=An Old Story Mla mari LEIA 4 But It Always Has A Happy Ending -- "Sold Mr. C. -- William 5% Was Able To Cancel This Ad After The First Insertion THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, TS Monday, December 14, 1953 1" The First Night" E HEATER, Li LARGE jon storage tank. Dial (219g) FINDLAY SPA fin with 200-g -- 25--Recl| Estate For Sale 28---For Rent RANCH - STYLE. HOME ----- About 70' ide, ottached garo finished throug tiled bathroom, frame and stone construction, forced air heating, oil fired, early posses- . * sion arranged. 'Asking price '. $21,000 -- terms. ". BUILDING LOTS--Only a few minutes' (drive from Oshawa city limits, close to No. 2 +. Highway, now selling at $400 per acre. Very handy to school and church. $1,810 DOWN~--3 - bedroom brick bungalow, modern kitch- en and bath, fully insulated walls and ceiling, full height basement, sewer and water in. CADILLAC AVENUE--S5-room brick: bungalow, hardwood floors, laundry tubs, new oil burner. Asking price $10,500 --- terms. $1,960 « DOWN---3-bedroom brick bungalow, occupancy ap- proximately March, full height basement for recreation room, fully insulated walls and ceil- ing. NEW 6-ROOM BRICK AND STONE BUNALOW--With at- tached garage, forced air heat- ing, oak floors, possession ap- proximately 3 months, on large lot in northwest district, $11,- 200 -- $2,700 down. Dial 3-3849 or 3-3331 until 6 P.M. LEON B. NASH REAL ESTATE BROKER and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 1314 Simcoe Street North After 6 P.M. please dial 3-3507 --DOUG WILSON 3-2988 --LLOYD METCALF 3-9290 --EVERETT ELLIOTT a beautifully breezeway, out including ° $7,500 $1,800 Cash -- Balance as rent and you can move today into this cosy 4-room bunga- low, that hos all conveniences including modern kitchen, 3- pe. bath, hot-water heater, large living room with picture window, overlooking Lake On- tario; economical oil heating equipment; low taxes; ga- rage; can be seen anytime. HIGHLAND AVE. $11,500---~Modern 5 - room brick bungalow, built about 3 years. Excellent condition, oil heated; large garage, $5,000 cash. Early possession. + ROXBOROUGH AVE. $10,500 -- With $3,000 cash obtains immediate possession of a 6-room, 1V2-storey bun- galow. There are 5 rooms and sunroom down with one large room up. Natural fireplace. Timken oil burner. Buy it to- day and you can be settled by Christmos. BUNGALOW $7,900--About half cash. An excellent buy at the price, consisting of 4 rooms with large living room, 19 ft. Jong. "Brick construction. Full base ment, hot-air heated, Good residential district close to #¢hool. Owner is moving inte his new house and con ar- range possession for Christ- mas. W. E. HOLMES Broker BOND AT ONTARIO DIAL 5-2363 ANYTIME Sa ED, IRISH PIAL 3- 330) FURNISHED SINGLE BEDROOM. Quiet home, close to Motors and hospital, A G id d Dial 5-5226. (29ia) SELF CONTAINED APARTMENT. - UN- peterred. Tmmediate possession. Dial 3 2914 SINGLE ROOM FOR ONE OR WO Jordieman, Central, 38 Nassau. Dial (291a) 1 FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR 2 ght ho housekeeping. Apply 163 Simcoe 3 UNFURNISHED ROOM APARTM with sink in kitchen. Apply 147 Mea © ) c with or without housekeeping, with show- er for gentleman. Apply 369 Pym. LARGE WARM HOUSEKEEPING ROOM near hospital and Motors suit business couple or 2 or 3 gentlemen, 239 Simcoe St. N. (291) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room gentlemen . Apply 174 Ar- thur or dial 3.7524. 291 COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 gentlemen. Clore to Fittings and Motors, 72 Ritson . Dial 55851. (290c) FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 ROOMS and kitchenette. Apply 235 ove Boo y - ic 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT ET continuous hot water, cen- trally located, ideal for business eouple: Dial 85-2262. (290c NICE FURNISHED D BEDROOM, PRI- vate home, for one gentleman. Close to Motors and town. Dial 1244. (290c) LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, unfurnished. Dial 3-7460. (290¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, GOOD "Lo cation. Continuous hot water. aa 5-1036. 290c) PARKING LOT FOR RENT. DOWN- town, by week or month. Dial rig Jan. LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM NICE- y decorated, double bed. double closet. Located on Wood St. close to General Motors and Collegiate Dial 5-344 (289¢) 2 UNFURNISHED 5 ROOMS, PRIVATE entrance. Dial 5- 3 ROOM APARTMENT UNFURNISHED. Young couple with small child. Abstain- ers. Apply 718 Simcoe S (289¢) GROOM HOUSE, HARMONY. PHONE 3-9497. (289¢) COMFORTABLE _ FURNISHED BED- room, all conveniences. Apply 254 Ritson Road. South. (289¢) 1 NEW UNFURNISHED ROOMS home, suit couple. rs 6th TN past Camp Sam de. (289¢) ac east LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room with shower for 2 or 3 gentlemen, ng- Slean, willing to share. Apply 107 (291¢) UNFURNISHED LARGE ROOM SUIT- able for light housekeeping. Apply 572 Drew St. (291¢) ROOMS FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen. Private entrance. Apply HOUSEKEEPING oa o) | Knowlton Kennels. Dial 5-0164. 209 Simcoe St. South. @ntH) | size 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY MUST BE CLEAN We sell nothing but the best. Highest prices paid eH KENNY VAN COURTE MOTORS 83 Ritson Rd. S. A 36--Pets and Livestock FOX '0X TERRIER PUI PUPS. . PHONE 2480, an, Bowmanville. REG. FOX TERRIERS cocker spaniel male, red (SMOOTH) or black. (Dec23) BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE puppies and grown stock, stud 5 Loch Rahnoch Collie Kennels, Byron South, Whitby. BABY BUDGIES READY FOR TRAIN- t. strain. All colors, 114 EI- gin East. Dial 3-9767. (Dect) COCKER SPANIELS, al ALSO BOARD- ing, trimming, bathing, defleaing. Wau- ) | bena Kennels. new highway near Drive ly (Dect) in Theatre WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS FOR SALE laying well. M, Heard Phone 2887, Bow- manville. (290b) 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live horses. Fur Farm, Tyrone. (Dec28) STRICTLY BUSINESS = -- 41--Articles Wanted 47 --Legal Notices '(2910) ML MERVIN | 3 By eho "Don't you have something cheaper than $1.29 on 'How to Manage a Vast Business Enterprise'? You don't need to buy a book to learn that the best way to advertise is to call 3-2233 for a Daily Times-Gazette Classified Ad. : 6-WEEK-OLD CHICK BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST Pullets, Cockerels, Non-Sexed, Barred Rocks, White Rock X Light Sussex, New Hampshire, Light Sussex, Columbian Rock New Hampshire, New Hampshire X Barred Rock and other popular heavy breeds, $39.95 per hundred. Assorted Heavy Breeds, $38.95 per hun- dred. Also younger started | chicks and day old, Canadian Approved chicks at bargain prices. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS, ONTARIO. (2918) 38--Wearing Apparel LADY'S BEAVER COAT. GOOD CON- dition, size 16. Best offer. Dial 5-6349. (290b) SNRs 1 WINE COAT, SILVER MUSKRAT trim, size 16; 1 gray Kenwood overcoat, | -40. Like new; 1 blue overcoat; 1 dark blue leather trim reefer jacket. { Dial 5-3879. (289¢) bin, Black Cat Inn, on highway, bus service. Phone itnvilie 284. (257¢f FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING for gentlemen te share. Single beds, Dial 5-438). (286f) 2 ROOM FLAT SUIT 2 GIRLS OR Couple. Apply 38 Quebec St. near Sim- coe. (286) ROOM FOR RENT $6 . Board if desired. Very close to weekly. city and GM. Apply 25 Division St (2868) CLEAN FURNISHED ing room, suit 1 or 3. Apply 222 land Ave. Dial 3-9606. (2860) PONTIAC INN Comfortable furnished rooms in residential hotel, meals served 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Close to new GM; television lounge. Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. (Nova2) 29--Wanted To Rent 3 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Sooty by. Jan.'Y Cestral preferied, Di Dia} 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men. Central. Apply 318 Nassau Bt, ok 3 c #7--Reel Estate Water FUR CLIENTS, ALJ, McAuley. Dial 32512 (Dect) ROUSES W. pei pr Whitby 804. LLOYD AYERS, BROZER; HOUSES, Dial 5-3889. G. O. (Novas) Farms, Lots, Acreage. , Agent. FARMS WANTED All sizes List today for quick results. 13 Prince Street Dial 3-2512 'or 804 Whitby anytime ht (Dec28) BERNEICE H. PATRICK Rea) Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERJONAL SERVICE 16 BOND S1 €AS1 - DIAL 5360 DIAL 3-3800 DIAL 5-0457 (Dec30) FARM WANTED WITHIN 10 MILES OF Oshawa preferably toward-Toronto. S:ate price and location.' Must have hydro. King- (ss) Mr. Milford Lafaver, ston, Ontario. R No. 2, 28--For Rent BEDROONSS, SINGLE, SHARING, TWIN » parking space, break- beds, fast Ald Clean and comfortable, 356 ing W. (310 3 - 16, Apply 150 Burk St., after § p.m. ROOM "APT. "AVAILABLE DEC, DEC. cerftral. Business couple preferred. (2912) IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, bungalow, north end, for winter mouths, furnished or unfurnished. Dial 5.0419 after (291c) NEw 3 ROOM AND BATH BASEMENT Adults only, immediate pos- Drew St. (291c) apartment. Session. Apply after 5 p.m. 472 LARGE 3 borne St. E., after 6. f on CUENTLEMAN AL. #0 vom for 2 #Sheiamen to shave. Very (912) central. Apply 45 Albert St. TWO PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, on nd floor, heated, abstainers. Dial 58480, * iain; OUSEKEEPING arge, very central. Phone 3- ROOM, EXTRA 7001. (291¢) ROOM AND ¢ GOOD "BOARD FOR GEN- tleman. Variety of foods and plenty of it. Apply 115 Alice ROOM AND BOARD SUITABLE FOR one or two people. Dial 3.4172. Appl 2 212 Athol E. 290c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men. Single beds, private home. Dial | 5-1344. (290c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 TO SHARE Apply 384 Mitchell Ave. Dial 5-8475. 1c) (290¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 GENTLE- men in_quiet home, good locality. Dial 5-1980. 26 Gladstone. (289¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- men. Apply 223 Athol St. E. (2870) ROOM. AND BOARD FOR SEVERAL men willing to share. Central. Apply 112 William St. W (286£) 32--Avutomobiles For Sale LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS Want cars for wrecking nighest prices paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2024. (Dec?) 32--Automobiles For Sale PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at CHE Mills Mo tors. Dial 3-4634. (Dec15) "40 Ct CHEV. "DELUXE | SEDAN, 4 80 FORD deluxe coach, excellent condition. Apply Bob Skitch Garage, 83 Ritson Rd. S. Dial 3-2632. : (289¢) SEE DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW or used car or truck. Ontario Motor Sales. Dial 3-22%. (Dec25) '41-'53 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road South. Dial 3-9421. (Decl) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL 1 ad Ra SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE 's Motors Limited. New and used cars. Dia) 34675: evenings. 5-8708. (Decl5. For SELLING YOUR CAR? quick place your car with us. All cars insured. We handle all You get paid cash. For Open fill 9:30 P.M. Dial 3-4851 36--Pets and Livestock REG. PUPPIES, $20. CLEAN FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- weeks 1 gentleman i, UR .H deposit will hold. Dial 3-997 (2911) | room Central. Apply 58 Nassau St ua BEETS be 8 old at Christmas: -9970. (Janll) ROLLER CANARIES, YELLOWS VARI- §3 | BED CHESTERFIELD, $35. ) | radio. Black seal coat and muff. Size 15. | GREEN FITTED COAT, SIZE 9 - 10. Green box coat, size 12. 2 pair figure skates, 3 and 5. White tube skates, size 10. Dial 3-7568. (2912) 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale VENETIAN BLINDS----THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop rient in venetian blind history Flat tened S-shaped slats give bette: and more graceful enclosure. We are sure these 'blinds will oot only satisfy but create obligations. George Reid. Dia) $-0633 -- St. West. (Dec.12) ALL "TIME ALUMINUM and doors. A For free estimates a y Ri call Airshade Awnings of Oshawa. Dial 5-4332, (Dec20) $19.95 UP _-- HOOVER. ELECTROLUX, General Electric, Filter Queen. Airway Rexair Sales. Dial 5-5121. (Nov2®) PLUMBING SUPPLIES. BEDROOM and chesterfield suite. ite. Space heater, stok- er, bathroom set, sinks, piping, threading. Dial 3-7088. (Jan. 3) B. F . GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries Addison appliances, Television. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. « WINDOWS oor (Dec28) | | VENETIAN BLINDS TOP QUALITY, | steel, aluminum wide variety lowest prices. e measure and instal at no extra charge. Write Don. A. Real, RR 3, Uxbridge, or phone Port Perry 125R11. (Dec26) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASHES, No. 1 quality, measurements and esti mates free. Dial 3-4989 (Dec18) AUTOMATIC DRAUGHT REGULATOR, colors, | 38a--Market Basket COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY last. Carrots, turnips, onions, spys other apples, also fresh eggs at Jean Goodells Farm Gardens, Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-5978. (Jans) ; woman's navy kid oxfords size Sc. Dial 5-3800. (291a) GENERAL ELECTRIC FOOD MIXER, and | Makes an ideal gift, ouly $27.50 at Meagh ers Electric, 5 King S MOFFATT GAS RANGE WHITE ENAM- el, 4 burner and table ton automatic oven, 39--Articles For Sale BEATTY WASHING E. WHITE porcelain, late model, as Is, $35. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe 8. site) ( McCLARY ALL WHITE ENAMEL KIT- chen annex stove, coal or wood, $25. Ex- cellent condition. Dial 5-6164. (289¢) SEALED TENDERS Will be received by undersign- ed until Friday, Dec. 18 for Oakwood Church shed. Metal clad, self-supporting roof, size about 160° x 50°, frame, in excellent condition. Highest or ° any tender not necessarily accepted. . HUGH DAVIDSON, Secretary of Board, Oakwood, Ont. (289F) BOY'S WAGON, DUAL WHE E) L LS: » Youth's overcoat, size 16 - 18. parka, size 15. Dial 5-4678. pity ROGERS CABINET RADIO, LONG AND short wave. Good condition. Dial 5-0217. (290b) SECOND HAND STOKER, GOOD CONDI- tion new reporch and motor overhauled | lately. Have put in oil. Apply 55 Drew | St. Dial 3-4845. (290c) MANS BICYCLE, TABLE MODEL CROS- ley radio. Several other items. Dial 5-4295. (290c CHRISTMAS TREES. SCOTCH PINE. Bob Brown, 45 Farewell Ave. Dial 3- 3884. (2880) CHRISTMAS TREES BEAUTIFUL, Scotch pines any size, some and cut your own 90 cents to $1.50 Cyril Roser, Harts Hill South. Phone 3-9668 (290b) SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES. All size, 737 Margaret St. corner of Annis. Dial 5-0408. (2881) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, GOOD working condition, $89.95. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe E. (289¢) 4-BURNER ELECTRIC "RANGE, WHITE porcelain, timer and oven control, 2- year old, as is, clearing $39.95. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe Se M. Greenberg & Sons FOR SALE: 8' CEDAR FENCE POSTS 16' CLOTHES LINE POLES NEW AND USED LUMBER FREE DELIVERY For your convenience we ' are open Saturdays. Phone 3-7333, 308 Bloor E. (Dec.9,14,18,23) 2 EASY chairs $15 each. Dining room suite $40. All in good condition. Dial 5-2737 (2012) STROMBERG CARLSON COMBINATION Good condition. Apply 341 Division St. af- ter 5. (291¢) ------ SE ---------- MUSIC CASE. "IDEAL CHRISTMAS gift for the young musician. Price from $2.10 up. Wilson and Lee Ltd., 87 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4706. (291¢c) BUY HER A HOOVER VACUUM cleaner for Christmas. Ask about our convenient budget plan. Meagher's Elec- tric, Dial 5-4711. (2916) RANGETTE. PERFECT CONDITION. Used 3 months. $45. 185 Simcoe N. Elgin St. entrance. (2912) SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALSO ALSO cutting heads, cords, etc. Also Sunbeam Shavmaster, $5 down, 35 per month, Meagher's, 5 King St. W (2916) DOLL'S PRAM, GREY, EXCELLENT | and greens. From elub stock. Dial Wan. 8 condition. Also lady's green cloth coat. b Size Persian lam! 18. Good com- dition. Dial 35-5193. 39s) Dial 50325. (291b) SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SHAVER USED one year. Dial 5-5434. (290¢) SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES DICK BRADLEY'S 299 SIMCOE S. (288t) CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS available now at Fabricated Metals, and Stampings Ltd. 249 Second or 35-1665. Dect) Body Hardwood ... Hardwood Slabs Mixed Slabs Soft Slags Foot-lengths V2-Cord Lots, 75¢ Extra G. HEASLIP PHONE 37R33 BETHANY, ONT. (Dec23) SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES, CHEAP for quick sale. Dial ig 337 Buena Vista between 4 and 8 (289¢c) DEWILDE AND PENHALE, TARPAUL- ins, | new and r Auto slip covers tent rentals. Upstairs 160 King St. W. Dial 5-5563. Hegidellos 33774. Decl3) PAINT, INTERIOR, uy colours, every gallon guaranteed, $2.95 Jaton, Osawa Hardware and Electric, 8: Church 8 (Dec30) SUNBEAM ZHAVENASTER AND spare parts Cutting he: cords, ete. "eMart 5 King St. West. (Nov. 28) NORTHERN ELECTRIC TELEVISION, just like new, $139.95, Barons' Radio and Electric, coe S. (289¢) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, up. Apply B.F. Good- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543. (14586) Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for. every room in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. Harding and Barrymore Carpets; Hall Run- ner and Stair Carpet. Custom Rug sizes made to order. RUTHERFORD"S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH Dakin di We have. a number of good used radio-phono combinations: Westing- house, Philips, Motor- ola, RCA Victor, etc. All at sacrifice prices. EXAMPLE: 1 RCA Vic- tor with beautiful wal- nut cabinet, automatic record changer, golden throat radio, for only $89.50. Come in and look them over.. Low down pay- ment. Easy Terms. JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCES 68 Simcoe St. N. DIAL 5-1179 | "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Dect COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS magazines. sold or exchanged Kings way Book Exchange. 561 King St W | Open every evening. (Dec20) SINGLE BEDS $9.95 Used but in guaranteed excel- lent condition, $9.95. New single' felt mattress, $7.95. Used, good condition, single felt mattress, $4.95; new spring-filled mattress, 1-year warranty, $17.95; new Roll- away. folding beds with new mattress, $13.95; pillows, sheets, wool blankets in stock. A and A Store, 86 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4462, (Jan) USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP B.F. Goodrich Stoves. Phone 5-4543. 14a) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 11) SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Dec.19) 56028. (Decl?) MANURE FOR SALE-DIAL SHOP FOR XMAS AT HOME Watches - Silverware - Electric Shavers - Electric Irons & Ket- tles - Dishes - Blankets, etc., sold on small weekly pay- ments. Phone 5-2864 and a representative will call at your home. (Dec2) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and bang et tables for rent Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Dec.14) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and woollens, reversible and seamless broadloom any or color. Save up to la tinental Rug Co. Ltd. Dial 35-1553. (Novas) 4 BURNER GAS STOVE APARTMENT size in excellent condition. Dial 35-6382 (2870) INTRODUCING The new triple-track combina- tion and screen, windows, aluminum doors and awnings, custom made. Free estimates. WEATHER GUARD SALES (0) SHAWA -- 3-2111 (Novag) Rather Sell Them Than Move Them We're overstocked; nationally known: firm can't use name because of advertising policy, however, factory = guarantee goes with it. You need a heavy guage rolled and stamped aluminum quality high, cover- ed 8-quart Dutch oven ond casserole ovenette for soups, stews or roasts; moderan style bakelite handles, with expen- sive all weld non-rivet lugs, and flavor seal covers; individ- ually boxed; will ship any- where; regular selling price $29 and $39 respectively; will deal in lots for $8.41 ond $9.41; good for churches, serv- ice clubs, bazaars and gifts. Come and see them by phon- ing GE. 8909 OR WRITE MR. B. D. SOBLE 1371 Sandwich St. E., Windsor (289¢) 39a--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS $5, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 single cord. Also body hardwood Dial 8-2490. C ) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or jacket heater $5 or anywhere. Dial $3 lots. Delivered 7391. (Nov30) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY. FEATH iron, metal, a and WRITING DES. MUST BE IN GOOD ox 237 Times-G oy mst |. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of NICK KATERYNYCH , de- ors, tresses. Dial L Tu 32043 collect. (Nov26) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N,R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturda: Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-415 M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Ete Highest Prices Pale Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bioor E. (Dec20) SHAW RAG and METAL prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses etc Factory accounts appreciated 89 ELOOR ST. E Dial 5-231) -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Dect) 42--Female Help Wanted or women to jewellery, turn your spare Full or part time. Park Blvd. (291¢) WORKING MOTHER REQUIRES HELP to care for 2 children, live in. 8 pm. (291) EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINIST. Arly Sklar Furniture, 30 Richmond St. West (2878) children's wear. Phone 2206 Whitby. (290¢) STENOGRAPHER, GOOD TYPIST, shorthand essential, 2 or 3 years exper- ience, preferance to single applicant, Pleasant working conditions and g starting salary. For interview call Mr. H. Gustin at Seaway Motors Ltd. Phone White 429. (290¢) 43--Male Help Wanted SALESMEN Well-established company, dig- nified work, no travelling, above ' average income. Inter- views will be granted from 10-12, Friday, Saturday, Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. ALGER BUILDING 37 King St. E., Oshawa 2nd floor, Room 22 (2886) RELIABLE BOYS FOR GLOBE AND Mail paper routes, good weekly profits Dial 35-3438. (Nov 30, Dec. 7. 14, 31) Young men wanted now to qualify as Radio & Television Technicians or Wireless Oper- erators. Government and In- dustry now pay $219 to $542 monthly depending on length of service, No experience need- ed to start approved night or daytime courses or study at home with parts supplied. Write, without obligation, for free 40-page booklet, stating age and education (some High Schoo! necessary). Radio Col- lege ot Canada, 86 Bathurst Street, Toronto. (Mon, Wed,Sat-Dec12) Experienced Hardware Salesman With car, wanted to cover Ontario East of Toronto and North to the Sault for old established cutlery Company. Well developed territory. Sal- ary, commission and expenses or straight commission -- as desired by salesman. No side lines permitted. Write giving detailed list of experience to Box 830 Times-Gazette. 290C) Required Immediately By Coronet Television Corp. Three Salesmen Shortage in our staff caused by promotion of six of our men in the last two weeks. Highest Commissions Paid High man's pay this week -- $240.79. Low. man's pay this week -- $89.61. WHY ACCEPT LESS? BENEFITS SUPPLIED CAR ESSENTIAL LEADS SUPPLIED OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT UNLIMITED Apply in person Mr. H. R. MacDonald 74 Celina Street Oshawa Dec.15) EXCELLENT SELLING ITEM. GIRLS' go out selling costume time into Excellent . Very good oportunity. For further information come to 132 Central Consider mother with one child. Dial 5-3058 afier SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS FOR All persons having claims against the estate of Nick Katerynych, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of On- tario, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of No- vember, 1949, at the City of Oshawa, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of December, 1953, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 3rd day of December, 1953. : MANNING F. SWARTZ, 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor, (Dec?,14,21) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of HELEN KATERYNYCH, de- ceased. All persons against the having claims estate of Helen Katerynych, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Housewife, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of Novem- ber, 1949, at the City of Osh- awa, are required to file proof of 'the same with the under- signed on or before the 28th day of December, 1953, after which date the executor will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 3rd day of December, 1953. MANNING F. SWARTZ, 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. (Dec?,14,21) 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--STIRTEVANT'S AUC- tion Room, 33 Hall St., Tuesday evening, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45. Upright Piano; Electric Washer; Floor Model Radio; French Doors; Day Bed and Mattress; Gent's Bicycle; Inside Door; Doll Buggy and Crib; Kinder- garten Set; Child's Crib; Rock Fairway Corpse Arrest Made VANCOUVER (CP) -- Wiliam: Wakefield Gash, 19-year-old laborer was charged with murder Satur- day night in the 'case of the eoipse on the 13th fairway." Police said he was arrested at Chilliwack, 40 miles east of here, but gave no details of his capture. Gash was taken into cute ly Yh detectives investigating t! slay. ing Friday of Frank Prh, year-old "ball-sha agers at fashion. able Langara golf course. Pitsch's body was found ast the 13th tee. The head n battered with what an pr Mo wey showed had been a club or bl of wood. The victim had been a familiar figure around the course for three years, making a meagre living by finding lost Sou balls, repainting and selling m. Abandon Hope For Lost Plane EDMONTON CP) -- The RCAF has discontinued the "active" search for an ambulance plane carrying three men, including a seriously-ill Solio patient, which disappeared three weeks ago on a projected 275-mile flight from Grange Prairie, Alta, to Edmon- on. Aircraft flew 1,265 hours and scoured slightly more than 126,000 square miles of territory in the hunt for the light Cessna plane and its occupants, Lloyd Williams of Edmonton, the polio victim; Dr. Don Wilson of Grande Prairie, and pilot Gordon McDonald of Ed- monton. ust Bevan Demands Tories Resign LONDON CP)--Aneurin Bevan, leader of the Labor party's left Sunday night called Prime Minister Churchill a "romantic who has no ideas for the future but only nostalgia for the past," and said his government should resign. Bevan told constituents the Con- gelvative governtient Lis "is _becom- a world disgrace." He said = would make detailed comment on government policies next Thurs- when the House of Commons da ates on the Big Three Bermuda conference. Vacuum Cleaners; National Cash Regis- | ter; Rollaway Bed and Mattress; Rock- | Kitchen Stools; Pedestals; Doll High Chair; Trunk; Portable Grama- phone; Sewing Cabinet; Clothes Hamp- | er; Corner Cupboard (walnut); Single Bed Spring' and Spring-Filled Ji ine | 2 Single Cots and Mattresses; Chester- field; Rugs; Dining Room Table (wal nut); Ice Box; 8-plece m Suite; Quantity of Bicycle Wheels; Set of Alluminware; Baby Stroller; Player; 2-piece Chesterfield Suite; Quebec Heater; Annex; Concrete Blocks; Flatware; Mirrors; Cooking 8s Dishes and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant auctioneer. Dial 5-5751. (Decl4,15) Romance Hits Elderly Pair LIVERPOOL, England (Reuters) Two lonely hearts, aged 80 and 52, beat as one last week on a "home for Christmas" sea voyage from Canada to England. William H. Coburn, 80, Vancou- ver, was sailing on the Empress of Australia for Belfast, Ireland, where he was born. Mrs. Dorothy G. Carpenter, 52, a widowed hospital attendant from Saint John, N.B., was going to Plymouth, England, to spend Christmas with relatives. Both were feeling lonely as they sat down at the table in the tour- ist class dining hall. Three days later he proposed. When they left the Empress at Liverpool Sunday they said their Plymouth together--as Mr. and Mrs. Coburn. Then he'll take her back to Van- couver with him and buy her the house he promised her when the Empress was four days out of Saint John. NAMED TO PC POST OTTAWA (CP)--Rodney Adam- son, (PC -- York West) Saturday | pe was appointed chairman of the re- sources and development commit- new plan is to visit Belfast and | tee of the Progressive Conserva- tive party in the Commons. Freedom For Christmas ROME (Reuters)--An amnesty for crimes committed during par- tisan warfare toward the end of the Second World War may free nearly half of Italy's prison popu- lation in time for Christmas. . The amnesty bill, which will come before Parliament for second time this week, would give freedom to 25,000 last-ditch cists, quick gered Communists and of ---- political warriors who fought a savage civil war in the shadow of the main contest be- tween Allied and German forces. It also covers Juousands of un- convicted war criminals in hiding on both sides of the Iron Curtain. Farmers Name Bid to Thomas LEAMINGTON (CP)--A delega- tion of vegetable growers and farmers will meet with Premier Frost this week to ask that William Murdoch, member of the legisla- ture for Essex South, be appointed to aid Agriculture Minister Thomas. Mr. Thomas has been in hospital for an extended period. A sppkes- man for the group said Saturday they will not seek his replacement but that Mr. Murdoch be ap- pointed acting minister or parlia- mentary assistant. The delegation to approach Mr. Frost will be representative of ag- riculture Saroughout Ontario, in- cluding men m the Niagara peninsula, Brantford marsh and southwestern Ontario. The spokesman said the group feels the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act needs revision. Accounts (Chartered) Automobiles Repairs Accounts Articles for Rent Architects Sharpening Service Dentists Wanted For Rent eo} Wood wS288.852 Bb Auction Sales Auditors Automobiles for Sale Supplies Automobiles Household Wanted Repairs Building Trades Business Opportunities usiness Opportunities Wanted Cartage 45--Agents Wanted HOW TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR you and your family to provide a new "extras" that make life more enjoyable? Simply by becoming our dealer in your locality. If you like meeting people you'll enjoy selling our necessities. 1600 (289¢) car and little 250 guaranteed household Details on request. FAMIL Delorimier, Dept. 46--Employment Wanted EX, 4 Montreal. 40--Articles For Rent COMPLETE SANTA CLAUS OUTFIT for rent. Dial 5-3204 (2891) WE RENT ELECTRIC PORTABLE sewing machines by the week or month. Just phone 5-5443, for free delivery. and pick up, or drop your local Singer Sewing Center 14-16 Ontario Street. (270TH 41 --Articles Wanted ) | Mondays and Tuesday. noons, evenings. Dial 5-3879. CARETAKER, WATCHMAN, H A N worthy. Write Box 831 TimesGazetie RELIABLE MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN would do baby sitting any. day, after- (2900) AN D ) Y- man, 44, non smoker, non drinker Trust 290b) Will fron, dial 5-4340. 28 LADY WANTS DAY WORK, RELIABLE. Please le) WANTED_POULTRY, 'RY, HIGHEST MAR- 'ket prices, also feathers. 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Office REGULATIONS-- 20¢ additional for all words over 20 abbreviation, $ and c¢ sign, figure. 2ount as s werd Al Classified Advertisements MUST be in by 9 am. the Say of bours: Dally, 8-5° The: Daily Times-Gazette shall sot be responsi tisemoents submitted otherwise then in writing, nor oor more than one 15¢ additional Saturday. 8-13. ble errors in adver incorrect of any nor for » single insertior. of te "advertisements in which error ossuls. beyond the price charged And own also reserves the right SF ERTL »