Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 4 Nov 1953, p. 8

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8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 4, 19583 | {yiron Streat Pair n Oshawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilder Vick- ers whose marriage was solemn: ized recently at Mount Hamilton United Church. Formerly Miss Nancy Beryl Jones, the bride is PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mansel T. Jones of Hamilton and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. J. L. Vickers of Belleville and the late Mr. Vickers. 3 --Photo by Ed. Punkari. Record Attendance for October Keeps Staft Busy A record attendance of '5,705 for the month of October was an- nounced by Director Harold Mc- Neill in his report on Simcoe Hall | to the members of the Women's | Welfare League on Monday after- | noon. Other statistics showed vis- | its to homes, 64; office interview with children, 40; office interviews | with parents, 19; library circula- | tion, kz total number of groups meeting at Simcoe Hall, 48. The afternoon clubs have a va- ried program of crafts, woodwork- ing, gymnasium activities, table games and sports. The evening groups are special interests clubs. Hallowe'en parties were held for both groups of the Nursery School with games, refreshments and a basket of candy to take home. At present the Piano Music School has 37 boys and girls tak- ing lessons under six pupil-teach- ers; 13 of these pupils use Simcoe | Hall pianos for practise, 'and there are ten children on the waiting st. | Many new Canadian children are attending the Speech Train- | ing class on Saturday mornings, | and several Nursery School chil-| dren are also benefitting from this | service. ol Members of the Girls' Nursing Cadet Corps have been Studying | for various proficiency badges an lans have been made for Home | Nursing and First Aid Classes to | start about the middle of this month. The Police Association Boys | Club has been well attended. This | club has a varied program which at Simcoe Hall includes gym activities, pipe and drum band, Photography and mod- el building. Sixty-six boys regis- tered at the first meeting of the season of the Junior Conservation Club, sponsored by members of the Oshawa Fish and Game Pro- | tective Association. Mr. McNeill expressed thanks to | those who had donated collectors' | stamps for the Boys' Stamp Club | which will re-open today. | The Golden Age Club has been | lactive during the month, and held | address the members adjourned to an election of officers. The sew- | ing committee is now at work on | the fall and winter projects, and | members from the club are again | in charge of the canteen. The Friday afternoon movies for younger children always attract sufficient children to fill the theatre. Films suitable for' this age group are rented from the | Oshawa Film Council. Thanks were rexpressed for the | following donations: Collectors' | stamps, picture frames, books, | magazines, wool toys, cloth scraps | and stockings, cameras, fishing equipment, typewriter, boxes, Christmas decorations, games, | playing cards and gramophone records. { Mrs. H. P. Hart presided and | heard reports from the following | canvassers -- Mrs. R. Leo Gray, | Family Welfare; Mrs. A. S. Mec- Leese, property and maintenance; Mrs. R. E. Richardson, Club' s committee. She expressed thanks to Mrs. Elmer Pixley who has volunteered to help with the music lessons. Toronto Girl Has Leading Role In British TV By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)--Ann Murray, a 23-year-old Toronto girl increas- ingly prominent in British radio and television, figures broadcasting is in her blood. Miss Murray is the daughter of Gladstone Murray, Toronto busi- ness consultant and one-time gen- eral manager of the CBC An attractive girl with tawny, expressive eyes, Ann is reversing her father's order of things. He started in England with the BBC and went to Canada in 1936. Ann | started in Canadian radio, then | came to Britain and hooked up| with the BBC, PESTERED PRODUCERS "lI just kept pestering British producers until I finally got an acting role," said the dark-haired Miss Murray, whose face now is familiar to millions of Britain's TV viewers. She wangled six audi- tions trying to get parts and finally landed a lead role in "Middle Watch," a sound radio comedy starring Jack Hulbert, broadcast in August. Ann was born in England but went to Canada as a child, with her family, and had her first taste of radio work in Ottawa doing children's parts. She came back to Britain in 1948 on a three-month visit to relatives. She studied with a well-known | dance and drama school in Strat- ford-upon-Avon, learning dance and mime as well as drama. Recently Miss. Murray appeared in a half-hour television play called "Chorus Girl" and followed this with a part as a witch in a Hal- lowe'en children's play. She was | also heard in a sound radio pro- duction by Val Geilgud called "Hope of Britain." This was com- pletely in verse and Ann says it gave her a 'real kick." STROKE OF LUCK Her luckiest break so far--she's keeping her fingers crossed--is a chance to audition for the position of guest announcer, who takes over for regular announcers, when the need arises. "It's a wonderful chance for those who are chosen," said Ann in an interview. The 'last guest an- nouncer, Noelle Middleton, a dark- | haired Irish girl, was offered film, | stage and radio parts shortly after her first appearance. : Miss Murray has made a docu- mentary appeal film for the St. John Ambulance Brigade and an- other documentary is on schedule. None of her British parts, however, Smith and Mrs. Stanley Hayes. Married 25 Years A happy event took place recent- ly. at the home of Mr. dnd MNirs. ames Keays, Drew Street when they entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swindells, Huron Street, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. The guests were neighbors and friends. An address was read by Mrs. James Cormack from from a gift book which had been made by Mrs. Joseph Bissonette. Mrs. Cormack then presented the honor- ed pair with an English bone china cup and saucer in their chosen pat- tern filled with silver dollars. During refreshments Mr. and Mrs. Swindells cut an anniversary cake which had been made by Mrs. Bissonette and iced by Mrs. George Lawrence, For entertain- ment a travelogue of colored slides was shown depicting scenes across Canada. Mr, and Mrs. Swindells who have spent all their married life in Oshawa, were married in Arn- rior on October 17, 1928. Mrs. windells, the former Miss Isa- bel Moodie, is the daughter oif Mrs. W. T. Moodie of Nor- wich, Ontario, and the late * Mr. Moodie, Mr. Swindells spent his boyhood in Manchester, England. They have one son, Glenwood, liv- ing at home. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES SUNNYSIDE PARK AUXILIARY Sixteen members were present for the November meeting. It was decided to hold the elec- tion of officers for - the coming year at the next meeting, Decem- ber 7 The meeting ended with a game of bingo won by Mrs. Malcolm Refreshments were served by Mrs. Alfred Goodall and hér come mittee. WOODVIEW PARK AUX, The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Woodview Park Association held | its regular meeting at the home of | Mrs. William Pipher on Friday evening last, with Mrs. C. Rus- sell presiding. The main business of the eve- ning was the planning of the ban- uet which will be given to all the ball teams of Woodview Park, both boys and girls, on Saturday evening, November 14, at 6 p.m. in the CRA Building. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by the social convener, Mrs. Edward Cornish, and her committee. : . S0-ED CLUB The second meeting of So-Ed was held at the YWCA last Thurs- day evening. Mr. Ralph Jones told of the work of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce in this city. Following this their chosen activities which were as follows: A metalcraft group conducted by Miss Mary Andrews of the YWCA; a drama group led by Mrs. H. P. Schell of the Oshawa Little Theatre and a dancing class under the instruction of Miss Grace Richer of the YWCA. Everyone assembled for the last part of the evening and enjoyed the games and stunts conducted by Miss Betty Haw, master of ceremonies of the social hour. Following refreshments club ad- journed until next Thursday Nov- ember 5. EVER READY AUX. The Ever Ready Auxiliary of Simcoe Street United Church met on Tuesday night for the regular monthly social evening, in the church parlor. The president, Mrs. Thomas Basinger, conducted the business and Miss Ethel Warne conducted the devotional period. Mrs. Thom- as Adair read the scripture lesson, followed by prayer by Miss Warne. Mrs. Alma Pauley read two read- ings, entitled "The Village Ladies' Aid", and 'The Happy Woman'. Mrs. Joy Taylor accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Norman Kritsch sang three solos, entitled 'The Lit- has come up to the standards of | roles played in Canada. | In shows at the University of Toronto she acted lead parts in Giraudoux's 'La Folle de Chaillot" and Moliere's "Tartuffe." Under the direction of Toronto newspaper man Herbert Whittaker she also played Isobel in "The Enghanted." Ann has one other connection with radio. Husband Peter Paul- Huhne, "an Englishman she met and married in Toronto, is training with the BBC in an administrative | {tle Toy Soldier", Blue" just returned from a three - month trip to England, told about trip and her irhpression of Eng- land, visiting many churches and colleges. The bombing of the last war was said. WoMEN DIAL 3.2233 JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR % MR. AND MRS. BENJAMIN T. LOCKE At a ceremony held retenly became the bride of Benjamin in St. Andrew's United Chure Thomas Locke, son of Mr. and Joy Eleanor Lander, daughter of | Mrs. Stanley Locke of Oshawa. Mrs. George H. Lander of Osh- | Anca awa, and the late M¥. Lander, |--Fhoto by Marjorie G. Ruddy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVID! Celebrating his first birthday | Mrs. Alfred Wall of Oshawa and today is David Alfred Green, reat - grandson of Mr. and Mrs. son of the Rev. and Mrs. James lfred Bird of London, England. Green, Courcellette Avenue. : David is the grandson of Mr. and --Photo by Hornsby Studio. "Little. Boy and "Bless This House". Fred Williams, who has Secretary's report from the Octo- ber meeting. On Tuesday, Novem- ber 17, the Auxiliary will have a tea at the home of Miss Alta Kemp in the evening. The December meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec- emberl. A pot luck supper at 6 o'clock will be held for all mem- bers and friends. Mrs. Norton McBrien and her group served refreshments. Mrs. her still. in evidence, she Mrs. Herbert Wurbs read the post. Use honey as a sundae decora- tion, pouring it over a scoop of ice cream. Garnish with nuts, a cherry, berries, whipped cream, or coconut. Skill has been a tradition with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS... OPTOMETRISTS 3 KING ST. E. DIAL 5.0444 Down South of the Border Rolling south over scenic highways you are routed via New Orleans where you have two nights and one day to see the sights of this enchanting city. Your tour conductor who speaks both Spanish and English joins your group at San. Antonio and accompanies you to Mexico and back. You'll enjoy the wonderful sights of Mexico, its quaint shops and the strange customs of its colorful citizens. Ask your Agent for more details of this and mony other Pleasure Planned Vacations. OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 14 PRINCE STREET - $265" ROUND TRIP FARE FROM TORONTO ( to change) INCLUDES HOTEL ROOM FOR 23 NIGHTS * (2 in a room) ALSO 19 MEALS -KINSMEN CLUB U.A.W. HALL - OSHAWA FRI, NOV. 6 - 8 P.M. $300.00 CASH @ GIANT JACKPOT ® SHARE THE WEALTH © TWENTY GAMES $ $$$ 8S Admission 50 cents DIAL 3.2241 \ | Bible Story Theme of Talk The Junior Woman's Association of Cedar Dale United Church was privileged to have as a guest speak- er at its monthly meeting, the min- ister of the church Mr. J. S. Young, who took as his topic, '""The Im- prisoned Angel" and in his open- ing remarks referred to the book of Samuel in the Bible, from which he took his theme, as one of the loveliest stories of woman's devo- tion and love, and one of the most beautiful stories in the old testa- ment, that of Hannah, Samu-l's mother, He concluded his thought provok- ing talk by quoting from St. Mark 10:14, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God. The devotional period was ar- ranged by Mrs. Ralph Boneham, who read an article by Norman Vincent Peale, "Who made us [free"? also from the Upper Room i "Life's Pilot". Mrs. Boneham con- cluded this portion of the meeting with a prayer. Mrs. Frank Bright, played the iano for the singing of the hymns. he president, Mrs. Lloyd Stephen- son, presided for the business per- iod, and the secretary's report was given by Mrs. Earl Hoy; the treas- urer's report by Mrs. Alfred Red- knap. It was decided to contribute to- ward the re-decorating of the church, also to purchase dishes for use in the church kitchen. Mrs. Albert Singer, thanked Mr. Young, for his splendid address on behalf of the association. After repeating the benediction, refreshments were served in the lower hall of the church by Mrs. Russell Worsley and Mrs. Roy Zillon and a social hour was enjoyed. PERSONALS Mrs. H. A. Mellow will open the bazaar and tea to be held at King Street United Church on Wednes- day, November 18 from 3 to 5 p.m. under the auspices of the Friend- ship Group of the W.A. A hearty welcome is extended to all. In celebration of their 35th wed- ding anniversary last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Powless, 635 Bras- sey Street, were entertained by their sons, daughter and other re- latives at a surpris. party, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Fletcher and a presentation was made to the honored couple. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Agnes Street, spent the weekend visiting friends in Palmerston and while there attended the laying of the corner stone of the addition Ls the United Church in Palmer- ston, Mrs. E. A. Hillmer, Brock Street West, was hostess to the Junior group of Castle Chapter Alumnae, Ontario Ladies' College, last week, at a masquerade party in her home. The guests were ail disguised; games were played and refreshments served by Miss May Storie, Miss Anne White and Miss Betty Moffat. The November meet- ing will be held at "The Towers", Whitby. Miss Marguerite Powell, Miss Agnes Campbell, Miss Stella Ross, Miss Florence Hart and Miss Frances McLeod were among those from Oshawa who attended the Fall Conference of Region 4 of the Federated Women Teachers' Asso- ciation of Ontario held last Satur- day in Trenton at which Mrs. Ruth Clarke of Port Hope, the governor of Region 4 presided and in her address emphasized the theme of the Fall Conferences, 'Grow Pro- fessionally," and stressed the need for improving qualifications for the teaching profession, ROBERT AND MARGOT CHR ISTIE 1 Varsity Women's Club to Present Bob and Margot Christie in Person The University Women's Club of , Joseph Schull's "The Bridge"; on Oshawa and district is presenting a new idea for an evening's en- tertainment. It is a program of readings entitled "Four's Com- pany" by a group of radio, tel vision and stage actors named the Company of Four, The artists are Robert Christie, Jane Mallet, Margot Christie and Frank Peddie. They wifll present Robertson Davies' "Overlaid", George Bernard Shaw's "Over- ruled", and a variety of other readings. This entertainment is at the UAW Hall on Thursday, No- vember 19, at 8.30 p.m. Robert Christie was one of the leading Canadian actors at this summer's Stratford Festival. He appeared as the dashing and deb- onair 'Duke of Buckingham' -in Richard III. He has a broad ex- perience acting in London, Eng- land, where he worked with Alex Guinness, in New York, and in Toronto. During last winter he ap- peared in Sunshine Sketches as "Golgotha Gingham" on TV, and in many other roles, both on TV and radio. Margot Christie is a leading ac- tress, appearing in radio as "Eliz- abeth" in Maxwell Anderson's 'Elizabeth the Queen," as 'Lady Macbeth" in Andrew Allen's stage series production; in television last season in '"'All My Sons' and December 7, whichever date was convenient for the visiting degree staff. Reports were presented b: the stage with Jupiter Theatre in 'Galileo', with Society as "'Ghosts"', 'Heartbreak House", "Mrs. Pet koff" in "Arms and the Man". he Phan ving," Hushabye"' Play in in 'Mrs. "Mrs. it BETTER HEARING Zenith's famous after-purchase protection ELS, EACH *8 5 Devices at moderate extrs cast) Z by the tens of thou 3 MoD! (Bone Conduction ith. the various officers and it- tees, the sick report being sub- mitted by Sister Coakwell, Announcement was made that the bazaar and sale of work would be held by the lodge on the after- noon of December 4. In connection with the visit of the Sunshine Degree Staff to Pitts- burgh in October, 1954, Sister Gladys Morgan and Sister Anne Coakwell were appointed by the lodge to meet with a committee from Corinthian Lodge who would be vi-iting Pittsburgh at the same time, Others appointed to work on the Pittsburgh project were Sister Agnes Kemlo and Sister Wilma Wright. The members were re- minded that the Christmas cards the lodge were handling were on order. Following the closing of lodge, a Hallowe'en supper was served in the lodge banquet hall. Timely decorations added color to the walls and the tables. sands, are now enjoying the happiness of hearing...with hourly operating cost as low as }4 of a cent! You get 80 much with a Zenith! Come in y for free tration . . . learn firsts hand about Zenith's outstanding fea. tures and quality... get full details on the famous 5-year after-pur plan given to each Zenith buyer. 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE o » Hepitan N By Makers of » Zenith Television and Radio Sets IMPERIAL OPTICAL CO. LTD. (Above the Home Dairy) 22% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DIAL 5-1741 LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNSHINE REBEKAH Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No, 222, held its regular meeting in th. Lodge rooms on Monday eve- ning with a good attendance of members and one visitor from Oshawa No: 3 Rebekah Lodge, who was officially welcomed. Following the opening ceremon- ies, with all officers in their re- spective chairs, the business was conducted by Noble Grand Sister Victoria Magee, assisted by Vice Grand Sister Anne Coakwell. Sev- eral propositions for membership were received, and it was decid- ed to extend an invitation to Orono Rebekah Lodge to confer the de- gree at the next meeting on No- vember 16, or on Monday evening, Nwle EM 5 BY HORWICH f his heart You cannot wither Flash that ice And he'll come hither, Diamond and Wedding Ring To Match Dazzling Beauties 179.50 In 14-K Gold PIVEN (OT | PHONE 3-7133 SOUTH OSHAWA Buy Now and Save $95.00 REGULAR PRICE $319.00 SALE PRICE 224 YOUR 78 SIMCOE N. WAREHOUSE GENERAL @D ELECT "REFRIGERATORS RIC TWO ONLY -- NO TRADE-IN 10% DOWN -- 24 MONTHS TO PAY COME IN TODAY -- WARNER WILLIAMS RADIO AND ELECTRIC seneraL @ ELECTRIC DON'T MISS THIS

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