Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Sep 1953, p. 20

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' i was strug "ttn nr 2 peas. zee, |Proof of Co-operation Two Seek Woman Tries To Strip CLONER quietly in the hallway until RCMP , Most Cities Hit . . . : SI \ar1o0 Ia In Immunization Week Liberal During Douk Trials Sika gt am ole By Lack Of Cash "The spectacular reduction in|the Health Le: dise ; ey in Lath the Se x ic e ague's ase - pre- vation un ; deaths from diphtheria, Th dh messages into every Fd Corti CE I EL rer Slothes in i) aitempt to _disrobe |tion has been arranged back to- MONTREAL (CP)--Experts in| wIf all taxes came out of income §3ugh, Jockjaw and smallpox Sibce munity nthe SOUT vonnl unno . VANCOUVER (CP)--The parade [ahd Sisters" to prison. Te [the Kootenays. 4 " 5 S e qui ular : Municipal finance from Shiee coun, Hien, al Buse, levels of Sovern, munization Week was held, pro-|to criticize the a EA ar NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- ou Prisoners. continues through a| Quelled by courtroom police was | LUCKY FIND : es 1old some Wn Cafiagian an Po don pil rom . one Zoo ll vides conclusive evidence of the [try and elsewhere," he concluded |TWo men are seeking the Liberal fa y Meet ing-hall courtroom in Dora Shoukoreff, solid-faced, sun-| CHRISTCHURCH, England (CP) both sides of the Atlantic face |pletely solved by giving each one Value of cooperation among vol-'"But in the furthering of such nomination in the provincia! by I a JSumnaby, today as the tanned woman nearing middle age. |The man from Bristol who much" the same problem--they|a separate dipper. me untary health organizations, gov- public service campaigns as Na- election to be held in the Niagara |" gyonqon go ore. iis roll on. | She and three men heard crown (his false teeth in the Sea at this can't pay their own way The ' ernment health departments, and (tional Immunization Week, our |Falls riding Oct. 26. | Monday, 20 persons were con-|counsel John Farris withdraw (Hampshire resort got them back ; . taxpayer was interested not |the medical profession," notes Dr. Canadian editors and' publishers| They are alderman Grant Donald | Vict¢d on the charge of being nude | charges. The men sat silent. by mail. They were discovered in But they aivooated Ro oj i gp taxes him but in what his| Gordon Bates, general director of [continue to demonstrate their sense | of Niagara Falls and reeve George |'; 2 public place and two were Why are the charges with- (5 gue in amillion chance by 'a ghanges 15 the tax selup. Grants total fax outlay was. the Health League of Canada. |of responsibility to their readers. |Bukator-of Chippawa, held over for later hearing. The grawn," she asked in Russian, | > omer from edera a gle, , Soverse| Prof. Curtis said he preferred| "Like National Health Week The newspapers of Canada are, in| Arthur Jolley, 40-year-old charge, jointly with one of contri-|When this was interpreted, Magis- ments to doeal Othe. best | Srants "with no strings attached," | which is observed earlier each a very real semse, public health memper of gh iat mer | buting to juvenile delinquency, |trate Graham Ladner said: present. 2 jeast, seme the Deut ge hey Caused least damage to year, this fatiod wide otic infor. agencies; and, as such, they an-|.oincil is the fag: 3ra rai Sy [v= Seopped against seven others. | "There is not enough evidence STAFFORD BROS. ; 1 ; y. mation campaign could not hope nually preserve people against |. v the 20 found guilty, eight were |t ict in » i a Sovermments lack in their own tax =, Marshall, outlining Britain's |t0 achieve Sieh Signifiesm cover. sickness and save untold numbers eas. % anda [omen, ital. bo g Mre. Soukoreft jumped to her|| MONUMENTAL WORKS 4 : form of 2 . - lage withou! oroygh - going | of lives." h nounce e radica ms of Freed / 7 In speeches Prepared fo A poe finance. as ad local gov. cooperation of all those serving the - its, Plans for the by-election. : {women caused most of the pong feck am just like any other brother 318 DUNDAS ST 1, WHITBY at t ory tip Ses on of the on |the central government had long |cause of public health in Canada." | AMMUNITION BLAST FATAL |The Vs. was vacated when Wil- ment Monday. Two were de- [or sister Doukhobor. I want to stay PHONE WHITBY §52 ternational fun B of Chicago's been "a cornerstone on English Dr. Bates went on to laud the| OTTAWA (CP)--Death of Cpl an . Houck, Liberal, "resigned nounced as "ringleaders" by an with my brothers and sisters," she Memorials @ Markers Roki Sigeon University, i public finance." increasingly vital roles played by |william James Lambert Topping B ast _ the federal Niagara !RCMP witness and another, freed 'said in Russian. : / Northwestern Oni erty niversity, | - But he said he thought "the the press and radio in carrying |in an ammunition explosion last alls seat in the general election for lack of evidence, tore at her | Officers reached her side as she Kingston and Dr. A. H. Marshall | Present situation is out of bal- " Wednesday night at an army train- of Coventry Eng. " president of | ance." Grants were "an Inescap., omic activity, to restrain inflation ing area in Japan was reported oa Britain's Institute : of Municipal able" feature of modern publi or to encourage. expansion. Friday by army headquarters. Cpl. iH Treasurers and Accountants, all finance for many reasons. Central] The danger was that 'no gov-|Topping, whose wife, Lillian, lives governments would always have |ernment can resist taking control (at Petawawa, had been assigned oh h to ; agreed Se gp more productive, buoyant and flex-|too far." In England, "the scale |with other soldiers to clean up and ) state, provincial, or central gov- ible taxes, and the attempt to make | has been tipped too far in favor of {demolish live ammunition at the f ct local authorities pay their way [central control," and it was neces-|Haramura training area near Kure an army spokesman said. vo Srmenls | Jo Male Jneet. them completely would only result in|sary to find ways to iye local au- unwarranted rigidity. thorities more financial indep MASSEY MOURNS MEN two reports on municipal and in- tergovernmental finance, one deal- Grants could also be used by] ence. RE ited States, the |central governments to help fin-| The aim should be to -increase ng Wilh be te iss jpuciane weak areas, to cajole local |the proportion of general uncon-|eral Massey placed a wreath at Both reports found cities were |authorities into action, to ensure ditional grants which had fallen [the foot of the Cross of Sacrifice & & ; . 4 ¥ taking in more money in taxes, that certain general standards |during recent years. In addition, Sunday to mark the 11th anniver- : jai 1 share of the tax pie was | were met in such things as hous- ke existing 1a base o esa) a say ou She Battle hak Britain. Two - ; |ing, and to exerci conomic con- | thoriti hy roa , an 2 . lower than before the war. Federal | Ing Xxercise economic con: orities shou ene Bel re a per : ' incial, or state, govern-|trol in the country. (they should be permitted to share d n am 5 a a i = re per-| Grant policy could be used to!to a greater extent in the revenue outside the Citadel, the governor- centage. Dependence on property | Stimulate or dampen down econ- from central government taxes. general's summer residence. taxes made municipal tax reven- ues inflexible. But the first speaker warned the mayors they shouldn't jump to the Prepare NOW To See The conclusion that they are "defin- itely worse off' than they have . : been. ""It is only that their own revenue collet abilities have deterior- : ated," f. Leland said. a ! The professor, author of several texts on' municipal finances, said cites had a claim to greater help. FRIDAY EVENI G RCA DO LL, a_i, a, h--, EC, Their expenses were constantly in- creasing and they had to provide roads and highways to take care : Ea ho : L: munities e onto ls, UNTIL Right F Your Own H With OILS wiion was for the | $4 t r om our wn ome it state to raise whatever extra money was needed through its own System of taxes and then pass on funds to the municipalities . Many grants to municipalities a - present were 'little more thar & & é bribes." They were made avail able on a uniform basis through- out a territory without regard to : needs in order to get the votes | ~ @ A new staff to serve you. to gass the legislation. Seales 8! d Jneoiditional and ® N hi ft k f { i made on a per capita basis, so ITT wor or our reguiar employees larger cities with bigger financial 0s 9 P y headaches get more money. | . . Prof. Leland said local govern- | ® No increase in hours for our regular employees ment organization needed to be : overhauled. Municipal govern- ments were needed to group to- 8 gether related commuiities. Prof. Curtis said the real critic- ® ism of the property tax was not that it wasn't productive, but that | it didn't bring in more money au- | ; tomatically when prices generally 58 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA Ee: Saauian 100 opposed too 0] ivi cities their head to on new Tne CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 71 KING ST. WEST | DIAL 3-4634 NIGHT 3-4636 NOW IS THE TIME Nase ETO BUY THAT-.. CARPET ! g Lele [ o NE a AEP hey . al , oY Rg Victor RS EAA Ny Wi ALLL) Ci || ap, Tb BASEBALL from 269° Yes! . . . when you start ou in a Cliff Mills Motors Good- ey You've Been Needing EE While Prices Are At Their get the same consideration as the new-car buyer. So come in : -- and toke o look at these ER LOW EST : rgains, y G ~ ! ' Eo - \ J |] Perhaps it's only out of pity, or it may be just neighborliness that your neighbors invite you te : see all the great sporting events on THEIR tele- REMEMBER! Dollar for Dollar you can't beat ; vision. However, why not be independent and ; instal an RCA Victor Television in your home NOW! a Cliff Mills Motors GOODWILL Used Car! ' ond. give the whole family o Break . + « during the long Winter evenings ahead, ond you'll save money Small Down Payment . . . Convenient G.M.A.C. too, because you and the family will spend many more Payment Plan! Highest allowance for your pres. evenings at home viewing the world's finest entertainment. 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