Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1917, p. 8

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Page Eight - THE ADLET. COLUMN : The cost of- advertising in this column is ONE CENT PER' WORD £ACH INSER- TION, with & minimum' chacge of 16 cents per issue. Terms cash." Six insertions will iven. for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- i" tional charge of 10c. will be made. WATER METRES clegned and _ repaired: P.J, Moran, 58 Buyfield St. 34-tf-eow -- FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT--Reason- able terms, 'Apply 100 Owen St. 40-40 eo FOR. SALE--Generdl Purpose mare, 3: year-old, Apply to this offie: 38-40p) Pl ea aco FURNISHED ROOMS and Suites of Ap- artments To Let at No, 1 Maple Ave. 40 FURS--temodelled and repaired. Miss Minnie McArthur, King Block; ey -- DRESSMAKER--Wunts ditily sewing, Re- ferences, Telephone. 62 or write" Box 682 40-40 | ------_------ WANTED*--Auto truck, 50° hot bed sath, good work "horse... L, Howe, Lewiston, | N.Y. 39-44p "Read 'The Examitier Adlet' Column ae Monday, Oct, 8, is Thanksgivingl| gg copies of The Examiner. sent on request. $1.50 per ye Owing to the unfavorable weather the | B.C.I. sports were postponed from yester- ; day until today: --Saturday, 'Get, 6th, is: Cyndy Day at Btyson's Confectionery, Special prices. {Store closed Thanksgiving Day. East Simcoe teachers will hold -their an- nual: convention 'in Orillis on Oct, 11 and 12. W. Best, Edgar, is president, --The "'Liberty Song" and "Winding Up the Watch on the Rhine," for sale' at Gurrett's Music Stote.. 15¢ per copy. Rev, Geo .A. Brown, M.A., will be in Alliston next Sunday, conducting anniver- sary services for Rev. M. F, Cree. --Mrs. Heard, 15 Ross St., has just re- jceived a consignment of -stock corsets which will be sold at. a reduced rate while they last. The regular meeting of the W.CT.U. YOUR FURNACE--Get it repaired ond! Mrs. NB. Johasion, at 3 o'clock, Wed. cleaned. Examine smoke pipe. P. J: "or et. 10th. '34-tfeow | . Toronto papers last week, reported that Boren | the will of the Inte Joseph H. Brillinger | ANY MBL ROOF GOUD WQRK HORSES | FOR SALE. Apply to Wm,- Freek, | Burne . 30-42/ WANTED. Gen Maid, two. in. family, referuuces-required, Apply to Mrs, Laid- law, 12) Blake St 30-41p | IR" SALE, "Forty wy Rock Pullets, red from gyod Winter kyyers. Mrs, Geo. | Brown, phone 3rdl. 2 39°41 FLAT Seven rooms and bath, all conveniences, . Apply to Mr, Adam- + son, 1 Maple Ave. : "40-40p" WANTED. Experienced mun for fall ploughiig «and winter 'chores, -- Apply Feilding, Penetung Roud 40-461 FOR "SALE--One bay 1150, Lf taken at. one cheap. Anply 14 Grove St. sold 40-40 will be driver, weigh' | ,, harness and 40-40 HORSE FOR SALE about, 1100, _ Also: idle, Cheap, © 130 St -A number of hous mie furniture Peuetang St. AND PRESSING -- Your old creoat can be made to look by Hurry, Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf FOR SALE -8 roomed. brick house, barn anit 2 for' market' fice 'One hundred aeres FOR SALE OR RENT: near Barrie, . Good _ buildings, work, ~ Sell on edsy "tetris: Burrie. § 2 QRDER furniace and stoye smoke 'pipe now "Shortage 'likely. Moran, mith and Pipefitter 'B4-tf-eow BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE -- 66 feet choierst frontige on Williara Allan: dlile. Box M iner and Saturday _ Morning 2 10-tf -------- POR SALAS Brick teridence on Worsley Streat, seven rooms, electric. light, guk ang, water: btn antl good garden, Aoply , at this Ofte 86-41 ,. weight sbout | © fete is entire estute ($4064.08) | friend. Orval King of Tefroy. ! Alex. Cameron bas sold 'his farm on the | west side of the. Mill Road to Mr. Miller, Ex-Reeve of Medonte, who gets possession | Mr, sind Mrs, Cameron will gpend thie fall the winter in Barrie, Rev, W. J, Watt will preach in-St, And- rew's Church next |son of Toronto University, the Dontinion, Alliance, A. B, Wiee ix to the fact that. his Regal White Wyan-) dotte pillets have wight the high, produc- tion fever und sre doing now their in keeping/down the "high cost of Hiving' laying fresh eggs, 8: J. Fisher lier St; representi mises as soon as alterations now | made sre completed. Camp Hoare' will much Jater thun was. ggticipated months ago. - One hundred stov eral furnaces are said to have been install id recent! ys ma} likely be kept open he partially 'oceupied all: winter. | to post letters only to' find train hed gone. ut 440, Be { intending to travel on that with: | late. The public ix cordi he public meeting' of the } 'Tnstitute to be -held Thi S. Teachers' evening, Oct. bitte fue Pebtie ib Wan, Williams | The bride wore tailored travelling suit | of Chligvood will raided W. 8. of navy blue with silk velvet hat to Roya, Ke J avill give an-uddress on | MAteb 'end was unattended. the war, NIGHT SCHOOL reopened _ with good attendance ut Bagrie Business College. | Young nyen alsd older ones, who. want and salary should jump at. this oy uf Mond: Werlnesday, Friday nights, 7.30 to °9.30. ées, $4.00 per month, Mr, McKenzie, Supt. of | Hytlro struction, was in town. today; When his uttention was drawn to Reeve Bennett's Seomplaint that the Town had * not been + Se, retail, will deliver on Oct. 8, W. E. D, Tigh', RMD. No,. 1, Barrie, or » phone 29746 40-41 -- 'A LADY WITH, 'A. VERY COMFORT- ABLE HOME would take 'one or two paying 'guests -for the winter. Apply at Examiner, Office. FARM FOR SALE- 100 acres, coh. 10, Vexpra, 'clay loani;' first-class buildings, For further pisrtigulars apply to Chas. McKernan; Burnje RR. No.2. 37-42 A-SALE OF HOUSKHOLD FURNITURE will-be shel{-at 36 Bradford St. on Fri- iad ernOON, Oct. 2 o'eloek,-also' on Saturday st Apam. SALES: Sidebourd, ny electric dome, partieres, °° Mississippi Bourd; gaxplure, ash sifters, coal scuttle», urten, 63° MeDoriald St. 40 VPs Hast half lor 17, con. 9, Vespra, contiining 100 yeres, goods build ines "AU Taal tinder -cutivation, Apply ) Mes. Hugh McBride, or W. A. J. Bel B. arrie, 37 42 WATER AND WASTE: PIPES phould be | 54 Tooked after before frost, Coasult Mor- | '> ' an, Bayfield St 34-tf-eow | PRAY ED--On the premises of Wm, Hun- | ter, lot B,-con, 10, To about June: 3, one roan calf., Owner can have same by jproving property 'and paying expen: - oe . 40.42 Sost Retiveen the old High School ad Crow Hill Chireh,:« driver's bide and uring, Sat Finder please re- "torn to No. 1, Penetang | a Read. 40-40 ana eee 200-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--In Orp Tp. near - Dalston;. 'good -buildings, 3 acres fruit orebard. For further -particulars an ply. to Frank Turk, Shanty Bay R. R. No. 2. 40-46 eek comet 0 TRAYED-"-From lot 26,-con, 10; Tonisfil, shout. Sept'10, one light grey heifer, 2. year-old, dehorned, tug with name. on it in right ear, Finder please communicate with' J,-R, Constable, Crsigvale. 40-43 six' heatl year. ald cattle nd 'one red and formgtion teading "Jonepl 4 _ BAYETROUGHING a conductor 'howl be sepia before sam ni ./ Moran oan' do it right. St4tl-eow to -their Bowman, 'Thorton. a, | I have for sale 100 bags at 2, Tonisfil, | .|FOR SALE AT .A BARGAIN--Pleasont consulted:ze. stringing further power lines | schools ure Togsted as ion, 'on the streets, "he swid this-wax an over-| ESSA--No. 1, West Essa; 2, Elm. xight 4s he undeystood that -the plan had peeves No, 3 " cedargrove No, 4, Brad: been: Inict before the Couneil. | on's; No. 5, Cookstown; No. 6, sisratons + [No. 7, Ivy No mble Hill; No. ; +f Utopia; No. 10, Angus; No. 11, Bunier'| St Fees Chirehil No. 14, Egbert; No. 13, Mount 'Pleasunt Thanksgiving Services will be held at St. Peter's Churet, Churchill, t HL am. and: 7%p.m,, Special Charles C, Buliantyne, a prominent bus- iness man "of Montreal, has been appointed Minister of Public Works, and was sworn 'in on Wednesday. > The Cunudiai Patriotic Fund Executive! estimates the need of the fund for 1918 at | $12,000,000; up. to® the send of September there Bad. been pold in altogether nearly' $30,000,000. -------- 5, commieycing at FOR SALE AT SNAP PRICE-= Second: ( Pescock 'of Crown "Hill hand buggy, cushion tite; 'easy, comfort able rig. Set-of single harness, brass trimmed, and 2-seuted surrey, excellent family rig. "At Palace Livery, Stable, 39! STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE--Suii uble 'for bari timber, lumber, shingle | bolts, fence posts' and pail titnber. Large or small quantities to auit purchaser. | Also hardwood by the 'acre. "Apply to DJ. Barclay, Sproud, 6-8 D--From- fot 5, concéssion 5,1 about' September 1, five' sheep and eight lambs,, all marked with black paint above tail) A reward will be gives for information that' will lead to their recovery. Scott Sharpe! Thornton, 38-40 Innisfil, FOR SALE--On Mary Street six-rodmed ; brick cottage, all convenienées;. half-acre garden, clay:'loam; all kinds of fruit-- ples, pears, plums, . cherries, " grapes, strawberries, raspberries, currants; also stable, A snap, Apply A. E; Lennox, Barri 40-tE FOR SALE--Modern W@roored _ house, | south-east corner Bayfield and Welling- ton. Sts. ° All) conveniences, hardwood | finish, hot watpr' heating, 4 fire places, | large" verandah, spacious grounds, Apply 8. MeAdam,. 41 Dunlop 8t. Barrie wet FARM FOR SALE--150: acres in Tp: of, _ Essa, one mile west of Thorntox. Good elay loam: Good grain. and stock farm. Orchard, tio wells and- running stream, telephone anit-rural- mail. - Good build- ings. Easy terms. "Apply to owner, D: H, Corbett,: Thornton. 38-tf home for retired: farmer or party with family, S-rooméd house, © sll. necessary outbuildings; half acre of good land will . go with it chenp;= owner being -anxious = to sell, must be sold. Situated betw Barrie and lla, Engy, terms. quire at 80:Sanford St, Barrie, 37-0p-tf 38-40 will be held at the home of the: president, to "his | fiday morning and | the evening preacher willbe Prof. Hobig feeling quite set up owing rented his old mill, in to, the proprietors of the Barrie Creamery who will move to their new pre- being | a. few and 'sev- which would indicate that the Forgetfal 'of the new time, table taking effect Inst Mohday, quite » iumber of bus ness people 'went to: the stution after. 5 that the ly invited to attend *|-thé home of Mr, Con inday next, |" PERSONAL MENTION Mrs,.R, J. Sprott is spending a few days in' Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs, Langdon and friends mot- ored from Bracebridge on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Hunt yesterday jos trip to Detroit, Bay City'and Cleve- Will. J.' Sutherland of Saginaw, Mich., id spending a few days. among old friends 'in town. Mrs. Myron Silvér, who has been: visiting her éister, Mrs, Butcher, returned to Sutton on Friday, Miss Jennie McWatters of Echo Bay has joined the nursing staff ofthe Royal Vie- toria Hospital. Miss 'Amy Cooper has returned to Tor- onto after' spending « few days with her parents in Sanford Street. Mrs, James Hatfield has returned to To- ronto after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, James Cooper, Sanford St. | Mr. and Mrs, Thos Sinclair were in Allis- {ton on Monday attending the funeral of the latter's uncle, Rev, W, G, Reill Mr. and Mrs, J |-McKnight of ingston motoring through mer's sister, Mra: J. Ansley Mr. and Mrs, R. J, Welkem, Master | Mervin and Miss Muriel Walkem' and Mr.| and Mrs, Walt. Dillane and Mrs, J. Wal- | kem visited Mr, anid Mrs, 8. E, Turner on Sunday 'ast. Mr. and) Mrs, R. E. Slesser apnounce the engagement of their youngest | | daughter, Lillie -E,, to Mr. Perey Lawrence | Blough of Humilton, the marriage to take | plage quietly the latter prt of October. Dr. A. W, Nicholson and Mise Harriett | Webber of the 6th city were married at St, John's Cathedral by Rev. Dr, O'Reilly, Chanellor of Cleveland Diocese, on Oc! Mr. nitendenti formerly of Sandusky. | doctor and his bride will take an Eastern trip of three weeks, visiting, New York, Phil- sdelphia;_Baltimore and Boston.--Cleve- | land Pleindealer, 'Visitors from Eglington An indiewtion of the popyilarity of Rev. J. R. and Mre, Fallis pith there parishioners was seen ini/.the visit of some | fifty ladies and gentlemen from Eglington lust 'Thursday afternoon, The party mot- ored up.in nine cars und) surprised Mr, and Mrs.. Fallis but found very: cordial re [ception at the parsonage. After looking | around town. th | landale restaurant acconipdnied by a nu ber of Burtie people, where tea was serve and a very pleasant ¥ocial time was spent 'by all, , | Moffatt--Leighton Joseph -Leighton, became Moffatt, offic Cundles. Rev. eal. Mz. and Mrs. Moffat: leit on the ufter- | noon train for a.trip to Toronto and on their returfi will réside in Louisa. Street The bride revived many beautifal gifts, and Wax alo the recipient of a miscellan- ous shower of usefill presents last Thurs- evening given by her girl friends at Wm, Taylor, Dunlop St | Essa & Innisfil Schools the numbers of the sections are given. The Tnnistil, Thornton, IL Cierry Creek; N | Ewart; No. 6, Killylesigh ; ill (Sth line); No. 8, Nantyr, "Thoruton; No. 10, Stroud; No. 11, Crai | vale; No. 12, Holly; -No. Painswiel ie 14) Rig Bay; No. 15 nek; No. 17, . Paul's. DALSTON A pretty house wedding took place on | Sept. 19° at the home of Mr. Arthur. Ben. ham, Dalston, when. his eldest daughter, | Alice' J; was married to Mr. Milton | The bride was bewutifully gowxied in creem silk with. veil 'and silver leaves. | bridesmaid, the groom, the drawing room to the | wedding march' played by Miss Rix ter away. the bridal party-stunding under 'an arth of * tinted maple leaves and flowers fifty -guests were present and the presents testified . to the popularity of the Teouple.* The tables were decorated with sweet peas. and pink dahlias, After Jun. | eheori the happy couple motored to Barrie (-to entrain for Toronto 'and Uxbridge . ta } fenend short honeymoon, _ Saturday, Oct. 6th, is Can | Bryson's Confectionery. Special prices. Store closed. Thanksgiving Day. RAILWAY GRAND TRUN SYSTEM 'Highlands of Ontario CANADA The Home of the Red Deer and. the Moose OPEN SEASONS DEER--November Ist to Novethber 15th _. «inelusive.* MOOSE--November "Ist to' November 15¢h | ineliis In some of the North- ern Districts of Ontario, including Temagami, the open season is frais. Nov. 1st to Nov. 50th inalun sive. Write for copy sf Haunts" of Fish and, G: Laws, Hunting Regulstions, ete., to ©. E. Horning, Union Station, Toronto, Ont, . w. E. BILLINGSLEY, Depot Agent : : ate'end Mfr. and Mrs | and Mrs. F. C. Printy were the | former | over the church, property und: » short. trip party repaired to the Al- | A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wed-| nesday afternoon, October 3, .at 4 o'clock, at the Manse, Worsley daughter of Mr. the bride of Mr, Albert Moffatt, son of Mr. | In the reports of the school fairs only || Na 9. | T +| "Fruit Unto Eterrial Life. Mie Scott was ,a dainty | in white. Mr, Nixon supported | and the bridal party entered | rains of. the | 'ofl Crown Hill, Mr. Benham giving his deugh(> evening. Rev. R. W. Carr' of Edgar Con: | gregational Church performed the ceremony | young | "Playgrounds --" The } *. giving Game |; Barrie. spent the week-end with, the fer: | of Edgar| at our Premium Counter. WE SELL FOR CASH makes easier shopping. MEN'S, GREY MELTON OVERCOATS, with raised seams and velvet collars, These are big value $20.00. best of linings, $25.00. Special... BLACK MELTON OVERCOATS, with raised seams and velvet collar. .This is big value $25.00, "Special $18.00. MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS, with large collars, and belt at back, tail- , ored with best_of linings. You should see them. They are big value... $20.00, $19.00, $18.50, $17.50, $17.00, $14.50, . $12.50. LINDSAY Trinity Church _ Sunday, Oct. os Harvest Thanksgiving Services 8.30--Holy Comnjunion. 11.00--Morning -P: ion and Sermon, "Bread Without Scarce- ness,"" 3.00--Sunday School 7.00---Fvening Pray Rally A hearty. welcome; REV. H..D, RAYMOND, Vicar. Baptist Church Harris Wallace, --God's Gift to Men. -Harvest Gleanings pecial music. by the choir: Everybody weleome. _------ Collier Street. Methodist. Church Sunday, Oetober 7, 1917 The /Pastor will' preach morning and Byening subjec In Loving Memory About:| of Pte. Arthur Wellmgton, beloved husband of Mary M. Wellington, 271 east Amelia street, who left Fort William with the 94th | Battalion, C.E.F., and was killed. in-action | at Courcelette between as 25th ais 28th, | 1916, He gave his friends 'nq last 'farewell, -» He. waved his hand to-none; His spirit, fled: before we knew "That he had from us gone. We do not know who saw. him fall, But his life-he gave for one 'and all. Away: from' the noise of cannons Away 'from the'booti of gun My husband is peacefully: sleeping With his gallant Canedian chusip: ~ --Rememberetl by his loving Wife, Son and Father. .' WHEN USING WILSON'S FLY PADS x, Holy Commun. | . | THORNTON RURAL ROUTE NO. 3. (via! Beef Hides, green |. |. _ Wool, washed, Ib: . y _WHERE MAIL CONTRACT. TENDERS, addressed to 'the ill be received ut Ot- Friday, the 26th .Oct- for the conveyance of His | Postmaster General, tawa-until rion, of ober, 1917, four years, SIX times per week on the. route Egbert and Ivyi, from the Ist. of January, 1918 next, Printed notices containing further infor- mation as.to conditions' of proposed 'Con- tract .may be' seen and blank forms of | Tender may be obtained. at the Post Offices of Thornton, Egbert, Iv of Yhe Post Office Inspector, Toronto. A, SUTHERLAND, Post. Office Inspector. Post Office Inspectcr's Office, Toronto, Sept.- 13th, 19 38-40 Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale, Prices. Fall: Wrst (new) Oats, new. Spri 4 Chicken ".! Old Fowl . Ducks -.*, | Flour (Ontario) . | Flour (Matiitoba) "Bran, MOR 6s 5s NewPotatoes, hag Beef Hides, cured Wool, unwashed, Ib. Lamb Skins .. Sheep Skins $2.50-2.50 'MARRIED LAWRENCE_HUTTO: At St. George's Church Parsonage, "Allandale, by . Re +E. B. Taylot, on Sept. 19, Mr. Welter B. Lawrence to Misi Laura daughter of My our Savings Grow At SUTCLIFFE': And 'this. season we have grown again, : our stocks are better and more varied; and ' - (prices show better savings and our service Monday October 8th, Thanksgiving Day, this store will be closed all day BOYS' OVERCOATS.. the newest styles Price from LITTLE Boys? OVERCOATS, 'newest I styles, sizes 22 to Price . 'See our Ladies' Boat, wool: lined, Special... .. 6. povs. COM. KIP BLUCHER. .CUT' OTS, sizes 1 to : With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable. See the nice goods. at small prices . "WE SELL FOR LESS. ,| Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for 5.15---4From North Bay 7.45--* Vor North Bay PM it i aoe ets 5.00--* For Graventiutst 11.00--SFor North Bay "The Northbound--Tues., Toronto 9,00 p.m., - $3.50, "$6.00, $5.50,. § a' BUY YOUR BOOTS NOW for the en- "Hi: tire family and save money and get better leather than you will later, Dongola Blucher Cut $5.00" to. $11.50, 5.. Special, $4.00. Y FCRAN TRUNK S8e ar TEM : TIME TABLE ce Taking Efe t: September 30, 1917 Toronto Line. SOUTHBOUND. We Vg Barrie . Arrive Toronto Ree From' Gravenhurst bi 4:40--* From North 'Bay NORTHBOUND ~ " Léave Toronto Arrive. Barrié ot National" -- i. Toronte-Winnijeg "; % 5 Thurs., Sat., leave, t arrive' Barrie, 11.25 pan. ; Leave Southbound--Mon., Thurs, Barrie 12.10 p. Hamilton Line SOUTHBOUND Leave Barrie Arrive Hamilton °7.45 -a.m. 11,18 a.m. *4.40 p.m 8.25 p.m, "NORTHROU: ND a: | Leave Hamilton 'Artive Barrie. *7.00 am, 10.50 3:m. "4.05 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 'Hamilton train does not come to Barrie. Passengers must, take 'Toronto 'train had "Allundale, arrive Toronto 2.30. Meaford, Penetang and Midland. am, For Penetang. rie 7,30° p.m. Meaford. $--Daily 'exe 7.55 am, and'455 p.m: ) For Meaford trains leave Barrie at 104 15 3.30 (p.m. and 7,30 pam. ~ + 10.15 For Midland (short. and <Penetang trains apt .Sunday.*: pt. Monday. §--Daily ase Saturday, - St., Barrie. Oct, 3--The recent, rains that' were so mmuel needed are doi uae ae eee ee sitlileiaasianitaiaiealaciata

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