Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette, 22 Sep 1953, p. 15

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™e DAILY TTMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, September 22, 1953 1% 50 Economical--So Easy--Try It! Place Your Times Classified Ad Now! Ph. 3-2233 After The First Insertion Mr. Y--Was Able To Cancel This Ad >> WAITRESS WANTED. APPLY ---- RIT- son Rd., or phone 3- ---- (304¢) Business -- Professional DIRECTORY a--Accountants, Chartered MONTEITH. CHAR' E. Dia} 8--Building Trades 17--Loan Wanted HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID, SAND- ed, finished or refinished; waxed a polished at no extra charge. Floors also cleaned, waxed and polished. Dia) 5-4851 after 6 p.m. INSULATE NOW, blower method, Harper, Green St. WITH ROCK-WOOL, free estimates. Phil Whitby. + Phone (Oct22) RoOmING. INSUL- BRIC, ALL TYPES stucco, oan y 'blocks. Estimates cheerfully given. Gordon May. Dial 3-9911. (Oct16) Certify Gi ing St, East. Dial 5-309. |. --Barristers .| CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES BUILT 72 | and repaired. Brickwork, blockwork. Free imat. Call Lou Rasi 5-1474 after 6. (Sept2s) NEW PLASTZRING AND REPAIRS, delling, water nd | first" mortgage on out of town RELIABLE PARTY REQUIRES $4,500 STRICTLY BUSINESS wv meeeren rty. 10 Par Sent interest. Write Box 26 Times- Gazette, (220b) 18--Lost & Found 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale 4ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW WITH breakfast nook, room in basement, oil 2ACRE LOTS. IDEAL FOR V.L building. Dial 5-0735, after 6. heati laundry tubs, storm ne. garage with cement , MOCHA Apply "88 (2212) LOST --- LADIES' GLASSES, shade rims. Phone 35-2151. Drew. Reward. LOST -- BACK DOOR OFF STAKE truck on old highway. Phone 377TW, Pickering. (221¢) LOST BETWEEN RITSON RD. N. AND downtown on Friday morning, $42 in GMC envelope. Reward. Dial i ) (21a LOST--$55 BETWEEN FOUR CORNERS and Celina St. Dial 3.8324. (219¢) : . BARRISTER, i ouls 3 MAN, Sr % Street East. for 4083; Residence 5-0254. | Nis, JONES AND CAMERON. 184 ) 3.2269. Ralph S. ling Stigef i Cameron. OL a BOYCHYN, BARRIS 1 he . King West. Phones: Lifice 5-1177: Residences 5-4604 Whitby #761. Money to loan. (Oct) N & BASTEDO, BARRISTERS oo eaneltors. Clients Tunis By able : rst mortgages ime? is 53566 Charles C MeG'hoon, ac. dgar F. Bastedo. (Sept24) AND CONANT. BARRISTERS oa. Solicitors. G. Conant 3A ces: Oshawa, Ont, 7% Simcoe St. §. Phone 25 a) 3.3821" Ajax, Ont. (Oct13) i . GREER. QC, BARRISTER, Th Mg € King Street East. Dial 717 Residence 34759. John AL. Greer, \A. Ss. Residence 5-3368. (Oct10) B.A. BAKKISTER, : ii eI Simgoe Strent North ly , residence 35-5342 1: office 5-3741 (Sept2d) ANGAN, Q.C.. BARRIS , MANS to loan. 'Office 14% 'East, Oshawa. Dial 3.8232. . Dial 5-3405. (Octl) s MARKS, BARRISTER, 50, | citor, 11 King st, Room 2. Dia fice 3-4211; Residence 3-4325. (Octl) AND J. A. YANCH, igi A loans, National ousing Act loans, 26 Simcoe North al 3-4619. Res. 3-2417. (OctD) | ING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER, Not. Morey to loan Boe, "Suite No. 4 Dial 3-4697. P. GHTON, FRASER AND DRYNAN, ers, SolieHtors. Notaries, Bank , 5 Simcoe St. N. Dial v Phone 3- (Oct. 10) Free 8912. A. Woods. PLASTERING Imme- Repairs and Stuccoing. diate attention. PHONE 5-4382 (Oct18) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED, FINISHED OR REFINISHED LILLEY'S MODERN FLOORS DIAL 5- 4902 DIAL 5- 4831 Oct9) CANADA WINDOW CLEANING AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE COMPANY FACTORIES--HOMES STORES--OFFICES DIAL 5-2133 (Oct9) 8a--Sharpening Service | AUTOMATIC. SAW FILING, SETTING retoothing and gumming. All types of saws lawnmowers, shears, etc., shar pened. Stan's Sharpening Service, 227 King West. (Aug22tf) 11--Dressmaking PROFESSIONAL DRESSMAKING, 48- hour service on alterations, weddings, bridesmaid gowns specialty. Mrs. Dunn. Dial 3-7947. (Sept28) y DOCTOR OF pon A. BRITTAIN, Io foot 11a--Tailoring FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Sale Agreements purchased and sold. Hennick & Hennick, Barristers, 31 King St. E. Dial 3.7232. (Aug26tf) LOST -- BUDGIE, BLUE AND GREY. No. 202-A-51, name "Nickie". Reward. Phone 383ml or 383w3, Dunbarton. «170 19--Money To Loan CLIENT'S MONEY TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Mortgages and agree- ments for. sale purchased on favorable terms. Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, C Bank of Ci Ch, ce (Sept27) MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND AR: ranged. Donald Scott, Real Estate, 25 Prince St. Dial 3-2612. (Sep27) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements for sale purchased. N.H.A. and Bullders' Loans arranged. Apply--M. F Swartz, Barristers &c., 3 Simgoe St. S., Oshawa. Dial I ct. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES BOUGHT or arranged. North Shore Realty Com- pany Limited, 112 Simcoe St. North, | Oshawa. Dial 5-3568. (Sept.4) 20--Personal WOOL BLANKETS FROM YOUR OLD woolens. For information dial 5-5800 after 6. (221¢) PASSENGERS WANTED TO TORON- to, leaving Oshawa 6:45; leaving To- ronto 4:30 p.m. daily. Dial 5-0412 after :30. DRIVING TO TORONTO "DAILY -- leave 6:45 a.m. return 5 p.m. Phone 3-2092. (2210) EXPERT "TEACUP _ READER. DIAL 3-9795. @171) WANTED---RETURN RIDE TO KIRK- land Lake, Thanksgiving week-end. Dial 3-8589 after 6 p.m. 'QQ GOING QUT? WE HAVE EXPERI enced by-sitters, reliable middle aged women. Phone Baby Sitters Club, 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. (Oct?) TRAIL RIDING FALL GROUPS NOW starting. Little Buckaroo Ranch. Dial 5-6092. (Sept28), X- a Suite yy 47 Prince St. Dial 5-3631. (Oct) Dentists TOP. TOWN TAILORS SPECIALIZE IN ladies' and gents' made-to-measure clothes. All materials of the finest British woollens. 18% Simcoe North Dial 5-0632. (Sept25) ETER E. WILLSON, DENTIST, OSH 12--Gardening & Supplies Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 d oralige. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. (OctD) » Uh A] 6 dally. Saturday sare; 1 ea Dial 5.4832. (Sept2d) -Nursing Services SIM- | FIRST GRADE SODDING, SEEDING, | tree pruning, roto-tilling any place. | R. Thieband, Landscape Gardener, Al- | berts Rd. W. Dial 5-5047. We do all kinds, den well cared for. di k, etc.' Place DD REEN VILLA REST HOME. ; LE GRE ville. 2974. Vacancies, Kos women. Gord care. yi : --Optometrists i *T. OPTOMETRIST. x a pr home for invalids ls Mon., Wed., and Fri. even- hes, -8 Dial 56143. i L0 bas . 1 King E 3) a--Surveyors DNEVAN AND RICHARDS, ONTAR- Land ors, and professional en: nee! ns Phone 5-5632. (Oct.6) uilding Trades oe Diocke Iatge stock oo Sane. Dial 1 op v . (Oct12) GRAD- DOZING, EXCAVATING RA sand and gravel, prompt service. Bros., Oshawa $-4902. (Oct.14) PE! ORE ALTERATIONS, Ask oy ent i + Jas. Clarke-- ms, Pym Ce] SIDEWALKS, CURBS, CEMENT , etc. Dial '$1474 evenings. OR i (Sept2s) your orders early for fall delivery of nursery _ stock, bulbs, etc. George Hardsand. Dial 5-1721. (Sept24) 13--Household Repairs REFINISHING AND REMODELING all kinds of furniture, modern or an- tique styles. (ree estimates. ville. * FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE for covering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charies St. Dial 3.7212. CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV: ered. Like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable Satisfaction guar anteed. Mattresses febuiit. Oshawa Up St. West. Dial holstering Co., 10 (Oet.10) 5-0311. EXPERT 'TABLES, bedroom, antique chairs, our For fri phone Oshawa Usholstering Co. 5-0311 10 Bond St. W. (June26tf) 14--Instruction PIANO LESSONS MARGARET Spencer, L.T.C.L. Pupils enrolled 4 - 7 p.m. 871 Simcoe St. North. Dial 5-5755. (Octl?) WILL BE GIVEN BY in drawing and paint- Phone 2772, REFINISHING, dining room sul INSTRUC TION artist, FREE ESTI- 5-1286. (Oct1?) VESTROUGHING ates. Guaranteed work. Dial u Holliday. DNC] WEEPING AND CUL tile. Dial 5-4052. (Oct.6) IPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SANI- way. Dial 5-3986. (Oct2) IME! BLOCKS LAID, FOOTINGS bul Phone 5-4040. or Whitby SH [ELIABLE CARPENTRY WORK, CUP bards, remodelling, roofing. Buil ding ing -- evenings. For information dial 5-3016. (Oct16) DANCING--BALLET, TOE, TAP. REG- ister Thursdays or Saturdays, 87 Simcoe North. Irene Harvey. Dial 35-6122. (Junel) LEARN TO RIDE, INDIVIDUAL OR class instruction. Little Buckaroo Ranch. Dial 56092. (Sep3s) PIANO--CLASSICAL AND POPULAR. For information contact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk St. Oshawa. Dial 5-4587. (Sept25) YOUR CUP READ, CONFIDENTIAL. Dial 3-3195. (Sep25) | MEN! WOMEN! OLD AT 40, 50, 60! | Get pep. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize | bodies lacking iron. 78-year-old doctor | writes: "Took. it myself. Results fine." | (Oect9) | PLAN NOW TO HAVE YOUR GAR. | Also building cupboards. | | Feel years younger. Introductory size | only 80c, All druggists. (Sept, 15, 22) DANCE BAND Small group, available for en- gagements. Phone Ajax 216 days; Ajox 152 evenings. DOROTHY CROSS (Oct22) $100 REWARD $100 reward for any informa- tion leading to the prosecu- tion of the responsible person for deliberately knifing to death a little black dog, on- swering to the name of Prince, last Wednesday night, in the vicinity of Beatty Ave. ond Bruce Sts, Contact JOHN IHNAT, JR, 472 DREW ST. DIAL 5-5589 20a--Cartage .WE MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY- time. Dial 5-2621. (Oct3) 22--Radio Repairs EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS, installations and sales and service. Parkway Television. Phone 3-3043. (Oct16) AERIAL Radio -- Television repairs, installations; top technicians. Call for and delivered. Aerials installed, car radio, portable, etc. FOWLER TELEVISION 16 BOND ST. W. DIAL 5-1688 (Septas) 23--Women's Column Domes and lay out f your own. home. No b 100 big or too small so give us a All work guaranteed. For free esti: ates phone Don Brooks 3 4 (Oct14) OUR LOCAL PAINTER BY CON- act or by hour. Reasonable rates. . J. Howard. Dial 3-8700. (Sept28) ,TERATIONS AND REMODELLING, tics and bathrooms moderniz tchen cabinets built and AT eral repal Cloor and wall tiling ork G. Parks 3.2631. ' (Oct. 9) WINDOWS (ES, DOORS. tchen k service. Tiling kitchen bathroom WO! Tee i lex Vajda, Modern Woodworking Shop one 3-9851 Si quaranteed. (Sept28) LOCAL ROOFER--SHINGLING flashing, eaves F H Tucker Dial 5-616. RPENTER WORK, ROUGH AND m. Free estimates R. Nolin, 105 Col: prne E. Dial 5-1663. (Oct15) UMBING AND HEATING PIPES, 8. fixtures, mew and used. Instal prices. Dial 5- (Oct. 10) ROOFING AND (Oct.1D) at reasonable AVESTROUGHING, repairs. Dial 3-4373. ULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING. Dia) 31. Taylor Bro. for free estimates. (Oct30) Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS Delivered and installed Sizes 300 gallons and up BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS Brooklin -- Phone 155 (Oct19) Specializing in block founda- tions, general cement work, plastering, footings and floors, etc. Call for estimates. Prompt service. LILLEY BROS. DIAL 5.4902 CAND | LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND SPECIAL -- PERMANENTS $4.50 UP. H 39% fun at the Oshawa Studio of » hoe §t. Dial 5-084) or an. (Oct.10) LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., DANC- ing school, ballet, tap, pre-school, Sat- urdays, Masonic Temple, 3-7253. (Jan18) REASONABLE instruction, LEARN TO WELD, rates, private or group day or night. Westmount Welding Works. Phone 5.2443. After hours 3 7108. (Septa?) Clarke's School of Safe Driving. Dual controls and reasonable rates, If you have the will, we have the way so dial 3-8560, or call ot 173 Celina St. today! (TTSOct22) 15--insurance McMURTRY INSURANCE, . FIRE, auto, burglary life. (Rep. x L25--Real Estate For Sale Page Pine Ave. Dial 3-5363. (Sept20) SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED supports for style, comfort and health. tings. ott Irene Hendershot. 200 P rots iH) MACHINELESS PERMANENTS, $3.50 up; Cold Wave, $5 up. Guaranteed. Dial Jat Clarke's Beauty Shop. 1 33 ap Sept1d) lerre. Mrs. Rd. N. PAULINES BEAUTY SALON 543 RITSON S. Permanent Waving, Tinting, Bleaching, Facials and Manicures Pauline Konopacki Bus." 3-7355 Res. 5-4155 (Sept26) Life) ~ 21 King West. Dial' 2733 (Oct17) LOTS--43 x 165 OR 24 ACRES. APPLY 303 Muriel Ave. 35-0878. 17) WHEN YOU THINK OF INSURANCE think of Murdoch--fire, automobile, life, accident, jewellery and fur floaters, outboard motors, burglary, liability. Now is the time to act. Murdoch Insur- ance, 124 Simcoe South. (Oct10) 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW, stone front, hot water, ofl heating, re- room in b. , newly land- scaped, $11,500, large down. payment needed. Immediate possession. Dial 5- 0333. (2208) 9--Business Opportunities 9--Business Opportunities WE JAMES BROOKLIN WE DIG, CLEAN, DEEPEN AND INSTALL WELLS AND SEPTIC TANKS ; EXPERT WORKMANSHIP FOR FAST, COURTEOUS SERVICE LLS HUNTER PHONE 72R 11 floor. Large landscaped lot, many extras. Dial 5-1241. >i (2200) WTS gt LARGE 4 - ROOM BUNGALOW, 3 i ' walk from new Motors plant, "It's from No. 53741--says he's invented 6 265-day yeor!" A more practical suggestion is to use The Times-Gozette Classi- fied Ads to sell, rent or buy. Call 3-2233, |25--Rea! Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale NEW MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW, 4- LOT, 61' piece bath, hardwood floors, tiled kifch. | ter, $750. Dial 5-3878. x 121° HOWARD AVE, (219¢) en and bathroom, air d, oil heated and all conveniences. Apply 522 Eulalie, Anytime. (2186) Registered Sub-division, large lots, $100 down, balance monthly. Hydro, telephone, west side of National Stud Farm Business hours at lots: Thurs, Fri, Sat., 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. R. BICKLE, CAVAN, Ont. (Sept26) $11,000--6-room rug brick bungalow, good section, land- scaped lot, hot-air heating, 4-pc. bathroom, insulated, heavy wiring, oak and tiled floors, electric tank, Home contains 3 good-sized bed- room. Terms. Possession 30 days. $9,800---%3,000 down, new 6-room, storey and holf, 4- pc. ond . 2-pc bathrooms, beautiful oak floors, large lot. All rooms large; spacious kitchen with plenty of cup- boards. A good buy. $6,400 -- 4-room clapboard bungalow, large garden, small fruits and three trees, insu- lated. Bungalow has 3-pc. bath, 2 bedrooms, new os- phalt. roof, sun-room, storms, screens. Possession 30 days. $10,500 -- Roxborough--5- room brick, oil heated bunga- low, with finished recreation room, workroom in base- ment .Tiled bathroom, oak and tiled floors, electric tank, 'aundry tubs, venetian blinds, awnings, screens. Possession 30 days. $3,000 Down -- North Osh- awa, Attractive 6-room, al- most new, clapboard, storey and half, - newly decorated throughout. Outside trim, large landscaped lot, creek. Home is insulated. 4-pc. bath, hard- wood and tiled floors, heavy wiring, garage, screens, vene- tian blinds. BERNEICE H. PATRICK REAL ESTATE BROKER E. VACANT NOW 3-pc. bath, garage, 2 blocks from main bus- é-room frame home, iness section. Full price $7,800, $2,700 down. Dial A $7, 800-- $2, 300 down. mediate possession of a 5- room bungalow, Ritson Rd. S. 3-pc. bath, hot-air heating, $10,800--6-room brick home on large lot in Whitby, oak floors, lovely trim, oil heating and garage. WALTER R. SMITH Broker 18 BOND ST. WEST DIAL 3-2911 HENRY R. STINSON Salesman DIAL 5-2130 $3,500 Full Price -- $500 down, 3-room frame cottage, lot 40° x 387', vacant now. $3,800 Full Price -- $2,000 down, 5-room frame, lot 75' x 120° 30-day possession. $750 DOWN $6,800 Full Price -- 6-room frame, Stone Ave. Immediate possession, $6,700--%$3,000 down, 4- room frame house, Alexander Blvd, has extra building lot. CELINA ST, $3,500 Down--=6é-room insul- bric house, has hot water heating, hardwood floors, ga- rage and many extras, KING ST. EAST Just Off Ritson 'Road 6-room brick house with ga- rage, is hot water heated by oil. Has four-pc. bath, extra stool in basement. Many other worthwhile extras. Asking price $17,800. Open to of- fers. Will consider exchange for 5-room bungalow, DIAL 3-3822 H. GOLDSTEIN Broker 13 BOND ST. EAST Salesmen: J. PENICKA J. BARNOSKI (2212) PAUL RISTOW REAL ESTATE BROKER 3-6 65 FOOTBALL SEASON SPECIALS IN THE HUDDLE The owner has come up with a good play te score by reducing his down payment to $3,500. Near new five-room brick bungalow on city sewer located near the Woodland Heights Dis- trict, IT'S A FUMBLE Possession October 1st. The down payment has been reduced to $4,500 since this owner must leave for a new job. Immediate possession of his two and a quarter storey red brick, oil heated home in the West End. Large family home or income property. A FORWARD PASS Receive this pass and you'll be one of the happiest freshly decorated rooms, floors, private drive and garage, residents in the North End. Seven chestnut trim, oak lot well land- scaped and hedged. A solid home on a shady street at $13,500. TOUCHDOWN Early possession. Carry owoy the goal pests with a down pay- ment of $3,000. Five bright, clean rooms and a gorage with bus service at the door and school a block away. Large kitchen, natural fireplace outside entrance to poured concrete basement, Two quarterbacks to assist you . . + Frank Buchanan at 3-3555 Paul Ristow at 5-6165 Call 5-6165 Regarding Your Property 37 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA .| extras, WA. decorated throughout, many $4,500 cash, - balance at $31 per month carries mortgage .taxes and Dial 5.6254 Early after § for isa (2216) INVESTMENT POSSIBILITIES -- RUG brick, S5-room bungalow, extra room down, good location, permanent storms and screens, oll heat, gleaming oak floors, beautifully landscaped, large lot. Close to Schools. Dial 5-0129. 2196) NEW BUNGALOW Brick and stone, 3 bedrooms, 4-pe. bath, kitchen, breakfast nook, din- ette, large living room with beau. tiful e fireplace, full basement with ace, copper plumbing, oil and hot water heating. Good location. For appointment dial §- 1922, (Sept22,: "wo BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Eulalie Ave., Chadburn---water and sewer. Also Stevenson's Rd., Lowell Ave. and Gibb St. Price $350 up. Apply 165 Verdun Rd., Apartment 2, (Oct8) newly David McLean Ltd. Realtors 43 BOND ST, WEST $1,200 Down--5 rooms with conveniences, garage, work- shop, 3 extra building lots, good terms. Immediate pos- session. Call Mr. Tindall, 5- 0429 ' $11,000--Simcoe St 7-room stucco, all conveniences, newly ated, across from Easy terms. Call Mr. 5-0429. ROSSLAND RD. and SIMCOE-- 7-room, rug brick, oak and tiled floors, all modern con- veniences -- $15,500 Easy terms. Call Mr. Tindall, 5- 0429. KING ST. E--5-room clap- board ranch-style bungclow, breezeway, garage, 3-room | basement apartment. All very | © modern inside"and out. $15,- 700 -- $5,000 down, Call Mr. Olsen, 5-0429. $17,500 -- Income large store, 2 - 4 room, contained apartments, mod- ern throughout, very clean, hot water heating, double ga- rage, close to both schools, | very reasonable -- terms. For inspection call Mr. Tindall, 5-0429 WE HAVE A FEW CHOICE ! FARMS TO OFFER. North, modern decor- school, Olsen, home, self- (2212) Colonial Homes Ltd. For the first time Colonial offers you a 3-bedroom bung- alow with sub trades built on your 300 DOWN $68 per month $6800 The following is supplied and built by Colonial Homes: Excavation for full cellar. Back fill and grating, Block Cellar, Heating complete. Wir- ing complete Plumbing com- plete. 3-bedroom Cartier bun- galow: Complete carpentry. Why pay rent when you could be in your own home before the winter by ordering a Col- onial Home today. No fuss no bother. Just move -in, Colonial Homes Ltd. Rose Bowl Building 39 PRINCE STREET DIAL 3-8337 Full Price 5-ROOM RANCH-STYLE BUNGALOW, Jroom apt. in basement. Complete. Dial | (221¢) $15,000 -- 22 ACRES On highway in Hampton -- owner's well-constructed 9 room brick dwelling, contain- ing separate 4-room apart- ment with 3-pc. bath, Excel- lent condition throughout, heavy duty wiring. Lots of small fruits, good drive shed and barn, 18 acres of bush with trout stream, garage, ce- ment floors. Possession 30 days. W. E. HOLMES Broker Bond at Ontario Phone 5-2363 SALESMAN Ed. Irish -- 3-3301 PRINCE ST. $11,000--Here is your op- portunity to get a first-class 6-room brick veneer 'home. Excellent decoration and mod- ern kitchen, makes this place an attractive buy. = There 'is also a large attic which could be finished for two rooms, Automatic gas heat combined with a new furnace gives first-class heating. The loca- tion is good, and you can have possession on Nov. Ist. Terms could be arranged, but vendor prefers cash, CEDAR ST. $8,500--Large 7-roonmi frame house. Presently being used os an income property. Very large lot, chicken pen on property. Kitchen - and bath- room both modernized. Hot- air heating. Terms--at least $5,000 cosh down required. This is a good buy. Give us a call and make an offer TOWN LINE N $4,000 Cash -- Full price of frame home on two acres of land in Darlington Township. Small barn. Small stream on property. This place is for sale with early possession guaran- teed and the estate must be settled. The location is good and you could fix up the pres- ent house or use the site for a new home or two. Give us a call. A. E. MURDOCH Broker MRS. OLIVE PETLEY -- Representative 3-3843 or 5-2332 (221¢) Cadillac Ave. 3. $13,000--%$5,200 down 6 room 1142 storey brick house, oil heating, base- ment has recreation room and shower. House is now arranged as a revenue bearer. $12,500 75 acre farm near Taun- ton, 8-room brick house, milk house, barn and pig pen. Good farm land with bush. $14,500 8-room brick, in excel- lent condition, within a few blocks of churches, Collegiate and hospital. $8,500 5-room stucco, oil heat- ing, newly decorated with garage. West end of the city. E. L. DISNEY Real Estate 82 Simcoe St. Dial 3-2333 Salesman F. W. HALL DIAL 3-4584 S: « ) 2c $1 1,400--Drew 5-room brick bungalow. Large living room, large modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. modern bath. Air-conditioned oil heating. Deep dry base- ment, laundry tubs, hot water tonk. This is a new home, close to school, bus and stores. See it today. $17,000---Connaught Attractively decorated 2-storey brick on landscaped lot. Large living room with. open fire- place, family dining room, 1 large ond 2 medium-sized bedrooms, good-sized modern kitchen with breakfast nook off 4-,pc. modern bath, tiled walls, Large panelled sun- room, Deep dry basement, forced hot-air oil heating, oak and tiled floors, storms,. screens, venetian blinds. In- vestigate this now. Building Lots 2 lots available on Ridgeway Road, each 64' x 130'. Ask- ing price $500. Price reduced if sold together. Water avail- able. DIAL 3-2265 SCHOFIELD Rais 1 ASSOCIATES 6 SIMCOE NORTH AFTER 6 P.M. DIAL BERT (Red) 'HARDIE--5-2531 RONALD BAKER--S5-2140 RALPH VICKERY---3:2005 STEVE MACKO---5-0771 Realtors -- Appraisers {| 7%" x 208 | | 2 | 7.R00M j able down /m payment, | Whitby 804. : | 3-9800 after 6 | | APARTMENT, | rooms, | house. - Dial 5-1639. 2-STOREY BRICK, A substantial down payment Immediate possession. Phone 5-0706. (2210) KENDALWOOD SUBDIVISION, each. Dial 5-5096 -- 35-1519, 216) LOTS, 3: BEDROOMS $4,000 cash for this 6. roomed brick house, 3 bed- rooms, -living-dining and kitch- en, 3-pc. bathroom, full-sized basement, electric janitpr heating, insulated Situated on large lot, 63' x 190', near GMC. Balance $9,500 ar- ranged, ; \ Ask for Mrs. Conant. J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker 7% SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONES: 3-4534 5-5662 (2210) 27 Real" Estate Wanted "BRICK HOME, REASON- Dial 5-3215. (221¢) | HOUSES "WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL cash or your equity For quick results and satisfactory sale, see W McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3.2512. (Oct.6) BERNEICE H. PATRICK Rea) Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 16 BOND S1. EAST - DIAL 3-3692 DIAL 5.0457 (Sept30) WANTED 5S or 6-room house; 3 bed- rooms--two up and one down, also recreation room. Must be neaf bus line, Ask for Mrs. Conant, J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker 72 SIMCOE: ST. §. PHONES: 3-4534 5-5662 (2212) 28--For Rent ROOM. 2 SINGLE BEDS, FOR MEN or girls. Apply 282 Ritson North. Dial 39800 : (2216) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RE. | fined gentleman. Dial 3-4542. (231e) | 3 LARGE ROOMS, AND BATH, SUIT | business couple. Apply 94 Willingdon. 2212) | NICELY KEPT, 5 ROOM HOME, IN | residential district on bus line, oil heating, garage. $100 per month. Reply | Miving full particulars and references to Box 34 Times-Gazette. (2212) 2 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, SUIT couple. Available October 1. Apply 841 Oshawa St. (221a) 'TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS in | 5:30. country home. Phone 3-8993 after : (Ate) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, near , Motors. Dial 3-9869. (a21e) | 2 UNFURNISHED "ROOMS. SUITABLE for two; baby welcomed. Dial 35-1386. S (2312) ROOM. OR ROOM WITH BOARD IN private home, no other boarders in (221¢) BUSINESS PLACE FOR RENT, SOUTH section. Write Box 38, Times- "Gazelle, ale) 3 NEWLY "DECORATED ROOMS FOR two careful adults, also garage. Write Box 37. Times-Gazette. (221e) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR TWO gentlemen; also single room. Apply 35 Simcoe N. before 6, or dial 5.4330, after 6. (ale) 3ROOM_ UNFURNISHED "APARTMENT share 3-piece bath, Christian home, ab- stainers ,non-smokers Available Oct. 1. Write Box 214, azette. (2212) 2 LARGE "ROOMS, "CLOSE TO TO M MO- tors and downtown area, . suitable for 3 'or 4 businessmen, residential dis- trict. Dial 3-8786. a21y) 2 DOUBLE ROOMS WITH SINGLE beds, hot water. Apply 62 Division. Dial 35-0747. 2219) 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, UNFUR- nished, 2-room apartment, partly fur nished. Adults only. Apply 16 Sun East, g 221¢) 4 ROOMS TOR 2 private entrance, running wa- ter. Possession immediately, Canadians please, no children. Phone Whitby 2861, (231¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM, GENTLE- man preferred, Apply 174 Arthur St. Dial 3.7524, ala) SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM, ALSO double. Apply 305 Drew St. (221e) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM, FOR 2 girls or men, single beds. Apply 48 Brock jest, (3ale) 2 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS, FRIG. idaire and stove, separate entrance. Ab- stainers. Suit 2, 1 will do. Dial 5-5873. (221e) BED-SITTING ROOM WITH LIGHT housekeeping for one girl; also double room ground floor for 2 men, single beds. Dial 3-9837. (221e) FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 2 gentlemen friends, abstainers. Ap- ply 105 Elgin E. (221e) LARGE' FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT- able for two gentlemen, near Motors; abstainers. Dial 3-2916. (2%1e) FURNISHED BEDROOM, NEAR Alexandra Park, suit business man er woman, nurse. Phone 3.4305. 2 (2210) ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. APPLY 40 Royal St. 2210) 2 FURNISHED ROOM$ WITH KITCH- enette, all conveniences. 132 Church. Dial 52292 (Sept22,23,25) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SINGLE OR couple. Apply 213 Oshawa Blvd, 5-3641. (2210) 3-ROOM FLAT, BUSINESS COUPLE preferred; abstainers; 1st. §-5893. Oct. Dial (231b) ONE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, no objection to one child. Apply 105 Col- borne East (220e) TWO ROOMS, PARTLY FURNISHED. Apply 466 Albert St., back door. . (220b) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, girls preferred. Dial 3.2486. (220¢) COMFORTABLY FURNISHED BED- room for gentleman. Dial 3-8856 8- dale Ave. ) ) BRIGHT CLEAN FRONT BEDROOM, suitable for 1 or 2. Abstainers only. Ap- ply 225 Olive. near Ritson. (220c) DUTCH BOY WOULD LIKE DUTCH )y to share bousekeoping room, sing

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