Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1917, p. 12

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The responsibility of this Store's Org rely on this Store, - WHITE BLOUSES Always ready--refreshing to look upon--and at this time miore than ever be- fore--the' White Waist is indispensible, Styles are pretty and the variety ; is large--in Voile or Silk; Georgette Crepe 'Silk Crepe oa : > wise 1.25 up to $7.50 CURTAINS FOR THE HOME - From the splendid stock of New Curtain Fabrics, now. on display you'll find exactly what you wani at practical prices, : White Voiles . .. White Marquiseties .. Madras Curtaining in colors Scrims et +. 20c, 25¢ and 35¢ 20c, 25¢, up-to 50c T5c; 85¢ and $1.00 « se11Oe up to 25¢ THE NEW COATS Each fubrié of the grest assortment of Coats which you. will find here hax been chosen for ite beauty--Lovely Velour, Exquisite Wool Cheviots and a. variety of Mixed Tweeds in shades of Brown, Taupe, Burgundy and Green, Prices sure from $15.00, $16.00 up to $37.50 * COME AND SEE THEM EARLY -- / WE SELL Victer -Victrolas, and Records | ~ G gE _ Choose from Stock a 999909000 0000000000 anization in the unprecedented circumstances By foresight, vigilance.and prompt action we have been largely successful. history of the Store--here--here to serve the best interests of our customers--here at prices that If you would get the fullest return for your money do your shopping here--at Barrie's Representative Store. : Fi fl ietpeetn ta tetn Several thourand yards of Flannelétte bought and stored away for soul ge since June Of Inst year are: offered to you at prices prevailing in Juné, 1916. ue That's why you should buy Flannelettes here. Some of the good numbers are: annelettes § and Fi i oF 30 inch Bleached Flannelette, plain ........ .sssscee seeeeeee Gece ee 1c 30 inch Heavy. Bleached Flannelette, plain ....... ..sseee 20¢ ue 29 inch Heavy Bleached Flannelette, twill ...0.0.. .ccteee ceceseeese 20¢ Ue 35 inch Bleached Flannelette, plain 1.2.0... 0.0.2... inch Bleached Flannelette, plain inch Bleached Flannelette, plain inch Bleached Flannelette, plain . inh Stripe Flannelette » We inch Stripe Flannelette .. inch 'Stripe inch Stripe 25c =i =i Flannelette . Flannelette ; 0: VIC POCOCOCOOO . VICKERS of'the times is to safeguard the interests of our customers. Immense stocks are accumulated, 'the best and largest in the disclose SOUND ECONOMY to those who. _. BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY Every Hat' is stylish Model copied from 'the season's 'est designing shops, There 'are 'small, medium and large Hats, trimmed in exclusively smart Ways, and at very' pleasing prices. Visit our Showrooms and view this. did gathering of authentic. styles jn Ladies' Headwear. Gentlemen's Woollen Underwear In separate garments or combinations, It's an opportune time to buy. winter at lust sesison's price, 26 per cent. higher than last Now. Shirts and Drawers Combinations .. .. plen- light, medium' and heavy weight! We have & large sfock, carried over from 'last The netter goods cost more, and' prices are fully year. That's why you should buy: HERE' and * «» 75e to' $3.50 $1.75 to $5.75 HERE FOR BOYS' SUITS The "Suits we show. for Boys sre in nobb As repeats will, cost' ux full Suits from y styles and 'dependable clothe~ early. choosing, - $3.00. up to $9150", Pictorial. Patterns and Magazines POOCOOOOOS POO OS OS COSCO OOESORCOOOOS é ; ; News from : the TRaitway Ward..... Mr, und Mrs, Cannon are both quite ill, selves of the bargains offered, 3. D: Wisdom. wes in Toronto and Osh-|'. Mr. and Mrs, Win, Black, Burton Ave., awa for "week. ; celebrated the' fifth 'anniversary of their D, J. Hunter of, Orangeville was. with | wedding day on Tuesday: evening, Oct. 2, Dr. Hunter over Sunday. when » humber of frierids gathered at their Mrs, Hodgins of Kirigston is: visiting her| home and spent: s pleasunt time. . It was daughter, 'Mrs, E. Shear, | also the occasion of the 'baptism of. their Sgt. J. Calvert of Camp Borden. spent} little daughter, Annie Dorothes, the week-end with his family here. Thos, Crosbie has' resigned' his position A. decided improvement has been made) as foreman on the bridge snd building de- in Burton Ave, by fixing the' roadway. | partment of the G.T\R. after eleven years' Mr, and Mrs, W, Lawrence. spent the! service. Mr. Crosbie has sécured a luc 'week-end visitinig friends in-Cookstown. | tive position with the Collingwood: Shi Mr, and Mra, Jes. Trask have returned} building Co, and will leave for that tow from Minnesoiu after a two weeks' visit, |/immediately, Jas. Dunning has been ap- Go-To-Church' Sunday | was a decided pointed. foreman to fill the vacancy. success. af Burton "Ave Methodist Chureh.! Thos, Walton, who hax been engaged' in James Overs and son of Toronto were | the mechatiical department of the G.T-R. Visitors at the home of Geo. - Overs last | for, 45 years, haw retired under superannu- week, . dition to enjoy a well-carned rest, Last Corporal Wm. Armstrong: of Toronto! Saturday to mark the occasion his fellow epent 'the week-end at his. home, 34-Cen-) employees: in the railway shops presented tre St j him with a gold-heaed cane, a'pipe and « Mr, snd Mrs, R. J, .Nichols; have gone| generous supply of tobacco to 'keep it fill- for s two weeks' holiday to 'Acton andjed.. The presentation was made by W, D. Haniilton, dddison and the. address read us follows: Mr, and Mrs, Elicit Ogden have return, td home after visiting for a week sin Mer-| express their regret at your departure from decided to sey the. Railway. In your many years of faithful and effi¢ient service 'you have endeared yourself to us all and- your inmimerable acts of kindness will long.remain' 'itt' our minds, We could -not- allow this oppor- will be resumed, Mr. and Mps, D,Magloughlen end child- ren-have tettmned. home after a visit with 'Eh le and Midland friends, . B, Godden ef the Flying Corps, end visitor at He expects to go to Texas some expression of our regard. We, there- fore, ask ,you to. 'accent this walking. cane and' pipe axa slight token of the esteem in which you are held and our sincere. wish is, that you may be spared for very many | yenrs to enjoy your well earned. rest. she = , St. George's Silver Jubilee shortly. Mr. inl' Mr, H. A. Scheck and son, of| 1000 Buthirst St. Toronto, have returned home'-efter, visiting Mrs, Wai. Armstrong, | "Centre § Sgt. W He: left 'Tordnto for * '* dust Monday, Py't-rson's big one-cent sale? ad: wed! exclusively in The Exaininer 'last 'n huge success, crowds of . peo | Opera House. OCT.8, Thanksgiving Day, and Tues, Oct. 9 tee ayy acct 1 Nights al | Two Big, Shows in One, CHARLIE ,CHAPLIN in THE IMMIGRANT if No. 11 of the NEW Chaplin: Series. . - This time' Charlie-is seen.on. board ship.as the Immigrant. . The fun is fast and furious. In Addition to above picture Mary Miles MINT ER 1 4 i in "Environment" im Rec 'First Show st 7.30 sharp, ' . second show 9-p.m. ° | "RE THE 0 TE (our fellow workers 'are gathereil here to} Grand. Trunk * tunity to pass without' conveying to. you | { teaching-them lewons that will enable them' expeditiously 'ax con be. This added (o the of the boys who have béen; over here and| through it. There will be some of us home again, no doubt, but no one knows 'which it shall bé. I hope it soon comes to an « | end, as-1 'think the world is disgusied and | them will take part in the service, Spe-! cicl music is being prepared by the choir An effort is. being made' to muke this. a red-letter day in.the history 'of the congre- gation. , All will he niadé welcome, Large congregutions attended the Har- tired of this awful slaughter. But it will! vest "Thanksgiving services last Sunday,! not stop until the Lord above decides. That ! the whole day being very successful. "has always heen my belief and ulways will Splendid sermons were delivered by Rev.| be till it finishes, .I do hope and pray. to| T. G, Wallace. } | be spared, just to see the change it will] | bave made with the misses of the wotld,| morally and spiritually, | In a letter to Mise Wilda Murtin, Thorn-| You know there is # great work to be! ton, dated in France on-Aug, 22, an Inriis-|-done throughout the whole world. That | fil soldier wrote, in part, us follows:-- | is, teachers are constantly and eneggetical I-wish to thank-you ever so much for/ly inipressing on the young mind education | your kindness: in sending me such a lovely|--to the very extent that no devilcun parcel. It 'came to hand just yesterday.| drive out of one's mind the fact that there You posted it about July 20: lis only one great power ruling the' world. It is rather satisfying to you, I know, When the masses get that idea, Wilda, to know that your parcels are received O.| there shall never in the life of the world K. . I-might stat» that everything was in be any more wars, Just see if I am not! fine' condition, even the orange was O.K.\ correct. I have-found out since I entered! Generally, fruits go bad, ete., but thie was {the awful war that it is God's War, and/ fine, "The parcel was very- much appreci-| J really do not think there shall ever be sated, Wilda, but please do not trouble, as! a war again, | you have sufficient to do to-look after your soldier brother, The weather is splendid just now and} the country-around looks lovely. you could only see -the. views, be some grand pictures shown after the war, They should be explained Has Found it is God's War Can See the Silver Lining Gunner J..L, Lyddon of, the 4th Brigade T wish | Hage., C.4., France, wrote on Aug. 19 +to There will| Mrs, Margaret Martin of [No. 1 as follows:-- some | Thornton R. R. T received' you bag of comfort I : COMMENT OF THE WEEK ::- Advertising in the great business tonic, anid, the very strongest form of it for thix| fOwn und district is supplied by. the Barrie | Exuininer, of The Examiner, who wrote up. the pienic so well that Mr; Ltcus felt impelled to take the paper, Today, though many changes | ship, he suys he still scans the pages of The J.-F. Goodfellow, recently publisher of | pealniner with interest, thereby being en- the Midland Free Press, evidently seeking « abled to keep in touch with the scenes of sphere of lubor that has a' little' more | his younger days, While talking to. two or | purebused a bukery: business in Thorold. | this -vetéran wubseriber indulged in some In these days of war bread ull sorts of mix-; YeFY entertaining reminiscences, The writer tures are being offered.the people, but even | Robes that some day Mr, Lucas' may -have at thut Mr. -Goodfellow had better not try| 'he time and inclination to set these, and feeding his customers with printet'x "pi, | Others, dawn for the benefit of the readers of The Examiner, : Toronto ig to have a bylaw prohibiting | cattle from: being driven in the city streets Bed F except at certain hours, Hogs, however, | Rational thankagivib by a People of Cu < % © range in Toronto ashere, | #48. Though: the 'cloud of war still over- Wal i sven {ree xange in Tordnto bet a eels taste oe Pits clad |dnd bereavement, there' is yet much to be * 1 ,.,| thankful for, In all the theatres of war, One' canhot visit the very sijdcessful | except the Eastern front, conditions have rutal-school fairs without, being impressed | vastly improyed daring: the past year and} with 'the possibilities of -these institutions | evidences mi ftiply thet the enemy. are) in developing la*ent telent, in creating: a fips mofe and.more the.steucly' attrition | Monday: 'next. is the day 'yet apart. for mong the boys und girl u keener afd more Fifsosed by thr Allion 'The Uaved tcc Intelligent. interest in their work sind in| i throwing its weight into the conflict cs to be more progressive and effective in their tremendous efforts of the work as they grow to manhood and woman- hood. other Allies, brings the Huns daily nearer defeat. -By ity marvellous organization and super~ j human efforts' Germany may postpone the | finish for months and even a year, but there 4s no doubt as to.the outcome. Can-! adians: have to be thankiul for one. of the { Tomorrow a canvass of the town" will be made:on bebalf of the Wonian's Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital, For a i number of years this organization has sup-| most bountiful harvests "in the history of plied linen, etc, to the hospital. Bazaars| the country, which not only, adds immense- and -éimilar methods were employed for} ly Yo the general prosperity of the land but| some years to raise the necessary funds, !-also 'ensures a large contribution towards. but latterly these have been replaced by a feeding the less fortunate allied. nations, general 'canvass i which no one is asked For the splendid: spirit of: 'devbtion and to give more than twenty-five-cents, This |self-denitl manifested by e Intge portion' of feampaign, it should. be remembered," has jour: people we should be thankful, Mx nothing to do. with the general funds of the. have uiterly failed in this respect and there | hogpital, but is for the benefit of the Aux-| haye been frequent manifestations of greed ilisry which tias so fsithfully maintained and wat profiteering, yet the great majority 'this department. of hospital" work for aj of 'Canadians by theit financial 'sid, their score of years, Many cajls are-made upon | s¥capsthy and their earnest efforts have the people these days, but-a modest re-, shown themselves desirous of furtbering quest of twenty-five cents for thix Idudable | the different patriotic end charitable. move- work should be sympathetically. received..| ments necessitated by the war. These are " While' attending the Stroud school air, last week, the writer hid the plensure of Canada has cause to give' thanks' at- the present time. As. individuals, too, there are few of us but have reasons. for grati- | hive taken pluce since he left the town-|, ' "dough" 'then most newspapers yield, has | three ofthe 'older residents of the township | | but a few of the' many: things for which. -Admission, 75¢, 50, 25. meeting one of the oldest. subscribers of} fide, "It in-fitting, then, that-we 'as in his paper, Mr. Jobo 8. Lucas of Toronto) viduals - gpd ae = natign "should on! 'who' has. £0: | Thankogivi recall with _ grateful tinvounly, for fifty-one years, At the time fit the Hewines thet have Recs bono lms a be first subseribed, Mr. Luces was 'upon 'us duping the past year. | Ticket school' at the fifth line, Innisfil and that | Bee ic Seeadeh tar asaal oliihees uot ate! <A yon Wes 'The Ecealiee; einawed if 2 ' po palig a p. Among those to any friends who are not' already sub- 'present was the founder: seribers.'.$1.50 per year. ea w.M. Athletics, Theatricals, ete., for troops:in can assure you was highly appreciated, and will cone in. very useful. Such. gifts of remembrance which we feeeive. from' our women' of Canada cheer us, greatly in the-hours of darkness which are around us at 'present, but we thank God wé ean see the silver lining shining. through, which will lead us on to victory. if we: persevere | and keép up the work we have set out to accomplish. Don't slow down or it-is the boys out -here who will suffer. . You have done, fine work; the 'women of the British Empire have risen. valiantly 'to the needs. They have set a splendid-exumple; alco they have given courage to the boys out here. ' as T thank you very much for' your -kind- ness for. the bag of comforts you kintily Bave to the boys at the front, anc I being the fortunate one take the pleasure of drop: ping you y short note' to. notify you thut they had found their destination, also they. were. most acceptable and I am greaily cheered, Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc, OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, OCT. MONSTER FAREWELL ~ GIVEN BY THE Soldiers from Camp Borden § on the eve of their © departure to -Winter. » Quarters'and Overseas" P Note--A strong program has been arranged' in: which several of. the most prominent Sy ee Actors in America, now in training at Camp Borden, will positively take part MIRTHFUL AND. MELODIOUS rel § Hear all the New Jokes--and some Old Ones. | HIGH CLASS "BLACK JUSTICE" CURTAIN AT8.15 SHARP.) sale at A. F. 4. Malcomison's, commencing next. | "~ Proceeds in aid of Regimental Funds for Extra Messing, oo Serenade VAUDEVILLE by artists from "Bunty Pulls the Strings," "Quaker Girl," "Peg: tO" My Heart" Companies, etc:, and the uproarious burlesque _ Box Seats $l 4 Cece eta:

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