, Thursday, November 19, 1953 dinner to the honored pair at mums and roses formed the set-| Among the guests was Mrs. new home on Glenwood Drive on|November 24. The East Group will cluded outbreaks in 28 schools 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE a a laite House ast aight. ting for the anniversary cake. | 300m Waiters of Courtice who | Tuesday evening. have charge of the devotional per-| causing illness in 1,970 ehildren. During 'the afternoon and even-| Presiding at the iea table were [a5 Miss Flossie Manes was brides | There was a good attendance | iod. : > ing they were at home to their | Mrs. Murray Greentree, Mrs, ; {and everyone was re reminded! At the close of the meeting, re- maid at the wedding fifty years r the pazaar which will take place freshments were served by Mrs, | BLACKH EADS { wide «circle of friends and neigh- [Percy Wiltshire, Mrs. Dearl Hough bors who called to extend con|and Mrs. Grant McMahon. Mrs. |ag0- in the Recreation Room of the Gilmore sted by her daughter, | gratulations, - tw | Johnston acted as hostess for her ---- TT TTT Shirk on December 1. The bazaar| Miss . ¢ them 0 receive the 'guests Mrscparents and serving the guests wi opened by Mrs. R. S. Mc- 2 ! lying PEROXINE POWDER on Clark wore an afternoon dress off were Mrs. William Bligdon, Mrs. | EAST GROUP JESSIE PANTON Laughlin. MINOR OUTBREAKS } hot wet. foce Cloth, Sate ps Te teal blue with a corsage 2 yel- (Ear lark, Mes William Miller | Mrs. Fred Gilmére entertained | Items of business were discussed.!| LONDON (CP)--The health min. | At Your druggist. Results guaranteed ow, roses. Bouquets of flowers, land Mrs. C. C. Clark. the members of the East Group |The regular meeting of the Aux- istry announced that 5.966 pers 1 decorated the rooms and a beauti-, Little Miss Vivian Clark kept [of the Jessie Panton Auxiliary of |iliary will be held in the chapel of were affected by carer Fersons pER OX INE POWDE ful basket of gold chrysanthe 'the door. St. Andrew's United Church in her the 'church on Tuesday evening, a year. The y ood N OWDER rt ee Oi ONINg. 11S year. | | | | ' 1] | Give The Girl Of Your Dreams NOW L | A , Bluebird Diamonds are guaranteed perfect, registered and insured against Ne : EE W 2% loss or theft. Layaway the ring of your og : ¢ ag i % choice, or pay as little as $1.00 week- i i 1 4 ; " ly and present her with her Bluebird i EE s Fy % Cl & FE .. now. MR. AND MRS. W. E. CLARK Reception and Dinner Party Mark The W.E. Clark's Golden Wedding Celebrating their golden wed- with "Yes, but women were dif- ding anniversary are Mr. and Mrs ferent in those days. They didn't W. E. Clark, Athol Street East, | want to be anything but wives and who have lived all their married mothers and were happy to stqy lives in Oshawa. (home. Now they belong to so many i i _ |organizations, they're never home. In this city of over forty thous f]t's rewarding to a young hus and population, Mrs. Clark has the | rs WOTE distinction of being one of the | py a comparatively few who were born |, ing There's not much of a here, grew up and were married |gojcome in a can-opener.'" here, when Oshawa was little| "30. "Gar ~ gon the late Al- more than a village. Ibert and Alice Clark was born One of a family of 15, the form- and reared in the Markham dis- er Miss Menetta Essery, is the trict. His parents were born in daughter of the late Robert and|Canada but his grandparents Elizabeth Essery who came to came originally from Great Bri- Oshawa from Devon and establish- |tain, ed themselves in a big farm Now enjoying a well-earned re: house which still stands on Church |tirement Mr. Clark was an em Street. In those days it was a|ployee of the Ontario Malleable white frame house standing alone | Iron Company Limited for 48 in the fields. |years. He is an honorary mem- Mrs. Clark's lively memory re |ber of the Oshawa Rotary Club; called the ankle-deep mud that|a Shriner and a 32nd degree Ma- choked the roads in the old days | son. and demonstrated how a young, Mr. and Mrs. Clark are mem- la would gather up her skirts bers of St. George's Anglican to keep them from becoming eak- Church. ed with dirt as she walked. | The couple who Ni at a ray "The skirt for the well-dressed |r meeting at whic] r. Clar young woman always had eno ed | as the organist, were married by fullness for three folds to be gath- | the late Reverend Robert Burns ered up leaving en easiness | in = Metcalfe Street Methodist for walking without showing too | Church which stood on the present much ankle." She Jaughed. d | sites of the Public Utilities Build- : calm, happy days, | ing. the, bride of fifty years ago re | consciously complimenting 33 ed. The women spent their each other, both agreed that the ays running their homes which fifty years had gone like a dream. included baking. the bread, -mak- | They have t children living; ing. their clothes and knitting |Mr. Cecil C, rk of Toronto; socks for all the family. Only a |{Mr. Earl W. Clark, Oshawa, and prayer meeting took them out in Mrs. E. T. Johnston (Ethel) of {venin , and a house party | Peterborough. Another son, . x par ance was a social Edwin Clark, died In jo ' , : | Seven andchildren an WO At this point Mr. Clark who had | at Aare complete the been listening quietly broke in | family that tendered an annivers eC Sty Yoke nilamly that tencerec an annivers ® ONLY $1.00 DOWN ° Will Lay Away the Walch of Your Choice GODDESS OF TIME "fF 17 Jewels 4 Diamonds Expansion Bracelet $79.50 BURNS Credit Jewellers presents The Dream Watch for the Girl of your Dreams... New BULOVA oddess Set with Diamonds 17 Jewels GODDESS OF TIME "B" 17 Jewels AB il his : EA : a -- S gr BY a Vi [GODDESS OF Tim 0 . 1 2 Diamonds 4 Expansion Bracelet He $64.50 ; RN 7 Credit Jewellers ] 32 KING ST. W. LIMITED DIAL 3-7022 Limited ro | PHP a 32 King St. W. : Mial 3-7022