Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1917, p. 1

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(THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 54th Year. * oe woncbonacd Manges. - BARRIE, CANADA, OCTOBER 4, 1917 . : P dpaapely yogi eT aRee aay Interest Grows Bert Srigley, No.«12; Elsie Gibson, No. 12.15 O00 Mile Trip © ~ [Put SU REPERS Beigan esse! A. Short Session "| ot the road, an endl by the Board of , Five Russet. Apples--Clement Horner, ;are now being sent to Holland for: i : 2 ' : oe nc : : Ww. F in School Fairs No.1; Mets Hunter, No, 8; Lavens Me- in a Motor Car] vation of sutering by. special feeding of Town: Council | st, "the Reeve seat tn tite 2 é Five Snow Ap Marion Reid, No. 12;| , - arse Me F ' itsiatiind Ge ae - $150 of the county: road grant. should be ENTRIES AND. ATTENDANCE HAVE! stazcl Juche, Ne 'Ii; Memmen, Aimgjorgi| Ax be TRACE, FORMER ELMVALE. BUS- Rig oes hows by Mi Henve, | ROBT JACK REFUSES PART PavMeNT| {ZAled 02 this roed and the balance ill BEEN MUCH AHEAD OF 1916--WIN-| No, 14; Milton McConkey, No, 10; Hilles| !NESS.MAN, MAKES LONG JOURNEY | the head.of the' American Commission, who| OF ACCOUNT_MORE MONEY TO Beton ooo te bod &% Works iappropria- _NERS IN INNISFIL AND. ESSA. Tribble, No, 14; Mary Arnetrong, No. 14.| FROM MONTANA. says that the difficulty in imports. due to|'-SPENT ON BURTON AVE.ROAD. |' A Light Ordered 0" SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 4 erie we arate Col Eagar' Webb, No. 105" Wi "ae the U-Boats' will now of necessity. be sup in at The rutel school fairs 'tre growing inj Erd Bluck, No. 10; Lloyd Forbes,.No. 8;) A recent isoue of the Toronto World re-| lied by encroaching upon. the. country's! Ai hour gulficed for the transaction: of that 4 street lane be rien Lome, moved ¢ corner popularity and. usefulness, judging from the | Morley Webb, No. 10. | ported the arrival in that city of A, L,|Stock of milk cattle, which had been 're- 8 ' rs fT of Toni : fuecets attending thone "eld in" Sineoe pitt! Calf Morley Webb, No. 10; Willie Trace, 'ater 4p automobile trip, of over pred # Sustain the supply of fre nil i ee Ci ae yprereats mere "Deputy (bows, 'ounty this year, concerned--pmupile, t, No, 17. + | 5,000 miles, Mr, 'Trace is the eldest son | fF' lildren. It is needless to elabor: hanes <f '| wai ni : teachers, parents, trustees---seeu: to he tak-! Trio of 1 Cockerel and 2 Pullets--Har-| of Johr Trace, Elmvale, and had s har-|#¢ om this point to mothers of growing 'Aldermen 'Hores fi, "Clark sand. Wislow tele ane fight bee catered ing more interest in this line-of educational | 2!d Wallace, No, 11; Arnold Meredith,' No. | ness shop. in ths chief village of Flos for | children, rére the 'abses tases" a ae neded 'as there is no obi cpa endeavor and this: is. reflecved in the|lurger| 10; Lloyd. Reynolds, No. 10; Dorothy |» numiber of years, going to Alberta about -- ese aba The cat at eee number-dnd bett:r quality of the exhibits, | Stigley, No. Mabel Hickling, No. 13;| ten years ago. Th: report of his trip is Red 'Créss Notes Woal't ete 28 : Sita ee ee ~ aud the: greatly inereased attendance, In- | AFthur Lawton, No. 2. : given by the World as, follows:-- The regular monthly packi Robt. Jatk reiumed the check of $25/" "Reeve Bennett agreed si 10 : Risfil amd Hava held their fairs last week | |. opeyerel ae Wallace, No. 11;-Ar-| Five, thousand, one hundred sind fifty | follows: 450 sete jena 180 aren Mane | Ordered to be paid. him 're sewer claim, | the 'light,' but Tiggested het oa me Vespra and Oro following on Tueslay end | eee reine No. te ee ec | mile By uutomobile since the - end of | nel ahirts,. 48 amputation bantisces, 19.| rire, that: he would not necept: anything| moved fram some other 'plase. fie pare: Wenteay of aa cone | No 7 Lloyd. Watuonts Ragu ttk Relves June, ehrough eleven states in the United | lings, 80 property bugs, 10 tien 8 Reeptal ot tee ee ceeeount, He again aveert-| tained that Barre' bill for sire lghtiog ngs, ital bed. thai locking of the main sewer was The Innisfil Fair : No. 7; Lloyd. Reynolds, No, 10. States.and four provinces in Canada, is the i, : is : -¢ > wes "Zn|,, Pullet--Dotothy Srigiey, No. 12; Arnold] récord of A. L. Trace' of Laurel, Montana, {act 11 dressing. gowns, 5 'hospital shirts, | no fault of his, and said that the incon. | > STCstly in excess of what it should be. Ao Tall ete uanr at "the, at Meredith, No, 10; Harold 'Wallace, No. 11;| who pulléd into, Toronto in company. wet | 34 ueUmonia jackets, 10 quilts, 11 pillows, | venience his'farnily had od Fee caine | Jeri tion "ls, edad, - Ald. Thompson A attendance of fully thousand at the. an- 7 i rho -p Ta ; : b s nusl school fair which proved to be a suc-| abel Hickling, No. 13; Lloyd Reynolds,| his wife, uot to! mention a straggly-haired dee slips, 630 prs tox, 6 bed sox. | enough without his having to bear sny|jamp on Dike ek, eaten every other cess in every .way, Early in the morning | N° 10; Willie Pratt, No, 17. collie which wnobtrusively . occupied the lary contributions to _packiny portion ofthis expense, ; ba inate ae lek Oh aA Fifteen. Weeds--Norené Webb, 'No. 6;| running board -on-ione side of the éar to| DéPtist \Church--2. pyjama -euits, 7 'am- British Red Cross Lowe agreeing to' transfer a light, if poss- from dll the sections of the township, the P, Meta 'Hunter, No. 8; John Cowan, No. 15;|counterbilance the folding beds and-other | Putstion bandages, 9 property bags, 12 prs! he committee in chaige. ofthe British ible, instead of adding another lamp to the exhibits began urriving at the skating rink, 4 : , 'In the ufternoon the parade was held ond| Vern' Wiee, No. 15; Lillian Jago, Holly;| camping paraphernalin on' the-other side. proved' a big attraction, Thirteen schools | Marie McKnight, No. Ms, Trace ssid that he shd his better socks. Collier St: Methodist Chirch--S0 pyj Red Cross appeal to be made on Oct, 18, | Town's bill, bie oo Pruams | asked the, assistance of the Council. In ---- Collection . Norene Webb, 2 suits, 1 grey flannel shirt, 7 prs, bed socks, : as ee participated, with # total of early 400 i » | half had started out for the purpose of see- 'i a "|1915 Barrie contributed $4854; it f ome banners. had nearly' sixty but, - yz {iM the country' and also various relatives | ! Mult 7 erochet ties, 1 cap, 64 pre. socks.| sear ite donation: war 38080 nent] gue «4. <,Fitld Comforts 5 and fricnds in the Conudian northwest. | Miss Booth's Clase--42 prs, 'socks, 370' individual: Christmas' parcels, , con & > "1 3 erage pe school was sbout 30 pupil ; 'Graham, No: ini i am ; i Fire prize went 10 8. 8: No, 4, with Noa:| 19; Laura Taylo., No. 14; Willie Pratt, |" "With this end in view, the traveler vet| St. Mary's Church--90 pyjama suits, 60 fhe Popes ater of Justice request: | sisting of 1 pair socks, 1-Ib. maple butter, 7 and.8 next in oder. After the parade |N%; ft rags cCullough, Nantyr. | out first into Wyoming, through the Yel- | prs. socks. Tribunal'e seasons nt emPHon | 1 package cigarettes, 1 package foot pow. @ programme of sports was run off, afford- rection ve: Woods--Harold Vat! lowstone Park, back throigh Montana| Allundale Churches--i5 pyjama suits, 57| 'g. Fisker asked vernon Aaa k der, 1. tin vermin .powder-sewn in 'strong ing. lots of fun. |ghan, No, 13; Samuel Houghton, No. 5;) ycross the Sweet Grass into Alberta, After | grey flannel shirts, 2 quilts, 72 prs. socks. |eonnection from his old mill tocatene be: posal ae) prs. socks (making 630 pairs 'The -display 'in' the rink was' decidedly | Harold~Sheppard, No. 5. . '| spending a couple of weeks visiting friends] St, Andrew's Church--96 i é oF Prs. 'trigger mittens and:2 pra. * large snd competition wad keen all along]. Grtins, Grasses, Clovers--Meto Hunter, | and seeing the Jarger cities, they turned | 23 grey dance -shitte, 82 peat aes cache ond tinge tant Was Ertnt:| boxing 'gloves were 'shipped on' the 26th j the line, Vegetubles were the biggest show. No. $3 Willie Pratt, 'No: 17. eastward throwgh Saskatchewan and Man-| yiry King's Clase made 200 Cheistm one: # af September to the Kield. Comforts Com- iy ing, there'being 27 exhibits in- carrots 'and| | Collection Forest Leaves--Norene Webb, | itola to Winnipeg. Stockings, PA ppeumonidt jecketen te is ee ied haat ae a ite Shed Bore ne. yn was asl y ic posted. Moré ad- rary Board to remove some earth from | dresses of oversehs men' will be' gladly re- nisfil judging from the 24 samples shown, | Collection Wild Flowers--Norene Webb, | through. to Chicago. From Chicago they : _, [Albert St. between Theresa and Charlotte | ceived. i : Bread ali was of excellent quality. Some | No. 6 = travelled through to New York and from| T#nity Church--47" prs, sox, 26 pyjama} Sts. for the purpose of top-dreising the| 'Mrs. Stewart' gratefully scknowledges' over 40 in, potutoes, Cake buking is evi-| N°. 6; Meta Hunter, No, 8; Dalton Fer-] From Winnipeg they crossed again to| sr, geet a s'rong point with the girls of In=} Fier," No. 19. the "States ito "North Dakota and down " emgage age very preity 'Howers were shown but thix| Essay: "My Favorite Pet' [New York to Toronto via Nisgara Falls. | "Wits; 15 grey flannel shirts, 2-bath robes, | grounds around' the library. the receipt of the/ following gifts. towards = depirtment. could' be made-niuch niore .at-| Mansged My Chickens"--Marion From Toronto the pir went' to Elmvale, | slings. : Messrs, Beecroft. and Fletcher appeared | the Christmas parcels: "Thornton W. I," tractive .if the pupils were given more. in- |-15;. Bessie Allan, No. 4; Johnnie Ont," where \the aged father of Mr. Trace )-- B+ ©. 15 prs. socks. in support- of this motion and pointed out | $10.00, Guthrie Girls Sewing Circle $5.00," sins 9 the corrangement of flowers, resides. Mr. :and Mrs, Trace. are both Rural Auxiliaries * [thet he removal of the earth derired would /45, small ee ee ee Sate: Maw = *. . purticularly in boquets. . Wood-work ex-| : Canadians, having been residents in Elm-| Stroud--14 py; be'in\né way detrimental to ihe adjoining | Whitebread $9.00. Contributions were also hibits showed decided tulent on the. part | in War Tine"--Edna No: 8; Marie| vale prior4o their going to Laurel, Mon: | shirts, Pylaing silks, 6: grey flatael | oy or to-the street, : vem®) sent. by Mrs, Catlin, Mrs. Walton, Mrs, of the boys, several, good bird houses be 6; Elsie Rainey, No. -95) tans, to live ubout six year ago. As to| Painwick~-2 pre.-bed socks, Asks Legal Assistance Cameron, the Misses, Catcher, Mr. Both- their' plans were 'alte? getting to| "Essa and Innisiil Town Line--Dopated:| Chief King presented. notice of appeal be nee Tage oe ae Lee i 3 ; . A. Ellis, Miss Raikes, le, Mr. 'Trace was\undecided, ""I] 2 pyjama suits, 1 quilt, 81 property bugs;|made by Dr, Wallwin t Magistrate | i; q ee tay father, who is 74 yearé| returned: 11 pre, sox, wae Radeon fine of ton cullay ete cont rs ny Mk Loans, Master Gtaiee Seen to ee ae he ET canoe Donated: 26 pylams-suits, 2 |for reckdeas driving, The Chief asked the | Plummer, "Mim Crew, .Mr, Bret King 10% -Vaugtian,, . a nee After don't know what | quilts; returned: 10 pre, sol | Couneil t6 appoint counsel to, look after the| Wise Iving "Mes teeny oe , fering tins unin tit ney he No, 6 Cae Remo, 16 |e do" "iri borevere|Guhre pyamt nl, ry aa [Tome ce Abe ae lt hen | tng, Mes, Rete, Me Capen asi | _ Te vices We 1d, he st if his father isin good health. [uel shirts, 5 dressing gowns, 8 pre. socks. | on Nov. 6 | ' pela h orga secant re Me HM eae i | Teal oe of te how | edie na TP ae Ss 6 "Near ete wat rea to he at My Hee Baek, Hw, Me Sive'tha-cuenes niuestig well worth | Whiierets ead Jobbity No. 10; Hiar-[4_ ses wat'done on 270 allows of gae-{ pr socks, sta, 8 howpiten OQMTENEE im which all milk producers and leon, 'Mrm, Grasett; Mie. A, Brome od Mes Rearing, \the subject iniatter being excep-| old Wallace, No. 11; Allan, Warniea, No.[Oine, Antrican measure, which is slightly| | Midhurst--21 pyjama suits, 3 hospital | fl wholesale and retail doglers are request: | Giniye "Ardagh, Darrie. In spite of thi 4 , 3 Allan, snialler, than the Canadian gallon, The | its, 10 prs. socks, ° Donated: 6 pillows, led' to make no advance jn milk. until the "Ardagh, Barrie. . In spite of this i | generosity thé Christmas extras are not yet jrially good, Particulor praise is dur the 4. : i : AUKE, DH SES od, ; price per gallon averaged between 21 dnd {4 slips. committee investigating has hed time to ; : girls, who spoke with.the vse and fiuency| 'Loaf Bread--Meta, Hunter, No. 8; Elu:|Eo'conts, 'The traveller reported: np tire | Minesing--12 pyjama suite, 3 hospital |Sozre" gating all paid' for. Donations, however 'small, ing shown, Every cooj) in the poultry sec, No, 6; Kenneth Hopkins,| yi, tion -was filled, there being '75 birds exhib- . 35 No. 9. . ited, all of the Barred Rock laying strain,| .Map of County of Simicoe--Norene Webb A' very' fine collection .of native woods| No. 6; Sadie Wgneh, No, '6; Marie Me- | oq) was shown by Harold Vaugtian, who had| Knight, No. Guest of experigneed speakers, | The competitors) rie Rich, No. 8; Lena Graham, No. 4. trouble and the only 'accident was'ih the| suits, 4 dressing gowns,~6 grey flannel Says Town "Should Fix Walle" sowegie thin Taal sll a aeabetully re- soi the subject were follows: Tey Cookies Ruby Adams, No. 4; Ci iorn "broken front spring |ahit 18 pre een Tho ee ene Ee ae ap | eited by Misa Gladys Apdagh or Ms. Ste ; uby Adams, "'Re-eonstruction After the roud; Monett Jugo, Holly "We had tne weather 'al he way"md] Utopia iz pyjama wuts, 16 grey fan-| THOR Hastings Clerk of the Works, Pub: wart Mins Wilon, Mr, Stewart's oe Var"; Marie: MeKnight, 'Food Conserva. ice, Laura Taylor, 3 the roads were good until we got near To: | nel shirts, 23 pre. socks (6 prs. from Mrs.lseq the sidewalie near she P.O, complamed| far Kew, tm Mecurate account of anything Kathleen Anperléy, "The Silk |Lavena MeWaters, Painswick, NG Sat : "3 eta, 8 ~ us mm , where we encountered the worst go: | Lee). % 3 2 Kenneth, 'Hopkins, 'Lord "Rob-| "Layer Cuke--Grace Wice, No. 17; Ed-| Ts OOO ated out" said Mr. Trace,| Clowes--6 pyjama suits, 6 grey shirts, befor ee et tighean tes ce a 4s usual, eame from' tdwn' and erts 'ard Goodfellow, 'Benefits Arising | jth -Allan, No. 4; Leria Graham, No. 155] (0 n fe _e Feom the War." Zalma 'Tribble, No, 14; Bautie Rich, No.| /1 travelled all.over'a quarter, section in/ pre. socks. go keep of which the Town of Bartie is' re. - Grants mude to School Fair Prizes this}; Marie McKnight, No. 6. - tsp arate Ais oar ag a ued Ge lee' Oo tat Cen pars sponsible. Continuing he wrote:-- 3 Sarg Coled: Made' i - ut it was not so rough as the road we 'acl ior Oro ross Soci "TI would respectfully call your attention' rgt. Coles Made Big Score were. us followk:---S. 8, No, 2, $2. Double -Loaf Bread; |Campbell Flour Co.--Lucy .MeWaters, Painswick, Lila i No.' 23 Mary came in on this morning.." __ |, Crown Hill--6 pyjama suite, Mrs. Feilding |4 the unsanitary coniition 'of the gutters)" The Barrie-friends of Sergt. J. G. Coles _ Needless to say the outfit attracted eoii-|donated' 5 pillows, chee $o:the BO, Duty watet'se wtending| ¥ill Ibecdntarented: in. the following dem: ° P siderable attention, in the streets of the| -- Mitchell Square--4 pyjama suits, 8 grey |in two or three. places: One is very bad'| teker fromthe Regina Leader: NN: ; : abirts, 4 quilts, '62 pes. socks, opposite to the entrance to the P.O; anc the| In. the windows of the Western Canada. a Craighurst Patriotic League--9° pyjama | odor arising from his dirty: water is apy-| Motor and "Cycle company. there is a' big pee ; 1 grey flannel shirt, 1 quilt, 12 prs. thing' but" pleasint e fence, men-|¢ard on which sre pasted three targets, *) - = tute, $3.00, Tote! $70:00. . Th "A. Daughter of the' Gods," William | 8¢ks. Donated, i er jonas | tigned in-your letter, the Department last | which slow the wonderful Tharksqanship : List of Prise Winners Fox's $1,000,000 picture beautiful, there Pies a ud of Congregntionsl | spring decided that 'they would not pui| of Sergéant:J. G..Coles; » well-known, Re- Halt Gallon' Oste--Clarence Munro, No. ix much to please the' children: as-wrll'as | Ure Pyjame suits, 5 pillows, 18 PFS the fence up for the present. Only yester- ig a who' left. this city as « member 8; Keith Constable, No; 11; Russell Stew- the grown folks, for in the making its rea * Station--7 pyjama suits, 2° grey | 1a¥.! was instructed bythe Dept. that rio }of the 217th Battalion. le wy 3 art, No. 8: Nortia Booth, No. 18; James creator considered the little ones, 'knowing |i ie » EFeY | expenfliture. of public money was to take| - In. 4: rifle-shooting competition held -at % Johnston, No, 11; Lyall 'Guest, No. 14. -| that that ~ which pleased. the youngsters | ke waits place unless. absolutely: necessary, during | Bratishott: . camp, "August 22, Sergeant ; "Peck 'Oate--Meta Hunter, No. 8. ; miist also appeal to the parents. In one ee Pye g Me the continuance of the war. é Coles wax pitted against 30 meh, the pick Sheaf Oats--Arthur Howell, No, 1: of the big stenes, the Country of the} The response to,the appeal for Christmas|" Reeve' Bennbtt -remarked that this'was | 0f marksmen of the' entire British empire Nortis Booth, No, 13; Clarence Munro, No. Gnomes, a fairy-like'representation of their | Stockings for out soldiers in hospital over-(.q most extraordinary letter. When Mr: snd he won all'thtee competitions. 6; George Reynolds, No. 6; Willie Taylor, mythical Kingdom is shown with all the| seas has been s most generous one. Owing | Hastings was bere he visited the Reeve's| In the first competition, regular' bulls: moa : faithfulness of detail that marks. elsewhere | to the fact that the Stockings came in in| office and agreed that the Doininion Goy-|¢ve target, Seret' Coles. made #. possible % k Batley--Willie Pratt, No,.17; Wil-|'leen Apper! in this famous picture the master hand of |SUch an irregular manner, although: lists' ernment should fix-the walk. In fact Mr:| score, getting. five.bullseyes out of five at tis Tibbs Roe eee, a oak: Tndaing Fox, It is an. ehchanted setting for An- {where possible were kept, it is impossible ! Hastings tried:to get a contractor by phone, tempts, The: second competition wi i Sage er to -publish the names of all the generous. to give the-order for the work and failing {Shooting at a figure on a .targ't, a very si Snsilage Corn with Exre-- No, 13. nette Kellerminn, the "most -perfect wo: i he u h i Guaee hees, Neb) Bert Sue 'No. el Prizes for Stock Judging--| man in the world." Amid tropical foliage | donors 'to the Christmas Cheer, "but Barrie | this he said he would 'write-and.make ar-| difficult "competition, and here~ Flore 'i i i 5; Ly: jountai i i ped Yor having the walk fixed, *. | made a possible scone getting five hi ;, Kenneth | Maurice Martin, No. 15; Lyal Lennox, No.| and under @ raging" mountain torrent can | Branch is indebted to all those who helped | pangements for having the walk fixed. 8 po f getting a Sturgeon, NB 3 Cie Warnes, No, 14;| 18; Fred Noble, No. 7; Cecil Fell, No, 17;] be seen the little creatures' who play so| make such a success of the Christmas Some Minor' Street Repaire of he trials, . In the third competition, it_ Marjorie 'Reid, No. 15, * "| Bowman Allan, Nb. 15. important a part in. this lust word in fil-| Stockings: |) | the Board of Warks'made the following! Wt Si? 8 competition shooting, stu fi Six Bars Ensilage Corn--Lena' Minnikin,} - Weed Naming Cénupetition--Jean War-|ed story. To oréate: the effect of .the| _ The Soldiers ee) charge, eee. © recmmendations (1) That. road on Dun- | ui eat 'time ee backgtound helped No, 12; Allan W rt nica; No, 13; Eavena McWaters, No. mountain stream, Mr. Fox found it neces- | Sat.. Sept. 20th. 'Net -receipts, $30.00. | viata St. be, repaired sand water tables a "he, made "four hits out of, five ley, No. 12; Chal Muriel, Jobbitt; No. 10;. Carrie 'Reynolds, | sary to divert 'a tiver from» its source, but | _ 'The Congregational and Reform Churches | cjeaned out. (2) That W. H. Rouse be | "a 5 i nevh Sturgeon, No.3; Fi No. 14; Noréne Webb, No..6; Fred Noble,| never daunted cither-as\ to che gigantic | will have.charge of the Shop on Sat., Ost. | permitted 'to remove dead maple tree at] ,, While it Regina Sergt. Coles was recog: as , said a nature of the, tack, or the cost attendant| 6, and the following Saturday Allandale error of Clapperton sid "MeDorald Sts.] Natt a8 one of the very best shots in, wes. 'Bure Sweet Corn--Verna Minnikin,} School Parade--No* 4; No, 7/ No.8. "| upon th» same, he sent to New York' for| Churches. = sete {@) Tht R. Bidwell be allowsd to inake) {1m Canada snd whafeves competition -he No. 12; Jean Spring, Xo. 8; Doris Hew: | Special by Mr. Northgrave for Purebred a'company of the' best engineers to be had.|- Shop-Committee this week: Mrs, Little,' drain. connection desired, (4) 'That water |¢ntered. Regina was certain that, it would y | Filli ef , 2 and | Thi ite ited the 'outlay of a| Mrs, MacLaren; next week: Miss Lawrence, be 'well represented. ai sane f a al Ruby Fille--Jokn Kelly; Gordon Playter, 2 ani ie one lity append et ables on Owen St., between Dunlop and) "that he hax' lost none!at bik shility. tor : 18. 8 4 : 5 », Caréor lier Sts; be repaired and the approach ; : : Grade Colts--Jamés Clarke; Jack For-| what extremes Mr. Fox went to make "A| ~Donativns to'Shop, Sat.. Sept, 22: Shi shoot. ingot from: the latest news fro: 13, $54 3 e (oan Msionts Best "vonen's Tost ' ts inswi A Million Dollar Picture ; : ki Potatoes--Arihur_ Howell, : ® | to crossing near the Masonie Temple be ae ; Th RA Lis Bert Hubbedt | Wee Daughter of the Gods" the scenic' senea-|-ty Bay--2 doz. rolls, flowers, Sth, Utopia | ocired "cont not to: exceed $25" (3) eros: the Water sid with him. inthe front Clarence Kell, & tion of thé century. Engineers and rem $2.25, "7th, Vespra--i lost bread, Tet watk on: North 'St near U- John:| 2 of tenchen there' would be several The Essa Fair and military representatives. of the British |,cash 50c, . Guthrie--I qt. cream. Ivy--| son's' be repaired. * nats aecounted for each tay. _ Jennings, No. L1;, Auna Shaver, No. 15 the Brit Be "an Potatoes--Ruby Wice, No. 15; Ed-| + aiek4ough hardly: equal to' the Innisfil one,| Government at Kingston, Jamaica, visited | cas . os RS 'Thompson, No. TO; Milton Lougheed, | the we 2 Nagios Savaibdens 'aa excellent | the- location "several times. and "expressed Dosasinns, Se 4 Sev: 29 Sieur re No,.11; Zeta Sharpe) No. 6; Lloyd Forbes, | show. and a decided credit to those tuking| their surprise st the undertaking which, Flowers. - Bi ly-- nse snaps. e No. 8;.Ethel Keast, No.6. part,|To arrange all the preliminaries and| to a man, they described ax one of the|--2% Ibs. butter, 1 doz. cage, 3 pints Six. Mangels--Harold Wallace, No. 11;| carry the fairithrough to such a successful ;most remarkable pieces of engineering ever | cream. South Line, Ivy--10 doz. eg8%, 2 | Vinoent and Rodney Sts, and placing some|. How could we restrain our 'Lage 'George Hunter, No. 11; Rex Guest, No.| conclusion meant a lotof very heavy work] attempted by -an individual." This won- loaves bresd, cash cbaahngs lo gravel on'the path north of W. J, Fowler's,| ig? ©, 14; Ira Morton, No Theodore Kell; No.| for the District Representative, F. A. ited "at the, ae ~ 'Bome matters referred to thé Board of Tn- Let "All Give Thanks i ring} What a botntiful harvest! «~~ and gravelling Kempenfelt St, between St.|. And what wonderful harvest weather! derful" picture will be .exhibi Bayfiehi St, efit How can we show' our gratitude better 8; Fraser Sutherland, No. 10. Wiggins, and his aasistant\W. G, Marriatt, | Grand: Opera House, Friday and 'Satuidey,| Panetang Alsé Has Boy Burglars |. Instructions were' given, the Board of | Six Turnipe---Aroold Reid, No.- 11; Jas. iy Oct. 12 and 13, twice daily, at 2.80 and] "ho. ie not the only plate: where boys| Works to repair the drain' on Sophia St,, il Sproule, No. 10; Me a ae i " Minerva Leonard, No. 117 Clifton Morton, No. 14. 2 Six Beete--Eleaior Hssrison, No. 7; Ru- by Adams, No.4; Lloyd Arnold, No. 10; 'Vera Minsikin, No. 12; Kathleen Apper-}1 ly, No. 15; Frankie Srigley, No. 12. Six Carrots--Dorothy Srigley; Jean 'Warnica, No. 18; Marion Reid, No. 12;/+ Carrie Reynolris, 'No. 14; Zelina' Tribble, No. 14; Mary Allan, No.2. - Six Onions--Jean Cowan; No. 17; Hild No. 3; Marjorie Mather, No. 5; ; Harold BAS pee: have. been biresking into. stotes 'recently. 'A gang of seven or eight lads has-been. op: | ' ' a crating in, Penetang, as described in 'the liston San following item from' the me ose jet like honey! 1 Be On Monday of last week-some seven or U-Boats. Cause Suffering in Belgium i ' sik i = til of age, land the rest: let off with a whipping apiece on condition thpt they make good the mon- { : & 3 E 3 i i i i f i fi cs -E i é tr. i ek Rie th

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