iseue debentures Yor the stm of $4,500 -for-the transmission and supply of Hydro-Flectric power for tint villaee. and that by-law presented herewith be rest a first time, By-law rear first 'time. On motion 'of Councillors Asaph nnd Lowrie, the by-law receiver its second reading. On motion of Councillor. Banting and te first, second and Asaph, . grant of $20 wax made to the Cookstown and = Alliston, Agricultural "So-{ cicties for 1917, On motion of Councillors Asaph 'Adami, Council --iljournied Thornton on Oct, 22 an Hughes--Srankcom Midhurst Presbyterian Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, | Sept, 26, when Elsie May, youngest daugh-| ter of Mr. ond, Mrs. Jas, Frankcom, was! united in marriage to Mr, J, Warrington | Muighes, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. J./ |W. Hughes, Stroud. Rev. W. L. Thom} performed the wedding ceremony, and Miss Mendu Bannerman played the wedding march. " Tiie bride, who was given sway by her brother, was becomingly sttired in a gown of white silk crepe-de-chene, with a veil and | to meet in! at 10 am, { iT of September, 1917. - a » EBEN TODD, Reeve, Innisfil, |. R. M.McCONKEY, Clerk, Innisfil, | JAMES DUNDAS, 'Reeve, Essa. W. M. DINWOODY, Clerk, Essa. NOTICE |! Take potice the above is a true copy. of | By-Laws passed. by the, Municipal Councils 'of the townships of Essa and: Innisfil, on the 17th day of September, 1917. And further tuke notice that at the our jay and places therein fixed for taking the | votes of the electors the polls will be held | First publicution 27th day of Sept., 1917: W. M.°DINWOODY, Clerk, Essa, | R. M. MeCONI Clerk, Innisfil. °F) Council Chainber, 17th day of Sept, 1917. Farming West Not Troubled | Ottawa, Sept. - 29.--Réports --reachi |here from the agricultural districts in Wes- tern Canada indicate that no trouble, is anticipated from intensified labor problems as a result'of the operation of the Military | Service Act. Experience atthe. time of the harvest this year, when sufficient lab- or was, supplied through the co-operation of many patriotic forces in' addition to the regular supply, bas caused the farmers' to view the prospect avith complaceiice "Th the first years of the war, a large number of farmers left the land to join the armies, "The exodus was led by the lerge 'number "of men from the Old Country who had taken up farms in the West. The op- eration of the Exemption Boards- under the Military Service Act "will tend to pre- 'vent any serious withdrawal .of farmers. or their aasistants in future, as agriculture is: oie of the industries which will be given artioular-care, ' x lince Western Canada is intensely dem- ° in. its 'political views, the sharing. of military burdens under the Military Ser- 'vice Act meets with wide approval there: The scope permitted Exemption: Bosrds in their dealings with' individual cases is nevertheless admitted to be. necessary. in the 'highest' interests of the 'country. 3 ese: ano ee. uerpamerss' inard's Liniment Co, Limited. z and mechanical change. The Style Bere illustrated 8s Louis XVT2 "object art" ra i : q artistic appearance is a deli sure 'of their possession. In the development of sound-producing instruments, nothing-has been more "out-of-tune _-- more discordant--more. jarring than).the plain--often.ugly--boxes in which many makers housed. their instruments. "QUEEN ANNE, , Remember, in addition to being the most beautiful in- siruments in the talking machine world, the Pathephone: are the most perfect, possessing these exclusive feature: 'The Pathe' Sapphire Bali, instead of sharp, needles pr tNigh a rire 4 teeta, Ne needles to veritable The Crowning |..." \ "Redpath" stands for sugar + mod i. experience and a of the name "REDPATH". 2 and 5 Ib, Cartons-- nt 380, 20, 50 and 100 Ib. Bags, Made in: equipment and meth jination to ty i cked 'by 60 ls, bat Se igeiery "Let Redpath Sweeten it." 8 fashioned Juliet cap, and carried a sheaf of pink roses. ~ During the signing of the register; Miss Pearl Garrett, cousin "of. the bride, -seng "Al Mine Alone."" ' After the. ceremony the guests motored to the bome of the bride's parents, where. a dainty wedding breakfast was served. Mr, and Mrs, Hughes: left on the 5.15 train for 9 short wedding trip to Evans- ville, Ind., and upon. their. return will re- side in the Queen City. The bride travel: led in' tailored suit of brown with hat to match, and 9 set: of white fox furs. Among the muny and costly presents were a Mason' & Risch pisno; the gift of the grdom, and a cabinet of silver'from the Chapman; Ballbearing Co., with whom: Mr: Hnghes.is employed. one grade only--the highest ! Fewer Farm Sales? Here'the prediction id that "we shall' have few clearing-out sales of farm stock and implements this falt owing to the good Grops and the abundance of foddér. Not so in Norfolk: if the Port Rowan News reads aright the: signs of the times. The ews says: '"It- is. predicted that there will be'a large nuinber f-auction sales in this commiunity during the coming fall and winter, Many farmers. would like to re+ tire. 'The scarcity: of help is one of the in- fluences which turtis their. thoughts to- ward retirement, Prosperity also bas ite persuasive and seductive power, and the auto 'beckons. tothe toiler to. come away. We. doubt if there is a single farmet in two townshins .who "would remove' to' a town in order to be near a church. This was' the "only excuse the farmer of thitty Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff: W Styles, The New Pathe' 7 ~' Period Designs of a Supers Achievement: Wonderful Music housed in Beautiful Furniture. It is therefore fitting that the Pathephone, which has attained. such signal superiority.in musical i directions, should also lead the: way, inthe beauty of its appearance. Their creation)\is'\ the result of | that same thoroughness' which, during twenty-five years Of restless .striving~ after improvement upon improvement, has chatacterized Pathe' methods. The loud and half-tone Sapphire. THE PATHE FRERES PHONQGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, TORONTO" Pogretin Merchants writing on their business letter head will receive @ confidential t iv '4 "Territory open for live Agents. "LOUIS XVI," "SHERATO) HE new Pathe' Cabinets are art-objects of beauty,--worthy temples of the music that pours from them. The very loveliness of their ght to one's aesthetic sense and enhances the 'plea- Men who have made the art of decoration' a life-long. study were commissioned to design a series of. Pathephone Cabinets that would be worthy. of the great name of Pathe'. ~ Exquisite, examples of furniture periods most famous in history were selected as the madels for the Pathe' The result is a collection. of in- Period: Cabinets. struments unique and beautiful. The following designs ave now ready. See and hear them at your local Pathe' Agent, MADAMS," "WHLLIAM & MARY" . * The Pathe' All-Wood Violin princi; TheToneControl Device to regulate volume of sound. The Pathepkone not only plays the wonderful Pathe discs, numbering the greatest quantity of musical selections .. recorded in the world, but is alaé equipped to play ally. makes of Records. on the possibilities of a Pathe' Agency: The new Pathe' catalogwe | * dllustrating these Period i iow ready, Write ta us for free copy. Sound Chamber built on the. ° years -ago 'offered for giving' up <his job." on

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