Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 28 Dec 1953, p. 13

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_ m= DAILY TIMES-GAZEYTE, Monday, December 28, 1058 18 By Charles Kuhn 2A WILLNOW SHOW : f O' YORE UPPER TOOTH EREBY CAUS ANS ITS A LAHIS x " INSIDE O' YORE. rt. ) a oy o] | 2LENTRC Lp : S-H-H/ HERE GOSH, I JUST MUST QUIT HAID, YOKUM = BONES IS PUSHIN' UP THROUGH WHEN SHE COMES... ] PLAYIN' SO REALISTIC ; YORE. HAID-BONES- wo mers] | GLANDS GIT "1, : WITH TH® KIDS // YES /-- 1 JUST ARRIVED IN ATHENS THE TOILER . ; By Fran Strikes QC UE THAT COATRA STi TIS] NOW THAT WEVA £22 [NOW WELL NEED SOME SHELLS FOR THE SHOTGUN, AN'A SPOOL ALWAYS BEEN | rsx © FISHUNE. N THIS Sor © 3 MOVE? GENER RD i : ef MR. SIMPKING - THE ONLY 5 if PRACTICAL PLACE FOR A 3 2 IT IS BY THE DOOR! us 8B : y - , : : & > J ( } J " | { r. A ; , #.g \ N » ) ? : ; "hall, | a. a By Carl Anderson By Chic Young 5 CER go. or r ~~ ---- r _ Tl 3 7 0 LOA SY ALL DAY 1 WORK MY FINGERS] NW INSTEAD OF ALL) TO THE BONE,AND WHAT THIS TALK, CANT] oo DO 1 GET FOR IT? YOU \ Ze, 1JUST HAVE » % J COULDVE PHONED ME OR a AE a HAD SOMEONE PHONE FOR YOu [THE STEAK IS RUINED-THE LEAST YOU COULD'VE DONE WAS PHONE reserved . 1983, King Features Syndicate, lac. Weocld nghes DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR YOU CAN'T BEAT PONTIAC! Dollar For Dollar You Can't Beat a Cliff Mills Motors "Goodwill" Used Gar By Roy Colane| BRICK BRADFORD IT WON'T DO FOR PEOPLE TO SEF THERE'S SOMETHING MYSTER US TOGETHER. ON OUR FLIGHT ABOUT THESE SPEC. NIGHT Led Te T GOT HIM! HE WON'T CARRY TONIGHT, T SUGGEST YOU PICK ME AWYER'S MA Z ANY TALES BACK TO THE Vi " S KING, RUGGLES, I WANT THE POET TAKES AIM AT AN ~=HEY! HE WAS FAKING! HE'S UPAT THE END OF THE TAXI STRIP YOU TO CHECK ON Hi, REPORT ANY- APPROACHING NATIVE, NOT ee up INSTEAD OF AT THE HANGAR. THING OUT QF THE ORDINARY. NOING THE NATINE 1s BRICK GOLLY, PATTY, YOU'RE RIGHTY AFTER FLIP CHASED THAT RABBI INTO THAT OLD HOUSE, HE NEVER CAME OUTY YOU'RE AY LEAST HALF RIX FELT JUST | LA Tom A y \ 2 Tone gevore I AM JUST A LUCKY, WH / {| THAT TERRIBLE BAD FOG SOME: m JONPER! DY THEY SPOT ME! GRAY-HAIRED OLD LADY WAS BOTH CHASH. 8 : i 1 V | FE =e cv | ME IN A DREAM =~ [ ; : NA 5 ¥ 0 4 : NIE WAS STILL SCARED -- ; 3 3 ~ py | of > ral BUT LOOKIN' AT YOU Af wii i/ (the peseta, that is a budget of | BIG PILE-UP iH CLIPE. Ld ! about $650,519,000 and a surplus of hd ! 5 . 2 7 DIDN'T INTEND TO HARM HER! ON, 4 Spanish Budge $1,335,000. Defence costs will ac- ristimas a Y | LONDON, Ont. (CP -- Twelve WELL, AT LEAST SHE TIPPED ME OFF TO | count 0 little lege than 0 Det Sutos were (Voived, Stfoseieani INES TRAP, ILL PLY BACK AND GET, | v i - cent of the money. at is a drop | autos were involved in a series of / id or WW A he Hi hest Ever | of about 10 per cent from this year. orm n ta e accidents on one stretch of No. 2 y ' i A [ > 13 The United States is supplying {highway near here Sunday night M| MADRID (AP) -- Spanish tax- | Spain $226,000,000 by next June 30| CLINTON (CR) -- A baby born | and one person was injured. Mrs. payers will have to dig deeper next {under the 20-year aid-for-bases Christmas Day in a stable is doing {John A. Buchanan of Sarnia suf- year to meet the highest budget in agreement signed here Sept. 26. Of | well in' Clinton Public Hospital. | fered cuts to Bop Hight knee: Re on good for the (Ary equipment. and the vest for' y The child, second son of Mr. and oe as light to each ca national economy: Generalissimo defence support, meaning use in: yric. '§ am. when Mrs. Rehoref | vinclal pofics wore = Franco's government predicts a|Some way in the development of went out to tell her husband that |i" vial STATICS gurplus in fs funds tor the first miliary, strength, Cio if Was time for her to'go to the Titer crashes, Traffic | e civil war, g 3 re eter a iamani) unani. |€ach second year, so that for 1955 { My "Rehorst left his chores in| CHILDREN SAVED mously (2pproved last peek a the same as next year's. pe barn but before they could] HENSALL (CP)--Mr. and Mrs. udget for of 5,020,777,835 | CRT -{leave, the baby arrived William Coward led their four chil- pesetas--13 per cent higher than PACIFIC COLONISTS | dren, ages four to seven, to safety 1953--aited to leave a surplus of | Organized colonization of New | Ormskirk, historic market town eafly Saturday when part of their Pia setas. | Zealand started in 1840 with a set- lin Lancashire, England, is noted home, about five miles east of At a 8 of 96 cents for tlement at Wellington. for production of gingerbread. Exeter, was gutted by fire.

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