Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Nov 1953, p. 22

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§ THE DANY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 25, 1958 gor 84 For man of woman -- Young or older ~=" there's a gift idea for you -- in smart, practical leather goods! For her a wonderful jewel case smartly lined -- a fitted cosmetic case ~ LEATHER GIFTS SHOW WIDE and overnight case -- glove soft moccasins in their ewn zippered case -- a smart clutch bag -- or other leather 'lovelies. He will surely welcome a trim Suitcase -- a necktie case -- a toiletries VARIETY kit, or a manicure set -- all | selected from the tremendous as- ~ sortment of gift items presented by the nation's leather goods . manufacturers. Be As Bright and Gay As You Like AtChristmas One of the cheeriest customs of the Christmas season is sharing your Yuletide joy with others by decorating your home inside and outside. It increases the spirit of everyone who visits you or merely passes by your home. Your Christmas decortions can imple or elaborate upon your taste and your 'budget. Among the most effective de- corations is dramatizing your front door so that Christmas season call- ers get a lift of spirits with your gay welcome before they enter your home. Rapidly becoming even more popular than the Christmas th is spray of evergreens lighted with a gay motif. To make such a spray, simply cut several well-shaped, small ev- ergreen boughs and wire or tie them together. Then fasten your decaration to the front of the spray. You can use bright Christmas balls or pine eones in a cluster, or wrap a cane in red and white crepe paper to simulate a candy cane and place it diagonally across the evergreens. Finish your spray with a big, gay bow of red ribbon. DRAMATIZE YOUR DOOR! u 4 w painted either red or white, # is very effective to tie wide rib- bons around your door with a big , giving the effect of a big as - package: Or we gay, ckages agains a background. sens and hang ea your front door. tever type of decoration yout choose, it's fun # have your front door say 'Merry stmas'" to all who mock an; y outdoor effects can be Bh Ay Christmas lights. If have an eve tree yard, string colored lights in | candles will last for severa |if they're wrapped and packed have a front door of solid h it. Another lovely Yuletide decora- tion is to outline your door or our porch with Christmas Hn our home will take on a lively holiday air, 5 The possibilities for interior de- corations are endless. All you'll need is holiday greens and berries, bright, red candles, a few Christ-- tion! It is fun for the whole family to make a tradition of decorating at Christmastime and collecting and saving your decorations from year to year. Start with just a Your big, holiday season. years carefully. INTERIOR DECORATIONS! Next in importance to your beau- tifully-decorated tree is the deécor- ative theme of your mantel. The ideas for mantel arrangements are varied and novel. There is a at deal of simple dignity and charm to the ceramic figurines of the holiday season. You can arrange them with candles or Christmas berries in many love- ly §roupings. A large Madonna ea d by idalal a a grouping of choir boys, shrine effect using a Madonna and angel figurines and burning candles all create beautiful effects. More and more people are us- ing their Christmas cards as part of their holiday decorations. They can be fastened to a Christmas tree cut out of green placed above the mantel. Or they can 'be hung on red ribbons and suspended above the mantel. It is always effective to use holly and in | Christmas greens on the mantel to finish this decor. Tree Trim Favorites When it comes to trimming the Christmas tree -- you, like many robably have some very eas. of our own. if you "following suggestions welcome as well as The trend seems to be, as al- ways, towards as large a Christ- mas tree as the room will permit. The old-fashioned, floor-to-ceiling tree is still the standby in many homes, and, where space is avail- able, a big tree is always most cheerful and '"'Christmasy." You may be one of those for- tunates -.who remembers the tree trimmed with garlands of popcorn, or lots of cranberries, or both. Maybe You still find a tree "bare" without a manger or ice skating scene beneath it to simply amplify your feeling of Christmas. To some extent the type and size of tree used depends on the section of the country. People in the No ast and East favor the big. long-needled balsam, while the South and West prefer the Southern and the Douglas fir. Many families like happily: lighted trees, decorated with multi- YOU CAN USE BROKEN ORNAMENTS AGAIN Don't let that broken Christnras tree bulb get away with it! Make it serve its decorative purposes anyway -- and without a drain on your budget! Here's how: Pick up the frag-- ments with a piece of wet cotton. Cut stars or other snazzy de- signs from cardboard; then cover the cut-outs with shellac. While shellac is still wet, sprinkle ' the cut-outs with the fragments, attach strings to each one and attach to the ree. THRILLING KIT New! She'll thrill to this com- Qlete travel kit that's fitted for auty. In rich alligator-grain, moire-lined, it holds a treasure trove of luurious cremes, lo- tions ' #nd * fashioned - keyed make- ; essentials. i sizes, shapes, and colors topped mas figurines, and lots of imagina- | few and add to your supply each or the! Toiletry Gifts For Children If there are children on your Christmas list and you are look- ing for something a little unus- ual to give them, check the gift ideas in children's toiletries! This year, manufacturers have come out with many cleverly packaged toiletry gifts with a gown-up look that will delight the youngsters. Here are gifts that will capture the fancy of the small fry and encourage them in good grooming habits. For little boys, there are pack- ages of bubble bath with nursery, "space" and cowboy designs. All children love a bath that's frothy with bubbles. Toiletries for little girls are sheer enchantment for the young- est glamour girls! Gift-packaged sets pure, castile sham after-the-bath powder, hand lo- tion, and a dainty fragrance suitable for a very young lady . all excitingly boxed! Christmas Visits | Started in 1540 In 1540 when a Plague was rag- ing in Switzerland, 12 pious men of Rheinfelden formed a brother- hood to pray for St. Sebastian's aid, and to nurse the sick and bury the dead. Pestilence in medieval times | was ascribed to evil spirits in water, so the Brotherhood of St. Sabastian visited each of the town's seven fountains, praying and singing hymns at each stop. They *still continue this custom, but only on Christmas Eve. | For this ritual the 12 Brothers | are dressed in black, with black | silk top hats. At every fountain | they gather around thé lantern- bearer and sing a medieval song. The march begins at the Frosch- weide fountain where the plague is supposed to have started three centuries ago. When they have - passed the | seventh, they enter the church for midnight mass, and cermoniously place their lantern on the altar of St. Sebastian. include a and soap, Festive Overmantel Is Easily Created A festive overmantel is not too difficult to conrive. The arrange- CREATIVE TOYS The creators of constructive and educational toys and kits for many years, continue to please young - "scientists" with a full line of well-equipped "labora- tories" and complete instructions for young chemists. Make Your Own Give your Christmas tree a snowy look! Dissolve 4 cups of soap | flakes in 1 cup of warm water, | | beat with rotary beater until thick {and fluffy. Spread immediately ov- |er the limbs of your tree with your bands and sprinkle with glistening artificial snow. Then add your de- corations for the loveliest tree aver! Use dry soap flakes around the {base of your tree for a wonder- july snowy effect, sprinkling here |and there with tinsel for 'a fresh- {fallen snow leok. Christmas figur- ines can be placed in the "soap- i flake" snow to create your under- a realistic snowy look -- that used again (in the laundry tub). Christmas Snow New Turkeys ment can be applied to a sheet {of mirror, psing sticky tape; or | it cas be thumbtacked to a plain | | wallpaper panel of proper propor- | tions. | The urn shapes are ordinary pap- jer bells cut in half and used up- | side-down. [Fine sprays of pine {left au naturel, or, sprayed with | white paint, may be arranged im | |the urns (gentle now!) Drape a red cord between them for the finishing touch. Streamlined It is no longer necessary for the small family to forego the Christ- | mas turkey or eat turkey left-overs | for days after Christmas, Turkeys | have changed! Through new methods of turkey raising, it is now possible to buy a | smaller, meatier, and broader- | breasted turkey. They can be stuff-- | ed with the family's favorite dress- | ing and roasted like the heavier | | birds. Some smaller families may {want to have two of these small | | turkeys, each with a different kind colored glass ornaments of all the-tree decor. this mixture gives of dressing, instead .of one larger bird. They can 'be cooked much with a gaily large gold or silver won't melt and best of all can be |more quickly than a large turkey of comparable total weight. Regular and sport shirts. wide selection. Cable stitch and flat knit. We have the kind of gifts every man wants and likes. is complete. Shop early for best selection. DRESSING GOWNS from 13.95 PYJAMAS from 3.95 SHIRTS From . .. SWEATERS NECKTIES A wide range in stripes, and designs. From SOCKS Wool, nylon and wool-and- nylon. From GLOVES -- MUFFLER AND GLOVE SETS (Boxed) MEN'S JEWELLERY From 2.50 WINDBREAKERS | SPORT COATS, SLACKS, HATS Just a few of the many items awaiting your family. selection for the man in you GIVE A GIFT ry -------- IF IN DOUBT CERTIFICATE MEN'S 7 KING E. AM RorisH WEAR : DIAL 5-2433 Our stock *3.95 4.50 DEPOSIT holds till CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS DREAM COME TRUE Chistmas dreams are made of | be worn the year-around for day mink -- and every woman will thrill to a fur fashion that can ' Specialty Foods Gift To Please The Gourmet Let's face it: it's a gourment's world. If you don't belive it, just ask the food specialty stores that every year are selling more and more gaily packaged food delica- cies to more and more people as Christmas gifts. specialties around. today, says: "The most popular gift items are fancy biscuits from England, the U.S., Holland, France, Italy and Denmark, dried figs from Turkey and raisins from California. Na- tural and dried fruits are enjoy- ing a booming business, too." One of the top buyers of food! or evening smartness. Above a mink jacket with dolman sleeves and snug waist. He finds that fruits, melon glace, pat de foie {gras in attractive earthenware ter- rines, lebkuchen from Germany, | French and Italian hors d'oeuvres | are getting to be, almost rigeuer" for Yuletide gifts. { Fancy olives -- ripe ones from | California and green ones from | Spain -- make perfect Christmas | (gifts. Honey . . . fine jams and mar- | malades in fancy jars. . . rare teas in. handsome painted metal con- tainers all are finding their | way under the tree. Goodies For Feasts Are important At Christmas Christmas is the most wonder- ful time of the year! The beauti- ful tree, the cheery decorations, and friends dropping in to say "Merry Christmas!" As much a part of the Christ- mas tradition as holly and red candles are the rich, tempting fruit cakes and cookies the wise Lkomemaker has baked to serve during holiday calls.' HOLIDAY FRUIT CAKE 4 cups seeded raisins 2 T grated lemon rind 1 T cinnamon 1 T allspice 2% cups water or coffee 2% cups chop, nutmeats 4 cups sifted cake flour 5 T double-acting baking powder 2 T salt 13% cups sugar 3% cup butter or shortening 2 well-beaten eggs 2 ~T vanilla Combine raisins, lemon rind, spices and water in saucepan. Cov- er and simmer gently for eight minutes. Drain, pressing out as much liquid as possible. Measure liquid and add water or coffee to make 1% cups, and reserve. Grind raisins and nutmeats. Measure sifted flour and 'add bak- ing powder, salt and sugar; sift 3 times. Cream shortening thorough- ly, and add flour mixture, eggs, vanilla and reserved liquid. Stir until all flour is dampened. Beat vigorously for two minutes. Add raisin-nut mixture and mix thor- oughly. Turn into two 9 x 4 x 8 inch pans which have been greased and lined with wax paper and greased again. Bake in a moder- ate oven (350 deg.) for one hour . | and 16 minutes or until done. When cool, remove from pan, leaving wax paper on until ready to serve. Wrap in clean cloth and store in a tin container to keep moist Makes two loaves. : ST. NICK COOKIES 1 © cup butter cookie crumbs % T salt 1%, T baking powder % cup sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup finely chopped pitted dates - 1 cu black walnuts, chopped 1% cup sugar 2 beaten eggs = 1 T vanilla # 14 cup powdred sugar Combine cookie crumbs, salt, baking powder and flour. Add dates and nuts. Add sugar grad- ually to beaten eggs. Blend in crumb mixture and vanilla. Bake in greased and floured 9-inch square pan in a slow oven (325 deg.) for 30 minutes. While still warm, cut into 30 squares. Roll .° each square into a ball, turning . the top, crusty portion inwards as you roll. Place confectioner's sug- ar in a paper bag and shake balls in the sugar to coat evenly. Makes 37 balls. True Date Of Christmas Still Not Known Today The exact date of the birth of and, as a result, the celebration of Christmas occurs on many dif- ferent dates throughout the Chris- "de tian world. In an old manuscript, the Calen- dar of Philocalus which appeared in' the year 354 A.D, it states: "In the Year One After Christ, the word Jesus was born on Decem- ber 25, aFriday, and the 15th day of the New Moon." Another ancient book written by Tippolytus in 202 A.D. tells us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem "on Wednesday, December 25th, in:the French glace | Christ is shrouded in- confusion |42nd year of Augustus." | However, according to astron- {omy, December 25th, A.D. 1, fell lon Sunday. In terms of our American Christ- mas, the holiday is celebrated fro six to 10 days later in some coun- tries, and in others -- it is observ- ed earlier. December 6th is the date of Christmas In most Western European countries and is the be- ginning of a Jong holiday season. The Armenians were the first people to set up a Christian state |and their Christmas Eve is Janu- 'ary 6th. SAAR ASA This Christmas -- with a --- Thrill the Whole Family. SION - LY ELEY] 054 FC-21 COLwW) wood. > mahogany or med oak veneer finish. ONLY CROSLEY 4 aad Silesotd otis tptetatatateled tg Bg Tatty thy RRR HOR 2-inch Dole Console Handsome styling in Equipped with casters. New Crosley escuicheon plate. Avoilable in walnut, HAS THE 68 Simcoe St. North Picture NO STREAKS - NO ROLL-OVER - NO FLUTTER The New 1954 Crosley 17-Inch Del Table Model (Model FC-17 TOLW), This price field. c -Sentry and all other exclusive Crosley performance features. Walnut, mahogany or blonde ear's pace-setter in the | ncorporates electronic Pict finish, Use Our Convenient Credit -- Now on display at - JACK BIDDULPH "LOOK FOR THE STORE WITH THE YELLOW FRONT" FOR ONLY Dial 5-1179

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