AJAX BND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative Phone Ajax 426 NEW SEPARATE SCHOOL UNDER CONSTRUCTION This is the architect's eonce tion of the new four-room St. Bernadette's Separate School . The now under construction in Ajax and rapidly nea completion. architect is rge Tonks of Oshawa. --Reproduction by John Mills. Trustee Board 'Has Heavy Agenda AJAX -- (Times-Gazette Staff Reporter) -- The Board of Trus- tees in regular monthly meeting on | Thursday evening spent four hours coping with a fairly heavy agenda. Deputations wer» h~or? Ajax Fire Department requesting a review of sa Pickering Transport Co-operative seeking the Board's suppor:i to ub-, tain a licence to operate a dairy | within the municipality. DEFER DECISION Decision on the Firemen's sal- aries was deferred to for further study. A resolution was passed sup- porting the request for a licence. Chairman Robert Hunt commend- ed the Ajax Citizens Association for its interest in municipal mat- ters and welcomed the good re- presentation present who had come to listen in on the transaction of municipal business. CORRESPONDENCE Board under the Metro- politan Plan, A letter from Metropolitan To- ronto Planing Board, re Zoi Bylaw, was also read and px be acknowledged and that this board advise of its concern over the matter and requests the assis- tance of the Metropolitan Board in furthering our ettorts to evolve 1 workable solution of the present mpasse. JEBENTURES APPROVED Approval was received regarding High School debentures from the Department of Municipal Affairs. A Juotatior was received from the Rocky Mountain Steeplejacks regarding painting both exterior and interior of the water tank. This matter deferred until further quotation can be obtained. A letter regarding increased rates for Ajax Bell Telephone sub- scribers was read. A closing paragraph in the letter from Bell Telephone Co. evoked some mirth when it was stated that the growth of Ajax was due to its proximity to Oakville and Oshawa. SEEKS BETTER ROADS A letter from the Ajax ndustrial Association asking that some as- surance be given that the roads in the industrial area be put in better condition. I was learned that this matter is being given a great deal of study and that several miles of road in the industrial area will be given a paved surface in the new ard | year. Meanwhile grading and ditch- m ties of hip, Pickering Vil- lage and the Improvement District the Township be Further that the letter of the Me-| Toronto Planning Board ing operations are now in progress. The Board approved the applica- tion of the Public School pe Board for tentative approval. REPORTS Fire Chief Winter reported on the number of inspections carried out during the month reported no ser- ious fires. He also requested that some restrictions be placed on bon- fires and burning garbage near homes. POLICE REPORT Chief Constable H. S. Traves re- ported no serious crime in the town during the month. In addition to his report the chief recommend- ed that some consideration be giv- en to the licencing of bicycles. He stated that such a licence would make the work of recovering stolen and lost i easier besid making it possible to more readily enforce the regulations regarding rear reflectors and lighting of bi. cycles after dark. ; The Board agreed with the re- commendation not. with the idea of deriving any revenue, but as a safety factor and to make the pol- ice work in this respect more ef- ficient. TO BOOST WATTAGE The wattage of the street lights on Kings Crescent North are to be increased and an extra light install- ed between the branches of Forest Road on Kings Crescent. A bylaw authorizing the signi of an agreement between Ajax an Pickering township to provide fire protection on Harwood Ave. North and Pickering Beach Road was giv- en third reading. The Public Works department was commended on the efficient way the snow was removed from the streets and roadways of Ajax last weekend. NEEDED SWIM { STOURPORT, England (CP)--A for $160,000 to build a new 8 room senior school and will make ap- plication to the Ontario Municipal r called Extra Dry jumped into the Severn river {4 and splashed about for three hours be- fore it was hauled out. RETURN TO WORK IN JAMAICA Rev. and Mrs. James Green and son, David, who are return- ing to their missionary work in Jamaica next week. Rev. and Mrs. Green carry on work in the interior of the island, where the people are desperately poor and in dire need of both spiritual and material help. A farewell was held for them in Calv Baptist Church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Green is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wall, 292 Cour- cellette Avenue. Will Support Application AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Reporter) Allan Lishman and Henry Westney appeared before the Ajax Board of Trustees repre- senting the Pickerine Transport Co- operative and requesting support to obtain a producer-distributor li- cence from the Ontario Milk Board to operate a dairy in Ajax. Mr. Lishman said the deputation represented a group of local milk producers who were interested in opening a dairy. Their earlier ap-- Jilcation to the Ontario Milk Board 'or a license had been rejected on the grounds that Ajax was already adequately served by five dairies who deliver in the district and there was no evidence of poor .pro- duct or poor service. Mr. Lishman, in seeking support | from the trustees, said that he and | the group he represented believed | that in a town of 5,000 Bopulation there was room for a dairy and that all the dairies serving the | area came from municipalities with restrictive bylaws. | N. Hunt replying for the trustees saw no .reason why the request should not be Supported and made it clear that such support would not indicate that such a dairy, if In reply to Mr. Hancock's asser- that he had been wrangling with the Pla Board for a year and a half, L. §. Hyman, QC, chairman of the court, suggested there must be some p ure to Bot the lan registered. He said he Ww patchwork plans being registered. T've been going to lawyers about this for a long time and that is the best advice I've received et," said Mr. Hancock amid aughter. . "And all for free, #00," added Mr. Alger. _ THREE REDUCTIONS During its session the court heard nine other appeals and granted three reductions. Rocco and Barbara Esposito, 332 Elmgrove Avenue, was grant- ed a reduction of $5 on his land assessment. He claimed and as- sessment officials agreed that the sidewalk encroached one foot on his property. Albert Fowler, 520 Sterling Av- enue, who was represented by his wife, secured a $150 reduction in land assessment. Mrs. Fowler ex- off the street at Ritson Road and where formerly the family could walk three blocks to catch a bus they now had to walk eight. Mr. plained that the city had closed THE DAILY TTMBS-GAZETTE, Saturday, November M, 1008 § NORTH OSHAWA Scout Mothers Plan For Sale VIOLET TAYLOR Correspondent NORTH OSHAWA -- The Sixth North ebawa Scout Mothers' Aux- ary its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Lee on Thursday, November 12. Mrs. Glen- ford Taylor presided for the busi- ness meeting. Final arrangements were made for the rummage sale in the Athol Street Scout hall on Friday, No- vember 13. Plans were made also for a Christmas party to be given the Scouts and Cubs. A new member, Mrs. Norman | 2 Great, was welcomed to the Auxil- ary. The next meeting will be held at Kerr agreed to adjust the remain- der of the land assessments on the street next year. His department had not known the street was clos- od when the assessment was made. the home of Mrs. Emil Rutishouser on Thursday, December 10, and will take the form of a Christmas party. A social half hour followed the business meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Frank Lee, assisted by Mrs. Ben Hitchen and Mrs. Melvin Hodgson. Mrs. Gordon Lane will be hostess to the 13th Brownie and Guide Group commitee meeting to 'be ol Tuesday evening, November F STOPS HEADACHE 7 Ky ASPIRIN licenced, would enjoy a monopoly. A resolution was passed that this | Board support the application of the Pickering Transport Co-opera- | tive to the Ontario Milk Board for | a Producer-Distributor licence to | operate a dairy in Ajax. HIT SNAG (Continued from Page 9) the land it should be assessed as farm land. Mr. Hancock commented he is assessed $1,600 more now than when the land was classified as! farm land. When the farm was! part of East Whitby Township it TURKEY ADULTS 1.25 -- Solina Community Hall, Solina By the ladies of Solina Community Wednesday, Nov. 25 4:30 p.m. until ol served 1 mile east of Courtice on No. 2 and 4 miles north SUPPER | CHILDREN 50c¢ THE SECOND ANNUAL ® FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION BALL © ROTARY HALL AJAX FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 DANCING FROM 9 TO 1 ART HALLMAN And His Orchestra JUDY ELLIOTT Vocalist ® TICKETS -- $5.00 PER COUPLE ® REFRESHMENTS -- CABARET STYLE ® TABLE RESERVED For Tickets and Reservations Phone Ajax 35 STROWGER'S COMES OSHAWA NOTE THE ~ \ ); ADDRESS STROWGER'S i a. S-------- ors -- le a ss ELECTRIC WHAT OUR UPSTAIRS LOCATION MEANS TO YOU! THE steady growth of our business in the district, which we feel has been caused by our exceptionally fine values and prompt and courteous service has made it necessary in order to satisfactorily serve our many friends and cus- tomers to come closer to our rapidly expanding trade. FOR FURNITURE -- T.V AND ELECTRICAL GOODS SHOP AT OSHAWA & OUR upstairs location which you will find bright and cheerful to shop in at your leisure also means BIG SAV- INGS to us in Rent and General Overhead. These savings vill be passed along to our customers by way of better WHITBY OSHAWA - 15 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH (Upstairs Above Kresge's) FURNITURE CO., LTD.