Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Nov 1953, p. 8

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8 THE DAILY TEMBS-GA7WTTE. Rr JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR Satvrday, November 14, 1068 DIAL 35-2233 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES NORTHMINSTER WMS Using the theme of "Peace," Mrs. uel Snowden, president opened the regular meetin of the orthminster United Churc! WMS minster House. pace was given by Mrs. Stanley Mrs. Edwin King reported 10 re- ligious or devotional a read by Rjax Girl Is Wed To Oshawa Man LODGES AND SOCIETIES members during the past month. Mrs. H. A. Mellow reported 23 calls made by members on the sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Wilbert Jeffs report- ed on Christian Citizenship, stres- 8 social welfare and the needs of hungry people of the world. ; CH I] At St. Gregory's Miss Violet Ellen Walker, da er of Mr. and Mrs. David Walker of Ajax, became the bride 9 wil liam James Sawyer, son Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sawyer of Oshawa last Saturday. The morn- ing ceremony in St. Gregory's Roman with the Reverena F. J. Mahoney officiating. wi mus was, played" by Mr. Jack Driscoll and white and yellow chrysan- themums graced the altar. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a bridal gown of white lace and net over satin with a floor-length veil falling from a coronet of pearls. She carried a bouquet of red roses and heather sent from. her grandmother in Scotland. Mrs. Gordon Shaw, Bowman- wille, sister of the bride, was her matron of honor, wearing a floor- length dress of shrimp pink lace and net over taffeta with match- ing headdress and gloves and carrying white roses and yellow chrysanthemums. - The - other at- tendants were Miss Sylvia Sawyer and Mrs. George Bunnell, To- ronto, who were in fall blue. They and chrysanthemums with a tough of white. Miss Lynda Sawyer, flower girl, was in blue net over taffeta with matching accessories. She carried a nosegay of white and yellow roses. The ring bearer was Master Ronald Shaw. Mr. Orel Sawyer performed the duties of best man, and the ushers were Mr. Dillon Sawyer and Mr. George Bunnell, To receive the guests at the re- ception held at the UAW Hall, the bride's mother wore grey crepe with black accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses. The bride- groom's mother was in black lace with red accessories and red tose corsage. The couple went north for their honeymoon, the bride travelling in a beige suit with navy blue acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer will make their home in Oshawa. Elsie Romanchuk Becomes a Bride daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Romanchuk, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Valkenier of Hol- Fal flowers formed the aching anist A s i org Wha a The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a bridal gown of white chantilly lace and nylon net with a full-length veil. She carried red roses and Nite, Smyasuihemums and her only jewellery was a single strand of seed pearls. The maid of honor was Miss Mary Ann Nichay and the brides- maid, Miss Rose Bilous. They were dressed in nile green bal- lerina gowns with rhinestone jewel- lery. They carried white, mauve and bronze chrysanthemums. The flower girl was little Miss Ileen Romanchuk who was also in green and carried red roses and white shine welcome. Vice Grand Sister Gladys Blythe read the sick list. The report on nny sale was very successful. e sale was convened by Sister Gladys Little, Lesse. The pillow cases donated by Sister Evely Fickes were won by Sister Annie McDonald. The towels Sister Alice Hayden y Sister Annie Sharten. The quilt donated by Mrs. H. Keyworth was won by Si ome cooking sale held on Friday afternoon on the: lawn of Simcoe Street United Church was Sister Lena Harper oula Couch. The com- mittee extended the thanks of the Lodge. donated b; were won Lannin, convened b and Sister LTB No. 55 was hel | orange Temple with a good attend- ance. formed by Chaplain Brother est Woodhouse and roll call taken by Bro. Willard Spencer. Several members were reported on the sick list. Sister Gertrude Logan reported on social evening held at her home last week and Sister Spencer is opening her home for a social evenin, November 12 at 362 The white degree will be exempli- fied next meeting Tuesday, Novem- ber 17. All the members who have not received this degree were re- quested to be present. United accompanied by Mrs. T. C. on the piano san Fathers", 'Bless N. REBEKAH LODGE N The regular meeting e Sister Nance The 0, 3 of Rebekah Lodg 0. 3 was held recently. Visitors from Nova Scotia and Sun- "Lodge were given a hearty | Me- . Harry ister Alice Plans were made to send a pack- e through CARE. It was report- that two new leaders were se- ured for the CGIT, Mrs. Thomas oorcroft and Miss Beth Miller, with promise of part time assis- ance others. Plans were made the |to invite the associate members to the Christmas mee The worship service, of which was "The Church Sody of Christ" was led by .uls. J. R. Pickering, assisted by Mrs. "the theme sented chapter from the study book "Where'er the Sun" in which she showed the vitality of the Chris" tian Church in some of South Sea Islands and in Japan. She told par- ticularly of the work of Dr. Frank Lauback who has done so much to teach illiterates to read. and write and an illiterate varis- tian community was gravely handi- pped in its growtn in Cnristian Preparatory arr ge. VICTORIA LODGE The regular mee Worshipful Mistress Sister* Sus an Spencer presided assistd by Deputy Mistress Sister Elda How- ard. Bre Devotional exercises were on Thursday ivision Street Lodge closed in the usual way. LOYAL WORKERS Mrs. Harry Peever piano selection... Mr, "God "Oh, Be Joyful". G. Stephenson and Mrs. C de the pre on making nts were made for a bazaar in the spring and a Christmas party week in December; also a visit to Fairview Lodge. Initiation is to be held next meet- ing night. Staff practice is at 7 pluck Tuesday, November i Re. re! nts w s of carried yellow bouquets of roses Lod ments were served i close the first of Victoria recently in The Loyal Workers of King Street hurch WMS met in the charch parlour on Wednesday for the regular meeting Mrs. Harold Tiers presiding. was in charge of worship service and pro- gram. Mrs. Theo Wilkins and Mrs. Hugh Myers each gave a reading "Mrs. Wilmer Fitze gave a H. _ Toaze orden of Our his House" and |g Mrs. Jesse Choate was presented hs a life membership and Choate ma sentation, Mrs. A. Campbell and her visiting pin. nurture and understanding. NORTHMINSTER W.A. (Group I) Group I of Northminster Wom- en's Associattion held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. James Lindsay on Wednesday evening with fourteen present. The devotional period was charge of Mrs. Stanley Disney and "Christian Fellowship". Mrs. R. W. Yeo, the group leader, presided over the business meeting. Plans were made for the pot huck supper on December 2, the "At Home" on December 27, a Christmas party at Mrs. Robert Latham's on December 8, and a minster Church on Tuesday, Nov- ember 24, at'2 p.m. The Officers for 1954 will be: secretary--Mrs. Stanley Disney; treasurer--Mrs. Robert Latham; , | press reporter--Mrs. Douglas Me- . | Laughlin; devotional leaders--Mrs. J. N. Adams, Mrs. James Picker- ing; manse representative--Mrs. A. Bradley; kitchen representative --Mrs. Fred Bennett. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Bus. and Prof. Women's Club TUESDAY Daughters of England S.A. Home League Christ Church W.A. Fellowship Grp (King St.) Friendship. Grp (King St.) Canadian Legion Aux. Holy Trinity W.A. Holy Trinity Eve. Guil Northminster Jr. W.A. Helping Hand Aux. Courtice H and § Assn. Westmount W.A. St. Paul's Guild Victoria Ledge. LTB. WEDNESDAY S.A. Prayer Meeting n LOBA 7th Scout Mothers' Aux. King Street WMS committee feported 35 (Osh. i visits. Refreshments were served ava Film Councl by Mrs. Harry Peever and her committee. 13th Scout Mothers' Aux. CP and T Committee. THURSDAY Girl Guide Ex-Council CLUB CALENDAR Centre Street «W.A. Court Charlene, COF Maple Leaf LTB Challenger Group MONDAY Women's Hospital Aux. Sunshine Rebekah e 16th Scout Mothers' Yous 8th Scout Mothers' Aux. Centre St. H and § Assn. Simcoe Street CGIT Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club St. George's Eve. WA, Happy Doubles Club Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild Albert Street W.A. St. George's Aft. Aux. Kate McLaurin Aux. Juvenile Maple Leaf St. Andrew's Aft. WA, Harvey Hunt Auxiliary at She yke, an . Alex ushered A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Her mother, dressed in navy blue with matching accessories, received the guests. As the couple left for Ottawa the bride was wearing a navy blue suit with a blue 'and white check topcoat, and navy blue accessories. chrysanthemums. Mr. Nicholas P. Cosins DRY CLEANING NEWS Moth holes -- moths may leave @ hollow skeleton of textile fibre ap- parently intact, which will drop out during the cleoning processes. Help your cleaner /to serve you better. LAKESHORE DIVISION Dry Cleaners Institute (Ontario) : Limited . and Mrs. Valkénier are mak- Sunbeam Chapter OES Storie Park Assn. {on Wednesday afternoon at North- | The prayer for | the | Edwin King. mrs. t. >. Daioe pre- |, She | pointed out that half of the world's | population was still unable to read | a|0f George Mitchell Mrs. E. S. Dafoe, the topic being rummage sale to be held at North- Group Leader--Mrs. R. W. Yeo; | Celebrating his fifth birthday today is His Royal Highness Prince Charles. A healthy, happy little boy with all the energy and inquisitiveness of the five-year- yy he has not yet felt the weight of his inherited titles: HRH Prince Charles Philip Ar- thur George, Duke of Cornwall, | Barbara Hogarth Becomes the Bride | The marriage of Barbara Grace Hogarth and George Lewis Mitch- ell was solemnized recently in Al- bert Street United Church with the Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson officiating. The wedding music was played by Mr. John Robertson with Mrs. |Grant VanVolkenburg as soloist. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ogarth of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the | son of Mrs. Victor Mitchell of Osh- awa, and the late Mr. Mitchell. | Given in marriage by her father ithe bride was gowned in white net FIVE YEARS OLD TODAY PERSONALS Mr. A. E. O'Neil who has chosen for his subject "Shakespeare and the espearean Festival" will address the Oshawa Business and Professional Women's Club at its regular meeting to be held at Ade- | 1a House on Monday evening. Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. 8. C. H. Atkinson, Mrs. Gilbert Dockeray | and Mrs. A. F. Cowan will pour tea | at the WCTU bazaar to be held at Simcoe Street United Church next Tuesday. | ® BAZAAR ° Legion Hall -- Centre St. Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 8:00 p.m. Auspices Ladies' Auxiliary, Coenadian Legion BOOTHS Fancy Work, Aprons, Handkerchiefs, Baby Goods, Candy, Home Cooking, Country Store, White Blepkant, Tee Room Cup Reading. Proceeds for Veterans of Two World Wars. SOCIAL NOTICES |; ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Dedrick of | St. Williams announce the engage- | ment of their daughter, Barbara Jeanne, to Orville Wood Hindman, | son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hind- | man of Hampton. The marriage | will take pace on Saturday, De- cember §, at 3 p.m. in St. Wil- liams United Church. AT ROME Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Clark, 336 Athol Street East, will be at home to their neighbors and friends on Wednesday, November 18, from 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 p.m. on the occa- sion of their 50th wedding anniver- sary. i TASTY PIGEONS |. Several type: of: hunted in tropieal parts of Aus- tralia for their exceiic. | Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Car- | rick and Baron of Renfrew, "ord of the Isles and Prince and THE UNIVERSITY WOMEN'S CLUB OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT will present "FOUR'S COMPANY" n | evening ROBERT CHRISTIE -- FRANK PEDDIE 9 h JANE MALLETT MARGOT CHRISTIE -- ON -- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER [9TH 8:30 P.M. ot the UAW. HALL - BOND ST. EAST Advance Tickets Now on Sale at the Public Library Also Tickets Available aot the Door Great Steward of Scotland. ities. over taffeta. net stole comple- mented the strapless bodice and the ballerina - length skirt was! caught up at the hem with blue | forget-me-nots. A coronet held her | lace veil and she carried a Prayer | Book on which rested a spray of red roses. . | Miss Helen Spratt was maid-of- | |honor wearing a blue strapless {dress with a net bolero. The |bridesmaid, Miss Sally Mitchell, |was in pink styled identically to [that of the maid-of-honor. Both | {wore matching feathered hats and | bouquets of carnations in contrast- | 1g hod Miss Susan Mitchell was | flower girl in mauve and carried | yellow chrysanthemums which were repeated in her headdress. Mr. Robert: Elliott was best man and the ushers were Mr. iarold Hogarth and Mr. Harry LeMire. A reception was held at the |home of the bridegroom's mother {on Arthur Street. For the occasion the bride's mother wore grey with la black velvet trim and red ac- |cessories. The bridegroom's moth- |er was in royal blue net with pink |and blue accessories. Later Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell left [for a wedding ip to Niagara i Falls, Buffalo and New York and on their return will live in Osh- | awa. For travelling the bride wore | a three - piece navy blue suit with | | red accessories and a corsage of | red roses. HOUSEHOLD HINT | 1 you are buying a new rug or carpet for the room in which the family watches television, choose a sturdy one, as it is likely to receive hard wear. If you have an expensive rug or carpet in this room, try reinforcing it with some washable or easily cleaned throw rugs on which the children may sit in combort, and over which furniture may be moved. BARRIS ing their home in Oshawa. Everybody in towa is 1. ug about our different Sanitone Service that makes clothes look like new again! No won- der, for spots and perspiration are gone, colors and textures are 'tevived like new, you get a better lasting press, sad there's never a tell-tale jo ing odor! Sanitone makes all the difference in the world in your clothes, yet it costs no more than ordinary dry cleaning. Try us! "The Snow-Boot" High - grade black or rene! lined, Reo-crepe sole. Brown, -tan. 16.95 leather, fleece- 18 Simcoe St. S. Diol 5-1833 PHOTO GIFTS FROM KARN"S ARE PERFECT GIFTS FLASH OUTFITS FOR ALL START MAKING COLOR SLIDES THIS CHRISTMAS WITH 35 MM CAMERAS: 1953 Praktica fx THE FAMILY Kodak Pony 828 Here's quality et a low price. Coated 4.5 lens. Flash 1/200 i $35.75 only | Kodak Signet 35 A "brilliant" - minieture de- signed to delight the most crit- ical with EKTAR 3.5 lens, coupled range-finder, synchro 1/300 shutter $1 049 00 just The ONE single lens reflex camera thet gives you ALL the features at an economy price. With Tessar 3.4 lene . 165.00 With Tessar 2.8 lens . 198.00 With Biotar 2.0 lens . 237.00 Brownie Huw Flash Outfit Contains everything needed to take snapshots indoors or out- doors, Features the Brownie Howkeye Camera, Flash Model. $16.50. i TDC SHOWPAK 8 file . . watt illumination. uilt-in blower cooling system, built-in slide . «and built into its own sturdy, but lightweight metal case! Coated 5 lens, 300 EVERYBODY LOVES A COLOR SLIDE SHOW WITH TDC SLIDE PROJECTORS! "300" TDC "Projector-or View" table 200 50 It's New and Different! t's eo viewer AND slide projector all in one! watt, blower cooled, : $1 12. IMAGINE ! Only $47.50 Starts your family on a lifetime of Happy Movie Making start. ing this Christmes Day. KODAK DUAFLEX Flash Outfit Contains everything needed for indoor-outdoor snapshots, ; including the Kodak Duaflex - Il Camera, Kodet Lens. A real BROW. IIE MOVIE buy for $26.00. Camera Only $47.50 AND to SHOW your movies the new BROWNIE Movie Pro- $82.50 tre IMPORTED REFLEX CAMERAS | Here's a Top Notch ENLARGER = | for any = A Y photo fan The "KODAK HOBBYIST" See the picture before you take it! Kedak Hobbyist Enlarger ER itd an 58 | errs $131.00 ! Kodak lens and case 265.00 | New F R Enlarger | Fluorie Richoflex VI with 3.5 lens and with $34.95 New Rolleicord IV with Xenar 3.5 lens 149.5 Rolleiflex Ill with Tessar 2.8 Lens with case .. .... 385.00 Rolleiflex Il with Tessar 3.5 Enlarger 54.75 | lens Junior Features the Kodak Duafiex I Camera, Kodar f/8 Lens: Alse includes: 'film, Flasholder, carrying case, flash lamps, In gift box, $38.75. |" Printing Kit . Photo Lab Outfit Advanced Photo Lab . . .. gift suggestion tor a KODACRAFT Photo-Lab Outfit $ 6.40 (@ NIE RIAYS . DIAL 3-4621

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